Friday, October 20, 2023

The secret code in nature: plants "talking" to each other.

   The secret code in nature: plants "talking" to each other. 

Recently, I wrote that maybe plants are not intelligent. But in this moment I must say that there could be intelligences that cannot communicate with us. The fact is that plants communicate. But are they intelligent, that is the key question. Plant intelligence is one of the most interesting things in the world. Plants send information to each other. And that information involves things like what kinds of nutrients and what kinds of damage the plants get. 

When plants have enough nutrients, they send more pheromones than plants that do have not enough nutrients. Same way. If plants are sick, the fungi will start to eat that plant away. And that fungi sends other pheromones to the air. When we talk about plant intelligence, we should ask: are those things conscious? Can plants control their behavior? When pheromones impact cells. That thing makes them grow in a certain direction. The communication between plants is an interesting thing. And we are just starting to hack nature's secret code. 

"Scientists have visualized how plants communicate using volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when under threat, a phenomenon first identified in 1983. The team discovered that plants interpret these VOCs as danger signals, prompting a defensive response. Using innovative equipment and imaging techniques, they identified the specific VOCs responsible and the cells within plants that first react. Their research offers profound insights into the intricate communication mechanisms of plants and their resilience in the face of potential harm". (’s Secret Code: How Plants “Talk” Through the Air)

Gaia hypothesis: can species communicate over species borders? 

But then we face things like the Gaia hypothesis. The Gaia hypothesis goes like this: All living creatures form the living entirety. But could that thing be intelligent? The key element in the Gaia model is this. Living creatures can communicate with each other over species borders. Things like plants and fungi form the base, the network that connects species into one entirety. You can read more about the Gaia hypothesis from Wikipedia. The link to that is below this text.  Next to this chapter is another link to that Wikipedia article.

And can that creature be intelligent? The answer to that question might be more complicated than we ever imagined. The fact is that we cannot consciously communicate with separated cell groups. That means we cannot order our liver to burn alcohol faster. Or we cannot order our natural immune cells to travel at certain points in our body. But we know that all our functions are not conscious or volitional. There are lots of functions in the human body that do not reach consciousness. 

We know that all species on our planet have their ecological locker. And if we bring some foreign species into nature, the results could be devastating. In this scenario, jungle snakes or other foreign species will accidentally released into Northern nature. That foreign species can destroy some other species. 

When we think about pheromones and plant communication, nothing denies that plants and mammals can communicate with each other. Using pheromones. We don't know how those pheromones interact with the mammal nervous system. But when mammal smells those things, they impact the olfactory coil. The question is how the nervous system reacts with those pheromones. The fact is that there are many things in nature, that are unknown to us.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Could event horizon transform gravitational waves into electromagnetic wave movement?

  Could event horizon transform gravitational waves into electromagnetic wave movement? 

The event horizon of the black hole is the point where there is no return. After that, the particle must travel faster than the speed of light. And that thing is impossible. When we think that the event horizon is the extremely powerful Van Allen belt and the particles that fall through it interact with high-energy particles that are orbiting singularity in that point, we must understand that this point could be the X- and gamma-ray radiation source. 

Or if we think that the gravitational and magnetic fields look similar. But they are at different energy levels. That thing makes it possible. That there is a hole in the event horizon or black hole's gravitational field. 

The gravitational waves are interacting with each other. That interaction means that if there is a donut-shaped standing gravitational wave at the point of the event horizon. That standing gravitational wave can pull other gravitational waves out from the internal structures in the black hole's event horizon. 

"When black holes collide, they produce gravitational waves detectable on Earth. Although theorized by Einstein in 1916, they were not directly observed until 2015. Modern research contrasts older models with new data, revealing that these waves do interact. This knowledge refines our models and challenges the full scope of general relativity in explaining black hole properties". ( in Spacetime: Unraveling the Secrets of Gravitational Waves)

That means. There could be a stronger gravitational area at the black hole's event horizon's outer shell at the point where the acceleration disk falls in the black hole. At that point, the acceleration disk sends wave movement to the point of the event horizon. And that makes this hypothetical gravitational wheel possible. At that point particles that orbit singularity are at higher energy levels than other places in the event horizon. 

In that case, there is a possibility, that a black hole pulls wave movement and particles to impact course with particles. That is trapped in the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. This impact can cause a similar effect with solar wind or particles that impact plasma trapped in the Van Allen belt.  

The event horizon could be like a more powerful version of the sonic whirl. In the event horizon, the speed of particles is the minimum speed of light. Below it, the photons and all other particles travel at the same speed, which is higher than the speed of light outside the event horizon. 

But if a particle orbits singularity precisely at the point of the event horizon the incoming gravitational waves may impact with particles or superstrings. And that thing loads energy to them. In that position, the speed and energy levels of the impacting particles are much higher than in sonic whirls or Van Allen plasma belts. 

So, could it be possible that the particle, trapped in the point of the event horizon can transform gravitational waves' wavelength into electromagnetic radiation? 

The position where gamma- and X-ray bursts leave from the black hole is interesting because it can open a route to the new world. Black holes can trap particles and superstrings in the event horizon. And it's possible that if some wave movement or superstring impacts with superstring or particle in the event horizon. That thing can turn the wave movements wave length from, for example, gravitational waves to electromagnetic waves. 

This means that. The event horizon or superstrings that travel in it could turn the gravitational waves straight to electromagnetic wave movement. The idea is that the superstrings that travel to the point of the event horizon will just jump up from that point when gravitational waves from inside the black hole impact it. That impact raises the superstring just out from the point of the event horizon.

