Do you want to talk to the dead?
The Chat GPT can collect all information from the net that a dead person has written or published. Then the AI can make the matrix by using that data, and then the system can start to imitate a dead person. The AI-based systems can also feel very realistic if they have the EEG of the person, and they can connect the EEG with the data that the system collected from the net.
That kind of system is one very futuristic thing that AI can do. The EEG must collect from the timeline that is long enough that the system can make the profile of what words the person uses when there are certain feelings. Of course, the AI can make estimations about word choices by using records stored on the net. But the EEG would give a more precise and accurate image for the AI.
The DMT experiments brought some kind of feeling that some persons lived before they were born.
The Indian yoga men create the DMT-chemical while they make their rituals. The idea of the mental-yoga and some Hindu rituals is to create the DMT that opens connections "to higher mental dimensions".
There are made tests by using chemicals called DMT. Those experiments brought a very interesting and scary phenomenon to the front of our eyes. That thing is the feeling that the person lived once before this life. There are a couple of possibilities for that phenomenon.
Some skeptics say that the phenomenon of existence before birth is the reason for intensive hobbies about some things like history. And that thing causes a reaction that the person feels like living before this life. But the strange thing is that some of those stories involve details that are not in public data. And that thing makes this phenomenon interesting.
Three possibilities can cause this phenomenon if it's true.
1) There is a theory that the DMT is the chemical that drives memories, stored in the DNA to the neurons. So in that case the chemical called DMT offers access to memories that are stored in genomes a long time before the person is born.
The idea is that the species-typical phobias are coded in our genetic code. And there is the gate that makes it possible to drive those genome-based memories like a snake afraid into neutrons that the human can benefit from that thing. That kind of phobia is extremely important for the survivability of the species.
2) The wormhole theory. This theory is also known as "quantum memory theory". The idea is that the wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges transport information between places in space and time. It's possible that tiny wormholes, thinner than the bridges between gluon and quark transports information from the past to the future. And if there is some person with similar amino acid chains that person's EEG can travel through the wormhole causing resonance in the neural tracks of tested persons. And then that thing causes the "existence before birth" phenomenon.
3) The person is cloned. But for why and by whom? What would be the motivation for that kind of action? This thing is also possible but a very scary idea. We know that we can isolate enough DNA from persons, who died less than 200 years ago that we could change the genome in the morula cell.
And that thing allows cloning the person. Another question is who and why that thing was made. This kind of thing is fascinating and maybe someday we can find the truth.,N-Dimethyltryptamine
The image is part of the front page of the book "Arthur C. Clarke's mysterious world" from 1985.
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