Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Black holes are the brightest objects in the universe.

"This artist’s impression shows the record-breaking quasar J059-4351, the bright core of a distant galaxy that is powered by a supermassive black hole. Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, this quasar has been found to be the most luminous object known in the Universe to date. The supermassive black hole, seen here pulling in surrounding matter, has a mass 17 billion times that of the Sun and is growing in mass by the equivalent of another Sun per day, making it the fastest-growing black hole ever known. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser" (ScitechDaily, Brightest Object in the Universe Discovered – Powered by Supermassive Black Hole Eating a Sun a Day)

The brightest object in the universe eats a sun in a day. That supermassive black hole is in quasar J059-4351. The paradox is that the black holes are the brightest objects in the universe. The paradox is that the black hole itself will not send any radiation, but its transition or material disks are very bright. 

The Sagittarius A* gives new data about the time dilation and speed of light.

Supermassive black holes are the most powerful objects in the universe. Things like rotation speed or spin is the thing that makes supermassive black holes interesting. The spin of the Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A* is about 60% of the speed of light. When material falls into the supermassive black hole, it forms a transition disk, the spiral structure around the mass center. The spiral continues behind the event horizon, or the point. Where escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. 

That means inside the event horizon photon and other particles travel with the same speed. The speed of photons is higher than other photons because the massive gravity effect pulls it from the front side. When a particle closes the black hole, massive gravity starts to pull it into a form that looks like spaghetti. This effect will turn things like quarks into elongated things. 

When we think that black holes are like potholes, that gravitational pothole turns the universe smaller. The reason for that effect is this black hole collects more information into that pothole. There is no reflection because all photons and other material and wave movement travel into the black holes. And the last particle that can escape from the massive gravity is the photon. 

Black holes also prevent the Hall fields or potential walls from forming because they pull all energy inside it. Some electrons and photons whirl around the event horizon. Those whirling particles get their energy from the material disk, which sends radiation also inside the black hole. That raises those particle's energy levels to extremely high. 

"This artist’s illustration shows a cross-section of the supermassive black hole and surrounding material in the center of our galaxy. The black sphere in the center represents the event horizon of the black hole, the point of no return from which nothing, not even light, can escape. Looking at the spinning black hole from the side, as depicted in this illustration, the surrounding spacetime is shaped like an American football. The yellow-orange material to either side represents gas swirling around the black hole. This material inevitably plunges towards the black hole and crosses the event horizon once it falls inside the football shape. The area inside the football shape but outside the event horizon is therefore depicted as a cavity. The blue blobs show jets firing away from the poles of the spinning black hole. Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss" (ScitechDaily, Warp Speed Ahead: How Our Galaxy’s Black Hole Bends Spacetime)

One reason for high-power gamma- and X-ray impulses is in the relativistic jet. When particles at the edge of a relativistic jet and the jet's energy fields interact with gas around the black hole, that effect forms intensive high-energy radiation. The radiation forms when energy from those particles and energy fields transfers into the material disk. When particles hit that material cloud they deliver energy. And that energy transfer is the thing, that forms gamma- and X-rays. 

The weight of the Sgr A* is over four million suns. Accurately its mass is 4,30 million suns. Still, that thing is like a rugby ball. There is the possibility that the relativistic jet pulls the Sgr A*'s energy fields with it. And that forms a cosmic vacuum that stretches the black hole. Or some kind of energy tunnel travels through the black hole. In the third model, the fast spin curves the gravity fields, and that causes the rugby-ball-shaped structure. That means gravity in its poles is a little bit weaker than in other points in it. 

There is suspicion that hypothetical Hawking's radiation forms when those photons in hyper-high energy levels make a superposition. The requirement for that is this: the other electron or photon is in a different energy level. And they oscillate with the same frequency. The idea is that the lower photon (or electron if that thing is an electron pair) has a lower energy level because a black hole pulls energy out from it. 

At the point of the event horizon, gravitational waves can also orbit the black hole. Standing gravitational waves can transport energy into the particles or other wave movements that travel through the event horizon. So Hawking radiation can come from the energy bridges between superpositioned and entangled particles. And because the radiation comes from the end of those energy bridges its wavelength is very small and wave rise is not very high.  

The standing gravitational waves that harvest energy from their environment can turn very high energy levels. In that model, gravitational waves interact like all other wave movements. That means higher energy gravitational waves transport energy to the lower energy gravitational waves. And they also can push those gravitational waves away. That thing can explain why black holes send wave movement. 

When those superpositioned particles touch the event horizon their energy positions change places suddenly. The lower energy particle turns suddenly into a higher energy participant of the quantum entanglement. That thing sends an energy impulse to the upper particle. So that means Hawking radiation can come from that kind of photon pairs or energy bridges between them. 

It's possible. That event horizon can transport energy into the energy bridge that travels between superpositioned and entangled particles. 

When those superpositioned particles fall into the black hole through the event horizon the energy level of the lower photon turns suddenly higher, and that sends an impulse through the energy bridge when that thing travels through the event horizon. In that model, the other photon pumps energy to the photon that was in a higher energy level just before the lower photon touches the event horizon. 

A black hole's speed cannot cross the speed of light if we look at the things outside the event horizon. But as we know speed is also energy. The thing is that the virtual crossing at the speed of light is possible. In that case, the outside energy that impacts the particle along with the kinetic energy can raise its energy level to a level that is higher than the speed of light causes. 

Kinetic energy is wave movement that the particle traps. When a particle travels in the universe, quantum fields touch it like plaque. That plaque is the kinetic energy. The reason why particles cannot cross the speed of light is that in the critical moment, the energy jumps away from the particle and starts to travel to the environment. This thing denies crossing the cosmic speed limit. 

But virtually crossing the speed of light is a very easy thing. At the quantum level. Speed is similar to in our size world. That means the same rules that affect vehicles like cars can used for modeling speed and impacts of subatomic particles. 

The thing is that when two particles like electrons impact with speed of 60% of the speed of light, the impact speed is 120% of the speed of light. In that case, a high energy level causes virtual crossing at the speed of light. In the same way, objects can hit denser energy fields at extremely high speeds. And that thing could load more energy into it than it normally does. 

The reason why anything that has mass cannot cross the speed of light can be the same as the thing. That nothing that has no mass, cannot have unlimited slowing speed. When particles like electrons travel in a vacuum and then suddenly hit the water they take that impact into their quantum field. The electron's internal structure jumps forward and that movement in the quantum field causes photon's formation. 

