Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Growing children with the wrong methodology can bring very good profits.


Kimmo Huosionmaa

If somebody wants to grow children by using the wrong methodology,  that would bring millions of dollars to that community.  The methodology in this kind of process is actually very simple, and it is similar to the medieval Christian methodology. As I wrote just earlier the religion is the best cover-up, what the man can create, and persons would take their children more easily to the groups, what is holding by Church. That makes those groups more trusted, and the parents would leave their children to those groups easily than to some commercial kindergarten.

In this case, the very young children would be grown in the kindergarten, where the nurses would simultaneously repeating that those children must give half of their salaries to the group or organization, what is behind this kindergarten. In this case, there could be two groups of the people in this system. The outer group, what is selected from the wealthy and powerful families. And the inner circle, what is introduced to those outer circle members as their brothers or sisters.

This can cause the situation, that the bosses of the organization would claim, that the members of the outer circle must send half of their salaries to the "brothers". In those  I hope hypothetical kindergartens, the used method could be subliminal ordering, that when those children would grow adult, and they will start to control their companies, those persons must call the leaders of that organization before they would give share issues, and that could give those organizations extreme good profits. And in those cases, the leader of the group would claim, that they are some kind of incarnations of prophets.

In those cases the persons, who are making that kind of things are monsters. They use their position for making crimes. And that could be the very bad thing for those children. The angels are made for making good, but the if they are starting to make bad things, they are worst of all. Persons who are working with children must have high moral and ethics. If somebody wants to misuse that position,  the results could be very devastating.

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