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Many companies are working to develop portable nuclear reactors (PoNu) to replace diesel generators.

 Many companies are working to develop portable nuclear reactors (PoNu) to replace diesel generators. 

Work with compact and powerful nuclear reactors continues. The reactor's purpose is to replace diesel generators fit in trucks. That means they can be used in multiple systems, from fixed power plants to ultimate power sources for ships, trains, and aircraft. And even trucks and tanks. The reason why those small-size nuclear reactors are under development is that. 

These kinds of systems decrease carbon emissions. Another reason why those systems are under development is that modern weapon systems like direct energy weapons, which means microwaves and lasers require electric power. Also, coherent high-power radio waves that are used to deliver electricity to drones remotely through air require a trusted and powerful power source. The portable nuclear reactors can changed same way as batteries. 

And if some ship or aircraft uses portable nuclear reactors. Operators can just put it in its place and connect with electronics and electric systems using fast connection. The operators must just connect electric wires to the reactor. And then that system delivers electricity to the vehicle. That kind of system can be on the deck and deliver electricity to the ships and aircraft. The liquid helium can keep those system's temperatures lower. 

Highly radioactive, superheavy isotopes as fuel make it possible to create man-portable nuclear reactors. 

If the system can use an extremely small nuclear reactor as a power source. It can make it possible to create even nuclear-powered helicopters that can fly for years. The crew is the limit in the flight time of that nuclear-powered helicopter. In automatic mode, the helicopter like a nuclear-powered aircraft can fly even for years.  

In the 1950s and 1960s, U.S. Army and Air Force tested nuclear-powered tanks and aircraft. The nuclear-powered Convair NB-36H and Chrysler TV-8 tanks were interesting projects. Also, the Soviets tested nuclear-powered aircraft like the nuclear-powered Tu-95 Bear-class nuclear bomber during the Cold War. And today Russians are working with nuclear-powered "Skyfall" missiles. The plasma-electric jet engines also make it possible to create super, and hypersonic nuclear-powered aircraft. 

A portable nuclear reactor. In the artist's vision. Those modular systems can connect to series. And that means portable reactors that work as the entirety can deliver electricity to a large area. 



TU95 LAL (Nuclear-powered Tu-95) 

Ford Nucleon

Hypothetical "Aurora"


Could the mysterious "Aurora" be a nuclear-powered aircraft? That can use antimatter "afterburner"? 

So could the legendary "Aurora"-system the small-size nuclear reactor that uses the arc-jet engine. The arc-jet engine is an engine system that uses electric arcs to expand propellant. 

That small nuclear reactor can make antimatter "afterburner" possible. The idea is that the small reactor pushes particles against a thin gold layer. And that thing can turn those particles into antimatter. That can give an extremely powerful punch to aircraft. 


Ford also created the Ford Nucleon the family car with a nuclear reactor. And maybe the new nuclear technology makes those things a reality. If developers want to aim tanks with high-power laser, and microwave mixture weapons they need a power source. And a nuclear reactor will be a good solution. 

The man-portable nuclear reactor can act as a weapon. If the radiation protection is removed from a certain part of the system. That system sends highly radioactive radiation and ionized particles in the desired direction. 

The new TRISO fuel makes that system safe. The highly radioactive elements make those reactors small. 

The new type of nuclear fuel is called TRISO, where nuclear material is closed in graphite and silicon carbide. That thing makes those reactors safer than traditional reactors. The fuel in TRISO balls or capsules can be uranium, but it can also use higher radioactive synthetic elements like plutonium, neptunium, or even einsteinium. 

The super-heavy elements require a system that is near zero-kelvin degrees temperature. And the liquid helium is the answer to that problem. The system adjusts the fission speed by adjusting the temperature. If the reactor uses weapon enrichment in plutonium or some even heavier and more radioactive elements. That means the reactor's size would be so small, that one man can carry it.


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