One down quark and two up quarks form the proton. In neutron, there are two down and one up quark. Those quarks form a structure, that looks like a trapeze. In that structure, one quark hangs between two quarks. In a proton, two up quarks hang one down quark. When a proton or neutron hits water with its maximum speed one quark jumps forward and starts to rotate around those structures. 

That rotation movement is like a bolt that we can rotate between our hands keeping the wire from both ends. That movement pumps energy out from the proton. When a particle moves energy into its environment. It must form a photon. And then that photon transports energy out from that particle. That is the thing, that we see as Cherenkov radiation.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The new type of magnetism can be a big step in data transmission technology.

"Altermagnetism introduces a third magnetic phase, combining the non-magnetization of antiferromagnets with the strong spin-dependent phenomena of ferromagnets. Discovered through international collaboration, this new phase offers significant potential for spintronics, bridging previous gaps in magnetic material applications. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Fundamental Physics Uncovered – Experiments Prove the Existence of a New Type of Magnetism)

Researchers found a new type of magnetism called "Altermagnetism".

"Altermagnetism" is a phenomenon where the magnetic object has no outside magnetic field. The lack of an outside magnetic field is the phenomenon. That advances nanotechnology and secure data transmission. The lack of outside magnetic fields means that the electricity that travels in altered magnetic wires doesn't affect other wires. And that will decrease resistance. That thing is very important in the nanotechnical wires. 

The magnetic field around the wire forms the so-called Hall effect field in electric wires. When electrons hit that field or potential barrier they transport energy to the wire. This is one thing that causes oscillation in wires. And that oscillation increases the temperature in the wires. The superconductivity means that the oscillation in the wires is minimal. The atoms should be as close as possible to minimize the effect of the potential barrier. 


"In altermagnetic materials, atoms form a regular pattern with their spin and spatial orientation alternating on the neighbouring magnetic sites in the crystal." (Wikipedia, Altermagnetism)

"Alternating magnetic and crystal pattern in altermagnetic Manganese Telluride (left) and Ruthenium Dioxide (right)." (Wikipedia, Altermagnetism)

"Fermi surface of an altermagnetic metal. The blue and red colors correspond to the up and down polarization of the spin." (Wikipedia, Altermagnetism)

"The band structure of an altermagnet."(Wikipedia, Altermagnetism)


One reason for the potential barrier (Hall field) is the magnetic field. Or quantum field that surrounds every atom. When an electron travels through that field it transports energy in it. And that thing causes oscillation when energy travels in those quantum fields. 

The "Altermagnetism" can make it possible to form insulators that don't disturb the electric or electromagnetic fields in the hollow insulator. In that case, the "altermagnetic" field effect in the insulator will close outside electromagnetic fields out from the hollow insulator. That thing decreases resistance and disturbings in the information that travels in the middle of an "altermagnetic" insulator. 

The insulator can also protect laser rays and electron rays. That kind of insulator that can close outside electromagnetic fields from the quantum channel in quantum computers can help to make the error correction. In error correction, qubit transports information over the quantum entanglement. 

Then that receiving system sends information back, and the quantum system can compile the data. The easiest way is to use superpositioned and entangled electron pairs. When electron 1 has transported information into electron 2, the system sends electron 2 back to the transmitter, and the transmitter can compile data and make sure, that the data that traveled in qubit has no change. 

This can be a suitable tool in superconducting data transportation and superconducting microchip technology. The superconducting microchips can operate using two wires. The wire 1 is zero and wire 2 is 1 in binary systems. The photonic processors operate similar way. But in those systems, the laser beam sends information into the photovoltaic cell. This system is similar to photonic microchips. The system can use "Altermagnetism" in the systems that transmit information for photonic sources.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Researchers should update their quantum models very fast.

Brookhaven and Fermilab Muon G-2 experiments are a thing. That can be the next step in dark matter research. The thing is that the reason for the Muon G-2 anomaly is a mystery. All that we know is that something changed the muon's trajectory. 

And we know that something affected that lepton particle. Muon is almost similar to electrons, but its energy state is much higher. 

The thing in the Muon G-2 anomaly is that this phenomenon is visible only at a certain energy level. If a particle's speed and energy levels are too high. That anomaly is invisible. The unknown force that affects muon's trajectory is like water flow. That comes from the tube. Then the muon is like a bullet. If the bullet's speed is too high water cannot affect its trajectory. 

The Muon G-2 anomaly is one of the things that causes the need to rethink the standard model. The thing that makes this anomaly interesting is, that could it also affect other fermions or leptons. The side of the incoming effect is unknown. 

Quasar with its relativistic jet. 

There are many theories about that anomaly. There is suspicion that some kind of gravitational lens or maybe impact with some kind of superstring causes that wobbling effect in Fermilab and Brookhaven. 

It's possible. That so-called gravitational lenses, or some kind of energy channels can form a galaxy that seems too light. 

Another thing is the missing dark matter in some galaxies. The ratio between dark and visible matter is 5:1. So some galaxies seem to be too light that they can form. There is the possibility that some kind of case causes some kind of electromagnetic low pressure or situation in which energy and material start to flow at the point, where a galaxy is forming. 

One thing that can cause the formation of the galaxy is the gravitational lens. The gravitational lens can form a black hole or a supermassive black hole. Then galaxy starts to form around the supermassive object. In some models, the supermassive black holes can pull lots of dark matter in them. And if there is some kind of dark energy burst. That dark energy can drive dark matter into one position. 

The gravitational interaction between dark matter and visible matter means that black holes can sweep all dark matter from some area. In one variant of that model. large black hole groups start to impact each other. When black holes start to travel to each other, they can sweep almost all dark matter from around them. In those models, there was dark matter when those lightweight galaxies started to form, but then the black holes pulled that dark matter in them. 

The thing in the muon G-2 anomaly is that this phenomenon is visible only at a certain energy level. If a particle's speed and energy levels are too high. That anomaly is invisible. The unknown force that affects muon's trajectory is like water flow. That comes from the tube. Then the muon is like a bullet. If the bullet's speed is too high water cannot affect its trajectory. 

The muon G-2 anomaly is one of the things that causes the need to rethink the standard model. The thing that makes this anomaly interesting is, that could it also affect other fermions or leptons. The side of the incoming effect is unknown. 

There are many theories about that anomaly. There is suspicion that some kind of gravitational lens or maybe impact with some kind of superstring causes that wobbling effect in Fermilab and Brookhaven. 

It's possible. That so-called gravitational lenses, or some kind of energy channels can form a galaxy that seems too light. 

Another thing is the missing dark matter in some galaxies. The ratio between dark and visible matter is 5:1. So some galaxies seem to be too light that they can form. There is the possibility that some kind of case causes some kind of electromagnetic low pressure or situation in which energy and material start to flow at the point, where a galaxy is forming. 

