Monday, November 13, 2023

The first chimeric monkey glows green.

  The first chimeric monkey glows green. 

The rose chimera is two roses, red and white that are connected. That means the chimera is made by connecting two embryos. 

*Homogenic chimera means that it's made by using the same species of embryos. 

*Heterogenic chimera means that those gametes are taken from different species. 

But we can say that the difference between chimera and hybrid is very small. And if the fingers of the monkey glow green because of firefly genomes that thing makes that monkey hybrid. Or actually, that monkey would be a heterogenic chimera. 

*The hybrid is a combination of two gametes. 

*Chimera requires three or four gametes. 

So chimera can be a hybrid but a hybrid cannot be a chimera. The problem with this type of determination is that the gametes can created using multiple DNA bites. 

Two-colored rose chimera

Chinese researchers made the world's first chimeric monkey that glows green. That glow means that transferred genomes work as they should, and the monkey feels good. The term chimeric means an organism that has multiple genetically different cell bases. And that thing can be made by connecting genomes from different species. The Chinese monkey will be a pathfinder for genetic engineering and gene therapies. The easiest way to manipulate species and increase the speed of evolution is to take other species. 

That have wanted abilities. Then the laboratory staff just collects artificial DNA using the DNA bites that controls certain ability. That requires the DNA map of the selected animals. And then those DNA sequences must connect with other specie's DNA. This thing opens impressive visions in good and bad. Genetic engineering is one way that can make the interstellar travel possible.

"Images showing the green fluorescence signals in different body parts of the live-birth chimeric monkey at the age of 3 days Credit: Cell/Cao et al." ( Sci-Fi Anymore: World’s First Live-Birth Chimeric Monkey Glows Green)

There are two ways to make people immortal. First is that nanotechnology repairs the DNA damage. And the second is that the person makes a clone about self. Then that person's memories will transfer to the clone. These kinds of things are interesting. And the same time frightening visions about genetic engineering. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible to fix genetic errors. But the same thing can make it possible to create the most horrifying weapons in the world. The DNA manipulation can turn cells into ebola-virus factories, where those cells produce deadly organisms. However, the same technology makes it possible to create a new type of therapy that makes people healthier. 

When we are talking about genetic disorders we who have not bad disorders are easy to say that fixing those things is not right or against some naturality or god. But we are not people who have those genetic disorders. That is the problem with that kind of thing. There always are people. Who wants to make laws that control this kind of technology? 

The problem is that: in every country in the world are no laws. That controls genetic engineering. And things like corruption make laws weak control tools. The laboratory workers who use VPN-remote control can make those genetic engineers sit in a flat in Stockholm and control a remote robot laboratory in Sierra Leone over the Internet. 

The problems with genetic engineering are the same as AI. There are states, or leaders who want to militarize this technology. People like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are always interested in things like super soldiers who follow their leaders without questions and think only things their leaders are allowed. Cloned soldiers who have no connection with other people and who have no moralistic or ethical limits are tools in the hands of people like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

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