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The dark energy seems to be weakening all the time.

"The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona has produced the largest 3D map of our universe to date." (QuantaMagazine, Dark Energy May Be Weakening, Major Astrophysics Study Finds)

The dark energy seems to weaken all the time. That is one of the most remarkable observations in the history of cosmology. That means that the Big Bang has something to do with dark energy. And in that model. The origin of the dark energy is in our universe. The other thing is this: if dark energy gets weaker. That means that gravity wins. The universe ends its life in the Big Crunch. And that thing means that the Phoenix universe is inevitable. When the Big Crunch happens. 

All material falls into the black hole. That kind of black hole cannot exist in our universe. All material and energy fall into it. If a black hole is in total void, energy starts to travel out from the black hole. Which means it starts to vaporize. And that vaporization causes a new Big Bang. 

Can the origin of dark energy be in the hypothetical white hole?

Dark energy is wave movement with an unknown origin. There are many theories about its origin. In one theory dark energy is energy that a photon releases when it turns into the wave movement. In some other models, the dark energy source is in the hypothetical white holes. 

In that model, the cosmic void is the thing that forms when a white hole releases energy that travels through the wormhole. In a wormhole, the maser effect from surrounding EM fields pumps energy into that radiation and particles. When that material and wave movement comes out from the white hole, that doesn't mean that we see that white hole using human eyes. 

The white hole can release energy in the form of X- or gamma-rays. Or even in gravity waves or dark energy waves. That still hypothetical thing can blow all material away from areas around them. And that means that also cosmic voids can be the reason for the white hole. 

"Earth is at the center of this thin slice of DESI’s 3D map of the universe. Magnification reveals the distribution of galaxies and voids." (QuantaMagazine, Dark Energy May Be Weakening, Major Astrophysics Study Finds)

Or maybe the dark energy is the antigravity. 

The still hypothetical, but almost confirmed graviton particle is the origin of the dark energy. That means those particles are the quantum dots that distance from each other depending on the cosmic expansion.

There is one very interesting vision about dark energy. That vision is that dark energy could be antigravity. In modern models, antigravity is the effect that forms when gravitational waves from gravitons impact each other. That forms a standing gravity wave. And other gravity waves reflect from that wave. In the case of the universe's expansion the distance between gravitons also increases. The antigravity models are based on the models that researchers made for other fundamental interactions. 

The reason why the gravitational interaction is so special is that it doesn't have polarity. That thing can be explained by that the gravitation interacts through the field. But how does graviton make that field move? In some models, graviton is a very high energy but small particle. And then when graviton releases its energy to the field around it. The thing is that energy release is interaction. 

If we think that graviton is like on the stick above the water that is the base energy field in the universe we could understand this thing a little bit better. Same time when the graviton falls its energy, and energy level on the layer also rise. If we think that energy level is like water. And graviton is like a droplet, we could see that there is a water wire that is energy flow falls from the droplet. And the same time there is a water wire or string that rises to to the droplet. Sooner or later the rising and falling statues impact. 

When the energy level of the particle falls that particle transfers it into somewhere. That place is the quantum field around it. The energy level at the quantum field or another particle starts to rise. That forms the energy hill. And sooner or later falling energy reaches the same energy level as rising energy hill. That causes the electric arc in electromagnetic fields. Another name for that phenomenon is the standing wave. 

In visions also gravity fields can make standing waves. The reason for that is that gravity waves are wave movement. And all other wave movements can make standing waves. The standing wave causes gravity wave reflection from it.


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