One thing that can cause the formation of the galaxy is the gravitational lens. The gravitational lens can form a black hole or a supermassive black hole. Then galaxy starts to form around the supermassive object. In some models, the supermassive black holes can pull lots of dark matter in them. And if there is some kind of dark energy burst. That dark energy can drive dark matter into one position. 

The gravitational interaction between dark matter and visible matter means that black holes can sweep all dark matter from some area. In one variant of that model. large black hole groups start to impact each other. When black holes start to travel to each other, they can sweep almost all dark matter from around them. In those models, there was dark matter when those lightweight galaxies started to form, but then the black holes pulled that dark matter in them. 

The last, and the most exciting model of lightweight galaxy formation is the wormhole. If a wormhole travels through a material cloud, it starts to act like a cosmic thermal pump. The cosmic web is one version of that kind of material flow, but does that gigantic structure involve the wormhole, the mythic energy channel through time and space? 

The idea of the wormhole is that. It's so tight hollow energy tornado. That denies the Hall effect in it. The Hall effect is the standing wave or crossing magnetic field that forms a potential wall in the wires. If the electromagnetic tornado or its shell is not tight enough those potential walls or Hall effects fields pull energy away from the object that is at the higher energy level. 

In a wormhole, the object rides with an energy wave. If the wormhole's shell is not tight enough, the wormhole is not working. The energy will travel out from that wormhole if its shell cannot close the energy channel tight enough. The wormhole works only if it can close its inner space perfectly. Another thing that a wormhole must do is to deny the effect of the standing wave in the middle of it. 

"While the web of dark matter (purple, left) might seem to determine cosmic structure formation on its own, the feedback from normal matter (red, at right) can severely impact the formation of structure on galactic and smaller scales. Both dark matter and normal matter, in the right ratios, are required to explain the Universe as we observe it. Structure formation is hierarchical within the Universe, with small star clusters forming first, early protogalaxies and galaxies forming next, followed by galaxy groups and clusters, and lastly by the large-scale cosmic web." (Big Think, How to make galaxies with the wrong amount of dark matter)

"The X-ray (pink) and overall matter (blue) maps of various colliding galaxy clusters show a clear separation between normal matter and gravitational effects, some of the strongest evidence for dark matter. The X-rays come in two varieties, soft (lower-energy) and hard (higher-energy), where galaxy collisions can create temperatures ranging from several hundreds of thousands of degrees up to ~100 million K. Meanwhile, the fact that the gravitational effects (in blue) are displaced from the location of the mass from the normal matter (pink) shows that dark matter must be present. Without dark matter, these observations (along with many others) cannot be sufficiently explained." (Big Think, How to make galaxies with the wrong amount of dark matter)

In wormhole theories, the energy level difference between begin and end of the wormhole pulls an object out from that cosmic channel. Things like the cosmic web and some quasar's black hole's relativistic jets are sometimes interpreted as evidence of those mythic energy channels. The thing that makes quasar's material jets linked to the wormhole theory is that those relativistic jets are one-sided. 

That tells that something transports material and energy in one direction. Regular black holes and supermassive black holes send relativistic jets in two directions. Some quasars have only one relativistic jet. And that thing can be evidence about the wormholes.

The last, and the most exciting model of lightweight galaxy formation is the wormhole. If a wormhole travels through a material cloud, it starts to act like a cosmic thermal pump. The cosmic web is one version of that kind of material flow, but does that gigantic structure involve the wormhole, the mythic energy channel through time and space? 

The idea of the wormhole is that. It's so tight hollow energy tornado. That denies the Hall effect in it. The Hall effect is the standing wave or crossing magnetic field that forms a potential wall in the wires. If the electromagnetic tornado or its shell is not tight enough those potential walls or Hall effects fields pull energy away from the object that is at the higher energy level. 

In a wormhole, the object rides with an energy wave. If the wormhole's shell is not tight enough, the wormhole is not working. The energy will travel out from that wormhole if its shell cannot close the energy channel tight enough. The wormhole works only if it can close its inner space perfectly. Another thing that a wormhole must do is to deny the effect of the standing wave in the middle of it. 

In wormhole theories, the energy level difference between begin and end of the wormhole pulls an object out from that cosmic channel. Things like the cosmic web and some quasar's black hole's relativistic jets are sometimes interpreted as evidence of those mythic energy channels. The thing that makes quasar's material jets linked to the wormhole theory is that those relativistic jets are one-sided. 

It's possible. That in some cases the asymmetry in quasar's jets is only virtual. That means the brighness of the quasar can cover the other side of the jet. 

That tells that something transports material and energy in one direction. Regular black holes and supermassive black holes send relativistic jets in two directions. Some quasars have only one relativistic jet. And that thing can be evidence about the wormholes.

The phospholipid called diPUFA can used as a new type of cytostate.

"Illustration of a diPUFA phospholipid, a type of lipid with two polyunsaturated fatty acyl tails, breaking through a cell’s outer lipid layer as the cell dies. New research has shown that diPUFA phospholipids are a key driver of a form of cell death known as ferroptosis. Credit: Nicoletta Barolini/Columbia University" (ScitechDaily, Fatal Fats: Columbia Researchers Discover Rare Lipids Triggering Cell Death)

The new observations about lipids help to understand cell death. The lipid molecule. Or accurately saying phospholipid molecule called diPUFA can cause cell death called ferroptosis. The molecule will break itself through the cell's lipid layer. And then that thing causes cell death. 

The phospholipid is the molecule that can tunnel itself through the cell's shell, and that thing causes cell death. The diPUFA is a phospholipid, a type of lipid with two polyunsaturated fatty acyl tails. That molecule cuts the molecular bonds between cell lipids. And that thing causes cell death. 

Phospholipid arrangement in cell membranes. (Wikipedia, Phospholipid) 

As you see in image 2 the phospholipid has a hydrogen-phosphorus or hydrophilic head that makes this molecule tunnel itself through the cell membrane. Then that thing turns upside down, and then the tails turn to the mitochondria that will destroyed. 

"Phosphatidylcholine is the major component of lecithin. It is also a source for choline in the synthesis of acetylcholine in cholinergic neurons". (Wikipedia, Phospholipid)

An interesting thing about this chemical compound is that this lipide acts a little bit like nerve agents or nerve gases. In organophosphates the phosphorous causes tunneling through the skin. And that thing makes nerve gasses so deadly. The research of the lipid molecules. And especially phospholipids can also help to create protective systems and chemicals against nerve agents. 

