Kimmo Huosionmaa
There are people, who do not understand one thing when we are writing something, we have the right to tell our opinion about that. And one of the things, what seems to cause very strong feelings are writings about SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and aliens. Writings about those things are actually opinions. When we are writing about some kind of extraterrestrial civilizations, we are always facing the Fermi's paradox and Drake equation where that physician or astronomer calculated his famous formula, that if the known habitable civilizations are the division with the known planets, we could get the percent of planets, where are civilizations.
When we are thinking about Drake's formula, we must ask why this man didn't make it more simple to understand. The number of known civilization in time when Drake wrote his formula was one. And the number of known planets was nine because Pluto was a planet at that time. So the Fermi paradox and Drake's formula should go was in that time 1/9*100. Now this formula goes that the number is very much lower than in Drake's time. And the Fermi's paradox is always connected with Drake's formula. In the real life, Drake's formula is more complicated than this formula, what I wrote here.
And in this case we are facing the truth, that everything when we are thinking about that paradox we are facing that we are writing about opinions of that formula. When we are discussing with the doctor of philosophy about that thing, we must realize that this person would always win us, by claiming that we would find another civilization after 100 years. Every time when we are talking about extraterrestrial intelligence, we are talking about our own opinions about that question. We always forget that extraterrestrial life form could be some kind of vegetable. Even if the planet is covered by vegetables and forests, that would not actually mean, that there would be animals at all, and this is the very interesting thing.
When we are thinking about aliens or some intelligent life form, we are forgetting that the "alien" can be created by the human by connecting the genomes of animals to human DNA, and that makes possible to create alien in the terrestrial laboratories. Aliens are the very interesting object for discussions, but when we are thinking about the shape of those strange forms, we might think about the person, who thinks with the different way than other persons.
So in this case, we might think the alien some kind of individualist, or something, what we could ever imagine. When we are thinking about reptilian hybrids, we could face the creature, what would be easy to follow. If that creature makes the things in some secret organization, that thing would ever give any information to unauthorized organizations. And it would not officially exist, what makes it easy to control. In this case, the scientist would create the creature for making secret missions for the governments or private corporations.
Annex I Drake Equation (Wikipedia)
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