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Black hole jets can detonate stars.

"This is an artist’s concept looking down into the core of the giant elliptical galaxy M87. A supermassive black hole ejects a 3,000-light-year-long jet of plasma, traveling at nearly the speed of light. In the foreground, to the right is a binary star system. The system is far from the black hole, but in the vicinity of the jet. In the system an aging, swelled-up, normal star spills hydrogen onto a burned-out white dwarf companion star. "(ScitechDaily, Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions)

"As the hydrogen accumulates on the surface of the dwarf, it reaches a tipping point where it explodes like a hydrogen bomb. Novae frequently pop-off throughout the giant galaxy of 1 trillion stars, but those near the jet seem to explode more frequently. So far, it’s anybody’s guess why black hole jets enhance the rate of nova eruptions. Credit: NASA, ESA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI)" (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions)

"Nova Explosions in Double Star Systems Doubled Near Black Hole Jet" (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions)

"The supermassive black hole in the core of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 shoots out a blazing bright jet of plasma racing across space at nearly the speed of light. It makes the “Death Star” beam in the Star Wars trilogy look like a wimpy candle flame lighter." (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions)

Relativistic jets from black holes are one of the most powerful phenomena in the universe. The jet is extremely high-energy plasma and radio, X- and gamma rays. Those jets can raise the star's temperature to a very high level if they hit the stars. That thing can destroy the star immediately if it raises its energy level too high. 

That thing can increase the power of the fusion. Or in the worst case. The energy impulse from the black hole can cause a situation where the volume of fusion reactions increases. That can cause an explosion. The most dangerous of those jets and eruptions are radio- and IR bursts that can. Transfer energy very effectively to plasma that forms the star. Plasma in the stars can absorb that kind of radiation. 

The Cygnus X-1 is the binary system where blue supergiant HDE 226868 orbits black hole Cygnus X-1. The HDE 226868 has a surface temperature of 31 000K and that means the star is O class supergiant. The star is extremely hot because the Cygnus X-1 material disk and its relativistic jet transfer energy into that star. 

Another thing that can cause sudden death is fast radio bursts of FRBs. Neutron stars and their radio jets can transfer very much energy to the other stars. The neutron star's jets can also warm the regular stars and increase their fusion power. But the eruptions from other stars can also have a big effect on stars. Things like supernova explosions can destroy even big stars if they are too close to the detonating stars. 

In some cases, the eruption from some red or blue giant can destroy multiple solar systems. The power of the effect of the eruptions depends on the size of the target star. Large stars have energy impulses better than small stars. 

Even if the energy impulse from some black hole or neutron star causes only some kind of flare in the sun-size stars. A similar phenomenon can be destructive if it hits things like red or brown dwarfs. The FRB can transfer very high power energy impulses to the red dwarf. And there is no space for energy where it can go. So the energy impulse can raise the energy level in the red dwarf. 

Another thing is that the relativistic jet can transmit energy to the plasma cloud around the star. In some visions, a high-power energy impulse can hit the planet's plasma belt. That transfers energy to that plasma, and this thing destroys satellites if it happens on Earth. If the energy level in the plasma belt rises high enough. That thing causes a situation where energy travels into the middle of Earth. This can cause the temperature in Earth's core to rise. 

In some visions, the relativistic jet can raise the temperature in the planet's atmosphere. If the temperature in the planet's atmosphere rises high enough, energy may start to flow to the planet's core. And if that energy cannot escape that energy impulse from some of the most high-energy objects can turn the planet into a black hole. That requires high-power energy impulses, that can come from the black hole's relativistic jets that heat the atmosphere.


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