Saturday, December 31, 2022

OBE:s (Out-of-Body Experiences) are interesting things.

"Artist's depiction of the separation stage of an out-of-body experience, which often precedes free movement" (Wikipedia/Out-of-body experience)

The next phenomenonis interesting. There are stories that about 20% of people have this kind of experience. But getting real evidence about that very personal thing is not very easy. But there is happening many mysterious things during death. And one is the higher brain activity just before and after the exit. 

The remarkable thing about OBE is that it happens when a person's consciousness is changed. Like during a heart attack. And that means researching those things is not a very easy process. The BCI makes the technical OBE possible. 

There is no explanation for the OBE:s or (Out of Body Experiences). Some people are believing that OBEs are evidence of the soul. That separated from the body. During the OBE experience, the person whose consciousness is changed sees things like the medical team for the roof. 

The OBE is one of the most mysterious phenomena that is hard to explain, and people are telling that they saw some things that are not public information about the rescue crew and other authorities work. Some people believe that OBE is only some kind of self-narcotic situation in the brain. But some other people believe that OBE is something that we cannot even imagine. 

""The Separation of the Spirit Body" from The Secret of the Golden Flower, a Chinese handbook on alchemy and meditation" (Wikipedia/Astral projection)

Some quantum researchers are explaining the OBE the situation where electromagnetic radiation travels through the brain or neural structure of some bug, and that electromagnetic radiation acts as a carrier wave that transmits that information to receiving brains. Because memory doesn't work. That internal information doesn't disturb those weak signals that magnesite in brain cells will receive. 

The astral projection means a situation where a person meditates and claims that feels some kind of OBE experience. The astral projection is a mystery and sometimes is claimed that the people who meditate can just focus better on way things that they see during the day. But there is a vision that maybe the high-level concentration makes it possible that a person can superposition the electromagnetic fields to some animal, and then that EM field will transfer memories from that animal or human. 

The technical OBE requires a brain implant. Or BCI interface. 

The BCI (Brain-computer Interface) makes it possible to control things like cyborg bugs and nano helicopters by using an EEG curve. The BCI interface makes it possible. A person that has the BCI can send the implanted bug to the room, and then that person can see everything that the bug sees. That bug can be implanted living bug or it can be the robot that sends information to the controller. 

If we think that the controller of that kind of robot uses an external body. That is a human-shaped robot. That robot can have the EEG sensors in its hands and it can send the EEG to the controller. There is a possibility that the robot can find Wernicke and Broca areas that control the form of speech and understand the speech from the brain, and then they can at least partially read the mind. The system works similar way with thoughts to text versions. 

There is the possibility that the robot puts genetically engineered brain amoeba into the food. Those amoeba transport microsensors in the target's brain and when the mission is done. The amoebas die and leave those sensors in the brain. That allows observers can see what a person thinks. That kind of technology is modified BCI where the brain hacker sends the EEG curves from the microchips to the transmitter.

A man in the high castle (Happy new year.)

Mixed reality is an interesting- and sometimes horrifying way to create a mixture of virtual reality and reality. Above this text is a castle that is above clouds. Let's think that there lives a man. Who is commanding the country? That man ever comes through the cloud layer and everything that man knows about the nation's strength comes from henchmen, and reports that they write. 

The idea is that henchmen control the entire information. That comes into that cloud castle. That means they can introduce things like science fiction movies as reality. They can claim that the man in the high castle is commanding some imperial star cruisers from the Star Wars movies. 

The fact is that other people might think that this looks ridiculous. But the information that henchmen are giving to the man in the high castle. Turns into reality for the person who lives in that castle. 

For making mixed reality is no need for computers and virtual reality systems. The only needed thing is a media projector that introduces fiction as fact. Mixing virtual targets with real films are called special effects. And by using special effects is possible to create virtual objects like starships in some acted films. Or simply, mixing real news and fiction is possible to make things called mixed reality. 

If we want to make the mixed reality that somebody believes we must just put that person in an isolated place. Where we are bringing all information. And the person would not see things like movies, we could introduce fiction to those people as reality. 

This year has been extremely wonderful, except war in Ukraine. War is always a big tragedy. And the thing is that the other side, the president of Russia Vladimir Putin lives in the great Plato's cave. 

Some people believe that Putin lives in reality because that person speaks in the media. But the reality is delivering information is needed for command. But otherwise, the ability to receive information is necessary for making decisions. If we just yell at people and force them to say what we want, we can get information about what we want. 

But why would we do that thing? Why we just don't write a book or something that we can open the next day after the writing, and there reads everything that we want? 

In those texts that come straight from our imagination, we can command some intergalactic star fleets if we want. But is that the reality? Can we use that information in case that is just happening? And does it support something in the command chain? The command system requires real, and confirmed information for making effective decisions. 

If we are just sitting and looking at the camera, people get information that we share. But do we share information that has contact with reality? Or do we share information that exists in the virtual world? Our imagination is one version of the virtual world. And mixed reality means a system, where real-life components are connected with virtual characters. 

Those systems are interesting. But their effectiveness depends on the cases where somebody uses those systems. The mixed reality can be an effective tool in many missions, but it can also isolate people from reality. And in that case, we must ask what is reality.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Misunderstandings and AI.

There is a new law in California that denies misleading marketing. That is important. In cases where new highly automatized automobiles are sold to regular customers, the misunderstanding causes terrible situations. If customers don't realize that the AI-controlled autopilot cannot drive independently. And humans must control the vehicle in city areas. 

That thing can cause problems or accidents. So if the human just starts to sleep and lets autopilot handle situations, the result is a crash. When people are starting to use some AI-controlled tools or vehicles, they must get enough information about the real capacities of those systems. 

Especially city areas are complicated for vehicles. There are millions of things that can happen suddenly. And programmers must notice all of those situations. If situations like balls come suddenly to the front of the vehicle not described to the program code, that causes a risky situation because if the AI doesn't recognize risks it's dangerous. 

The difference between self-driving cars and Chat GPT-type artificial intelligence is that Chat GPT is a virtual product. If the Chat GPT makes something wrong that thing doesn't make physical damage. But if the AI-controlled car makes mistakes, that thing causes dramatic situations. 

Making AI-controlled killer robots is easier than making an AI-controlled car that transfers people and merchandise from point A to point B. This is an interesting thing about robotics and AI. A destroyer is easier to create than something positive and creative. The fact is that most of the AI and robot programs are not serving the military. But the only thing that people are noticing are killer robots. 