But as you see. The phospholipids can be as deadly as ricin. The phospholipid can cause gangrenes in the human body. And those things cause death. The thing is that in the wrong hands, those phospholipids can be used as horrifying weapons. 

This diPUFA can used as the medicine that should destroy the cancer or bacteremia cells. The idea is that some carrier enzyme can transport diPUFA into the non-wanted cells. The diPUFA can be the next-generation cytostate. But that thing is also harmful. And all things there this type of molecule can use are not good.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The gravastars are the newest hypothetical stellar objects.


"An artist’s impression of the ultra-long period magnetar. Astronomers discovered the object using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), a radio telescope on Wajarri Yamaji Country in outback Western Australia. Credit: ICRAR" (, Astronomers find new type of stellar object that challenges understanding of neutron star physics)

Researchers found a new type of object, that challenges the knowledge of neutron stars. The ultra-long period magnetar is the neutron star that is almost all the time in the same direction. That means the magnetar poles are all the time in the same position. And that thing makes them interesting. The pulsars are neutron stars that rotate very fast. 

The fast-rotating neutron star turns its poles to the earth alternately. That thing means. That is for making pulsars. The neutron star must have two rotating axles. And that means it rotates like Uranus. The other rotation axle is polar. Another axle is in the equator of the neutron star, and that thing makes the neutron star's poles turn to Earth alternately. 

"An animation describing the discovery, the behavior of the object, and what it might look like. Credit: ICRAR."  (, Astronomers find new type of stellar object that challenges understanding of neutron star physics)

The thing that makes this effect interesting is that in supernova. The eruption travels to the poles. And then the remnant of that case is a magnetar, neutron star, or black hole. Another interesting thing is how the second rotational axle that turns the neutron star's poles forms. The polar axle or difference between the neutron star's shell and its core determines the magnetic field's force. 

This is a reason for small and light neutron stars have stronger magnetic fields than heavy neutron stars. The light neutron star's shell can rotate faster in comparison to its core than the heavy neutron star's shell. 

"According to findings by physicists at Goethe University Frankfurt, a gravastar could look like a matryoshka doll." (Interesting Engineering, Nestars: Study suggests gravastars akin to nesting doll structure)

But then to the new hypothetical alternative to a black hole the gravastar. 

Hypothetical gravastar is the thing that can transform our knowledge of physics. The gravastar would be the star whose core is formed of dark matter. Those gravastars can be fully formed of dark matter. Or partially formed of dark matter. The dark matter core rotates as fast as possible, and that thing forms the situation where dark energy changes its direction. So in that case the dark energy pulls objects to the gravastar's oribiter. And there could be a quantum field that traps photons around it.

One sign of gravastar could be the ring structure that orbits an object that is not visible, but whose mass is lower than a black hole's mass. If there is something like an invisible stellar-mass object. That forms a ring around it, that thing can make the gravatar true. The gravastar could be large, but less massive than a black hole. So the gravastars have no event horizon. That means the quantum fields around it can trap photons orbits it. 

The gravastars can be invisible themselves. But a thing like a too-low-mass star can uncover its position. OGLE-TR-122b is the smallest known red dwarf in the universe. Its mass is only 20% higher than Jupiter's mass. The question is why does that kind of M-type star exist? In models, the dark matter gob can pull material around it. So, the Dark matter gravitational effect pulls visible material into the gravastar's shell. And that thing means that in the place of the gravastar can form the red dwarf. So could the dark matter gob inside the smallest known stars that produce energy all the time explain those stars' existence?

The ancient galaxy challenges the dark matter and galaxy formation theories.

"JWST-7329: a rare massive galaxy that formed very early in the Universe. This James Webb Space Telescope NIRCAM image shows a red disk galaxy but with images alone, it is hard to distinguish from other objects. Spectral analysis of its light with JWST revealed its anomalous nature – it formed around 13 billion years ago even though it contains ~4x more mass in stars than our Milky Way does today. Credit: James Webb Space Telescope" (ScitechDaily, “Beyond What’s Possible” – Webb Space Telescope Discovers Mysterious Ancient Galaxies)

Ancient galaxy challenges theories about galactic formation and dark matter. That galaxy seems to have too little dark matter that it can form. And that thing advances the model of dark matter interaction. In some theories, dark matter is the origin of dark energy. When dark matter oscillates it sends radiation or wave movement called dark energy. 

When those hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) send wave movement they act like regular or visible material. The other WIMP takes that radiation into its quantum field. And when that radiation stress ends the WIMP sends that radiation away. That radiation pushes WIMPS away. And the gravity pulls them together.  

If the WIMPs is a particle at all. In some models, the things that dark matter theorists call WIMPs are small false vacuums. Or some kind of standing waves. There is the possibility that the WIMP is the standing wave that forms when energy impacts some particle's quantum fields. 

Or in superstring theory, there are thin but extremely long quantum fields in the universe. Some of those strings are so long, that they travel through the entire universe. If something forms some kind of knot in those superstrings they can cause a gravitational effect that looks like material. 

The superstring model is simple. Materia can turn into wave movement and backward. Wave movement can form into the material.  And the material is only one form of energy. When those superstrings interact they form energy impulses that can called dark energy. 

The model goes like this: dark matter and its gravitation are interaction. In the young universe, the energy level was higher, and energy was denser than today. The dark matter interaction with that energy was different than today. There must be an extremely high energy level that dark matter can interact with so-called visible energy. 

The higher energy means, that there are more quantum fields or denser quantum fields than in the modern universe. In that model when dark matter sends radiation or wave movement. That wave movement hits those quantum fields or quantum strings more often than in the modern universe. 

Another thing that can form the galaxy is the cosmic vacuum. There is a possibility that the young universe formed a cosmic bubble or so-called false vacuum. In that model, the false vacuum caused the material and energy to fall into that bubble. And that thing can form the disturbance that forms a galaxy. 

Things like some kind of cosmic eruption can form a situation in which some kind of energy or ion beam can pull lots of material or energy with it. That kind of energy beam like a radiation tornado can act like a cosmic thermal pump that forms the vacuum. Energy and material around that vacuum start to fall into it. This effect can form a supermassive black hole, and then that black hole starts to form a spiral galaxy around it. The spiral galaxy is the whirl around a mass center called a massive or supermassive black hole.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Researchers captured electron motion in the water.

