Sunday, September 29, 2024

Biomimetic machines can emulate natural creature behavior.

"A biological model based on slime mold has provided astronomers with new insights into the structure and evolution of the universe. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Slime Mold Algorithms Unlock Secrets of Vast Cosmic Structures)

Biomimetics is the emulation of nature. The drone swarms can emulate slime molds and starling swarms. Another thing is that computer viruses are things that emulate natural viruses. 

Biomimetics is not necessarily a physical thing. Also, virtual systems can emulate living nature. Things like the slime mold algorithm that uses slime mold as a model of the universe's structures emulates nature in the virtual model. The slime mold algorithm can also be used in things like drone swarms. Those systems can use slime mold algorithms to create drone swarms that behave like slime mold. Another way is to create an algorithm that makes drone swarms behave like starling swarms. 

The networked systems make it possible that the drone swarm can act like one large creature. And the AI-driven drone swarms can emulate the starling swarm, which makes it hard to separate them from natural and harmless starlings. The drone swarms can also make it possible to create macro entireties. The drone swarms can cooperate. One of them can act as an eyeball, and some other drone swarms can close targets from opposite directions. In those cases that drone swarm can emulate natural entireties. 

When we think about things like data security the drone swarms can break it. Small autonomous drones can follow people on the streets. They can take images through windows and hear what people say. The AI-controlled drones can also slip data viruses to the computers using the UBG gates. The robot will just fly to the open computer. Then it pushes the data socket to the USB gate and then downloads the virus to the computer. 

If the small drones can slip into the house, and those drones can use wireless electric transfer, that kind of system can see everything that happens on the screens. The system can also eavesdrop on the office. When we think about the most modern data security tools the robots can slip the malware into the system using the USB gates. 

The modern drone swarms can involve the user interface, which allows operators to give orders to those swarms using the spoken language or keyboard. Operators can use the drone swarms for recon, intelligence, and attack missions. The attack drones can make the recon missions until they find the target. 

The recon drone involves a microphone and camera with a laser microphone that can transmit data to the other side of the world if it can use a satellite modem. The other version is that drones make chains that transmit information from drone to drone. 

Or the drone can use voice and video recorders when it stays in passive mode. When the drone's mission is done, it can fly home using the automatized location system. Even small drones can use terrain contour matching TERCOM or they can use stellar navigation. The system emulates birds if it uses stellar maps to navigate. Or there could be the data transmitter that calls the drone. 

Or a drone can connect itself to the internet socket, and transmit data through the network. The system can use the AI-based speech-to-text application. And it can send data in the form of the text. 

The AI is the tool that can be used to create computer viruses and malicious software. The virus and malware creation must be denied in network-based official solutions. However, we know that many nations are developing AI-based large language models, or, LLM chatbots that can create custom spyware and custom malware that make those systems very effective. There are also private workers like organized crime, that can try to create the LLM that can used for custom intruding operations.

Black hole jets can detonate stars.

"This is an artist’s concept looking down into the core of the giant elliptical galaxy M87. A supermassive black hole ejects a 3,000-light-year-long jet of plasma, traveling at nearly the speed of light. In the foreground, to the right is a binary star system. The system is far from the black hole, but in the vicinity of the jet. In the system an aging, swelled-up, normal star spills hydrogen onto a burned-out white dwarf companion star. "(ScitechDaily, Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions)

"As the hydrogen accumulates on the surface of the dwarf, it reaches a tipping point where it explodes like a hydrogen bomb. Novae frequently pop-off throughout the giant galaxy of 1 trillion stars, but those near the jet seem to explode more frequently. So far, it’s anybody’s guess why black hole jets enhance the rate of nova eruptions. Credit: NASA, ESA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI)" (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions)

"Nova Explosions in Double Star Systems Doubled Near Black Hole Jet" (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions)

"The supermassive black hole in the core of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 shoots out a blazing bright jet of plasma racing across space at nearly the speed of light. It makes the “Death Star” beam in the Star Wars trilogy look like a wimpy candle flame lighter." (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Baffled by Black Hole Jets Igniting Star Explosions)

Relativistic jets from black holes are one of the most powerful phenomena in the universe. The jet is extremely high-energy plasma and radio, X- and gamma rays. Those jets can raise the star's temperature to a very high level if they hit the stars. That thing can destroy the star immediately if it raises its energy level too high. 