People notice negative things better than positive ones. When we think about Fritz Haber, chemist, and researcher. That man created the Haber-Bosch synthesis along with Carl Bosch. Haber-Bosch method means ammonia synthesis that allows the creation of synthetic fertilizers. 

That method could save billions of people because it allows the growing of corn more effectively. But the same man has the nickname "father of chemical warfare". He created chemical weapons during WW1. But after WW1 that man earned a Nobel prize. 

Same way, we see AI as a threat to humanity. But then we must ask what is the threat, that AI causes or forms? Is that threat the mass unemployment? Or is it something that we cannot even confess? Is that threat that we lost our position in other people's eyes? If robots are starting to make all the dirty work like cleaning and other low-paid jobs, we must ask ourselves, would we make those jobs?

Does AI take jobs from poor people? Or does it only take away the people from the workplaces to who we normally compare ourselves? That means that the lowest step from workplaces will be removed and replaced by using machines.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

We'll meet again

Gravitation is the key to a deep understanding of the universe.

Gravitational waves can give information about the things like neutron stars' internal structures. Gravitational waves are wave motion, just like radio waves and light. 

So gravitational radiation must be electromagnetic radiation that is out of the known electromagnetic spectrum. But it's radiation. Like all other wave motion. 

So that thing makes it possible to use models that are made for radio waves and other wave motions to model the behavior of gravitation. The source of gravitational radiation is unknown. That hypothetical graviton particle could be very large. Or it could be a very small particle. 

*Gravitational wave's wavelength could be so short that its frequency is above gamma rays. This means that a graviton should be an extremely small particle. 

*Or the gravitational wave's wavelength could be longer than radio waves. But that requires that the hypothetical graviton is a very large particle. 

Gravitational waves are proving that gravitation is wave motion. And it should interact as all other wave motion does. This thing makes gravitation so interesting. 

*Gravitational waves can reflect. 

*Gravitational lens can focus gravitational waves to one focus. 

*And there is a possibility that the gravitational waves can put to slide over the object. 

*A case where gravitational waves slide over the surface makes still theoretical "gravitational stealth" possible. 

*Theoretically, this thing can act like plasma stealth. Between the physical layer and impacting gravitational waves is a layer of gravitational waves. 

*Theoretically, standing gravitational waves can keep impacting gravitational waves away from the physical layer. 

*Or gravitational waves can turn around by using the gravitational counter waves. 

*If black holes reflect gravitational waves that thing causes one interesting question. 

*Are those reflecting gravitational waves causing the antigravitation? 

*And could the reflecting gravitational waves be the thing that is the dark energy? 

There is a possibility that the gravitational waves that are left from black holes are reflections of gravitational radiation that impact the black hole's gravitational field. In that model the more powerful gravitation from black holes makes the gravitational waves reflect away from it. In the same way, the more powerful electromagnetic radiation is pushing weaker radiation away. 

So if gravitational waves are reflecting from the black holes, that thing can be the reason for the mysterious antigravitation. So the question is "Are dark energy, and antigravitation the same thing?" 

Could the hypothetical reflecting gravitational waves which jump out from the stronger gravitational field, that have the same frequency in their wave motion be the source of the antigravitation? So, are hypothetical antigravitation and dark energy the same thing? 

The idea of this model is that gravitational waves always have the same frequency. And when the same frequency gravitational waves impact with each other the more powerful radiation pushes weaker radiation away from the stronger gravitational field. 

So there is a possibility that researchers are using stealth technology. And especially jammer systems for modeling the system that makes it possible to create particles or objects where gravitational waves are not impacting. 

The reflecting gravitational waves could explain why Sagittarius A the central black hole of the galaxy Milky Way loses its mass. “At the moment, Sagittarius is slowly being torn apart, but 1-2 billion years ago it was significantly larger, probably around 20 percent of the mass of the Milky Way’s disk,” (ScitechDaily/The Milky Way Is Mysteriously Rippling – Scientists Might Finally Know Why)

The reason why Sagittarius loses its mass is simple. That supermassive black hole doesn't get enough material to eat. And that causes vaporization.  The reflecting gravitational waves can be one reason why the Milky Way is losing its size. Of course, things like centripetal force, and the radiation from billions of objects are ionizing the gas disk. And things like hydrogen ions are repelling each other. But things like dark energy or free energy whose origin is not known can explain why galaxies are ripping into pieces. 

But could those reflecting gravitational waves explain that mysterious dark energy? If that reflecting hypothetical gravitational radiation is the mirror effect of the gravitation we could say that this thing could cause the mysterious antigravitation. And maybe that thing could explain the mystical wave motion called dark energy.

Is AI safe?

That is a good question. We can same way ask: is your car safe? The thing that makes AI safe or not is the purpose or ability to make things. If the AI runs on computers. That not connected to the internet, that thing cannot make anything wrong. But the thing is that the physical robot makes the AI dangerous. 

Above this text, we can see robots reading the novel. The AI can use a robot body to collect information from places to that it would not otherwise have access. The robot can read the book for the AI. And then, that data will send to central memory by using WLAN. 

The thing is that we might underestimate the abilities of man-shaped robots. Those robots can turn all jet fighters into robot drones. The man-shaped robot pilot can use the same interfaces as humans. So robot pilots can fly even the most primitive aircraft.

But we don't usually remember that a man-shaped robot is not the same thing as a human. Man-shaped robots are tools that are more complicated than we even thought. They learn very fast because the robot needs only a new program for learning new skills. So operators can transform any robot from a jet pilot to a building worker or fireman in seconds. 

The AI is not afraid, it would not stress, and it would not have feelings. That thing makes AI the perfect thing in many things. When people are calculating how many errors the AI makes. The problem is that AI is not compiled with humans. 

People see from statistics only things that they want to see. When AI will accidentally makes a driving error causing death. It is a  big thing in the news. When ten drunk drivers are killing ten people, nobody mentioned those things in the news. 

When Serbian air defense shot down one F-117 stealth fighter. That was the biggest news in the world. When that plane type made 2000 successful missions, that thing ever mentioned. 

When one Bayraktar drone destroys hundreds of vehicles in Ukraine, that means nothing. But when Russians shot down one Bayraktar over Ukraine. That thing caused lots of news. Shooting down that thing was the biggest failure in the history of drones. And that thing made them useless if we believe in articles, that are published. 

Same way, when the AI searches thieves from the streets. By combining data. That is taken from the CCTV of the shops and streets that thing causes criticism because most of the recognized thieves were black. There was no information did those people carry stolen property. Or did they have some kind of arrest warrant for some other crimes? 