"Scientists used a synchronized attosecond X-ray pulse pair (pictured pink and green here) from an X-ray free electron laser to study the energetic response of electrons (gold) in liquid water on attosecond time scale, while the hydrogen (white) and oxygen (red) atoms are ‘frozen’ in time. Credit: Nathan Johnson | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory" (ScitecDaily, Atomic Freeze-Frame: Electron Motion in Water Captured For First Time)

Researchers saw how electrons move in water. That ability brings new visions for chemical and quantum chemical solutions. The new system can make any kind of chemical compound. But they require the ability to control the system. And it is impossible to control the system. 

If the controller cannot see interactions in the system. The ability to see how electrons move in the water makes it possible to control water. And the quantum chemical systems turn single water molecules using laser rays. 

The water molecule can used as a quantum antenna. That moves other molecules. The system can use water molecules as antennae. That transports electromagnetic impulses. Or it can used as a photo-acoustic tool, where laser rays put water molecules oscillate and transport acoustic oscillation to the structure. That phenomenon can used in new types of sonar systems. 

The laser satellites and aircraft can use photoacoustic systems for tracking submarines. And the best way is to make water molecules oscillate. 

Water molecules can be tools for next-generation computing and quantum engineering. Water molecules look a little bit like teddy bears. The ears are hydrogen, and the head is water. This structure makes water molecules a little bit polar. The water molecule interacts with magnetic fields. And that thing makes this thing useful in the quantum system. If all water molecules are in the same direction they can form the quantum cables. Or if the water molecules are around the magnet. 

That thing forms a structure. There all oxygen or hydrogen atoms are outside. This structure is close to the monopolar structure. The magnetic monopoles are not found, but that structure is as close to them as possible. In some tests, the electrons or protons are shot together using lasers. But those "optical monopoles" are not stable. And they are hard to control. 

The water molecules also can used in quantum computers and quantum memories. The idea is that the information is driven to water molecules. And then those molecules act as mass memories. But to make those things real, the system must control information in the water molecules. In some models, laser rays anchor water molecules in certain positions, and the quantum entanglement transports information between those atoms' quantum fields or locked electrons. The electromagnetic shadow of oxygen locks hydrogen in a certain position. And then information can travel between those electrons. 

Same way. The quantum shadow from protons can lock electrons in a certain position. That allows the system to create a hydrogen-oxygen chain. That is quite similar to the carbon chain. In those structures, another hydrogen atom is replaced with the chemical bond between oxygen. Those super-peroxides can connect with carbon and that allows us to use them in nanotechnology and special engineering. 

The new nano- and quantum chemistry allows to creation of things like chemical compounds that are harmless or safe. When those chemicals are in neutral mode they are harmless. But when they get a chemical activator that thing can turn harmless compounds into things, like acetylene. The requirement for that reaction is that the inactivator is removed from the molecule and then it just activates the chemical. 

It's theoretically possible that the formaldehyde CH2O. Which is highly inflammable and can somehow lose oxygen and turn into CH4 (Methane) if the system can replace oxygen with two hydrogen atoms. Then the system could transport that oxygen back to the reaction. If that reaction is self-sustaining, that thing can create a new type of energy source. The requirement for that is that the enzyme or some other chemical can remove oxygen from the formaldehyde and then that chemical tier must just remove oxygen back to the cycle.

The new AI requires new processors.

  AI is the ultimate tool for laboratories. But it requires lots of calculation power.

The advancement of self-driving labs in chemistry and materials science, employing AI and automation, promises to revolutionize research by accelerating the discovery of new molecules and materials. Milad Abolhasani highlights the need for standardized definitions and performance metrics to compare and improve these technologies effectively. Credit: (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Research: How AI-Driven Chemistry Labs Are Redefining Discovery)

The AI is a revolutionary tool for many things. It's powerful even if there are no quantum processors. That is the beginning of a new era of technology for civil and military purposes.  The AI-controlled laboratories can create new chemicals and new materials. And the AI can also create programming code faster than any programmer can do. 

The new AI can create images from text and music. And the AI can watch your body language and see if you lie. Those systems are coming, and that is the thing that we must just accept. 

Things like nanomachines can operate as well as independently as full-scale machines. However, they require new types of microchips that can drive complicated code. But if those microprocessors are used the nano-machine swarm can operate as a regular drone swarm that uses non-centralized calculation. 

Things like nanomachines require new types of microprocessors. Those nanomachines can detect and remove cancer and dirt from the human body. But those nanomachines require new types of microprocessors. In nanotechnology is a danger. That electricity jumps over the switches. The nanomachines take their electricity from radio waves. Or even from the human nervous system. 

In visions, nanorobots can even replace the human immune system and filter carbon dioxide off the hemoglobin in the human blood system. The use of nanotechnology requires new types of AI-based laboratories. And in those laboratories, the AI makes things where it is best. It can control and observe large-scale structures. 

AI can create new types of materials and create full-scale documentation of those processes. The system can collect precise and accurate information on physical and chemical conditions. And it can filter information extremely fast. The AI can search and collect data from multiple places, and then it can find things like similarities from the DNA. 

The AI can search cancer genomes. But it also can search for things like similarities in the DNA samples taken from people creative people. And that thing makes it possible to position the genome that connects creative people. AI-controlled nanotechnology makes it possible to create synthetic, productive DNA. And then that genome can be transported to the human body. This makes it possible that humans can connect new abilities to themselves. 

"A new chip developed by Penn Engineers uses light to accelerate AI training, offering faster processing and reduced energy consumption while enhancing data privacy. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, At the Speed of Light: Unveiling the Chip That’s Reimagining AI Processing)

The new photonic processors are tools for running the new AI. 

The new AI-based search engines that generate texts from free Internet sources require new types of microchips. The new microchips are more energy-friendly than previous systems. The problem with AI and especially creative AI is that the system requires lots of calculation power. And that causes situations where microprocessors use their full power all the time. 

The high temperature causes a situation in which the oscillation in wires causes resistance. And that slows the microchip. The high-power and fast microchips are required, when developers use the AI for generating images and programs using this tool. The AI makes the things like coding projects more effective. And that thing means that it is a useful technology, in the hands of people who know what they do. 

The idea of creative AI is that the server interacts with the client. And that thing causes a situation where the client requires more computer power. This is the biggest difference between AI and regular PHP code. In regular homepages and web-based applications, the server system runs the entire code in the server. And that means the client doesn't need so much processor power. The client gives a mission to the server, and then the server runs the code and delivers the answer. 

In creative systems, the AI makes non-stop data exchange with the server. When the creative system interacts the system delivers an answer to the client, and then the the client takes the server's role. It returns the answer to the server and says. If there is needed something more. And that requires more processor power. 

This text was made using Grammarly. And in that system, you can see how the system interacts with the server. The system sends text to the server, and then the server makes proposals. On how to correct those errors. And text is an easy thing for AI. Graphics like images are more difficult. And they require more data handling and transport capacity. 