That thing can increase the power of the fusion. Or in the worst case. The energy impulse from the black hole can cause a situation where the volume of fusion reactions increases. That can cause an explosion. The most dangerous of those jets and eruptions are radio- and IR bursts that can. Transfer energy very effectively to plasma that forms the star. Plasma in the stars can absorb that kind of radiation. 

The Cygnus X-1 is the binary system where blue supergiant HDE 226868 orbits black hole Cygnus X-1. The HDE 226868 has a surface temperature of 31 000K and that means the star is O class supergiant. The star is extremely hot because the Cygnus X-1 material disk and its relativistic jet transfer energy into that star. 

Another thing that can cause sudden death is fast radio bursts of FRBs. Neutron stars and their radio jets can transfer very much energy to the other stars. The neutron star's jets can also warm the regular stars and increase their fusion power. But the eruptions from other stars can also have a big effect on stars. Things like supernova explosions can destroy even big stars if they are too close to the detonating stars. 

In some cases, the eruption from some red or blue giant can destroy multiple solar systems. The power of the effect of the eruptions depends on the size of the target star. Large stars have energy impulses better than small stars. 

Even if the energy impulse from some black hole or neutron star causes only some kind of flare in the sun-size stars. A similar phenomenon can be destructive if it hits things like red or brown dwarfs. The FRB can transfer very high power energy impulses to the red dwarf. And there is no space for energy where it can go. So the energy impulse can raise the energy level in the red dwarf. 

Another thing is that the relativistic jet can transmit energy to the plasma cloud around the star. In some visions, a high-power energy impulse can hit the planet's plasma belt. That transfers energy to that plasma, and this thing destroys satellites if it happens on Earth. If the energy level in the plasma belt rises high enough. That thing causes a situation where energy travels into the middle of Earth. This can cause the temperature in Earth's core to rise. 

In some visions, the relativistic jet can raise the temperature in the planet's atmosphere. If the temperature in the planet's atmosphere rises high enough, energy may start to flow to the planet's core. And if that energy cannot escape that energy impulse from some of the most high-energy objects can turn the planet into a black hole. That requires high-power energy impulses, that can come from the black hole's relativistic jets that heat the atmosphere.

Friday, September 27, 2024

The lack of deep knowledge is the problem with AI.

The problem that slows the development of the large language models, LLM is this. The next-generation system should also have a deep knowledge of what the words mean. When we use the conventional AI or LLM the system selects the keywords, and then it connects data from the different internet pages into the new entirety. 

Deep-learning AI is harder to program, and then we must understand, that even if the AI has a long list of determinators in databases, that are connected with the words we must realize that the AI doesn't still think. It might have many determinators but the problem is that. This thing is only an enhanced version of the LLM. Even if every single word of the language is connected with thousands of words of explanation, the AI will not understand those words. It just connects those things and creates one new layer to the AI. 

(Above) The neural- and KAN network structures. From above those layers would look like normal 2D networks. (Below). The image below is a more precise introduction to KAN networks than the image above. There you can see the layer between those networks. 

The neural networks are the tools that give extremely powerful calculating capacity to the system. There are no limits to the size of neural networks. However traditional neural networks are hard to administrate because of their 3D structure. The answer to the administration problem could be in Kolmogorov-Arnold (KAN) networks. 

When we think about the LLM and the new enhanced LLM the neural network architecture that runs those algorithms. The Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks or KAN networks can also be effective. The 2D structure makes those networks easier to administrate than traditional networks. The researchers can put KAN networks into the pleats, like fabric. 

The KAN network can be a large-scale system. But the pleated structure makes it more compact. The 2D KAN networks can create a hierarchical structure but otherways than traditional networks. In KAN networks each network layer is an independent network. In that case, the KAN networks are like floors of buildings. So we can call this network structure a KAN tower. The KAN looks like the synapse of the neuron. 

The system is more powerful and easier to administrate than traditional neural networks. The upper layer (or floor) of the network can act as the independent network. The system can transport data through each KAN layer and then the user gets output or solution when data travels through the KAN tower. And as I wrote every floor in the tower is independent KAN or it can act as part of the entirety. 

The neural- or KAN networks interconnect users. 

The major problem is: can the AI be intelligent without consciousness? Sometimes is told, that the robot that has consciousness defends itself. This thing is one of the things that don't need very high-level consciousness. The system must only use identify friends of foe IFF system. The wrong IFF signal activates the self-defense algorithm. The AI makes the resistance where it is programmed, using equipment there it has access to use. 