When people say that robots are taking their jobs, we must ask what kind of jobs robots are taking. Of course, AI is a competitor for humans. In job applications, the human must confess to the companies that they are better than the AI. But in job applications, the applicant must confess to the company being the best choice. 

We believe that AI is our worst competitor. But we are wrong. The worst competitors in the business world are other humans. The competition in working life is so tough that sometimes applicants are harming even other humans to get the job that they need. 

Why do some planets have rings?


We know many planets that have some kind of ring system. And the most well-known of those planets is Saturn. All gas giants in our solar system have a ring system that orbits them. So there are many theories about the origin of those rings. 

There is the possibility that forming of the rings is unique. So that means there are more than one reasons why some planets have rings. But if we are thinking about the gas giants in our solar system we must realize that those planets are more distant than Earth. 

So solar wind in that area is weaker than in the Earth's distance. And that means the particle (or ion) flow from the Sun would not blow those particles away. That explains why Earth has no rings. The reason for that is the solar winds. That are blowing sand or some other particles away from the Earth's orbiter. 

"The backlit (of Saturn's) E ring, with Enceladus, silhouetted against it. The moon's south polar jets erupt brightly below it." (Wikipedia/Rings of Saturn)

There may be many things that are forming ring systems for planets. There are three of those theories. And maybe there are many other reasons why some planets have rings. And some have not. 

*Plasma- or Van Allen rings of the planets are capturing sand bites that travel at the solar system. 

*In the case of Saturn, the shepherd moons are also playing their role in forming and anchoring the ring system. The shepherd moons are moons. That is orbiting the ring system on both sides of it. And the gravitational fields anchoring the objects in their places. 

*The Van Allen belts could capture small particles. And that explains why Uranus' rings seem to have no shepherd moons. The Van Allen ring or plasma ring can capture very light and slow-speed objects. So that means there could be many reasons why some planets have rings. 

*If the planet's distance is high enough from the Sun solar wind would not blow that dust away. 

*Destruction of the ancient moon can explain ring systems that involve large particles. 

*That moon could be destroyed by cosmic impact. Or tidal forces of the planet and its other moons can destroy that ancient moon. 

The planets with ring systems 

a) Jupiter's rings

a) "A schema of Jupiter's ring system showing the four main components. For simplicity, Metis and Adrastea are depicted as sharing their orbit. (In reality, Metis is very slightly closer to Jupiter.)" (Wikipedia, Rings of Jupiter) 


"Metis orbiting at the edge of Jupiter's main ring, as imaged by the New Horizons spacecraft in 2007" (Wikipedia/Rings of Jupiter)

b) Saturn's rings

"Side view of Saturn system, showing Enceladus in relation to the E Ring" (Wikipedia/Rings of Saturn)


"The full set of rings, imaged as Saturn eclipsed the Sun from the vantage of the Cassini orbiter, 1.2 million km distant, on 19 July 2013 (brightness is exaggerated). Earth appears as a dot at 4 o'clock, between the G and E rings." (Wikipedia/Rings of Saturn)

c) Uranus rings

"The scheme of Uranus's ring-moon system. Solid lines denote rings; dashed lines denote orbits of moons". (Wikipedia/Rings of Uranus)

"The scheme of Neptune's ring-moon system. Solid lines denote rings; dashed lines denote orbits of moons".

d) Neptune rings

d2) "Rings of Neptune imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam instrument" (Wikipedia/Rings of Neptune)

*There is the possibility that the planet capture the large dwarf planet and then the tidal forces will rip that dwarf planet in pieces. 

*In that case. The shepherd moons or moons that are orbiting the planet at both sides of the ring system are anchoring those objects in their places with their gravitational effects. 

And that means there is a possibility the plasma rings or Van Allen rings of giant planets capture dust, asteroids, and comets that travel in solar systems. And at least in cases where the ring system is formed of sand or other way saying small-size particles. That is the reason why some gas planets have rings. 

Another reason could be the ancient moon that is broken by cosmic impacts. That thing can be a reason, for planets like Saturn have larger objects in their rings. When that hypothetical moon is destroyed. The particles that are remaining of that ancient moon left to orbit Saturn. 

In some of this theory's other versions, Saturn collided with an asteroid cloud that could be the remnant of some ancient dwarf planet and some of those remnants remained to orbit that planet as the well-known ring system.

By the way...

The idea of the solar ring- or ring-shaped solar panels is taken from the planetary rings and one hoax theory. 

There is one UFO theory that I want to mention here. That theory is that the Uranus ring system is the solar panels that are orbiting the gas planet. Today that theory is crushed, but it gave an idea that maybe in the future Earth and some other planets or space colonies will get their power from solar panels that orbit the planets. 

The energy will transport to those colonies in the form of radio- laser or microwaves. That kind of solar ring or extremely thin silicone panels might solve the energy problems of the future. If those solar rings or ring-shaped solar panels are rotating or orbiting the Earth or some other planet the gravitational and centripetal force would have the same power, and they would anchor that solar panel in place. But that thing requires that the panels will move all the time. 

It's possible that between the center planet and the inner edge of the silicone panels is the frame. The orbiting silicone panel delivers energy to that stable frame. And that frame sends energy to the receiving stations on Earth. 

Image: Pinterest

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The jet from a colliding neutron star seems to travel seven times the speed of light.

The speed has seen when neutron stars collide. The impact energy can form the short-term warp bubble that allows the radiation to travel faster than it usually travels. 

Two other things are making it possible to make particles travel faster than the speed of light. 

A) Virtual crossing where high-speed particles are impacting each other. If the speed of both particles is 0,8 times the speed of light the impact speed is 1,6 times the speed of light. 

B) Rising the escaping velocity of the particle higher than the speed of light. So behind the black hole's event horizon, the speed of particles is higher than the speed of light.  The reason for that is that particles drop to the gravitational center at the same speed as escaping velocity. 

The fact is that crossing the speed of light is a paradox. That thing is quite easy to make in theory. The only thing that must do is to create an area where the light travels faster than light travels in the environment around it. 

Cherenkov's radiation or the blue light flash is a good example of how a particle can cross the speed of light. When a particle that travels with the speed of light impacting water. 

That thing causes a blue light shockwave. And the reason for that is simple: light travels in the air faster than it travels in water.  And when the particle's speed is slowing. It must release its kinetic energy as the blue light shockwave.  

Things like Cherenkov's radiation and Boötes void prove that the speed of light depends on the medium where the light travels. And there is an empty area in the universe there is no reflection or scattering effect that slows the speed of light. 

One reason that makes scattering effect slows the speed of photons is that scattering puts the photon travel a meandering trajectory. When a photon releases energy quantum every time it changes its direction. That thing makes it impossible to increase the photon's energy level.

