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Why was the 27,000-year-old Gunung Padang pyramid created? And who created that thing?

    Why was the 27,000-year-old Gunung Padang pyramid created? And who created that thing? 

Stonehenge (Illustration)

The term Cro-Magnon means Homo Sapiens that had no writing skill. Today this term is no longer in use as anthropological meanings. The Cro-Magnon is the common name for the oldest modern humans in Europe. But I use that term in this writing for meaning the early Homo Sapiens. 

The question in Gunung Padang-pyramid is, can this kind of project succeed without writing and mathematical skills? And the induction question is: what is the beginning of the civilization? When and who made the first cities? 

The oldest pyramid in Indonesia, called Gunung Padang makes Stonehenge and Great Pyramid look like new things. The age of the famous Stonehenge is about 3000 years. It was built about 2600-2400 B.C. The Great Pyramid was built in 2500 BC. So the Great Pyramid is about the same age as Stonehenge. 

"Simple reconstruction of Gunung Padang with all four units and their various burial levels. (Natawidjaja et al., Archaeological Prospection, 2023)" ( Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World, Researchers Say)

Gunung Padang. (RaiyaniM/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0)

"The megalithic stones seen on the surface of Gunung Padang. (Natawidjaja et al., Archaeological Prospection, 2023) ( Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World, Researchers Say)

"Ancient skeletal remains from a 5,000-year-old mass burial site in Spain point to early warfare in Europe, occurring over 1,000 years before previously known large-scale conflicts. The study reveals high injury rates, with a disproportionately high percentage of males affected, suggesting an extended period of conflict, possibly several months. The reasons for the conflict remain uncertain, but potential causes include tensions between cultural groups during the Late Neolithic". ( History: Spanish Skeletons Point to a Forgotten European War 1,000 Years Earlier Than Thought)

Great Pyramid of Giza (Illustration)

But the Gunung Padang pyramid in Java island is older than those two famous landmarks. Maybe the Gunung Padang pyramid's creators exported that skill to Egyptians. But the question is always, why was the Gunung Padang pyramid created? Where its creators found the idea for that complex building. 

The age of that pyramid is about 20000 to 27000 years. The builders of that pyramid built it on the volcano. And we can say that maybe Cro-Magnon humans or early Homo Sapiens built that pyramid. The Cro-Magnons were at top of the human evolution just after the Neandertals. Cro-Magnon power time was 40000 years to 10000 years ago. And the construction of the pyramid happened when the first Homo Sapiens existed. 

The Indonesian pyramid is causing discussions about the birth of the culture. Who made the first cities? The first cities were not very impressive. They were stable villages near water. The Indonesian pyramid requires writing skills because complicated plans are impossible to accomplish if buyers cannot read. Writing skills mean the birth of a culture. And the culture is the thing that connects people. The culture is the thing that makes nations. 

But when the first stable buildings or pre-villages were created. Did Neanderthals have stable locations where they lived? The surprising thing is that Neanderthals were as intelligent as modern humans are. So they could have some kind of culture. But before the group can benefit from culture, they must have tools like writing skills. That they could transfer their traditions forward. 

The pyramid of Gunung Padang pyramid caused discussions where the people who made that pyramid sold that technology to Egyptians. If we think that pyramids mummify the body, there is the possibility that Gunung Padang could create that thing. In that model, anaerobic conditions with volcanic gasses could turn the body into a mummy. The fact is we know that Egyptians didn't create the idea of the pyramids. Somebody sold that thing to them. 

Another interesting question is who and why humans turn so violent. 5000-year-old mass burials in Spain tell about the ancient conflict. What drove people to that conflict, and is this thing the first war in human history? What caused that conflict? Why does that conflict turn and escalate through society? The first conflicts required society, that stand with the leaders. That old conflict from the pre-historic era tells us that wars are not new things. The question is what was the thing that defenders defended? Was that some kind of water source?


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