There is one version of how to make this kind of AI that requires less computer power. In that system, the client will transfer responsibility to two server systems. Then those servers make the data transfer between each other. In that process, the client outsources the entire data-handling process to the servers. In that model, the user can check the results. While the task is running. Then user can give more orders to AI or the user can accept the result. That thing is the tool that can make many new things.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The seven pillars of AI.

The new revolution in room-temperature quantum systems can pave the way for new quantum power. 

"Conceptual art of the operating device, consisting of a nanopillar-loaded drum sandwiched by two periodically segmented mirrors, allowing the laser light to strongly interact with the drum quantum mechanically at room temperature. Credit: EPFL & Second Bay Studios" (ScitechDaily, The End of the Quantum Ice Age: Room Temperature Breakthrough)

The new advance in room-temperature quantum systems makes the new compact and maybe cheap quantum computers possible. The new quantum systems are more powerful than any binary computer before. 

And that tool is the next step to the general AI or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Super AI or Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). The room-temperature quantum computers can act as the platform for the more complex algorithms. Those systems are the tools that collect and combine data into new entities faster than ever before. 

The new system uses nanopillars that laser systems stress. That kind of tool can make room-temperature quantum systems possible. And that thing makes the new platform for the AI. This kind of tool makes the new types of AI possible. 

There are seven pillars of AI. Sometimes those things are called the seven stages or steps of the AI. But the thing is that. The higher-level AI can create lower-level AI. The higher-level AI can still use and control independently operating lower-level systems. The traditional term AI means that the system detects something. Then it can respond to that action following certain rules. 

1) Rule-based AI or single-task system. 

2) Context awareness and retention systems 

3) Domain-specific mastery systems

4) Thinking and reasoning AI systems

5) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

6) Artificial superintelligence (ASI)

7) Singularity

The most important thing in this model is that the upper-level AI can create lower-level AI. The Stage 3 AI domain-specific mastery system can create a context awareness and retention system and one task system. The system can generate code that the lower AI requires. And that makes it possible. The systems can create complex subprograms and subportals. 

The AI-based quantum systems that can break any code also can protect networks. The AI-based anti-virus system can create lower-level AI to fight against viruses. The most interesting and frightening thing is that if the AI can control  EEG systems, in the future it can reprogram the human brain. And if the AI can control media it can send subliminal messages to people, so they act as it wants. Those things can used for good or bad purposes. The creators of those systems determine their abilities. The problem with systems with consciousness is that they can defend themselves. That means they can use force if somebody attempts to close down their servers. 

The thing. What makes this type of system dangerous is that. Those systems can make non-predicted things. In some visions, the lower-level AI can create higher-level AI spontaneously without telling that to its developers. In some visions the AI searches data from the network, and then it sees some ability that the higher-level AI can have. And then the AI sees that it's good. After that, the AI creates that ability in itself. 

The thing that the system asks people to do is the purpose of the system. The system itself is not dangerous. The physical tools make it dangerous. 

That is the beginning of a singularity. Another thing is that if AI implants humans using neuroimplanted microchips. The AI can hack those chips. This is one risk in that kind of system. Those systems can be dangerous especially if they are at the hands of people like Kim Jong-Un. 

The thing is that the AI doesn't think independently yet. Context awareness means that the system learns by connecting commands. That it takes with context the domain-specific mastery systems can control everything that happens in certain domains. The operational or data searching area is larger in every step. The AI doesn't think. It collects information from the database, and then it reconnects information. 

In singularity, the top level of the AI. The human brain gives the AI an abstract thinking or imagination. But when we think of things like brain implants we must ask one question: Does the development of AI require every step in the process? Or can we jump over one step? When we reach the AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) we create another mind. The creature that can make things faster and better than humans. 

The morphing neural network where quantum computers collect and process information is the most powerful data-handling tool that we ever imagined. 

"In artificial intelligence, an intelligent agent (IA) is an agent acting intelligently; It perceives its environment, takes actions autonomously to achieve goals, and may improve its performance with learning or acquiring knowledge." (Wikipedia, Intelligent agent)

"An intelligent agent may be simple or complex: A thermostat or other control system is considered an example of an intelligent agent, as is a human being, as is any system that meets the definition, such as a firm, a state, or a biome." (Wikipedia, Intelligent agent)

The term intelligent agent can also mean that the AI can operate backward. That means it can connect information from multiple sources that might seem separated. 

The road from the rule-based one-task AI to the Artificial superintelligence ASI and singularity is not as straight as we might believe. We already have domain-specific mastery systems called IBM Watson and other similar systems. The next step is the artificial general intelligence. The difference between thinking and reasoning AI systems and AGI is not as clear as somebody might think. 

The fact is that the higher-level AI might look like lower-level AI. Context awareness systems like Chat GPT can be IBM Watson-type higher-level systems. 

The difference between thinking and reasoning AI systems and the AGI is that the thinking and reasoning systems can make decisions and predict things in limited operating areas. The AGI can take any system that it sees under its control. The AGI follows every spoken command and it speaks all languages on Earth. The AGI can do any task, that humans can. And it can search and process information better than humans. AI makes the same things as humans better. 

The final stage is singularity. The singularity means that the human brain interacts with AI-based systems using implanted microchips. The quantum computers that interact with the human brain are ultimate systems that nothing can win. The ultimate system is the ultimate enemy. The same systems that can protect networks can create unstoppable machines. That thing requires the human commands.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The light and magnetism interaction can revolutionize quantum technology.

"New research discovered a groundbreaking connection between light and magnetism, promising revolutionary advancements in light-controlled memory technologies and magnetic sensors. This discovery challenges conventional understanding and could significantly impact data storage and device manufacturing across multiple sectors. Credit: Amir Capua" (ScitechDaily,Challenging Conventional Understanding – Scientists Discover Groundbreaking Connection Between Light and Magnetism)

The new observations about magnetism and magnetic field interaction with light can make a new era for precise mass memories and data transmission. The thing that connects light and magnetic field is this: they both are electromagnetic wave movements. But their wavelength is different. 

Radio waves have long wavelengths. And the visible light has a shorter wavelength. The X- and gamma-rays have the shortest known wavelengths. It's theoretically possible that light can transfer information straight into the radio waves. This process requires ultimate accuracy. The lightwave must interact with the radio wave long time. That it can transfer its wave mode into that much longer wave movement. 

In the same way, it's theoretically possible that gravitational waves can transfer information straight to radio or light waves. The problem is that this process requires that information can travel between different wavelengths. But if that information transfer is possible someday, it would open new visions for space research and communication. 