There is a possibility, that regular high-energy radiation from the neutron star or magnetar can make the jet cross the speed of light. In that hypothetical situation. The intensive energy of the jet of the neutron star can wipe out other particles and quantum fields. And that thing makes the neutron star's beam travel at a higher speed than light. But the photon's speed is always on the top. So light travels faster in that high-energy beam that is outside it. 

So can spacecraft travel with the speed of light? 

The idea is the same with the warp bubble. There is the possibility that someday researchers can create a spacecraft where is a ball-shaped annihilation chamber inside it. The antimatter system detonates particle-antiparticle pairs in that chamber. The energy bubbles that are traveling outside the craft push material and electromagnetic fields like particles and quantum fields away from the craft. 

And that thing forms a small-size void around that thing. That allows light to travel faster than outside that bubble. That kind of system makes it possible to create a jet and an area where other particles increase at the same speed.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

For the first time in history, the DOE fusion test laboratory created more energy than it used in fusion.

The fusion test laboratory used less energy than fusion produced. The DOE press publication introduces the NIF (National Ignition Facility)  laboratory that used 2,05 MJ (Megajoules) in the test where fusion produced 3,15 MJ. That thing was not much. But the best result is that test proved that the self-sustaining commercial fusion reactor is possible. That energy burst broke systems. 

And it was not last a long time. But that test shows that there is possible to create a controllable fusion reaction. The problem with fusion is how to control it. The non-controlled fusion devices or so-called hydrogen bombs that create non-controlled fusion reactions were invented in the 1950s. The problem with a fusion reactor is how to control that reaction. 

There are three ways to control fusion. 

*The control system adjusts the fuel dump to the reactor. When the energy level of the reaction turns too high the system reduces the fuel flow. Controlling the fusion by adjusting the fuel flow is difficult. If the system shuts down the fuel injection that thing shuts down fusion. The thing is not good for self-sustaining fusion that should release energy for years. 

*The problem is that if the energy impulse from the fusion reactor has too high power, it destroys the entire system. There is the possibility that the system uses Bose-Einstein condensate to transfer energy out from the fusion that turns too hot. 

The Bose-Einstein condensate can pull energy out from fusion. And that can limit the damage that impulses with too high an energy level can cause. The problem with Bose-Einstein condensate as an adjusting tool is that there is a needed large mass of those things. 

In some visions, the Bose-Einstein condensate or anyons the particles that are at the lowest energy level in Universe will inject into the fusion explosions. That thing means. The energy from that fusion reaction will transfer to the anyons or Bose-Einstei condensate. 

*The more complicated system uses counter radiation. The use of counter-radiation makes it possible to push energy back to the middle of the reactor. 

And that thing makes the energy flow to the sensor more gentle than without that counter radiation. The counter radiation system makes it possible to use less accurate fuel injection systems. 

The counter radiation or counter energy system uses counter wave motion that pulls energy out from the outcoming energy waves. The counter-radiation systems are in use in active stealth jamming systems. 

Jamming or controlling nuclear weapons is not more difficult than jamming radio waves. But the problem is how to make enough powerful counter wave that can turn nuclear weapon's energy away. 

The counter-radiation systems can someday use to control even nuclear explosions. The counterwaves can turn even the hydrogen bomb's energy away but the problem is that the system must make extremely high power counter-wave in a short moment. 

The plasma in a fusion reactor is hotter than the sun. So that temperature makes plasma hard to control. If plasma hits the reactor's wall, it destroys the reactor immediately. When the fusion begins the system will release lots of energy. In that case, the system tries to control the energy blast by pushing it back to the middle of the reactor. 

So the most important thing is the relation between outcoming energy and counter energy that limits energy impact on the reactor's wall. The outcoming energy must be weaker because it must let the radiation impact the power output unit that transforms fusion energy into electricity. The counterwave base control of the fusion is one of the things that can make the fusion turn commercial.

Theory of teleportation.

Above is virtual replica of the "Stargate". 

Theory of teleportation. 

We can think of the laser ray as the water jut that moves sand between two positions. If we want to blow things like a sand castle from one place to another. That thing will be very easy. But the form of the sand castle is destroyed. So the problem with photon-based teleportation is how to make information stay in its form. The system can move information itself. But the laser ray changes the information's form like when water hits the sand castle and forms it into a group of sand bites. 

1) Quantum entanglement makes quantum-size teleportation possible. 

If the distance between the superpositioned and entangled particles is long. That thing makes controlling that quantum entanglement easier. There is a possibility that the researchers will conduct the energy away from the side of the quantum entanglement which the energy level is lower. 

That helps to keep the energy level of another side of the quantum entanglement at a lower level than another side. That makes energy flow in quantum entanglement. And the thing is that the quantum entanglement in one piece is that the energy levels between that thing are different. When that quantum system reaches the same level that thing breaks the superposition. 

Theoretically, teleportation is possible. And in quantum computers, quantum-level teleportation is an everyday thing. The idea is that the oscillation of the elementary particles would put to synchronization. And then the energy wire will connect those particles to one entirety. Theoretically, there is no limit to the distance of the quantum superposition. 

And the superposition itself could transfer data faster than data could travel through space. So quantum entanglement can transmit data immediately from Alpha Centauri. But the forming of that thing is limited to the speed of light. At first, something must transport another side of the superpositioned and entangled particle pair to Alpha Centauri. And that operation is limited to the speed of light. 

But then that quantum entanglement can transmit data with incredible speed if that thing would not break. Because the energy level of Alpha Centauri is higher than near the Sun energy travels from Alpha Centauri to our solar system. And if energy can conduct away from another side of quantum entanglement. 

That thing makes the communication line stable. The fact is that this kind of thing requires technology that is not done yet. But maybe in the distant future, quantum entanglement can bring the first images from other solar systems to Earth. 

2) But can we transport larger particles by using teleportation? Hypothetically the stargate is possible. But practical solutions are hard to make. 

2A) Photon walls could push particles forward. But that kinds of things are connected with the speed of light. 

Theoretically, there is a possibility to teleport bigger objects than elementary particles. That thing is theoretically very easy. The system must create the wall by using photons, or some other elementary particles. In that case, the photon wall will just push the object forward. In that model, teleportation is limited to the speed of light. That thing requires an extremely evenly distributed energy load. 

2B) Real teleportation requires the Rose-Einstein bridge or so-called "wormhole". 

But if researchers can teleport objects faster than the speed of light they must make the wormhole between two positions. The thing that makes the wormhole possible is the tornado that is formed of gravitational waves. Then photon cloud will transport the particle through that gravitational tornado. 

