Saturday, June 17, 2023

AI can be suitable assitent for the R&D process.

AI like Bing and ChatGPT are ultimate tools. If the person asks then how to make a database connection or GUI with the C-language the AI answers immediately. The AI makes the code that the programmer can copypaste to the programming environment, and then they must just know the name of the connected database. 

That thing will decrease the work that must be done for working applications. And in business life is money. This means programming is easy and fun by using the AI -assistant. And that assistant can use by using own cell phone. The free-use AI assistants can give multiple pieces of advice about many things. And that makes the AI an extremely powerful tool. 

There are images of the aircraft and hypersonic aircraft concepts created by the AI. So those things might not exist in real life. The AI-based drawing tool like Dall-E can be a revolution for R&D workers. They might use the Dall-E to make outlines. That they see what they should do in their projects. 

But if the AI will get access to flow simulations, wind tunnel data, and CAD programs. There is the possibility. In the future, the user can say, "Make me the plans for a fully functioning aircraft model. The AI can select the materials, and fuel, and make the parts list that creators must use. 

The orders were: 

Draw me a hypersonic aircraft

Add some weapons to it (That was one of the model suggestions, that Bing gave). 

This is a conversation I had with Bing AI about C programming and database connection. 

The links are not working in the copypaste. But in the original Bing output, the links went to the right homepages. Below those C-codes. You can find the conversation that I had with Bing AI about the hypersonic flight.

Questions made by me. And answers are from Bing. The answers are copypaste from Bing. And that shows how powerful a tool it is. If some freeware tool can make this, what the commercial systems can make? The links are not working in the copypaste. But in the original Bing output, the links went to the right homepages. 

Q: How to make a connection between the database and C-program

A: To connect to a database with a C program, you need to use a data access library that supports the database you are using. For example, if you are using MySQL, you can use the MySQL Connector/C library1. If you are using SQL Server or Azure SQL Database, you can use the SQLAPI++ library2. If you are using Oracle, you can use the Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) library3.

The general steps to connect to a database with a C program are:

Include the header files of the data access library in your code.

Declare and initialize a connection object with the database parameters (such as host, user, password, etc.).

Use the connection object to connect to the database and check for errors.

Use the connection object to execute SQL queries and retrieve results.

Use the connection object to disconnect from the database and free resources.

Here is an example of connecting to a MySQL database with C using the MySQL Connector/C library:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <mysql.h>

int main()


    // Declare a connection object

    MYSQL *conn;

    // Initialize the connection object

    conn = mysql_init(NULL);

    // Check if initialization succeeded

    if (conn == NULL)


        printf("Error %u: %s\n", mysql_errno(conn), mysql_error(conn));



    // Connect to the database

    if (mysql_real_connect(conn, "localhost", "user", "password", "database", 0, NULL, 0) == NULL)


        printf("Error %u: %s\n", mysql_errno(conn), mysql_error(conn));



    printf("Connected to MySQL\n");

    // Execute a SQL query

    if (mysql_query(conn, "SELECT * FROM table"))


        printf("Error %u: %s\n", mysql_errno(conn), mysql_error(conn));



    // Get the result set

    MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(conn);

    // Check if result set is valid

    if (result == NULL)


        printf("Error %u: %s\n", mysql_errno(conn), mysql_error(conn));



    // Get the number of rows and columns in the result set

    int num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result);

    int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);

    printf("Number of rows: %d\n", num_rows);

    printf("Number of columns: %d\n", num_fields);

    // Loop through the result set and print each row

    MYSQL_ROW row;

    while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))


        for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)


            printf("%s\t", row[i] ? row[i] : "NULL");




    // Free the result set


    // Disconnect from the database


    printf("Disconnected from MySQL\n");

    return 0;


More info on




This is a conversation I had with Bing AI about hypersonic flight. 

Q: What is the best fuel for hypersonic aircraft

A:  According to some sources12, hydrogen has been the fuel of choice for hypersonic flight because of its rapid burning rate, high specific energy content, and good heat transfer properties for active cooling and recuperation. However, some researchers are also exploring the use of endothermic hydrocarbon fuels that can absorb heat via chemical reactions and double as a coolant3.

More info on




Q: What is the best material for hypersonic aircraft?