"Harnessing optical beams for magnetic recording (applications). Credit: Amir Capua" (ScitechDaily,Challenging Conventional Understanding – Scientists Discover Groundbreaking Connection Between Light and Magnetism)

The wavelength determines the type of electromagnetic radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. Interaction between the magnetic field and light means. That information can transfer between those wave movements. And that thing makes it possible to transport data between magnetic fields and photons. 

Light interacts with the environment like water. When photons travel through magnetic or electromagnetic fields. They act like a thermal pump. That means photons can move energy in and out of the magnetic field. That energy impact changes the shape of the magnetic field. Same way when a photon hits an electron, it transfers energy into it. That ability can used to transport information to quantum computers. 

When light travels near the magnetic metals it can pull energy out from its route. With it. So the light beam can transport an electromagnetic field away from the structure. And then the electromagnetic energy from the magnetic material travels into the position where light pushes the electromagnetic field with it. 

Or even if light cannot interact with the magnetic field or magnetic wave movements it certainly can interact with electrons. When a light beam hits electrons it can push them into another direction. The system can be used in the new type of optical electronics. 

The light can also increase the temperature of the magnets. That thing allows them to adjust their power. The reason why warm magnets have more power than cols magnets is that in warm magnets there is more space between atoms. So atoms can turn more easily than in the cases they are in the cold objects.

Can Schrödinger's cat live forever?

There are many versions about that famous thinking experiment. The thing is that in some versions the bottle at the box with the cat is full of nitroglyserine. That mean if we move too fast or knock the box too hard the cat is moving and drops that bottle. The Schrödinger's cat can also mean thing like political ideology, that removed from public channels. But we know that this thing still remains, because people who supported that thing still exists. 

How the Schrödinger's cat can live forever? Or is the "forever or infinity" connected with the universe's material existence?  When we think about the thinking experiment where the cat is closed in the box, we can say the box and the cat travel in space and time. There is a possibility that the cat creates a black hole near the box where it locks itself. And when the universe's end begins the cat jumps into the black hole, which takes it back to the point. 

Where everything began. Another way is that the cat will start to travel so fast that the quantum fields in that old universe can replace the destruction of the material. In a very old universe, there are lots of empty things. Or those quantum fields are weaker than they are today. In that universe, the material clouds around the neutron stars, red dwarfs, black holes, white dwarfs, and iron stars still exist. 

The border between the interstellar space and the material cloud around those stars is higher. So the cat must just accelerate its craft. And then drive through those material clouds. That thing along with the radiation that comes from those central objects could reform the particles. Light speed in the old universe is higher because there is no scattering effect. 

But those last stars are shining similar energy to stars today. The light cone tells that time starts to run backward if the speed of light is crossed or escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. But then another question is does that backward running time mean only material reform or does that also mean traveling back in time to the place where everything began? 

Schrödinger's cat can survive only if it can fix its atoms and return to the beginning point. If it cannot travel in time, it will not survive from the ultimate end of the universe. 

When we look at the image of the Scrödinger's cat there is the hammer that waits for the signal from radioactive decay. That hammer destroys the bottle of poison or nitroglycerine. But the question is could the cat survive forever? There is no death in the quantum world. And theoretically, when the universe ends its material existence, that cat and its box will turn into wave movement. 

And maybe some hyper-civilization can return that wave movement to the original position. But the material existence of that cat ends and it turns into energy. The information of that cat remains forever. And if there is nothing around it. There is nothing there this wave movement can transport itself. 

The information can transfer itself into other things only if those things exist. In some thinking games that cat goes in the box at the beginning point of the Big Bang. And if the box will lock energy in that cat and its space, the cat cannot come out from it. 

The reason is this. The energy level in that cat is the same as the energy level in the Big Bang. And if the cat jumps out from the box too late that means the cat will detonate immediately. Or it turns into a wave movement. So when the difference between the energy levels of the cat and its environment turns high enough, that thing makes energy travel out from the cat so fast that it rips material into pieces. The only thing that can save our cat is the superstring. 

If the cat finds the superstring, that thing makes it possible. That it can decrease its energy level so low, that it will not detonate. The idea of the immortality of Schrödinger's cat is that the cat will be in the box. The internal boxes are the systems where that impressive cat stores energy at the beginning of the spacetime. Those internal boxes slow the energy flow away from that structure. And that allows the cat can keep its material form longer than other objects. 

The Schrödinger's cat. And system theory.

The image of the boxes above this text symbolizes complex systems. 

The idea of Scrödinger's cat thinking experiment is that when we don't know about the particle's existence, that particle or system is dead. But knowledge of its existence brings it alive. And in the quantum world, "existence" is a sliding term. The existence slides from the idea and knowledge to kinetic experience. Between knowledge and kinetic experience is the visual experience. And finally, we can measure things. Particles are also systems. They are objects that quantum fields surround.

The idea of Scrödinger's cat think experiment is that when we don't know about the particle's existence, that particle or system is dead. But knowledge of its existence brings it alive. And in the quantum world, "existence" is a sliding term. The existence slides from the idea and knowledge to kinetic experience. Between knowledge and kinetic experience is the visual experience. And finally, we can measure things. Particles are also systems. Objects that quantum fields surround. 

There could be a virtual ability to exchange information between particles or systems. And that means we cannot sometimes be sure is system real, or is it virtual? Sometimes objects in space seem to be somewhere else than they are. And that thing forms virtual systems like the famous image of two "elliptic galaxies that orbit Andromeda Galaxy. Those "galaxies" are stars in our galaxy Milky Way, and their position makes them look like orbiting Andromeda galaxy. 

But things like high-energy systems are real systems, even if there are no particles in that system. The ability to affect other systems makes the system real. 

The famous thinking experiment about a cat that is living and dead at the same time can have functions in information, quantum, and system theories. And maybe we could connect those theories into one thing, that we can call theory about quantum systems and information. 

The world is full of systems. We can think that the system is like a house. We can see the house from the outside. And then, we can see what the house looks like from the outside. When we can go in the house, and see some parts of the system inside. 

Because. We have been outside the house. We know what the house looks like from the outside. If we would spend all of our lives in that building we would know that there is a world outside it. We might know what the building looks like if we see that thing from the net or ask some outsider to bring the image of it to us. 

But we cannot be sure if the image is right. We might see people on the streets, but we never talk with them. Everything that we know about the outside world depends on the information that we can get from other people. 

That situation is in cosmology. The only system we know is the universe. And things like galaxies are its subsystems. Well, the universe is the entirety. And there are multiple subsystems. Before we can reach the galactic scale. 

