Monday, February 19, 2024

The phospholipid called diPUFA can used as a new type of cytostate.

"Illustration of a diPUFA phospholipid, a type of lipid with two polyunsaturated fatty acyl tails, breaking through a cell’s outer lipid layer as the cell dies. New research has shown that diPUFA phospholipids are a key driver of a form of cell death known as ferroptosis. Credit: Nicoletta Barolini/Columbia University" (ScitechDaily, Fatal Fats: Columbia Researchers Discover Rare Lipids Triggering Cell Death)

The new observations about lipids help to understand cell death. The lipid molecule. Or accurately saying phospholipid molecule called diPUFA can cause cell death called ferroptosis. The molecule will break itself through the cell's lipid layer. And then that thing causes cell death. 

The phospholipid is the molecule that can tunnel itself through the cell's shell, and that thing causes cell death. The diPUFA is a phospholipid, a type of lipid with two polyunsaturated fatty acyl tails. That molecule cuts the molecular bonds between cell lipids. And that thing causes cell death. 

Phospholipid arrangement in cell membranes. (Wikipedia, Phospholipid) 

As you see in image 2 the phospholipid has a hydrogen-phosphorus or hydrophilic head that makes this molecule tunnel itself through the cell membrane. Then that thing turns upside down, and then the tails turn to the mitochondria that will destroyed. 

"Phosphatidylcholine is the major component of lecithin. It is also a source for choline in the synthesis of acetylcholine in cholinergic neurons". (Wikipedia, Phospholipid)

An interesting thing about this chemical compound is that this lipide acts a little bit like nerve agents or nerve gases. In organophosphates the phosphorous causes tunneling through the skin. And that thing makes nerve gasses so deadly. The research of the lipid molecules. And especially phospholipids can also help to create protective systems and chemicals against nerve agents. 

But as you see. The phospholipids can be as deadly as ricin. The phospholipid can cause gangrenes in the human body. And those things cause death. The thing is that in the wrong hands, those phospholipids can be used as horrifying weapons. 

This diPUFA can used as the medicine that should destroy the cancer or bacteremia cells. The idea is that some carrier enzyme can transport diPUFA into the non-wanted cells. The diPUFA can be the next-generation cytostate. But that thing is also harmful. And all things there this type of molecule can use are not good.

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