There is no single best material for hypersonic aircraft, as different parts of the vehicle may require different materials and structures to withstand the high aerodynamic heating and thermal stresses. Some of the materials and structures that have been proposed or developed for hypersonic vehicles include:

Thermal protection systems (TPS): These are materials that insulate the vehicle from the high temperatures generated by air friction. They can be classified into passive or active TPS. Passive TPS are materials that either ablate (erode away) or radiate heat to the environment, such as carbon phenolic composites or ceramic tiles. Active TPS are materials that use cooling fluids or endothermic fuels to remove heat from the surface, such as metallic heat pipes or transpiration cooling1.

Hot structures: These are materials that can operate at high temperatures without insulation or cooling, such as metallic alloys or ceramic matrix composites (CMC). Hot structures can reduce the weight and complexity of the vehicle, but they also require high strength, toughness, and thermal stability2.

Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTC): These are materials that can withstand temperatures above 2000°C, such as zirconium diboride (ZrB2) or hafnium diboride (HfB2). UHTC can be used for leading edges, nose tips, or other critical parts of the vehicle that experience the highest heating. UHTC can also provide oxidation resistance and ablation resistance in oxygen-rich environments3.

More info on




This is a very fast and quite accurate method to use AI for making texts and giving sources for that kind of thing. So AI is the next-generation tool for helping the R&D process. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Gravitational waves are the next tool for creating new models for cosmology.

Gravitational telescopes can be sharp as optical telescopes. They might use miniaturized nanotechnology, which means the small-size cells and the laser rays might jump between the edges of the cells. That thing makes it possible to create the miniaturized version of Ligo. 

And the length of laser rays that measure the gravitational waves can travel the journey of thousands of kilometers in the nano-size systems. Those systems can form large entireties. And maybe someday in the future, we can create a gravitational telescope that can be aimed to the point, where gravitational radiation comes. 

In some visions, gravitational telescopes can be a large group of miniature satellites. Between those satellites travels laser rays like a giant spider's web. Those miniature satellites can also have an optical sensor that helps them to detect cosmic reactions and aim the laser web at those points. That kind of system can be the James Webb-telescopes gravitational version. 

Maybe gravitational telescopes are like these futuristic mega telescopes. The gravitational super-telescope along with the James Webb telescope can give more data about the universe than any system before. 

Gravitational James Webb-telescope can be the most powerful sensor. That has ever been created. The reason for that is simple. Gravitational waves are brand-new tools in astronomy and cosmology. Deep knowledge of gravitational waves and their nature can help to make things like WARP drives and other very interesting tools. The antigravitation makes it possible to turn large objects out from the trajectory. Antigravitation should be possible because gravitation is radiation. And all radiation can turn in another direction. 

Gravitational waves can uncover secrets of a black hole's internal structures. And they can also use it to see things that are invisible to us. Because gravitational waves are brand new observation tools, that means. Every single new gravitational sensor can give a new type of information about the reactions in our universe. 

Maybe gravitational waves can answer things like what the fourth dimension looks like, or maybe someday, gravitational waves can prove the existence of the multiverse. But the technology that detects gravitational waves is quite new. And that means there would be lots of new information about the universe and what gravitational waves can bring.

The CEO of Open AI, Sam Altman said that AI development requires a similar organization as IAEA.

We know that there are many risks in AI development. And there must be something that puts people realize that these kinds of things are not jokes. The problem is how to take control of the AI development. If we think about international contracts regarding AI development. We must realize that there is a possibility that the contract that should limit AI development turns into another version of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. That treaty didn't ever deny the escalation of nuclear weapons. And there is a big possibility that the AI-limitation contracts follow the route of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 

The biggest problem with AI development is the new platforms that can run every complicated and effective code. That means the quantum computer-based neural networks can turn themselves more intelligent than humans. The AI has the ultimate ability to learn new things. And if it runs on the quantum-hybrid system that switches its state between binary and quantum states, that thing can turn even portable computers very intelligent. In this text term "intelligence" means the system's ability to collect and process data. 

All rules for limiting ICT business were made for computers that top capacity is under one megabyte. Today we cannot even buy electronic devices with so low memory capacity  At that time there was no BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). And the Internet was very slow. The quantum computer was only a theoretical idea. So things like AI were some kinds of Sci-Fi tales. But finally, the quantum computers were the game changers.

Robot warriors are problematic things. They are effective warriors that guarantee that also small nation has military power. But in the wrong hands, those things are the most dangerous in history. The robots can make a neural network-based AI system, where they act as an entirety. And every robot shares its microprocessor's capacity and information from its sensors with other group members. 