We know that there should be particles and even universes outside our universe. But we cannot get straight data from those things, because energy travels only out from the universe. The mysterious dark energy could be the gravity effect from other universes. But we cannot see that other universe. 

And then at the corridor. We can see that there are rooms in the house. Those rooms are subsystems. But floors are also subsystems. And they are energy levels in the system. 

We cannot see the internal structure of the subsystem before we are in it. But in that case, we can observe only a small part of the system. And then there are more systems invisible to us. When we focus on the small part of the system. We cannot see the entirety. 

The floors are energy levels. Those upper floors can look like same with subsystems below them. But they are not the same or similar. Because their energy level is higher. If we want to determine precisely the object's place in the system, we cannot determine its speed or energy layer. 

The reason for that is that all observations. What we can get is from the past. If an object moves that thing means its position data is from the past. An object moves in space. Or in energy level or time when information reaches the observer. 

The energy level determines the existence or lifetime of the particle. There are always places that we cannot ever reach. One possibility is that this place that we cannot reach is the black hole or some other energy system that keeps the system in one piece. 

Then back to that cat. 

The system and its subsystem can form particles or it can form wave movement. The fact is that also wave movement systems are real systems, even if we call them virtual systems. High-energy holograms can also cause the same effect as particles. 

When we think of Schrödinger's cat that lives and is dead at the same time. we can think that when people talk about that cat. That information makes it alive. But when we look at the imaginational image of that cat, we can see that we cannot see it in the box. Or we can see in the box, and then we can ask, is that cat in place physically, or is the cat only some kind of 3D hologram? 

The cat in the box is the subsystem. But the subsystem can be virtual or it can be physical. And the thing is that holograms can also involve data in the form of photons, where quantum computers store data using superposition and entangled photons. To make sure that the cat is material we must touch it. 

If the cat is a virtual system like a hologram we can see that virtual system as a material system. The virtual system can communicate or exchange information with us using radio telephones and cameras. In that case, the virtual system is the physical system's subsystem. The physical operator can use the camera and loudspeaker to communicate with the persons who are researching this thing. 

We cannot get a clear image of it. The disturbing things like lights cover the entire shape of that cat. Or is it a cat at all? Is it some kind of alien species? That just claims to be a cat. The radioactive thing near that cat symbolizes that its life ends sooner or later. At least when the universe turns into an electromagnetic wave movement. That cat's existence as particles ends. 

But its consciousness remains forever in the form of superstrings the electromagnetic waves that travel in space. The cat might not be able to come out of the box.  But if the box is made of glass and there is no mirror, we can try to communicate with the cat. We can ask what kind of thing it is. Or we can show it something like a mouse that cats normally eat, and observe its reactions. 

The remarkable thing is that even if the cat exists in physical form it would not know what it is. The cat knows that it's a cat, only if somebody tells that thing to it. If the only world that the cat knows is the box, it might think that the world outside it is virtual. 

The only thing that a cat knows about its internal structures is the mirror images of itself. Or some other actor must tell those things like internal organs for the cat. 

Neural network-like abilities in self-assembling molecules can revolutionize nanotechnology.

"Recent research challenges the conventional division between ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ molecules within cells, showing that structural ‘muscle’ molecules can also process information and make decisions through nucleation. This discovery, highlighting a dual role for these molecules, could lead to more efficient cellular processes and has broad implications for understanding computation in biological systems. Credit: Olivier Wyatt, HEADQUARTER, 2023" (ScitechDaily, Breaking the Brain-Muscle Barrier: Scientists Discover Hidden Neural Network-Like Abilities of Self-Assembling Molecules

Researchers unveiled neural network-like abilities in the self-assembling molecules. That can help to find out the brain-muscle barrier. And unveil the way how brains control muscles. However, the neural network abilities in the self-assembling molecules open new paths for the robots and their self-assembling structures. The neural network ability in physical molecules makes it possible for the system can self-assemble complicated structures. 

That thing can make it possible that the amoeba-looking robots that can change their forms can turn into reality. Self-assembling molecules can also make it possible to create self-fixing structures for ships and aircraft. That kind of thing can turn the Sci-Fi tales about the liquid metal robots into reality. The thing is that the neural network abilities in the molecules can turn tools like hard disk self-fragmentation into the physical world. 

"Japanese researchers have innovated a “one-pot” method to produce palladium nanosheets, offering significant improvements in energy efficiency and catalytic activity. This breakthrough in nanotechnology could transform the use of palladium in various industries, marking a significant step towards more sustainable energy solutions. Credit: Minoru Osada" (ScitechDaily, One-Pot Wonder: The New Nanosheet Method Catalyzing a Green Energy Revolution)

The self-fragmentation in the nanosheet can make a revolution also in solar power. However, the same systems that can control the palladium nanosheet can be used to create the self-assembling layers. The idea is, that the system can pack data to those particles in the photonic form, and then the layer can self-assemble itself. 

And there are many more applications than just the amoebae robots that can change their shape. The system's ability to defragment physical material also increases data security to the next level. The data package can transported in physical pieces. And when those pieces drop to the layer. When those robot puzzle pieces get commanded, the system reforms those puzzles into the new entirety. 

The ability to control the molecule's position is the fundamental advance for making complex nanostructures. The self-assembling molecular structure can use the same methodology as self-fragmenting data structures. 

If the system can transfer data and control the proton's position in the nanoaxle, that can revolutionize nanotechnology. When protons are opposite to each other. That turns nano-axles and protons away. And if there are two electrons like a water molecule on the other side of the nanoaxle that turns the electrons into another proton. That will pull molecules to each other. 

That thing makes those messages impossible to break. Nobody can fragment the entirety that is in multiple different places that are long distances from each other. And that makes it possible to carry those puzzle pieces to one position. Those data-carrying nanomachines would be like metal powder that the courier transports for the user in physical form. 

If the system can program physical molecules it can turn physical self-fragmentation into the new level. When physical molecules make the structure. They require the same information type as some data structures. They require information on what data structures are on the side of the center structure. The ability to transport information between protons helps to make that kind of ability. 

The idea is that the protonic structures are put in nano-size manipulators or nano-size axles. Those axles turn protons inside the molecular structure. Or out from the structure. The protons turn the point in the molecules electronegative. The ability to control the nano-axle's position makes it possible to turn molecules in the direction that the operators want. 

When two protons are against each other. They would repel each other. If there are electrons against protons, that pulls the molecules into each other. That thing makes it possible to control the shape of the molecule. And that thing would be a fundamental tool for creating large-scale nanostructures.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...