If people say that AI requires the command to begin its operations, we must realize one thing. When a defense system's sensor sees something that requires a reaction that thing acts as a trigger for the AI. The AI can follow screens using surveillance cameras, and if there is the word "alert" the system connects the AI to the database, which name is "alert". There the AI finds systems that it needs to react and effect to the threat. 

If access to the area is not permitted and intruders have the wrong IFF marking, that system can act against intruders. The wrong IFF signal acts as a trigger that connects the system to the database there are instructions for reactions. If we want to make combat androids that follow our orders, a little bit of customized LLM models are enough. 

If we want to make AI-robot systems that can emulate humans, making a robot that says "ouch" when we step on its toes is easy. The system must only have buttons on the toes that activate this reaction. Even analog systems can say "ouch" if we push the right button. 

If we want the robots to be dangerous, they are dangerous. If we want to make an AI that beats humans in air combat, we can make very big trouble with that thing. If we want to maximize this threat. We can put that AI into the most powerful stealth interceptor that we find without testing procedures. 

If we make a robot that defends itself that doesn't require very high-scale consciousness. The robot must shoot everything that does not have the right identification friend- or-foe, IFF code. These kinds of robots are not conscious but they can affect us.

How the first stars were born?

"This image of galaxy GS-NDG-9422, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) instrument, is presented with compass arrows, scale bar, and color key for reference."(ScitechDaily, Webb’s Unprecedented Discovery: Potential Missing Link to First Stars in the Universe)

"This image shows near-infrared wavelengths of light that have been translated into visible-light colors. The color key shows which filters were used when collecting the light. The color of each filter name is the visible light color used to represent the infrared light that passes through that filter. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Alex Cameron (Oxford)"(ScitechDaily, Webb’s Unprecedented Discovery: Potential Missing Link to First Stars in the Universe)

The problem with models of how the first star is born is this. The firstborn stars require a gravity center or the quantum dot that can collect material from around them. The gravity centers are things that collect material around them. In some models there formed helium atoms in the hydrogen nebula. 

But helium requires nuclear fusion. And nuclear fusion can happen only in stars or black hole transition disks. In the young universe, there were no stars or radiation sources, except hypothetical black holes, which means there is the possibility that the hydrogen anion pulls hydrogen ions into it. 

And that can form the helium. It's possible. That some helium atoms could form before stars in spontaneous impacts between hydrogen ions and anions. But it's possible. The black hole's transition disks formed the first helium atoms. And then those heavier atoms that sometimes leave out from the transition disk. In that model, the helium started to form the first stars. 

The problem with this model is that the entire material in the universe was hydrogen, protons, and free electrons. Then some electrons impact with protons and form the neutron. Hydrogen was neutral atoms and protons as hydrogen ions. If a homogenous hydrogen cloud starts to turn into stars, it's possible that the entire nebula falls into one point, and forms a black hole. 

There must be mass centers around the universe, or the hydrogen should be as nebulas. If hydrogen were homogenously spread around the universe, that could cause a situation in which the entire material in the universe falls into one point and turns into a black hole. The question is always been, what came first: black holes or stars? If we think that hydrogen was in the form of the giant nebulas in the young universe. That means something broke the structure. 

The formation of the first stars doesn't require black holes. There must be only thicker points in the material. In that case, the Schwinger effect was more powerful in some places than in some other places. 

"This comparison of the data collected by the James Webb Space Telescope with a computer model prediction highlights the same sloping feature that first caught the eye of astronomer Alex Cameron, lead researcher of a new study published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society." (ScitechDaily, Webb’s Unprecedented Discovery: Potential Missing Link to First Stars in the Universe)

"The bottom graphic compares what astronomers would expect to see in a “typical” galaxy, with its light coming predominantly from stars (white line), with a theoretical model of light coming from hot nebular gas, outshining stars (yellow line). The model comes from Cameron’s collaborator, theoretical astronomer Harley Katz, and together they realized the similarities between the model and Cameron’s Webb observations of galaxy GS-NDG-9422 (top). The unusual downturn of the galaxy’s spectrum, leading to an exaggerated spike in neutral hydrogen, is nearly a perfect match to Katz’s model of a spectrum dominated by super-heated gas." (ScitechDaily, Webb’s Unprecedented Discovery: Potential Missing Link to First Stars in the Universe)

"While this is still only one example, Cameron, Katz, and their fellow researchers think the conclusion that galaxy GS-NDG-9422 is dominated by nebular light, rather than starlight, is their strongest jumping-off point for future investigation. They are looking for more galaxies around the same one-billion-year mark in the universe’s history, hoping to find more examples of a new type of galaxy, a missing link in the history of galactic evolution. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Leah Hustak (STScI)"

(ScitechDaily, Webb’s Unprecedented Discovery: Potential Missing Link to First Stars in the Universe)

Did the matter-antimatter annihilation start the interference, that started the black hole or star formation? 