In the future things like drone swarms and AI-based systems that support drones and other robots are playing a primary role in the battlefield. The winner is who can better control those systems and who denies the opponent's robot operations more effectively.  

So the conflicts turn into a race between robots and their counter-systems. If robots work effectively they will win. But if robots are not working as they should, that thing means that the country that trusts only robots will lose. 

The AI has many types of positive things. It will revolutionize all areas of the working life. AI is the ultimate tool for developing complicated structures. But the problem is that AI is an ultimate tool in the hands of the military. Without robots and AI-based systems. The Ukrainian war shows how effective those weapons are. And without those weapons, Ukraine would lose the war in weeks. 

In "old good times" a big army was guaranteed the stronger nation wins conflicts. The robot warriors are the game changers. And even small countries can have millions of killer drones in their storage. That means that the bigger countries must take better account of smaller countries. And if we think like this, the next-generation conflicts are conflicts between robot armies and artificial intelligence. 

The robot weapons cause discussions about their morality, and the counterargument for criticism is that every nation has the right to defend itself. The robot weapons caused a very interesting thing. The large number of men doesn't guarantee the winner. Small countries will get more benefits from robot weapons than large countries. 

And we can say that even the many times bigger army doesn't mean that the bigger attacker will win. So in the time of robot warriors, the larger army doesn't win anymore. And robots are democratizing warfare. We cannot anymore make predictions about the winners of the conflicts. And that causes problems in international relationships. Even small countries can have effective military forces. And if the prediction about the winner of the conflict goes wrong, that causes problems with international relationships. 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Neutrino is the mysterious ghost in the universe.

"The Majorana Demonstrator, a six-year experiment conducted by researchers from Indiana University and international collaborators, sought to answer significant questions about fundamental physics laws, particularly regarding neutrinos. The study aimed to observe whether neutrinos could be their own antiparticles and the occurrence of neutrinoless double-beta decay, which, although not conclusively observed, provided valuable insights into neutrino decay timescales, dark matter, quantum mechanics, and demonstrated that the research techniques used can be scaled up for future work in understanding the universe’s composition". ( the Ghosts of the Universe: Unraveling the Neutrino Enigma)

There is the possibility that all elementary particles are the same particle with different energy levels.

There is the possibility that all elementary particles are the same particle with different energy levels. And that thing makes neutrinos very interesting. If the energy level determines the shape of the elementary particle. That thing could make a revolution in quantum communication. 

In this model, the energy level determines the particle quark or gluon. And there is a possibility that the stressing electrons with powerful radiation that radiation or energy can turn electrons into any other elementary particle. And decreasing energy level causes the situation. 

That gluon would turn to W or Z boson. Maybe the origin of W or Z boson determines is boson W or Z. If the origin of the W boson is in the proton, that produces the W boson. And neutron would create a Z boson. Or the opposite thinking neutron could make W and proton make the Z boson. Finally, the chain that begins from the Higgs boson could turn into a gluon and later into an electron means that all elementary particles can turn into another one. 

And maybe neutrinos can answer that problem. 

Neutrino is famous because it can travel through planets without touching anything. That means neutrino has a very good tunneling capacity. The tunneling effect of neutrino makes it very hard to detect. 

And sometimes researchers call that particle a "grey photon". Sometimes is flashed a possibility that neutrinos can use in quantum computers as qubits. Another possible place where the neutrino can use is quantum radars. 

In quantum radars, superpositioned quantum entanglement makes it possible for that system can scan layers even through walls. And Quantum radar can read data that travels in the computer's microchips. The quantum-entanglement-based antennas are suitable for military and civil purposes. 

And they could scan our nervous system and take extremely sharp images of internal organs without surgical operations. Quantum entanglement can also make it possible to use that thing as a scalpel that can destroy tumors. But that kind of system requires the particles that it can superposition. 

Neutrinos could be suitable for those missions. But it's hard to create synthetic neutrinos. In some visions, the aliens use neutrinos in long-range communication. That vision is very hard to prove. 

The reason is that: if researchers want to find out do some neutrinos carry quantum information stored in their purpose they must capture the neutrinos. In that process where neutrino hits the water. That impact destroys the information that neutrino carries. 

But theoretically, neutrinos could be extremely good communication tools. They can travel through walls. And that makes them good tools for long-range quantum communication. The problem is how to capture neutrino without destroying the information that it carries. 

