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Stanford professor said that aliens are already here.

We need open and free discussions about UFOs. And I mean that people should have the right to tell their opinions about things like aliens, UFOs, UAPs:s and ghosts, and other dimensions without being stamped as maniac or psychotic. 

The problem is that. There are many things. That was only imagination. Before the truth is uncovered and one of them is Area-51. At first, USAF denied the existence of that test range. And then physical evidence shows that USAF lied. 

Respected professor Garry Nolan, from Stanford University, said aliens are already here. And that is the right-type way to close that unidentified phenomenon. When we are reading about things like UFOs or some other types of UAPs those observations are quite often stamped as "made by imagination". 

Same way when some people are making UFO observations, some kind of joker comes to publicity and tell that this thing was some kind of fake. And then, what do you think, what happens to investigations around those cases? Would somebody even dare to tell about those things? 

When we think about innovation and development. Those things are first in somebody's imagination. There is some person who first invented stealth. The idea of at least older stealth solutions is that the shape of that aircraft makes the aircraft invisible to radar because radiation slides over its body. 

When we think about those extraordinary systems, we can ask one question. Are some of those highly classified systems copied from some craft with an unknown or extraterrestrial source? Or are some of those highly classified systems the "UFOs"s? If we think that some UFO cases are only the imagination, is there some kind of electromagnetic phenomenon that can make people think similar things? And even if those things are imagination, nothing denies engineers to use them to model new devices and vehicles. 




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Aircraft from the top: 

Many types of aerial vehicles are or were classified. Some of the Belgian UFO cases were F-117 or SR-71 planes. But some cases are unknown. There are about 1-2% of UAPs that have no explanations. Or maybe some aerial vehicle with an extraordinary power source could do things, that the famous Tic-Toc UAP in U.S. Navy's F/A-18 FLIR system makes. 

That means the craft seems too small. It could maneuver like that vehicle by using small-size jet engines. The fact is that the small, saucer-shaped aerial vehicle with radial jet engines could behave like that. But the fact is that the problem is that nobody confirms to own those mysterious vehicles. 

But are aliens already here? We must answer by saying that nobody knows. The fact is that nobody ever handed 100% confirmed extraterrestrial DNA. In normal cases, the DNA test is a very easy way to confirm the possibilities about the origin of the species. But in that case, there is DNA there that can be compiled. 

The DNA samples are taken from individuals that are in confirmed places. But the problem is that the DNA used in compilation must have a confirmed background. So if probes could find the DNA from the asteroids there is some kind of DNA. that can use in the compilation process.


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