That thing requires an energy level that is not possible to make by using modern technology. The idea is that the ring-shaped structure or the "Stargate" will start to resonate with the same frequency as some other stargate. At the first, the system makes a series of virtual black holes that are forming the tunnel in the stargate. And then the series of those zero-energy level holes pulling quantum fields inside them. Those impacting quantum fields would form the black hole. That is sending its beam to some other black hole. 

Then the electromagnetic wave motion will put travel between those things. The wave motion will collect energy from its sides. When that wave motion will continue its travel long enough that thing forms a wormhole between those gates. 

2C) Holographic wormhole. 

It's possible to make the virtual wormhole by pumping so much energy into the spacecraft that time stops inside it. That thing allows the crew can travel through interstellar space. But that travel is connected to the speed of light. 

The idea is that. The speed of the spacecraft or particle will accelerate as near the speed of light as possible. Then that craft will be driven against a photon cloud or hologram. That thing could increase the energy level of the craft so high, that it jumps away from the third dimension. 

3) Can quantum teleportation be possible with other than just elementary particles? 

In that model where the objects that formed by fermion groups. Can be superpositioned by using gravitational waves. The system must create something common for all particles in the entirety that the system needs to superposition. 

The problem is that there must be something where the quantum entanglements of the particle groups are touching. They are all more complicated than single elementary particles that have different frequencies. And that makes it impossible to teleport other than objects that are formed of homogenous quark systems. 


Sunday, December 11, 2022

AI can make many things better than humans.

AI can make many things better than humans. The operational sector of AI is narrower than humans. But if the thing that the system should make requires precise multiple calculations, the AI is better than humans. The thing is that AI can make things like bridges, ships, and aircraft faster than humans. In those cases, the AI handles the precise information. And the system can calculate things like flows on the aircraft's surface very carefully. 

That kind of simulation requires a large number of precise and hard calculations. So when the AI-based system develops the virtual model in its memories it can discuss or exchange information with the simulator that compiles with parameters like flow cross sections, friction, radar cross sections, and other things. 

The problem with AI is that it doesn't know what it does. The AI can play chess or some card plays better than humans. When the AI plays chess it simply simulates the game and calculates possible movements of the buttons. 

When the AI plays cards by using a robot hand and physical cards, it simply uses image recognition. Every card has and card combination that has a certain number value. The bigger value wins the smaller value. The system calculates the possibilities of the card combinations. And of course, it must know that it would not change the wrong cards in poker games. The system can observe faces, changes in voice, and movements of the people for estimating the possibility that the opponent player has a good hand. Or the AI can search reflections from the glasses of the player. 

AI can make many things better than humans. And in the future humans must explain where they are better than AI. When we think of the AI as an artist and look at the image above this text, we can see that the human characters are somehow bizarre. We can see that the image is somehow different than natural things. So we could say that it's abstract art. 

But if we want to make the AI make things like a novel. It makes it by connecting data from different sources. And there is the possibility that the result is also an abstraction, a nonsense series of paragraphs full of texts. But that text has no connections with topics. That is the reason why people who want to give AI to make their thesis should read the product before they are delivering it forward. 

The reason is that the AI does not know what reads in the texts that it uses. The AI would use the search engine and then select sources from the search results. But the problem is that the AI would simply select the first paragraph from the first result, the second paragraph from the second result, etc. And that thing makes the result something, that will seem fine at first look. But then the text has no sense at all. 

The reason why this thing happens is that the AI doesn't understand the text itself. It uses search results for making things that might look like real things. Of course more advanced AI can have parameters that should find in the paragraphs that they use for developing new text. But in that case, the AI uses the elements that it connects to the entirety. 

AI will destroy the net in form as we know it.

Artificial intelligence-based search engines are already in use. Those systems are measuring time how long each user uses some web pages. The effectiveness of AI depends on the mass and quality of information that it can use. The number of clicks are meaning that the page is interesting. But the time that users spend on those home pages tells more about how interesting those pages are. 

If the web stores deliver information about how many clicks that system gets and how many products the customers make. That thing can make AI a very impressive tool. The AI can connect information from the different types of search results so that the system can find what attracts the user. 

Byt the new type of search engines can make the homepage that they show.  When the user inputs parameters to the AI the system can find the homepages where is that type of data. And then, the system can simply connect the paragraphs one after one. Then the AI can put the source where of those texts after those paragraphs. That kind of tool will destroy the regular internet. 

That kind of system is making traditional links unnecessary. And that means the indexing system of the search engines is unnecessary so they don't bring money to Google anymore. But at this point, the AI uses the indexes as the tool. There can be parameters that deny the AI use the successive results. Then the system can sort the source paragraphs to the order that the user wants to use. 

Maybe in the future, Google offers a change that users can select between AI-based search or traditional search. The fuzzy logic is the thing that makes AI better for handling things like chat pages. If the user wants to get some precise information. AI would not be the best possible way to search for information. 

But as I wrote earlier, the AI can put the sources below the texts where it took the information. Or the search engine offers the possibility, to jump between a link list and AI created web page. 

These kinds of things are the tools of the next generation. 

The AI can be an excellent painter, but the user gives parameters that it can use. 

If we want to make AI make paintings. We can just find a series of paintings or images on the net. Then, we must have a similar tool to scissors in the graphics program. After that, we can simply select or surround objects by using that tool and then name the object for the AI. The AI uses those objects as parameters that it uses to make a painting that is perfect for the customer. 

The names of those objects are free but those images form the matrix that AI uses to select details for the image, that it will make. The user can simply determine those selected details, as the parameters that the AI must use. Then the AI can search for similar things from the net. 

And after that, it will connect those images or parameters as the entirety. The user can give the system orders that it must use a certain number of human characters. But the AI can also calculate the average number of human images that AI finds from the images it uses. The AI can select also colors that are the most pleasing for humans. That kind of thing makes AI create very attractive art.

Image: Pinterest

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The quantum world is not separate from the world that we see.

The Quantum world does not differ from the real world. It's part of reality. It's a world that is invisible to users. But it exists. And it's dominating the entirety. All particles and wave motion are part of the energy exchange and energy flow in the universe without that energy flow the universe will not exist. 

When we are talking about the world where we live. We must realize one thing. The quantum world is not separate from that world. So maybe we should not talk about the world. We should rather replace the word world with using word dimension. That means the dimension is the particles that are between certain energy levels. 