In some models, the neutrinos are very close to hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly Interacting massive particles". Those wimps were introduced as dark matter particles. The thing that could explain the neutrino's outstanding tunneling ability is that neutrinos are some features that keep them at a higher energy level than their environment. But that feature conducts energy into neutrinos.

The energy level of neutrinos is extremely stable. And that means neutrino itself will not send radiation. Or it sends monotonic radiation there are no changes in its energy level. That thing makes the particle hard to detect. And in some scenarios, the neutrino could be the particle. That connected with a quantum-size black hole. In that case, the quantum-size black hole would explain why neutrino is hard to detect. 

In some more conventional theories, the neutrino is the particle. That connected with extremely dense quark or gluon. The "quantum neutron star" means the elementary particle. That pushed in extremely high density. That means the high-energy radiation can turn a quark in the atom's nucleus into a quantum-size object that acts in the same way as a neutron star, but that structure would be much smaller than a neutron star. 

So could the neutrino be the high-energy version of some other elementary particle? Those kinds of visions can turn the neutrino even more interesting than nobody expected.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The event horizon can solve the form of gravitation.

There is the possibility that gravitational interaction is something. That looks like a quantum-size mangle. When the black hole forms during the supernova explosion. The supernova explosion forms an extremely thin but strong quantum field around that explosion.

That quantum field is the cosmic shockwave. That travels through the universe. In that model, the gravitational superstrings are traveling a little bit faster than the shockwave that turns the event horizon when those gravitational superstrings reach that quantum field. So the event horizon, the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light is like a frozen shockwave. The gravitational superstrings are keeping the event horizon hovering around the core of the black hole. 

When gravitational radiation or gravitational superstrings travel faster than the quantum field those gravitational superstrings catch that quantum field or cosmic shockwave. The superstring is the smallest possible version of the wave movement. And maybe the thing that can reach the quantum field or quantum shockwave that escapes the supernova explosion. 

The gravitational superstrings make the structure. That looks like 8 where the line travels through it. The superstring forms two quantum rolls into the point of the event horizon that roll wave movement into it. 

When those gravitational superstrings travel through that shockwave, they form two spiral whirls. If that gravitational superstring travels inside out, those quantum whirls start to rotate in the opposite direction. Then those quantum rolls start to transfer information inside the event horizon. And that thing could explain why gravitation is so special.

The surface area of those quantum rolls is so much bigger than the gravitational superstring that the gravitation seems to have one direction. Of course, that thing is only one part of the interaction between black holes and their environment. 

The entirety's shape when gravitational superstring and quantum rolls in the quantum field impacting might be described as the number 8, where the line traveling through the middle of that thing. The superstring that travels from the black hole is the reason why the black hole loses its mass.  The gravitational radiation travels outside the black hole. 

That gravitational radiation forms the electromagnetic low-pressure or electromagnetic vacuum. And that thing causes a situation where all other types of wave movement fall into the black hole. The gravitational superstrings are like a thermal pump. Those superstrings pump energy out from the black hole. 

In this model the event horizon hovers above the extremely fast-spinning singularity. That thing forms the electromagnetic tornado to the black hole's poles. The reason for that is that the gravitational field inside black holes touches the event horizon that rotates slower than the black hole's core. 

That forms a gravitational tornado inside the inner gravitational field of the black hole. The inner gravitational field means the gravitational field inside the event horizon or the point, where gravitation turns so strong that escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. 

Another thing is the gravitational superstring interaction between itself and the material. When a gravitational superstring hits the particle it forms some kind of jet behind it. That jet has also a bigger surface area than the impacting superstring. Then that thing causes asymmetry in the material. And this superstring also makes the particle smaller. 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Material, gravitons, and singularity are three things that can solve the mystery of the universe.


All four fundamental interactions are wave movements. Their difference is that all four fundamental interactions have different wavelengths. And all of those interactions can transform into another interaction. The requirement for that is the wavelength of those wave movements can change. 

Electromagnetism can turn to weak interaction or weak nuclear force simply by changing its wavelength. But practically that thing is hard to make. The photons must stress straight W or Z-boson. And that stress could interact with W or Z-boson. That stressed W or Z boson will transform the electromagnetism to weak interaction "quite easily". 


Theoretical models of singularity are interesting things. The singularity is the hardest known material. In that material, all subatomic particles have quantum fields around them, and maybe space and time are forming the entirety. Singularity means that there is a possibility that the mythic gravitons, particles that transport the gravitation can stay on the shell of that extremely heavy material and energy entirety. 

