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Schrödinger's cat: and the limits of that idea.

"In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment concerning quantum superposition". (Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat). But the same thing can use as model for many other thought experiments. 

Sooner or later, or at least in the ultimate end of the universe, the Schrödinger's cat will turn into wave movement. The information that this cat involved exists but the cat does not exist in its material form. The information doesn't ever vanish. It just turns its shape.  We are all trapped in the universe and time. The universe is the space that is entirety to us. There are no confirmed other universities. But the multiverse is a logical continuum for the expanding galactic megastructures. 

The problem with natural things is this. They are black and white. They exist or do not exist. Could there be something, that exists and not exists at the same time? 

Scrödinger's cat is thinking experiment about case their cat is not dead or not alive. But in this case, the cat is either alive or dead. The limit is this the cat must be either or not. There is the possibility that our cat is alive and dead at the same time. In this case, the Schrödinger's cat turns into a vampire. Or maybe we can use some more philosophical methodology to introduce this strange third state between dead or live or between existing and not existing. 

"Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source connected to a Geiger counter are placed in a sealed box. As illustrated, the quantum description uses a superposition of an alive cat and one that has died." (Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat) 

There is a possibility that some very highly advanced technical method removes mitochondria or energy sources from the cat's cells and replaces them with nanotechnical nuclear batteries or some other thermal source that creates energy like natural mitochondria. Those new energy sources would be in every cell in that cat's body. The idea is that the original Schrödinger's cat lives in the box, that we cannot open. But in this new case, the cat can live and interact. But that cat is dead and alive at the same time. 

We can say that our limits of thinking have focused on the third arrow problem. The thing cannot be dead and alive at the same time. Normally, we have two arrows that mean something exists, or something does not exist. The thing is that existence is living in nature. The idea is that the creature that interacts is alive and the creature that doesn't interact is dead. But then we can say that the stone is alive if we kick toe to it. 

 In the two-arrows traditional model. There are only two states for creatures.

In the three arrows model. There is a medium in the third state between extremes.

In Scrödinger's cat model, the cat is alive when it carries information. Or cat is alive when it makes something that means something to us. The cat is alive, if it carries USB sticks between two houses.  The cat is dead when it doesn't carry information or doesn't mean anything to us. So, only living cats can carry USB sticks is the thing, that we normally think. But then we can think of the possibility that the cat is physically dead and there is still hiding information surgically implanted USB stick in its body. But there is the possibility that a dead cat can carry information. So the dead cat involves thing that interests us. That makes a dead cat alive to us. 

In the arrow model, there is one arrow for alive and another arrow for dead. Normally we have only two arrows and the creature is dead or alive. But maybe we need the third arrow. That is being alive and dead at the same time. Or existent and nonexistent at the same time. In the case of Scrödinger's cat, the object is in the box without the ability to transfer information. We can take that box with us. That means the cat is the information that this thing involves. Another way is that the system replaces mitochondria using nanotechnical nuclear batteries. The cat is dead, but it can still carry information. 

That thing means that the pain makes that stone alive. Sometimes we think that the ability to make descendants makes something alive. But then we can think again, that the particle or radioactive element that decays into some other element is alive because it produces two other descendant particles. 

And that means if the interaction between the creature and its environment is required to turn the cat alive, Schrödinger's cat is dead, because it's in the box, there it cannot interact with its environment. Then somebody says that the cat is alive because it can interact with its environment in the box. Then we can ask again would the cat is alive, when it walks around and introduces its nanotechnical nuclear batteries that pump energy into its cells.


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