Or the dimension is the area between energy minimum and energy maximum. The energy minimum in the third dimension or universe where we live is called absolute zero point or zero Kelvin. If the energy level of the particle is lower than the energy minimum or higher than the energy maximum it jumps out from the quantum system. There could be systems where energy levels are lower or higher than they are in our universe. But we cannot observe them straight. 

But similar laws are affecting those systems that are invisible to us. Energy flows in those systems the same way from the higher to lower levels. And we can hear the "sound" of those systems. Those sounds are gravitational effects called "dark matter" and strange wave motion called "dark energy". Those things uncover that there are systems in which the energy level is different from the particles and quantum fields that we can observe straight. 

So if we think like this the dimension is the particles' ability to interact or exchange information with other particles. And this is the thing that makes dimensions a little bit complicated. 

There is the possibility that the dimension can be vertical or it can be horizontal. The vertical dimension is the energy level. And the horizontal dimension is the size of the particles or their quantum field. 

If the size of the particles is different. That means they can interact but smaller particle causes so weak effect that we cannot observe that thing, because the effect targets so small an area that its effect is so weak that it's impossible to detect. So the horizontal dimension is the virtual dimension. 

Then we must realize a couple of other things. Everything means something. We must realize that particles and their quantum fields are forming the entity. So we should not handle particles without their quantum fields. There is no particle without a quantum field. And that the quantum field is the thing that interacts. All particles and particle groups have quantum fields. And we can think that things like planetary and stellar electromagnetic and gravitational fields are macro-size quantum fields. 

When we are looking at particles we can see that there is a thing like a halo around them. That halo is called the quantum field. The reason, why we are not talking about electromagnetic fields is that all four fundamental forces are forming that field. The size of the object or particle determines which of the four fundamental forces is dominating. In the world inside protons and neutrons, a strong nuclear force dominates. And gravitation turns dominating only between large particle groups like planets. But all four fundamental forces are participating in that halo called quantum field.

The AI as an artist.

What is special about the painting above this text? The thing, that makes it so special is that the "painter" behind the image is the AI. AI is one of the most interesting and fastest-advancing tools in the world. The next-generation AI can be productive. 

It can have virtual imagination. Which means it can interconnect existing datasets. AI is not as versatile as humans. But the AI can play chess better than humans or operate more effectively than humans in a certain area where the system needs a limited number of datasets. 

The new area of AI is the new creative AI applications. AI as a painter is not a bad thing if the person wants to win things art like competitions. The AI can search for information on what kind of paintings people are willing to see. AI can use many tools for that purpose. 

And the most effective is the wall where are images of famous or free paintings. Then the AI observes what images people will click larger. And then, the system can calculate how long people spend with some images. After that, the system can connect the components of the most liked paintings, and then make its version of that thing. 

How accurate results the AI can get depends on the data sources. If the system has access to the user's web camera and it can make them use microphones. And make them comment on those images so the AI can search for the changes in the voice. And especially where the person looks for see where the person looks at. And then the system can interconnect those most pleasing objects into one work.

AI can make better work applications than humans. In this case, the system must only see what kind of things please the consultant. 

Creative AI is an effective tool. It can make paintings and drawings by using a certain limited dataset. And that kind of tool can make it possible to cheat people who elect people to the workplace. Labor consultants are people who are reading many job applications in a day. So if the AI has access to the computer of the employment service the AI can search what kind of applications those consultants are open to most, and how much time they spend with the application. 

And then how many of those job applications are bringing interviews? Then the AI can search for components that please the consultant. And after that. The AI can render the image to please the consultant and then collect the components for an application. That should bring the interview. The applicant must just give parameters for the AI like what are the strengths and skills that the applicant has. And the AI modified those things and photographs into nice-looking applications. 


Can the simulated black hole turn into a real black hole?


The simulated 2D black holes can also make quantum stealth possible. 

Researchers are forming simulated black holes by making a hole in the 2D atomic structure. That thing happens by returning the electron or the nucleus of that 2D atom, at minimum energy level to a 3D dimensional form. In that case, the 2D structure loses its ability to interact with that part of it that returned to 3D form, and that means the simulated black hole is 2D-area where is a lower energy level. 

Another version of the simulated black hole could be the system that pulls electrons away from the orbiters of the atom. Or shaper saying the system would pull electrons to a maximum distance from the nucleus of the atom. The thing is that graphene can make that kind of thing possible. There is the possibility that graphene can use to pull electrons to the maximum distance from the core of the atom. That thing can make energy travel to that structure. 

But can 2D holes turn into 3D structures and form black holes? The thing is that if there is forming lots of simulated quantum rings in the material that could be the key to quantum stealth. Quantum stealth means material that will not reflect in any kind of electromagnetic wavelength. 

The idea of the 3D simulated black hole is simple. The quantum ring that forms the 2D simulated black hole would put to rotate like the coin that stands on its corner or upright position rotates on the table. That thing means that the standing ring that rotates upright position like a whisk harvests energy inside that structure. The electromagnetic vacuum inside the rotating quantum circle pulls wave motion inside it. And because the energy impacts the middle of that structure. 

There is forming an energy ray that comes out from that ring. So could the real black hole be similar to way rotating 2D structure that is rotating upright position around the magnetic axle? In that model, the black hole is the 4D object. The energy level of the black hole would be so high that the interaction between the material around it and the black hole itself is happening by gravitation. 

The negative energy model that is created from black holes means that black holes are the quantum pillars of spacetime. The reason why everything drops in the black hole is that the black hole interacts from the future to the point in spacetime where it formed. That thing means that energy flows through that pillar from the past to the point where the black hole cannot get any new "food". When black holes will not get any material anymore they will be vaporized.

The simulated black holes can make a new way to make energy possible. 

The simulated black holes which are holes in 2D atomic structures can harvest energy from their environment. In that model, the energy rings are made around the nanotube and launch in the same direction. When those quantum rings are traveling around that pillar they can form a situation where a small part of the energy is trapped in that structure. The system can put those holes in  2D atoms in a line or row.

Then electrons will shoot through them. So that thing makes it possible to create a new type of quantum accelerator that can rise the speed of particles even closer to the speed of light than the Large Hadron Collider does. 


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The "intelligent universe" theory again.

In the beginning: Spinoza.

Dutch Philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) explained the god as nature's and universe's mechanism with no personality. So we can say that Spinoza is the creator or father of the so-called intelligent universe and simulated reality theories. The idea of the intelligent universe theory is that universe itself is intelligent. That is one of the biggest philosophical thoughts in history. 

Can plasma balls form qubits spontaneously? That thing is one of the biggest things in philosophy. Spinoza's idea about the god is that god is dominating structure because that structure is intelligent. And because there is no other so large and powerful structure. This structure makes what it wants. Without intelligence, other structures cannot resist that intelligent structure. 