If that thing is true, those gravitons that could not be in that position anywhere else could act like bearing balls. In that model, those bearing balls can make it possible that the singularity of the black hole rotates in the quantum bag that forms the quantum vacuum near that extremely dense material. The thing that forms the black hole is the gravitational energy that travels out from the singularity. 

The gravitational radiation that travels out from the singularity makes the quantum vacuum around the core of the black hole.  And other wave movements are trying to fill that thing. The extremely fast rotating core of the black hole acts like the top and guides the gravitational radiation out from the black hole's equator. 

Their gravitation would be weaker in the poles and there is forming a gravitational tornado. That thing is possible if the event horizon rotates slower than the black hole's core. There is the possibility that some gravitons are locked on the point of the poles of the black hole. Maybe, there is some kind of skyrmion that captures some particles in it. 

And that polar skyrmion forms the small black holes in the point of the poles of that thing. Those smaller black holes could pull the material away from inside the event horizon. So the interaction between the event horizon and singularity forms the gravitational tornado. That gravitational tornado makes the radiation pikes of the black hole possible. The other version is that those skyrmions are pulling holes into the event horizon, and radiation can escape from those holes. 

The gravitational radiation would be like strings or bullets that travel through the particles. When that bullet hits the particle it causes a similar effect as the bullet that hits an apple. That gravitational pike will hit to particle from the font. Then it pushes its internal quantum field backward. 

That thing makes a similar effect as the rocket engine. The gravitational string could turn flattened. Its front side turns larger and pushes the internal quantum structure of the particle backward. That explains why gravitation turns material smaller. 

If we think that way. Real gravitation-based antigravitation means a situation that the gravitational strings are impacting particles backward from the direction of the gravitational center. Then that causes that rocket effect to turn to the opposite side. The problem is this. Making synthetic gravitational waves requires the ability to make synthetic gravitational waves.

The model where the gravitons are trapped on the surface of the black hole's core explains why black holes lose mass all the time. Those gravitons can explain why single black holes send gravitational waves. There must be something that forms those gravitational waves. The idea is that the fast-spinning core sends kinetic energy to those gravitons. Then those gravitons send gravitational radiation. 

The fundamental interactions are: 



Weak interaction

Strong interaction.

The idea is that all fundamental interactions are radiation or wave movement. The difference between those wave movements is their wavelength. And theoretically, all fundamental interactions can turn into another fundamental interaction. The thing requires that there is some kind of antenna or tensor. That adjusts the wavelength of the radiation to a new wavelength. 

Electromagnetism can turn to weak interaction or weak nuclear force simply by changing its wavelength. But practically that thing is hard to make. The photons must stress straight W-boson. And that stress could interact with W- or Z-boson. That W or Z boson will transform the electromagnetism to weak interaction "quite easily".  As I wrote before.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Hawking radiation is not limited to black holes.

"A team of researchers has affirmed Stephen Hawking’s prediction about the evaporation of black holes via Hawking radiation, though they’ve provided a crucial modification. According to their research, the event horizon (the boundary beyond which nothing can escape a black hole’s gravitational pull) is not as important as previously believed in producing Hawking radiation. Instead, gravity and the curvature of spacetime play significant roles in this process. This insight extends the scope of Hawking radiation to all large objects in the universe, implying that, over a sufficiently long period, everything in the universe could evaporate". ( in the Universe Is Doomed To Evaporate – Hawking’s Radiation Theory Isn’t Limited to Black Holes)

In some models Hawking radiation is radiation that source is the material itself. That means all particles send radiation when the quantum field's power around them decreases. So all particles are sending wave movement with different wavelengths. And if researchers know wave movement they must only find the particle that sends it. 

That means researchers must only find graviton, the particle that sends gravitational waves. And the next thing is that they must find the particle that sends dark energy. Those two missing particles help to create a more accurate image and model of the universe. 

Creating the model of the universe is like making puzzles. The image is not perfect until researchers find all puzzles. And then they should find the point where all pieces are fitting. When researchers talk about the particle they must know its place in the structure. They must know its energy level and shape to determine its role in the universe. 

Some of the elementary particles exist only in a small moment. Some of the particles are not particles at all. They are like 2D quantum skyrmions or some kind of whirls. Those virtual particles are acting like particles. 

(Wikipedia/Fundamental interaction)

Researchers think that every single fundamental interaction has its carrier particle. Those carrier particles are called bosons. The problem is that the Higgs boson is an "empty boson". There is no known force that Higgs boson carries. 