In those theories, the first black holes were some kind of Kugelblitz black holes. Those hypothetical black holes form straight from radiation. There is also the possibility that large hydrogen clouds or nebulas start to fall because of gravity. Then those nebulas formed the first black holes. 

The existence of those primordial nebulas means that the structure of the material in a young universe was not homogenous. There was more hydrogen in some places than in others. Or maybe, there was antimatter, that annihilated with material. That annihilation reaction can form the shockwave, that can start the star formation in a hydrogen cloud. 

Another problem is this: were stars or galaxies first? In some models, galaxies started to form around the large-mass black holes. Then interference in that gas starts the star formation. The question is this: where do the first black holes come from if they are formed stars? Were they Kugelblitz black holes that were possible in the time before material? The other version is that they formed in thicker points of the hydrogen in the early universe. 

Or somewhere between those things. Protons and electrons could also form black holes before the material was formed. In some models, something raises the energy level in quantum dots that send waves around the universe. Then those waves formed the first particles. In the history of the universe was the stage where material was in neutral form. Those were the "dark ages". 

During that time, something put the same number of electrons and protons around each atom. The interesting question is: were there other elements than hydrogen? Those other, heavier elements could form around primordial black holes. In that model, reionization happened because of radiation that comes from those black holes and their material disk. Or maybe that interference happened because of antimatter annihilation in the young universe. 

Maybe the primordial black holes formed in the "dark ages" when the material was not ionized yet. Then reionization formed particles that could form chemical bonds. The fact is that. Without reionization, we would have no chemical compounds.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The new quantum research locks the enhanced security.

"Utilizing quantum mechanics, MIT has developed a protocol that secures data during deep-learning processes on cloud servers, ensuring both privacy and model integrity with a high accuracy rate." (ScitechDaily, MIT’s Quantum Locks Tighten Security on Cloud AI)

The new AI networks require enhanced data protection. Data protection must be very important, or the attackers can see everything that the AI-based network does. Another thing is that data security protects data from the outcoming effects. Physical data security, like denying the outside field interaction with data denies the damages from the data. 

Quantum networking can mean that the system cuts the data flow to multiple frequencies and routes. That thing enhances communication security. The system can also change the order of data bites. Or if the message is not urgent but requires high security. The transmitter can keep long breaks between the data segments. It can connect those data segments or data packages to multiple other messages. 

That means the important message is hard to find. In this case, I mean that all important messages don't require immediate reaction. The system can encode information using quantum binary numbers, which are extremely long binary numbers. The bigger problem is that new things like military drones require ultra-secure data transmissions. The virtual quantum system uses multi-channel data transmission, there the system transmits information using multiple frequencies at the same time. 

"MIT researchers have developed a security protocol that leverages the quantum properties of light to guarantee that data sent to and from a cloud server remain secure during deep learning computations. Credit: Christine Daniloff, MIT; iStock" (ScitechDaily, MIT’s Quantum Locks Tighten Security on Cloud AI)

The two-way Transmission Control Protocol/internet protocol TCP/IP makes sure that the channel is open. However, the one-way protocol called User Datagram Protocol, UDP, makes it possible to hide the drone's or robot's position. The problem is that UDP cannot make sure if the channel is jammed. 

Virtual quantum computers can use microwave amplification by stimulating the emission of radiation, MASER. Radiowave amplification can be achieved by using stimulated emission of radiation, RASER. Or radio-masers to aim at data transmission waves with very high accuracy. The system can use multiple frequencies, and like in some models, each radio or microwave frequency is one state of qubit. 

"Quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in multiple states at once, allowing faster calculations than classical computers. A new modular approach for scaling quantum processors proposes using flexible long-distance links between qubits, offering enhanced scalability and control while reducing the challenges of frequency matching and photon leakage." (ScitechDaily, New Research Unveils a Scalable Path to Quantum Processors)

The other version is that. Each layer in the TCP/IP protocol will turn into one state of the qubit. The system can also send information using all those layers at the same time. The virtual quantum computer can use the system that shares data into those layers or states. 