That structure has intelligence and will. And that makes it dominating. The thing that makes this thing dominating is that can affect some big things. But small things like individual people are a little bit too small for that creature. Or that creature has no time to help all people in the same way. This is the way how Newton saw God. 

We can continue Spinoza's idea of god as the universe and natural mechanism with no personality by claiming that the dominating mechanism in the universe is the quantum computer that is spontaneously born. If Spinoza would live today. He might write that god is the network of the qubits around stars. 

Do you ever hear theories about the intelligent universe and simulated reality? Well maybe you are or you might hear about the "cosmic web" or "cosmic neural structure" that looks like human neurons. But that structure is the largest known structure in the known universe. 

Image 2) Cosmic neural structure. 

The idea of an intelligent universe is coming from the model where the star and plasma bubble around it can form the qubit. So when we are thinking more carefully, the term intelligent universe means spontaneously forming quantum computers. In that hypothetical system, the star in the middle of the plasma field gives energy to that plasma-based qubit. 

Can plasma-based extremely large qubits emulate human brains? That thing requires the situation where the qubit has three layers of ionized gas. The star acts as a pineal gland. And then the three layers of the plasma act as the three layers of the human brain. Superconducting asteroids could act as a memory of that hypothetical super brain. The center structure of the plasma ball can act as the diencephalon that decides what things that three-layer plasma brain should store in memory. 

Could a single human communicate with that kind of structure? If we are trying to think about this very strange intelligent structure we might think that this kind of hypothetical creature is a combination of intelligent creatures that are nested. The planet living organisms can give information for the larger parts of these superorganisms that must react. 

The fact is that the size of this kind of hypothetical plasma creature has no limit. Theoretically, the plasma channels can connect even galaxies as the most powerful quantum computer that we can even imagine. 

So smaller organisms are making simulations for the larger entireties that cannot react so fast how they must handle things. Things like plasma channels or wormholes could connect those qubits to one large entirety. The intelligent universe is a theory or model of the organism that is completely different from anything that we know. 

This type of theoretical or philosophical thought is interesting. If we think of the three-layer multi-state qubit as the computing system. That thing could emulate the human brain. But even if that kind of organism is possible we might still ask if can it feel anything. Or is that kind of thing only thinking machines? Could that hypothetical super creature feel or know even the existence of the single stars? Or could single galaxies be a little bit small thing for that kind of creature?


What is typical?

Is the Shelby cobra GT.350 the most typical car in the world? Or was that car the most common car in the world or even in the USA when it first time rolled out from the factory in 1965? That legendary car is back in production again. But the image portrays the 1965 model. The car is classic, but are those classics very often today?

Media is the place where the extraordinary is turning regular things. Typical news and articles are handling superlatives or something very extraordinary things. Things like the fastest aircraft, tallest buildings, and tallest trees fill all articles. When we are looking at media, we might think that regular people are misters or they are some kind of president. We might think that a regular Russian is Vladimir Putin. When we look at war movies we might think, that all U.S. soldiers are fighter pilots or some SEAL team members. 

We might think that a regular person in the western world is some kind of millionaire. If we look at car magazines we might think that all people are driving muscle cars. We might think that Shelby GT.350 is the most common car in the world. That car is over 50 years old. And maybe somebody put there the electric engine series. But otherwise, those cars are mainly in a museum or some movies. 

Is SR-71 a typical aircraft? That aircraft is well-known. But is it a typical U.S. aircraft, even in the military sector? 

So what is typical?

How good a question. The universe where we live is the only known universe in the third dimension. Because we don't know other universes, the universe where we are living is typical for us. Same way if we only see skyscrapers and we ever go out from an area where are skyscrapers we might think that skyscraper is the typical house where people are living. 

If we see only people who are similar to us, we might think that we are typical people. The thing is that we might think very extraordinary things very ordinary. When we are reading about things like scientific writing we might think that typical researchers are working with a Large Hadron accelerator in CERN. And typical physicists are working with some kind of Higgs boson research. 

Almost all published scientific stories about particles are connected with the Large Hadron collider and Higgs boson. But we can say that those things are not typical. They are the most high-energy particle and the most high-energy tools in physics. But the fact is that those superlatives are far away from the typical scientific tools. 

Same way if we think about the SR-71 "Blackbird" and the stories that are published about the fastest aircraft in the world we might think that the typical recon plane is some kind of SR-71. The fact is that the most unusual airplane in the world is not the SR-71 that is retired. 

Superlatives are fascinating things. They are always interesting. We might find the tallest tree in the world from the Guinness book of records or Wikipedia. 

That tree is Coastal redwood in California. But regular trees are a little bit shorter. But what if we spend our entire life in the forest where are only coastal redwoods? We might think that coastal redwoods are typical trees on our planet. 

So extraordinary fills most of the articles in the world. And that means we are facing one thing. Most of the articles and facts that are searched and written handle very extraordinary things.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Quantum computers can find dark matter.

"In a new breakthrough, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermilab have found a way to detect dark matter using quantum computers." ( Dept of Energy Breakthrough: Detecting Dark Matter With Quantum Computers)

1) How do quantum computers detect dark matter?

The idea of quantum computers is that they use very highly controlled superpositioned and entangled photonic qubits. The idea is that the system pack information photons. And then that photon will be superpositioned and entangled. If that superpositioned and entangled photon touches something. 

That "something" causes a disturbance in the energy level of that superpositioned and entangled particle pair. So if the superpositioned and entangled qubit touches the dark matter. That thing causes disturbance of the energy levels. 

2) What the dark matter could be? 

Dark matter is interesting. 85% of the material in the universe is formed of dark matter. That is the gravitational effect whose source is unknown. The thing that makes the dark matter interesting. Is that it can interact with visible material only by gravitation. There are galaxies there is no dark matter. And that tells that it can form similar clouds as visible material. But what is dark matter? 

There are a couple of theories about that thing. 

*Is dark matter a so-called black photon?

The idea of black photons comes from the idea that the Schwinger effect that formed all matter during the Big Bang forms two particles. Schwinger effect forms particle-antiparticle pair. So the photon should also have anti-particle pair. That "anti-photon" should be a so-called "black photon". 

*Dark matter is virtual material. 

The term "virtual material" means that dark matter could be some hollow quantum field. That quantum field can be a 2-dimensional energy ring that causes forming of a virtual black hole in that ring-shaped structure. That thing explains why it's so hard to detect. 