Everything in the universe is doomed to evaporate. The reason for that is expansion of the universe. The Big Bang released all known energy and material into space and time. The material is one form of energy the shell of elementary particles is a whisk-looking structure that surrounds the internal energy field. And there is, of course, an energy field also outside the particles. The expansion of the universe causes a situation that there is less material in space. 

That decreases the gravitational interaction between particles and particle groups and increases the expansion speed. When the mass of matter relative to space decreases. That effect increases the speed of expansion. And when the size of the energy field expands. And from nowhere comes more energy. That means energy level decreases. That means the quantum field that surrounds all material turns weaker. 

That causes a situation. That energy inside the whisk-looking structure starts to travel out from the material. The situation is similar in case that balloon starts to rise in the atmosphere. When air pressure turns lower, that increases the size of the balloon. The thing that blows a balloon is the difference between the in- and outside pressure. Of course, rising speed determine how high the balloon can rise before the explosion. If the pressure decreases gently the balloon keeps its shape longer. 

Same way, if the energy level around the material decreases slower. The material will not vaporize or evaporate. If the energy level around the material decreases fast the energy field from inside the elementary particles travels out from them very fast. And if that speed is high enough, that causes the detonation of the material. If the energy travels out from the material too fast that destroys their structure. 

So particles are the pack of wave movement. And wave-particle duality means that the wave movent can turn to material or otherwise. When we think about things. Like the moment. Where superstrings started to turn material researchers are not sure what caused that process which turned the superstrings, the ultimate thin parts of wave movement to elementary particles. 

The problem is that this effect requires some kind of counterforce or counterwave. There is the possibility that lots of material or superstrings turned into black holes before the material's formation began. So, could dark energy be the Hawking radiation? That comes from the mega-massive black holes that are in the middle of the universe. 

Dark energy plays a big role in the universe's expansion process. The only known fact about dark energy is that it is wave movement with an unknown source. Sometimes researchers are thought that dark energy is wave movement whose source is in extremely small high-energy particles. 

So, in this model, dark energy radiation impacts in so small an area on the surface of the elementary particles that this interaction is extremely hard to detect. Maybe the new space telescopes can bring information. About the shape of the most mysterious and dominating effect in the universe.

Friday, June 2, 2023

SETI made a simulation of how to react and cooperate with extraterrestrial signals.

SETI program made a simulation of how to handle the situation that radio telescopes captured techno-signals from an unknown destination or another civilization. The fact is that this kind of research and simulations are fascinating. But the problem or difference between those simulations and real situations is that nobody knows what alien communication looks like. There is a possibility that they communicate with X- or gamma-ray lasers, gravitational waves, or by using some kind of wormholes. 

In this text, I will not write about numeric systems that are used to encode the messages. But aliens should encrypt their data so that the receiving systems can find the purpose messages from natural radio- or some other EM-senders like pulsars or black holes. Encryption causes situations where researchers cannot separate those messages that are sent on purpose from cosmic background. 

The transmission power of those signals must be extremely high. It's possible to use natural radio sources, like neutron stars' jets as carrier waves. In that model, the data transmission will send to the jets of the neutron star. That increases transmission power. 

When we think about radio messages there is a lot of communication in the Earth's atmosphere that is not meant for humans. Almost all communication that humans send to other planets from Earth is the command signals for different types of automatized machines like probes. That kind of communication includes the control and location signals of probes. And that kind of communication that happens between machines is hard to detect. 

"The Breakthrough Listen Investigation for Periodic Spectral Signals (BLIPSS) is using pioneering techniques to search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) within the Milky Way. The team developed software based on a Fast Folding Algorithm (FFA), a search method that offers enhanced sensitivity to periodic sequences of narrow pulses. This approach is aimed at detecting repeating patterns in signals emanating from our galaxy’s core. The algorithm has been tested on known pulsars and will be used to scan a large dataset of the Galactic Center. Credit: Breakthrough Listen / Danielle Futselaar" ( on E.T.: New Software for Hunting Technosignatures From Extraterrestrial Intelligence)

There is the possibility that interstellar robots are offering a route to detect alien civilizations. The alien civilizations might keep in contact with those probes. But it's also possible that those hypothetical probes send one-way data to their senders. And in that kinds of cases, it's hard to detect the probe, that can use maser communication. The extremely thin maser ray is hard to detect from the sides. 

