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Agent provocateurs and their relationship with the mafia.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Agent provocateurs are suitable actors when somebody wants to justify the use of force against some groups. Those provocateurs are professional rioters, who are throwing the rocks and Molotov cocktails against the police, and after that, the riot control team has free hands to use the power against those demonstrators. In some cases, those provocateurs are claimed to burn cars or broke windows during demonstrations, and that would justify the police actions against the people.

In some cases, the journalists, who have written books about mafia and some other criminal organizations have faced the things, that their cars have been pushed by other vehicles or their garbage have not taken away. In those cases that a person has faced the psychic violence, where each work, what is ordered have been done only after the reclamations. And that thing causes very bad stress for people, who are facing that kind of things. In Italy, those journalists have faced the thing, that their parking lot has been filled with garbage, and that kind of things are disgusting.

When we are thinking about the demonstrations against the Bank of World and the G-12 meetings, the demonstrations have many times turned to violent riots, and that thing is very sad because people have the right to protest. In some cases, there have been claimed that the demonstrations were manned with professional provocateurs, who would start to throw the petrol bombs against police, and the reason for those claiming is mentioned that the demonstrations wanted to crush, because somebody doesn't like those people.

Somebody suspect that behind those actions is some security services, what want to demonstrate, that the demonstrations would be crushed also in the western nations. Or the actor would be some private security corporation, what will want to cause fear in the mind of those persons, who take the part of the meeting. That would make rational thinking very difficult, and also riots make those meetings very unpopular for cities, what is hosting them.

Sometimes is claimed that the terrorism in the 1970's has caused by provocations, what were made the mercenaries, who worked for some multinational corporations. The international terrorism caused very much problems for socialists, and that's the reason, why those attacks, what is claimed to made by RAF (Rote Armeé Fraction). That kind of terrorism justified the massive police actions against the left-wing radicals. And when we are thinking about the political field where the IRA operated, the reason for underline the socialistic ideology could be caused by the weapons, what the leaders of that group wanted to get from the Eastern Block.

When we are remembering the bomb strike against Margaret Thatcher, the prime minister of Great Britain. The person behind this bomb strike made very bad service for IRA, and sometimes there are rumors that behind that strike were Loyalists, who wanted that British army would be more active in Northern Ireland. The Loyalist is the world, what some Protestant's groups like UVF (Ulster Volunteer Fighters) used about themselves, for underlining the friendship for the British government.

And that would give the picture, that those groups are supported by the British government. But in the real life, those loyalists organizations are also classified as terrorists, and I sometimes wonder, why they are not mentioned so often in the situation in Northern Ireland. Many of the groups, what operates in Northern Ireland have very mighty names, but in the real world, those groups might have only about 20 members, and that makes them dangerous.

Some of those groups would be ordinary criminals or mercenaries, who would make strikes for money, and in those cases, they would play the IRA or UVF members. And the targets for those attacks might be some drug dealers, who would not pay the "protection money" for those men. And of course, real IRA and UVF have sold contract killings for criminals, because that would get money for their actions. Maybe there are men who are still believing in terrorism, but as we might see, anybody could write those letters to the wall after shooting somebody.


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