There is a possibility that also hyper energy photons or some unknown very heavy but small particles are forming that mysterious dark matter. That particle could be like Higgs Boson. But it could exist only small moment. And when that particle vaporizes, it forms the thing called dark energy. 

So in this model dark energy and dark matter have the same source. But where that hypothetical vaporization happens? Does it happen in the plasma of the universe or outside the plasma bubble that is called the universe? 

*Dark matter is extremely high and low energy particles. 

The idea is that dark matter can be so high-energy level particles that they are pushing all radiation away from them. That makes those particles act like stealth aircraft. When wave motion travels or flows over them that causes the situation that there is no reflection from that matter. 

In the low energy model, the dark matter is simple flat material. The energy level of that material is so low that it cannot react.

*Dark matter is quantum-size black holes. 

There is the possibility that dark matter is quantum-size black holes or mysterious graviton particles. If that model is true that explains why we cannot see that particle. In that model, the whisk-looking structure of elementary particles would form at the surface of the magnetic field of that extremely small particle. So the quantum-size black hole hovers in the middle of the quark.

So what is truth, and what is wrong about wormholes?

1) What is a wormhole?

In models, the wormhole is only a pair of superpositioned and entangled black holes. There is the possibility that the gravitational waves can start to travel between two black holes and surround them by forming an "8" shaped form. That form of the gravitational waves the shape of a lying twig is making it possible that black holes or gravitational waves at the point of the event horizons to start to oscillate.

So the wormholes are forming between superpositioned and entangled black holes. They are forming similar ways with all other superpositions. But the thing that forms the superposition between the black holes is gravitational radiation. 

The same laws that are ruling other quantum entanglements rule the wormholes. 

*The energy or information can travel only from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. 

*If both sides of the wormholes are at the same energy level that breaks the wormhole. 

*Wormhole can form only when two black holes are oscillating at the same frequency. And another black hole's energy level is lower than another one. 

2) Wormholes make the exchange of information between black holes possible. 

Wormhole or Einstein-Rosen bridge through the universe. And the wormhole is the channel that makes black holes exchange information. So researchers think that wormhole is a gravitational tornado that travels through the universe. That thing means that all coherent radiation channels can form the wormhole. But they cannot break the laws of physics. And that thing makes those weak wormholes useless in the long-distance change of information. 

That means they are not transporting cats or dogs through them. If the wormhole can make it possible to transport wave motion that doesn't mean that even hadrons can travel through that thing in one piece. And theoretical models are the beginning of real practical solutions. 

3) Forming of wormholes is connected with the speed of gravitational waves. 

So making stable wormholes between stars happens at the speed of light. If the spacecraft can reach the speed of light. In space, gravitational waves travel at the speed of light.  And only gravitational waves can form a so-called real wormhole. 

The reason why photonic tornados cannot make that thing is that they are leaking. The outcoming radiation breaks that thing. 

4) What happens inside a wormhole?

The wormhole is the tunnel through space and time. The core of that tunnel must be tight enough. The core of that channel must isolate the wormhole's internal space from the outer space. That denies the form of the crossing quantum fields. Crossing quantum fields are the thing that denies crossing the speed of light. 

If the core of the energy channel is tight enough. That makes a situation where the object rides with an energy wave. So in a wormhole, every particle and wave motion travels at the same speed. 

5) Can we sometimes travel to other stars by using a wormhole?

The question is: how big is the wormhole is. There is the possibility that wormholes are smaller than atoms. And that makes it impossible to use them in space travel. So we never can travel through that channel. 

But there is one thing that we must remember. Energy travels in a wormhole from the higher to the lower level. And if we want to benefit from wormholes in space travel we must travel to a lower-energy star than the sun. If we want to make the hypothetical journey to Alpha Centauri by using a wormhole, we must make one thing. 

We must travel first to Proxima Centauri. Theoretically, we could build a wormhole that transports information from the Sun to Proxima Centauri. The G2 spectral class star, Sun is a higher energy level than red dwarf Proxima Centauri. And then if we want to travel back we should make another wormhole near Alpha Centauri that is a higher energy level than the sun. And that makes information travel to the sun. 

6) There is a possibility that we can only transmit data through the wormhole. 

Transmitting data like photons or electromagnetic wave motion through the wormhole is easier than sending living organisms through that energy channel. There is a possibility that small wormholes are making long-distance quantum entanglement possible. 

Wormholes are a great opportunity. They can offer the possiblity to transfer black holes' energy to Earth. Or they can offer the possiblity to create safe-long distance communication. 

But can we someday travel through those wormholes? Nobody knows what happens in the future. Maybe, someday in the distant future, we can make those kinds of things. Before that, we must create theoretical models of how to create a wormhole.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Researchers created a holographic wormhole in a quantum computer.

Researchers created a holographic wormhole in a quantum computer. So did they make a wormhole? The answer is yes and no. The holographic wormholes are very weak versions of the wormholes. As I wrote somewhere earlier, the wormhole is not an absolute phenomenon. Its channels across space and time. 

The simulated wormholes show that simulated black holes can exchange information. But exchanging some gravitational waves or electromagnetic wave motion is a little bit different than sending some living animals or even bacteria through that channel. Simulating wormholes can make a revolution in quantum computing. 

Researchers make the simulated black holes by making an electron hole in the 2D atomic structure. Researchers can make Quantum entanglement through those holes. In that case, the energy channel that connects superpositioned and entangled particles will create through two holes linear holes in two opposite 2D structures. Those 2D structures are created by using minimum energy level atoms. 

The measurement accuracy or ability to separate the quantum states in qubits determines the quantum computer's power. So if the system can protect quantum entanglement against outcoming disturbance it allows increased quantum states. And the number of quantum states determines how many parallel lines the quantum computers can use.  

Things like laser rays and other kinds of things can create a so-called "softcore" wormhole that isolates the area from its environment. Or it denies some wavelength of the radiation effect inside the hologram. That thing allows simulation of things that are happening in the real gamma- and gravitational wormholes.

But there is one thing that makes those holographic wormholes interesting. They can protect quantum entanglement against outcoming effects in quantum computers. Hologram wormholes can make it possible to protect the information in light cables, laser communication, and quantum entanglement. 

The hologram or laser ray that is around the light cable or quantum entanglement can deny the outsiders measure the changes in the power of the signals. And that kind of hologram can protect the information in the oscillation circuits. There is the possibility that outsiders can break the communication system by measuring the changes in the electric level in the oscillation circuit. 

If electromagnetic radiation that measurement tool requires hits to the hologram. That system can measure the change in the hologram's energy level. And that thing tells if somebody wants to measure the energy levels in the oscillation circuit.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...