Interstellar robots can offer an indirect way to detect alien civilizations. In that version, researchers detect those probes straight or they could find their communication signals. But again, how to separate those signals from the cosmic background? 

Another thing that makes it hard to analyze things like WoW! and BLC1 signals is that nobody knows when those signals began. Another thing is that the source of those signals is open. Maybe they were natural, but why they were unique? Were they the signals from some probe? If our solar system is between the probe and its sender's solar system and the probe sends the data, that case looks like BLC-1 or WoW! signal.

Some astronomers say that we should look for alien probes than have straight contact with alien civilizations. The reason for that is intelligent civilizations could make a fleet of robots that send information to it. And the probe must have some kind of builder. The probes would search the habitable planetary systems for colonization. But in that case, we should think about the alien point of view about that thing. The aliens might come from a different planet. 

That means their chemical and physiological environment might be different than on Earth. That means they might have more oxygen in their atmosphere or their planet might have stable temperatures. And at least micro-organisms are making the invasion of Earth quite difficult. Thousands of variables can make other planets hostile to intruders of colonists.  

First-ever X-ray signature from a single atom captured. And that can make it possible to create a new type of intelligent nanotechnology.

The X-ray signature from the single iron atom might not seem very important. But the fact is, that is a new and fundamental thing in physics and technology. 

The requirement for packing data to atoms and creating atom-size quantum computers is that researchers can control atoms and their electrons. The atom-size quantum computer base is in Rydberg atoms, where single electrons are excited in the orbitals. And then those electrons form superpositioned quantum entanglement between them or between photons that are locked near them. 

In the last case, the energy channels between those electrons can use for aiming the data, that travels between superpositioned and entangled photons. In that case, the data is stored in electrons. And then the system will use photons to read and transmit that data inside and between atoms. There is a possibility to make chains of atom-size quantum computers. And theoretically, those systems can work in high temperatures. 

"When X-rays (blue color) illuminate onto an iron atom (red ball at the center of the molecule), core level electrons are excited. X-ray excited electrons are then tunnel to the detector tip (gray) via overlapping atomic/molecular orbitals, which provide elemental and chemical information of the iron atom. Credit: Saw-Wai Hla" ( in Physics: First-Ever X-Ray of a Single Atom Captured)

The ability to stress single atoms makes many new things possible. The Fe-atom that is stressed in the image can also be put in the benzene ring. And that thing allows the creation of the switch that can transport information to qubit's states. But the same thing also can use as a quantum switch in miniaturized binary computers. There is the possibility that the carbon chains that are connected to the benzene are acting as wires. The system can close or open the port that allows the switch to drive data to a certain wire by putting and removing one or two atoms from between the wire and the benzene ring. 

The requirement is that the system can stabilize its environment otherwise like using radiation or EM field that will cover the outside non-controlled effects under it. And one of the most suitable things is to use the atom's nucleus to transmit that power field. The X-ray emission to the atom's nucleus is one of the things that can make the shining power field, that covers other outside effects under it. 

The ability to stress atom-scale objects by using X-rays is the thing that makes it possible to create intelligent nanomachines. In the image, the red ball could be the atom-size quantum computer that can control miniature nano-robots. This kind of system can also offer the possibility to transform X-rays into electricity.

If researchers can X-rays into electricity. That thing offers a new method to control and deliver electricity to robots through the walls. And X-rays offer a secure way to communicate through walls and also in long-range space communication. The X-ray LED allows to transmission of data through the walls like radio waves, but they are less vulnerable to outside effects than radio-wave-based systems. So X-ray-based communication can use in high-power magnetic fields.

Stanford professor said that aliens are already here.

We need open and free discussions about UFOs. And I mean that people should have the right to tell their opinions about things like aliens, UFOs, UAPs:s and ghosts, and other dimensions without being stamped as maniac or psychotic. 

The problem is that. There are many things. That was only imagination. Before the truth is uncovered and one of them is Area-51. At first, USAF denied the existence of that test range. And then physical evidence shows that USAF lied. 

Respected professor Garry Nolan, from Stanford University, said aliens are already here. And that is the right-type way to close that unidentified phenomenon. When we are reading about things like UFOs or some other types of UAPs those observations are quite often stamped as "made by imagination". 

Same way when some people are making UFO observations, some kind of joker comes to publicity and tell that this thing was some kind of fake. And then, what do you think, what happens to investigations around those cases? Would somebody even dare to tell about those things? 

