Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Schrödinger's cat. And system theory.

The image of the boxes above this text symbolizes complex systems. 

The idea of Scrödinger's cat thinking experiment is that when we don't know about the particle's existence, that particle or system is dead. But knowledge of its existence brings it alive. And in the quantum world, "existence" is a sliding term. The existence slides from the idea and knowledge to kinetic experience. Between knowledge and kinetic experience is the visual experience. And finally, we can measure things. Particles are also systems. They are objects that quantum fields surround.

The idea of Scrödinger's cat think experiment is that when we don't know about the particle's existence, that particle or system is dead. But knowledge of its existence brings it alive. And in the quantum world, "existence" is a sliding term. The existence slides from the idea and knowledge to kinetic experience. Between knowledge and kinetic experience is the visual experience. And finally, we can measure things. Particles are also systems. Objects that quantum fields surround. 

There could be a virtual ability to exchange information between particles or systems. And that means we cannot sometimes be sure is system real, or is it virtual? Sometimes objects in space seem to be somewhere else than they are. And that thing forms virtual systems like the famous image of two "elliptic galaxies that orbit Andromeda Galaxy. Those "galaxies" are stars in our galaxy Milky Way, and their position makes them look like orbiting Andromeda galaxy. 

But things like high-energy systems are real systems, even if there are no particles in that system. The ability to affect other systems makes the system real. 

The famous thinking experiment about a cat that is living and dead at the same time can have functions in information, quantum, and system theories. And maybe we could connect those theories into one thing, that we can call theory about quantum systems and information. 

The world is full of systems. We can think that the system is like a house. We can see the house from the outside. And then, we can see what the house looks like from the outside. When we can go in the house, and see some parts of the system inside. 

Because. We have been outside the house. We know what the house looks like from the outside. If we would spend all of our lives in that building we would know that there is a world outside it. We might know what the building looks like if we see that thing from the net or ask some outsider to bring the image of it to us. 

But we cannot be sure if the image is right. We might see people on the streets, but we never talk with them. Everything that we know about the outside world depends on the information that we can get from other people. 

That situation is in cosmology. The only system we know is the universe. And things like galaxies are its subsystems. Well, the universe is the entirety. And there are multiple subsystems. Before we can reach the galactic scale. 

We know that there should be particles and even universes outside our universe. But we cannot get straight data from those things, because energy travels only out from the universe. The mysterious dark energy could be the gravity effect from other universes. But we cannot see that other universe. 

And then at the corridor. We can see that there are rooms in the house. Those rooms are subsystems. But floors are also subsystems. And they are energy levels in the system. 

We cannot see the internal structure of the subsystem before we are in it. But in that case, we can observe only a small part of the system. And then there are more systems invisible to us. When we focus on the small part of the system. We cannot see the entirety. 

The floors are energy levels. Those upper floors can look like same with subsystems below them. But they are not the same or similar. Because their energy level is higher. If we want to determine precisely the object's place in the system, we cannot determine its speed or energy layer. 

The reason for that is that all observations. What we can get is from the past. If an object moves that thing means its position data is from the past. An object moves in space. Or in energy level or time when information reaches the observer. 

The energy level determines the existence or lifetime of the particle. There are always places that we cannot ever reach. One possibility is that this place that we cannot reach is the black hole or some other energy system that keeps the system in one piece. 

Then back to that cat. 

The system and its subsystem can form particles or it can form wave movement. The fact is that also wave movement systems are real systems, even if we call them virtual systems. High-energy holograms can also cause the same effect as particles. 

When we think of Schrödinger's cat that lives and is dead at the same time. we can think that when people talk about that cat. That information makes it alive. But when we look at the imaginational image of that cat, we can see that we cannot see it in the box. Or we can see in the box, and then we can ask, is that cat in place physically, or is the cat only some kind of 3D hologram? 

The cat in the box is the subsystem. But the subsystem can be virtual or it can be physical. And the thing is that holograms can also involve data in the form of photons, where quantum computers store data using superposition and entangled photons. To make sure that the cat is material we must touch it. 

If the cat is a virtual system like a hologram we can see that virtual system as a material system. The virtual system can communicate or exchange information with us using radio telephones and cameras. In that case, the virtual system is the physical system's subsystem. The physical operator can use the camera and loudspeaker to communicate with the persons who are researching this thing. 

We cannot get a clear image of it. The disturbing things like lights cover the entire shape of that cat. Or is it a cat at all? Is it some kind of alien species? That just claims to be a cat. The radioactive thing near that cat symbolizes that its life ends sooner or later. At least when the universe turns into an electromagnetic wave movement. That cat's existence as particles ends. 

But its consciousness remains forever in the form of superstrings the electromagnetic waves that travel in space. The cat might not be able to come out of the box.  But if the box is made of glass and there is no mirror, we can try to communicate with the cat. We can ask what kind of thing it is. Or we can show it something like a mouse that cats normally eat, and observe its reactions. 

The remarkable thing is that even if the cat exists in physical form it would not know what it is. The cat knows that it's a cat, only if somebody tells that thing to it. If the only world that the cat knows is the box, it might think that the world outside it is virtual. 

The only thing that a cat knows about its internal structures is the mirror images of itself. Or some other actor must tell those things like internal organs for the cat. 

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