All four fundamental interactions are wave movements. Their difference is that all four fundamental interactions have different wavelengths. And all of those interactions can transform into another interaction. The requirement for that is the wavelength of those wave movements can change.
Electromagnetism can turn to weak interaction or weak nuclear force simply by changing its wavelength. But practically that thing is hard to make. The photons must stress straight W or Z-boson. And that stress could interact with W or Z-boson. That stressed W or Z boson will transform the electromagnetism to weak interaction "quite easily".
Theoretical models of singularity are interesting things. The singularity is the hardest known material. In that material, all subatomic particles have quantum fields around them, and maybe space and time are forming the entirety. Singularity means that there is a possibility that the mythic gravitons, particles that transport the gravitation can stay on the shell of that extremely heavy material and energy entirety.
If that thing is true, those gravitons that could not be in that position anywhere else could act like bearing balls. In that model, those bearing balls can make it possible that the singularity of the black hole rotates in the quantum bag that forms the quantum vacuum near that extremely dense material. The thing that forms the black hole is the gravitational energy that travels out from the singularity.
The gravitational radiation that travels out from the singularity makes the quantum vacuum around the core of the black hole. And other wave movements are trying to fill that thing. The extremely fast rotating core of the black hole acts like the top and guides the gravitational radiation out from the black hole's equator.
Their gravitation would be weaker in the poles and there is forming a gravitational tornado. That thing is possible if the event horizon rotates slower than the black hole's core. There is the possibility that some gravitons are locked on the point of the poles of the black hole. Maybe, there is some kind of skyrmion that captures some particles in it.
And that polar skyrmion forms the small black holes in the point of the poles of that thing. Those smaller black holes could pull the material away from inside the event horizon. So the interaction between the event horizon and singularity forms the gravitational tornado. That gravitational tornado makes the radiation pikes of the black hole possible. The other version is that those skyrmions are pulling holes into the event horizon, and radiation can escape from those holes.
The gravitational radiation would be like strings or bullets that travel through the particles. When that bullet hits the particle it causes a similar effect as the bullet that hits an apple. That gravitational pike will hit to particle from the font. Then it pushes its internal quantum field backward.
That thing makes a similar effect as the rocket engine. The gravitational string could turn flattened. Its front side turns larger and pushes the internal quantum structure of the particle backward. That explains why gravitation turns material smaller.
If we think that way. Real gravitation-based antigravitation means a situation that the gravitational strings are impacting particles backward from the direction of the gravitational center. Then that causes that rocket effect to turn to the opposite side. The problem is this. Making synthetic gravitational waves requires the ability to make synthetic gravitational waves.
The model where the gravitons are trapped on the surface of the black hole's core explains why black holes lose mass all the time. Those gravitons can explain why single black holes send gravitational waves. There must be something that forms those gravitational waves. The idea is that the fast-spinning core sends kinetic energy to those gravitons. Then those gravitons send gravitational radiation.
The fundamental interactions are:
Weak interaction
Strong interaction.
The idea is that all fundamental interactions are radiation or wave movement. The difference between those wave movements is their wavelength. And theoretically, all fundamental interactions can turn into another fundamental interaction. The thing requires that there is some kind of antenna or tensor. That adjusts the wavelength of the radiation to a new wavelength.
Electromagnetism can turn to weak interaction or weak nuclear force simply by changing its wavelength. But practically that thing is hard to make. The photons must stress straight W-boson. And that stress could interact with W- or Z-boson. That W or Z boson will transform the electromagnetism to weak interaction "quite easily". As I wrote before.
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