Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Rydberg-Moiré exciton can be a big step for compact quantum computer development.

The new superconducting material LK-99 is the ultimate tool. It can use to make new solid qubits. The ability to create room-temperature superconductors means the revolution in the next-generation portable quantum computers. The solid qubit is multiple layers of superconducting materials. And the information is cut to those states like it is cut to other qubits. In solid qubits, the system makes the superpositions and quantum entanglements in solid material. 

The image portrays Rydberg-Moiré's excitons. Those excitons are like pillars between those layers. The system can use those excitons for transport information. between layers in a solid qubit. The idea is that the system drives information one by one to all layers. If there are diodes or cutters (switches) between those states the system can drive information first to the entire system. Then it can cut information route to the most out layer. And fill the inner layer with another information package. The system can make this process simultaneously. 

The system might look like this:

(Layer) (Cutter) (Layer) (Cutter) (Layer) (Cutter)

Rydberg-Moiré's excitons allow researchers to control and manipulate quantum states in two layers of different materials. The Rydberg-Moiré exciton means that there is an electron in another layer and there is a hole in another layer. As a result of the system, Moiré-trapped Rydberg excitons.  

The Rydberg-Moiré excitons allow to manipulate quantum states between two different layers. And that thing makes it possible to transfer information between two different layers. In the image, you can see those Rydberg-Moiré excitons as the pillars between those two states. 

That thing makes it possible to create new types of solid qubits. The solid qubit is a multilayer structure of superconducting materials. The problem is that information must travel through those materials without changes. The system will put binary information rows to lines. And then drive that cut information in those superconducting layers. Then another side of those layers or wires the system can connect information back to the entirety. 

"A cartoon showing the Rydberg moiré excitons in the WSe2/TBG heterostructure. Credit: IOP" (ScitechDaily.com/A cartoon showing the Rydberg moiré excitons in the WSe2/TBG heterostructure. Credit: IOP)

The Rydberg-Moiré excitons also can make it possible to improve data transport between binary and quantum systems. 

The problem with quantum systems is that they cannot interact straight with screens and keyboards. That interaction requires systems that can transport information between quantum- and binary systems. And if quantum computers can communicate with a keyboard and screen it can be a great step for compact quantum computers and even quantum laptops. 

Sometimes researchers call exciton "empty hydrogen". The difference between exciton and hydrogen atoms is this. In exciton, electron orbits empty point. That means exciton can orbit atoms. And, if the system can manipulate the hole, that thing can make it possible that the system can adjust the electron's state. 

The exciton is the case where an electron orbits its hole. By benefiting the "depth" of the electron hole is possible to manipulate an electron that orbits its hole. Or because everything is interacting the electron can manipulate the hole, that is trapped electron around it. In this case, the system can manipulate the hole from another layer. Manipulation of the hole in the exciton system can make it possible. That the exciton can deliver or receive information precisely in a certain moment. 




Rydberg state: 




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