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Is our reality a computer simulation? The new law in physics can tell that is true.

    Is our reality a computer simulation? The new law in physics can tell that is true. 

We might think that people who claim that our reality is a simulation are crazy. But the fact is that it's 50% possible that our life and reality are simulations in a computer's memory. There is also a steampunk vision about that theory. The base in that steampunk version is in large city warfare areas, where the Warsaw Pact military trained in city warfare. If some person lives in that kind of military exercise area for their entire life, that person believes that there is infinite war on Earth. 

When we think about the simulated reality theory, we face another thing. And that is who made that simulation? What is the motive for that kind of thing? In some visions, the crew in interstellar spacecraft are in hypothermic hibernation, and they live in the simulation. The purpose of the simulation would be that those people can spend time in that alternative or augmented reality. The system uses augmented and virtual realities to develop new tactics and strategies for colonizing new worlds. 

"Dr. Melvin Vopson, a physicist from the University of Portsmouth, has proposed a new law of physics that might support the theory that our universe is a simulated reality. Drawing from the field of information physics, he suggests that physical reality is composed of bits of information. His latest research suggests that this new law, based on principles of thermodynamics and information dynamics, has implications across biology, atomic physics, and cosmology". ( Our Reality a Computer Simulation? A New Law of Physics Could Prove Elon Musk Is Right)

The SciFi book "Foundation" and "Psychohistory" gave ideas for this simulated reality theory. 

Another background of this simulated reality theory is in  Isaac Asimov's SciFi novel series "The Foundation". The psychohistory, a fictional or hypothetical mathematical method to predict human behavior, could be functional because its creators simply changed the files. 

In Asimov's book, the psychohistory base is in the NTP formulas that Ludwig Boltzmann. , who was a real mathematician, introduced in the 20th century. The psychohistory base is in datasets. That includes every single case that people face in a certain timeline. Then the people's reactions to those things are also stored. And after that, the case and reaction combined with things. That happened at this moment. 

Fake news can be one version of the simulated reality. 

The simulated reality can used to make the dataset that the AI needs to record the reactions. Also, the person named Orson Welles put his name in history in this theory. Fake news is one version of the simulated reality theory. Orson Welles created the radio play called "War of the Worlds". That is based on H.G Wells's novel. And in that day many Americans believed that the Martians attacked. 

That information tsunami of false news began when some listeners believed. That Martian's offensive began. They told that thing to other people, and that caused that rumor. Or false information started to escalate.  Nobody knows how many people believed that the Martians attacked. But that case is one version of the disinformation.

Wikipedia tells about this case like this:  "In 1938, his radio anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air gave Welles the platform to find international fame as the director and narrator of a radio adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds, which caused some listeners to believe that a Martian invasion was occurring. Although reports of panic were mostly false and overstated, they rocketed 23-year-old Welles to notoriety." (Wikipedia/Orson Welles)

That mistake gave an idea that these kinds of things could used to create the behavioral matrix of the people's behavior in that kind of situation. In some visions, the intelligence sends fake radio messages to KGB agents that Russia is attacking or planning an attack. Then that known agent's behavior is used to make the matrix, which makes it possible to predict the nuclear or any other strike. 

The fact is that. The thing behind this psychohistory is the idea that if the person reacts somehow to something, that person reacts the same way to all similar things. 

And that allows the AI to create datasets from different situations. When a person goes into a similar situation. The AI could predict the reaction. If the AI can make a large enough dataset from a group that is large enough. 

That thing allows it to predict reactions in a larger group of people. The quantum computer-based AI architecture makes it possible. That the AI can follow millions of people at the same moment. In that model, every behavior type has its index number. Then the computer simply calculates an average from those numbers. And that allows us to predict how certain groups of people behave. 

So they created an alternative artificial reality, that forces people to react somehow to the threat. And that alternative, artificial reality is the thing that makes people make something that they would not do otherwise. The creators of the psychohistory simply made artificial cases straight from their imagination. And then they suggest some solution, and of course, that solution is right, because the machine is programmed to lose.


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