Friday, June 2, 2023

First-ever X-ray signature from a single atom captured. And that can make it possible to create a new type of intelligent nanotechnology.

The X-ray signature from the single iron atom might not seem very important. But the fact is, that is a new and fundamental thing in physics and technology. 

The requirement for packing data to atoms and creating atom-size quantum computers is that researchers can control atoms and their electrons. The atom-size quantum computer base is in Rydberg atoms, where single electrons are excited in the orbitals. And then those electrons form superpositioned quantum entanglement between them or between photons that are locked near them. 

In the last case, the energy channels between those electrons can use for aiming the data, that travels between superpositioned and entangled photons. In that case, the data is stored in electrons. And then the system will use photons to read and transmit that data inside and between atoms. There is a possibility to make chains of atom-size quantum computers. And theoretically, those systems can work in high temperatures. 

"When X-rays (blue color) illuminate onto an iron atom (red ball at the center of the molecule), core level electrons are excited. X-ray excited electrons are then tunnel to the detector tip (gray) via overlapping atomic/molecular orbitals, which provide elemental and chemical information of the iron atom. Credit: Saw-Wai Hla" ( in Physics: First-Ever X-Ray of a Single Atom Captured)

The ability to stress single atoms makes many new things possible. The Fe-atom that is stressed in the image can also be put in the benzene ring. And that thing allows the creation of the switch that can transport information to qubit's states. But the same thing also can use as a quantum switch in miniaturized binary computers. There is the possibility that the carbon chains that are connected to the benzene are acting as wires. The system can close or open the port that allows the switch to drive data to a certain wire by putting and removing one or two atoms from between the wire and the benzene ring. 

The requirement is that the system can stabilize its environment otherwise like using radiation or EM field that will cover the outside non-controlled effects under it. And one of the most suitable things is to use the atom's nucleus to transmit that power field. The X-ray emission to the atom's nucleus is one of the things that can make the shining power field, that covers other outside effects under it. 

The ability to stress atom-scale objects by using X-rays is the thing that makes it possible to create intelligent nanomachines. In the image, the red ball could be the atom-size quantum computer that can control miniature nano-robots. This kind of system can also offer the possibility to transform X-rays into electricity.

If researchers can X-rays into electricity. That thing offers a new method to control and deliver electricity to robots through the walls. And X-rays offer a secure way to communicate through walls and also in long-range space communication. The X-ray LED allows to transmission of data through the walls like radio waves, but they are less vulnerable to outside effects than radio-wave-based systems. So X-ray-based communication can use in high-power magnetic fields.

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