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Could Loch Ness monster be some kind of hybrid species?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Some thoughts about the Loch Ness monster, what could be some of the worlds most famous lake monster. This monster is claimed to live in the lake in Scotland. And because of the limited environment, that creature is claimed to be the product of imagination or some Anaconda-snake, what is bought to Scotland from somewhere from South America in the late 19th. century. But sometimes the Loch Ness monster or "Nessie" is claimed to be some submarine, what is tested at the lake in Scotland, because this would be the safe place to test that device, and at the lake that submarine and it technical solutions can be hidden from the audience like spies and underwater microphones.

Sometimes that creature is mentioned to be Shark or Whale, what have been slipped in that lake by channel, and then the story of the giant lake monster has been born. But sometimes there might be given one of the most freaky explanations about that species, what can live lonely in that lake. This explanation is that could "Nessie" some kind of hybrid species. The mixture of some fish and snake. Maybe some scientist has connected the Salomon and Anaconda for making the monster, what is so hard to see. And the thing, what supports this theory is, that there are only observations, what are made at the Loch Ness lake.

And if that monster is unique, that could be hybrid species, what is naturally forming or made by the man for some purposes, what is hidden in the secrecy. Maybe the creation of that species served the scientific goal, and the main purpose could find out, what is dominating creature if the lung using and gill using species are connecting.  If the lungs were dominating, that animal could live only in the water. But if the result of this crossing two species would be that this creature could breathe with lungs and gills, would the result be an interesting hybrid.

In this theory, some investigators would make this creature for testing, how those hybrids would act. Maybe that hybrid was made in secrecy at some castle, and then it was released to that lake. This would explain, why that monster is so difficult object for discussions. If that kind of hybrid is made by man,  those makers would fear the hate of the people and this would the reason, that monster is so difficult object to talk. Maybe that hybrid was created in the 19th. century, and in that time the religion and church were things, what had more influence in the society than today.

And that forced those scientists to hide their creature from the other people. I sometimes have thought, that the maybe "Nessie" slipped off the table of the scientist, and went to the lake. Of course, that thing must be hidden from other persons. This might be the reason, why this monster became the legend. Or maybe some wealthy man bought the small non poisoning snake from Southern America. Then this snake started to grow, and as we see, the Anacondas might be cute little snakes, when they are coming out from the eggs. But those snakes would grow to 15 meters long or even bigger. Maybe this man just threw this snake away, and then it took little bit more size.  "Nessie" could be died by age a long time ago, and maybe there are some bones left at the bottom of that lake. But the legend of that monster is still alive.

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