Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The event horizon can solve the form of gravitation.

There is the possibility that gravitational interaction is something. That looks like a quantum-size mangle. When the black hole forms during the supernova explosion. The supernova explosion forms an extremely thin but strong quantum field around that explosion.

That quantum field is the cosmic shockwave. That travels through the universe. In that model, the gravitational superstrings are traveling a little bit faster than the shockwave that turns the event horizon when those gravitational superstrings reach that quantum field. So the event horizon, the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light is like a frozen shockwave. The gravitational superstrings are keeping the event horizon hovering around the core of the black hole. 

When gravitational radiation or gravitational superstrings travel faster than the quantum field those gravitational superstrings catch that quantum field or cosmic shockwave. The superstring is the smallest possible version of the wave movement. And maybe the thing that can reach the quantum field or quantum shockwave that escapes the supernova explosion. 

The gravitational superstrings make the structure. That looks like 8 where the line travels through it. The superstring forms two quantum rolls into the point of the event horizon that roll wave movement into it. 

When those gravitational superstrings travel through that shockwave, they form two spiral whirls. If that gravitational superstring travels inside out, those quantum whirls start to rotate in the opposite direction. Then those quantum rolls start to transfer information inside the event horizon. And that thing could explain why gravitation is so special.

The surface area of those quantum rolls is so much bigger than the gravitational superstring that the gravitation seems to have one direction. Of course, that thing is only one part of the interaction between black holes and their environment. 

The entirety's shape when gravitational superstring and quantum rolls in the quantum field impacting might be described as the number 8, where the line traveling through the middle of that thing. The superstring that travels from the black hole is the reason why the black hole loses its mass.  The gravitational radiation travels outside the black hole. 

That gravitational radiation forms the electromagnetic low-pressure or electromagnetic vacuum. And that thing causes a situation where all other types of wave movement fall into the black hole. The gravitational superstrings are like a thermal pump. Those superstrings pump energy out from the black hole. 

In this model the event horizon hovers above the extremely fast-spinning singularity. That thing forms the electromagnetic tornado to the black hole's poles. The reason for that is that the gravitational field inside black holes touches the event horizon that rotates slower than the black hole's core. 

That forms a gravitational tornado inside the inner gravitational field of the black hole. The inner gravitational field means the gravitational field inside the event horizon or the point, where gravitation turns so strong that escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. 

Another thing is the gravitational superstring interaction between itself and the material. When a gravitational superstring hits the particle it forms some kind of jet behind it. That jet has also a bigger surface area than the impacting superstring. Then that thing causes asymmetry in the material. And this superstring also makes the particle smaller. 

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