Sunday, February 18, 2024

The ancient galaxy challenges the dark matter and galaxy formation theories.

"JWST-7329: a rare massive galaxy that formed very early in the Universe. This James Webb Space Telescope NIRCAM image shows a red disk galaxy but with images alone, it is hard to distinguish from other objects. Spectral analysis of its light with JWST revealed its anomalous nature – it formed around 13 billion years ago even though it contains ~4x more mass in stars than our Milky Way does today. Credit: James Webb Space Telescope" (ScitechDaily, “Beyond What’s Possible” – Webb Space Telescope Discovers Mysterious Ancient Galaxies)

Ancient galaxy challenges theories about galactic formation and dark matter. That galaxy seems to have too little dark matter that it can form. And that thing advances the model of dark matter interaction. In some theories, dark matter is the origin of dark energy. When dark matter oscillates it sends radiation or wave movement called dark energy. 

When those hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) send wave movement they act like regular or visible material. The other WIMP takes that radiation into its quantum field. And when that radiation stress ends the WIMP sends that radiation away. That radiation pushes WIMPS away. And the gravity pulls them together.  

If the WIMPs is a particle at all. In some models, the things that dark matter theorists call WIMPs are small false vacuums. Or some kind of standing waves. There is the possibility that the WIMP is the standing wave that forms when energy impacts some particle's quantum fields. 

Or in superstring theory, there are thin but extremely long quantum fields in the universe. Some of those strings are so long, that they travel through the entire universe. If something forms some kind of knot in those superstrings they can cause a gravitational effect that looks like material. 

The superstring model is simple. Materia can turn into wave movement and backward. Wave movement can form into the material.  And the material is only one form of energy. When those superstrings interact they form energy impulses that can called dark energy. 

The model goes like this: dark matter and its gravitation are interaction. In the young universe, the energy level was higher, and energy was denser than today. The dark matter interaction with that energy was different than today. There must be an extremely high energy level that dark matter can interact with so-called visible energy. 

The higher energy means, that there are more quantum fields or denser quantum fields than in the modern universe. In that model when dark matter sends radiation or wave movement. That wave movement hits those quantum fields or quantum strings more often than in the modern universe. 

Another thing that can form the galaxy is the cosmic vacuum. There is a possibility that the young universe formed a cosmic bubble or so-called false vacuum. In that model, the false vacuum caused the material and energy to fall into that bubble. And that thing can form the disturbance that forms a galaxy. 

Things like some kind of cosmic eruption can form a situation in which some kind of energy or ion beam can pull lots of material or energy with it. That kind of energy beam like a radiation tornado can act like a cosmic thermal pump that forms the vacuum. Energy and material around that vacuum start to fall into it. This effect can form a supermassive black hole, and then that black hole starts to form a spiral galaxy around it. The spiral galaxy is the whirl around a mass center called a massive or supermassive black hole.

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