Today Friedrich Nietzsche's overman is more topical than ever before.
The overman and the AI: AI will never make decisions for humans. Except if humans will not allow the AI to make that thing. If people who have free will allow the AI to make decisions for them, that thing is made possible. The AI can take control.
But in this case, humans allow it to make that thing. Humans are things that give the tools to AI to take control. In the same way, we can ask, "Why do some people, like bloody dictators rise to power"? The answer is simple. People who support those dictators are also responsible for dictators staying in control
Friedrich Nietzsche and his "overman" or "over human" theory that the creature with higher morals, higher capacity, and higher intelligence level abilities will rise over "regular people". Nietzsche created his idea from the people's need to be under control, and he mentioned that character in his novel "Antichrist" (Der Antichrist).
The question in this "overman" is what means high moral? Does high morale mean mass murders? I think that the answer is "no". So did Nietzsche mean that people think their leaders are something else than themselves? And did he criticize some people's need to give their thoughts and will to their leaders?
The overman is a character that is always criticized. The overman is the thing that justifies horrifying actions. And that thing means that the overman is the thing that is sometimes whipped from philosophy courses. The question is: do people who justify their violence by overman characters have high morale?
The overman is the character that causes questions. Was Jesus some kind of overman? That thing means that I criticize Christianity. But then again, are bloody actions like the mass murder of Indians during colonialism some kind of Christianity? Were people who made those actions real Christians, even if they made their actions in the name of our religion? Did they follow the morality of Christianity?
When we think of abilities that make humans superior we must say that intelligence and the ability to transfer abstraction are things. That makes us superior to other species. Also, group work and technology give us the position that makes us an almost dominating species. But things like epidemics are our problem.
The fact is this. We develop our society. We develop technology, but we don't develop ourselves. We still are hunter-collectors who worked under the weather. That thing causes a situation that the biggest threat to us is the diseases of the standard of living. Our life is too easy. And that brings fat to our body.
Genetic engineering makes species more adaptable and more capable than ever before. Or actually, humans are not so adaptable. Things like houses are making us adaptable. But without houses, we are very vulnerable. Or maybe we will start to use our intelligence. And start to build houses.
But genetic engineering allows us to develop something inside us. That thing brings immortality to us. Technically is possible to create the human clones and then brain implants will drive data to their brain. The brain-implanted microchips make it possible. The person can store all memories in the computer's memory. And then those memories can transfer to the cloned body.
Genetic engineering makes it possible to create over humans. The thing is that maybe humans can tell us, that we should stop to use carbon as a power source. The carbon emissions, climate change, and other things like wars show one thing. The biggest threat to humans is the human itself.
Those things are interesting. And today the overman is more current than ever before. New things like DNA, CRISPR, AI, and nanotechnology. Genetic engineering makes it possible to remove genetically hereditary abilities from people. So is it a non-moral action to give people who are born handicapped a chance to normal life? We who have no those diseases might think that it's OK. that if a person is born with genetic disorders. But we are not that person. Things like genetically grown meat created from cloned muscle cells can make food production more human than it is.
Knowledge and civilization make humans better than other species. So, as a species, we are "over" other species. But still we depend on other species. Without other species we will face extiction. And that's why we should concern the nature, environment, and climate chancing.
The ability to remove Alzheimer's and other kinds of things can improve people's lives. Genetic engineering and artificial evolution can also make it possible to create super soldiers. The system works horse breeding. The operators can select the most qualified Navy Seal operators. And then fertilize the siblings of another Navy Seal team operator. Those groups could be two universities or any other well-documented groups.
That allows researchers to make people, whose genetic background is the best as possible. In this model, the service records and some laboratories are the only needed things. Genetic engineering makes it possible to create animals and humans with certain abilities. Things like genomes that make the dogs so obedient can connect with human genomes. And that thing makes it possible to create obedient but intelligent people.
That kind of technology requires responsibility. And that means we should think about abilities. That genetic engineering brings. All things that those things bring are not good. The opportunities are big. And genetic engineering can someday give humans the ability to make interstellar travels. The nanotechnology can keep the DNA in condition.
In the more primitive model, the immortal crew can transfer their memories to the next-generation crew members. In that model when the spacemen will turn old, the system clones their bodies. And the system will transfer memories to those clones.
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