First, the binary system transfers data to the terminal. Then the system shares those data packages into its layers or states. After that system simultaneously transports those data packages through those quantum layers, quantum channels, or, states or routes. In quantum computers, the qubit can transmit data to those channels state by state. Each radio frequency in ln a long-distance quantum data transmission is one state of qubit. 

The ability to control graphite and carbon oscillations makes it possible to control the nanotubes. In quantum computers, the system pulls superposition and entanglement through the nanotubes. And that's why. It's an important thing to stabilize the nanotube. 

"Umeå University’s study reveals a new type of oscillating reaction where graphite converts to graphite oxide, with intermediate structures that appear and disappear, hinting at broader implications for chemical theory." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Solve a 50-Year Puzzle: The Oscillating Dance of Graphite Explained) The ability to control that process makes it possible to stabilize the nanotube. 

"The figure shows how graphite (left) is transformed into ‘pristine’ graphite oxide by voltage oscillations. Credit: Alexandr Talyzin"  ScitechDaily, Scientists Solve a 50-Year Puzzle: The Oscillating Dance of Graphite Explained)

The quantum computers can use graphene nanotubes to pull quantum entanglement through them. 

The real quantum computers make the quantum networks possible. The quantum networks are the systems where information travels in quantum entanglement. In some models, graphene or fullerene nanotubes are the tools that make quantum networks possible. 

The system must only stabilize the nanotube. Made by using the graphite tube. And new experiments help to solve the graphene or graphite oscillation. If the system is in a vacuum that denies the nanotube oxidation and removes the oscillation in graphite and fullerene or graphite nanotube. The ability to remove the oscillation in the graphene nanotube.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The dark energy seems to be weakening all the time.

"The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona has produced the largest 3D map of our universe to date." (QuantaMagazine, Dark Energy May Be Weakening, Major Astrophysics Study Finds)

The dark energy seems to weaken all the time. That is one of the most remarkable observations in the history of cosmology. That means that the Big Bang has something to do with dark energy. And in that model. The origin of the dark energy is in our universe. The other thing is this: if dark energy gets weaker. That means that gravity wins. The universe ends its life in the Big Crunch. And that thing means that the Phoenix universe is inevitable. When the Big Crunch happens. 

All material falls into the black hole. That kind of black hole cannot exist in our universe. All material and energy fall into it. If a black hole is in total void, energy starts to travel out from the black hole. Which means it starts to vaporize. And that vaporization causes a new Big Bang. 

Can the origin of dark energy be in the hypothetical white hole?

Dark energy is wave movement with an unknown origin. There are many theories about its origin. In one theory dark energy is energy that a photon releases when it turns into the wave movement. In some other models, the dark energy source is in the hypothetical white holes. 

In that model, the cosmic void is the thing that forms when a white hole releases energy that travels through the wormhole. In a wormhole, the maser effect from surrounding EM fields pumps energy into that radiation and particles. When that material and wave movement comes out from the white hole, that doesn't mean that we see that white hole using human eyes. 

The white hole can release energy in the form of X- or gamma-rays. Or even in gravity waves or dark energy waves. That still hypothetical thing can blow all material away from areas around them. And that means that also cosmic voids can be the reason for the white hole. 

"Earth is at the center of this thin slice of DESI’s 3D map of the universe. Magnification reveals the distribution of galaxies and voids." (QuantaMagazine, Dark Energy May Be Weakening, Major Astrophysics Study Finds)

Or maybe the dark energy is the antigravity. 

The still hypothetical, but almost confirmed graviton particle is the origin of the dark energy. That means those particles are the quantum dots that distance from each other depending on the cosmic expansion.

There is one very interesting vision about dark energy. That vision is that dark energy could be antigravity. In modern models, antigravity is the effect that forms when gravitational waves from gravitons impact each other. That forms a standing gravity wave. And other gravity waves reflect from that wave. In the case of the universe's expansion the distance between gravitons also increases. The antigravity models are based on the models that researchers made for other fundamental interactions. 

The reason why the gravitational interaction is so special is that it doesn't have polarity. That thing can be explained by that the gravitation interacts through the field. But how does graviton make that field move? In some models, graviton is a very high energy but small particle. And then when graviton releases its energy to the field around it. The thing is that energy release is interaction. 