When we think about innovation and development. Those things are first in somebody's imagination. There is some person who first invented stealth. The idea of at least older stealth solutions is that the shape of that aircraft makes the aircraft invisible to radar because radiation slides over its body. 

When we think about those extraordinary systems, we can ask one question. Are some of those highly classified systems copied from some craft with an unknown or extraterrestrial source? Or are some of those highly classified systems the "UFOs"s? If we think that some UFO cases are only the imagination, is there some kind of electromagnetic phenomenon that can make people think similar things? And even if those things are imagination, nothing denies engineers to use them to model new devices and vehicles. 




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Aircraft from the top: 

Many types of aerial vehicles are or were classified. Some of the Belgian UFO cases were F-117 or SR-71 planes. But some cases are unknown. There are about 1-2% of UAPs that have no explanations. Or maybe some aerial vehicle with an extraordinary power source could do things, that the famous Tic-Toc UAP in U.S. Navy's F/A-18 FLIR system makes. 

That means the craft seems too small. It could maneuver like that vehicle by using small-size jet engines. The fact is that the small, saucer-shaped aerial vehicle with radial jet engines could behave like that. But the fact is that the problem is that nobody confirms to own those mysterious vehicles. 

But are aliens already here? We must answer by saying that nobody knows. The fact is that nobody ever handed 100% confirmed extraterrestrial DNA. In normal cases, the DNA test is a very easy way to confirm the possibilities about the origin of the species. But in that case, there is DNA there that can be compiled. 

The DNA samples are taken from individuals that are in confirmed places. But the problem is that the DNA used in compilation must have a confirmed background. So if probes could find the DNA from the asteroids there is some kind of DNA. that can use in the compilation process.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

e Rosita and Fermi bubbles are a mystery.

 Both sides of the Milky Way's giant Sgr A* black hole are two bubbles, two-layer bubble constructions. The Fermi Bubbles are actually inside a larger e Rosita bubble. Fermi bubbles are extremely bright in gamma-ray frequency. Same way e Rosita bubbles are visible in high-energy gamma-area, but otherwise, those bubbles send energy that is hard to detect. 

There is no IR or visible light interaction and that makes those bubbles interesting. So we can think that those bubbles are involving energy mainly in kinetic form. The gamma-ray emission from those bubbles is forming when the internal structure's shell impacts the outer structure. And that thing forms very high energy gamma-ray emission. 

Maybe both of those bobble formations formed in some eruption or series of eruptions a long time ago. During those eruptions Sgr A* send particle constellations around them. Then the magnetic or gravitational fields turned those particle constellations to the form. That looks like the sun's protuberance.


"A superposition of an image of the Milky Way, taken by the European Space Agency’s Gaia space observatory, and a visualization of the simulations of the eRosita and Fermi bubbles. A new study published in Nature Astronomy has provided further insight into the properties of eRosita bubbles, giant structures of high-energy gas extending above and below the Milky Way galaxy’s center. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC" ( Bubbles: Unexpected Complexity of the Milky Way’s Mysterious Structures)

Another explanation could be that there is a cosmic void inside the e Rosita and Fermi bubbles. In that case, the particles travel inside the cosmic void with speed. That is higher than it's outside the void. When particles are touching the most out part of the void, they slow their speed. During that process, those particles must send their extra energy somewhere, and maybe that explains the gamma-ray emission. 

In that theorem, another question is what keeps those e Rosita and Fermi Bubbles in one entirety.

Why doesn't radiation from the inner structure blow those outer structures away? We can also see two belt-looking structures in the bubbles. They seem traveling away from Sgr A* by following a straight line. And they also send very high power emission radiation. In the middle of those bubbles is the high-energy radiation belt of Sgr A*. 

Is it gravitation, electromagnetic interaction, or a combination of the gravitation and magnetic fields of Sgr A*? Are those bubbles follow the gravitational and magnetic fields of the supermassive black holes? 

When those traveling particle structures are traveling in opposite directions. They are sending extremely powerful gamma-ray emissions. There is the possibility that the powerful eruption of the black holes can form a warp- bubble or some kind of cosmic void. If high-speed particles travel inside that kind of bubble. Their speed can turn higher than it normally can be. 

So when the particles travel in the cosmic void near that void's outer point. Their speed starts to slow. In that case, they will transfer their energy to a lower energy level quantum field. And then during that process, the particles send radiation that could be gamma-ray. This could be another explanation for the strange clusters around the Milky Way. The e Rosita and Fermi bubbles are entirety. The mystery is do they have same or different origins?

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