If we think that graviton is like on the stick above the water that is the base energy field in the universe we could understand this thing a little bit better. Same time when the graviton falls its energy, and energy level on the layer also rise. If we think that energy level is like water. And graviton is like a droplet, we could see that there is a water wire that is energy flow falls from the droplet. And the same time there is a water wire or string that rises to to the droplet. Sooner or later the rising and falling statues impact. 

When the energy level of the particle falls that particle transfers it into somewhere. That place is the quantum field around it. The energy level at the quantum field or another particle starts to rise. That forms the energy hill. And sooner or later falling energy reaches the same energy level as rising energy hill. That causes the electric arc in electromagnetic fields. Another name for that phenomenon is the standing wave. 

In visions also gravity fields can make standing waves. The reason for that is that gravity waves are wave movement. And all other wave movements can make standing waves. The standing wave causes gravity wave reflection from it.

Schrödinger's cat: and the limits of that idea.

"In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment concerning quantum superposition". (Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat). But the same thing can use as model for many other thought experiments. 

Sooner or later, or at least in the ultimate end of the universe, the Schrödinger's cat will turn into wave movement. The information that this cat involved exists but the cat does not exist in its material form. The information doesn't ever vanish. It just turns its shape.  We are all trapped in the universe and time. The universe is the space that is entirety to us. There are no confirmed other universities. But the multiverse is a logical continuum for the expanding galactic megastructures. 

The problem with natural things is this. They are black and white. They exist or do not exist. Could there be something, that exists and not exists at the same time? 

Scrödinger's cat is thinking experiment about case their cat is not dead or not alive. But in this case, the cat is either alive or dead. The limit is this the cat must be either or not. There is the possibility that our cat is alive and dead at the same time. In this case, the Schrödinger's cat turns into a vampire. Or maybe we can use some more philosophical methodology to introduce this strange third state between dead or live or between existing and not existing. 

"Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source connected to a Geiger counter are placed in a sealed box. As illustrated, the quantum description uses a superposition of an alive cat and one that has died." (Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat) 

There is a possibility that some very highly advanced technical method removes mitochondria or energy sources from the cat's cells and replaces them with nanotechnical nuclear batteries or some other thermal source that creates energy like natural mitochondria. Those new energy sources would be in every cell in that cat's body. The idea is that the original Schrödinger's cat lives in the box, that we cannot open. But in this new case, the cat can live and interact. But that cat is dead and alive at the same time. 

We can say that our limits of thinking have focused on the third arrow problem. The thing cannot be dead and alive at the same time. Normally, we have two arrows that mean something exists, or something does not exist. The thing is that existence is living in nature. The idea is that the creature that interacts is alive and the creature that doesn't interact is dead. But then we can say that the stone is alive if we kick toe to it. 

 In the two-arrows traditional model. There are only two states for creatures.

In the three arrows model. There is a medium in the third state between extremes.

In Scrödinger's cat model, the cat is alive when it carries information. Or cat is alive when it makes something that means something to us. The cat is alive, if it carries USB sticks between two houses.  The cat is dead when it doesn't carry information or doesn't mean anything to us. So, only living cats can carry USB sticks is the thing, that we normally think. But then we can think of the possibility that the cat is physically dead and there is still hiding information surgically implanted USB stick in its body. But there is the possibility that a dead cat can carry information. So the dead cat involves thing that interests us. That makes a dead cat alive to us. 

In the arrow model, there is one arrow for alive and another arrow for dead. Normally we have only two arrows and the creature is dead or alive. But maybe we need the third arrow. That is being alive and dead at the same time. Or existent and nonexistent at the same time. In the case of Scrödinger's cat, the object is in the box without the ability to transfer information. We can take that box with us. That means the cat is the information that this thing involves. Another way is that the system replaces mitochondria using nanotechnical nuclear batteries. The cat is dead, but it can still carry information. 

That thing means that the pain makes that stone alive. Sometimes we think that the ability to make descendants makes something alive. But then we can think again, that the particle or radioactive element that decays into some other element is alive because it produces two other descendant particles. 

And that means if the interaction between the creature and its environment is required to turn the cat alive, Schrödinger's cat is dead, because it's in the box, there it cannot interact with its environment. Then somebody says that the cat is alive because it can interact with its environment in the box. Then we can ask again would the cat is alive, when it walks around and introduces its nanotechnical nuclear batteries that pump energy into its cells.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...