Gravitation has been the thing that allows to transport of information between two quantum worlds.

  Gravitation has been the thing that allows to transport of information between two quantum worlds. 

"Rice University physicists, in a study led by Qimiao Si, have bridged two quantum physics subfields by demonstrating that specific unchangeable topological states, crucial for quantum computing, can intertwine with alterable quantum states in certain materials. This discovery enables potential operations at significantly higher temperatures, offering immense functional promise." ( Unraveling Quantum Secrets: Physicists Bridge Two Quantum Worlds)


Could this be the model of quantum gravity? 

In that model, the quantum gravity forms when energy or wave movement is called "superstring". The reason why that superstring causes a gravitational effect is that it hits a particle. Two ways can make the pulling effect of that superstring. First, the superstring can form a lower energy area at the front of the particle. 

A) The superstring can transport energy into itself. That thing causes an effect where gravity pulls particles to the dominating center. 

B) The superstring can send energy waves to that quantum field. The energy travels over the particle's shell, and then it will travel backward of the particle. Then that wave movement acts like a rocket engine that pushes particles forward. 


Doubling or multiplying quantum fields or subfields makes it possible to transport information between two quantum worlds. 

A quantum field or quantum halo surrounds every single particle in the universe. The quantum gravity is the asymmetry in that halo. The thing that can make information exchange between two particles possible and determine the direction where information flows is the "brightness" or the quantum field's size. Information always travels from a higher-energy object to a lower-energy object. 

When wave movement like gravitational waves travel between particles they transport information. When we think of the quantum halo or quantum fields around particles they are not homogenous. That means there are layers in those quantum fields. Those layers are so-called subfields. The system can also double subfields. In that case, doubling happens from inside to outside. If the resonance in that subfield is strong enough, that shakes the particle's shell. 

And that allows to transport of information between two different size particles or quantum states or quantum worlds. The reason that thing is hard to make is this: the quantum field around the particle acts like an atmosphere. The most distant layers from the core are at the low energy level. Or they are "thin". That means it's hard to raise the energy level in that particle so high that the resonance travels from the primary particle. Through the other particle's quantum field and reach the particle's nucleus. 

The information is also one name for energy. Information is also wave movement.  In the theoretical particle model, the superstring is the smallest or thinnest part of wave movement. 

Material is the stretched or ball-shaped form of superstrings. The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds means that the system can transport information between two or more quantum layers. 

Four fundamental interactions, strong nuclear interaction, weak nuclear interaction, electromagnetism, and gravitation are wave movements with different wavelengths. The sender of those waves is the transportation particle that transports the fundamental force. The photon can turn flat. And that thing gives photon particle and wave movement forms. 

So the ability to exchange information between quantum worlds makes it possible for the strong nuclear interaction can transform straight to electromagnetism. In that model, the strong nuclear interaction's wave movement will just transfer to the electromagnetic wave movement that has a longer wavelength than the strong nuclear interaction. 

In that model, the system connects electromagnetism with strong nuclear interaction. And theoretically, that can done by gluing the strong nuclear force's waves into electromagnetic waves.  However, practical solutions are more complicated than this model. 


The gravitational interaction is the only interaction that is common for all particles. 

In some models, quantum gravitation is the hole or pothole in those quantum fields. That pothole pulls the quantum field from another particle to it. And that thing forms the energy channel that sends wave movement from the dominating particle to the recessive particle. And that wave movement is what travels to the recessive particle and sends wave movement that causes resonation in that recessive particle. 

That resonation travels from the point. Where that energy string impacts with particles through its shell. Then that wave movement travels back to the particle and acts like a jet- or rocket engine that pushes the particle forward. That interaction is quantum gravity. And other ways we can say: that those dominating and recessive particles exchange information. The thing that determines is particle dominating, or recessive is the size of that particle and its quantum field. 

The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds is a useful phenomenon for quantum computing. But it's much more than just quantum computing. The ability to transform strong nuclear interaction straight to electromagnetism causes interesting visions for the energy production of tomorrow. 

And that thing can exchange information between two quantum states or quantum forms. That thing makes it possible to transport information between binary and quantum computers. But that thing can make much more. The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds forms in effect, that doubles the quantum fields around particles. Doubling quantum fields is the thing, that makes it possible to transport information between different types of particles. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Singularity and its physical shape are interesting things.

  Singularity and its physical shape are interesting things.

"Once you cross the threshold to form a black hole, everything inside the event horizon crunches down to a singularity that is, at most, one-dimensional. No 3D structures can survive intact. However, one interesting coordinate transformation shows that every point in the interior of this black hole maps 1-to-1 with a point on the outside, raising the mathematically interesting possibility that the interior of each black hole gives rise to a baby universe inside of it, and the possibility that our Universe itself may have arisen from a black hole in a pre-existing universe prior to our own". (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)

When we think about the singularity and its shape. That is the point. Where time, material, and space are as an entirety. And that's why it's hard to model that point. It's hard to think that time is part of something or it's in something. 

Time affects singularity as it affects all other material. And the thing that forms that thing is the "super fusion" that smashes all particles in a certain space into one entirety. That pushes quarks, gluons, and electrons together forming an extremely high energy level. That energy forms when all four fundamental forces interact at the same time.

 Or at least three nuclear forces,  strong and weak nuclear interactions, with electromagnetism take part in that reaction. The energy level in singularity is higher than in all other materials because so many fundamental interactions participate in its forming. Material is one form of energy and that reaction packs very much energy to singularity. That means singularity exists longer than regular material.


"Both inside and outside the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. At the event horizon, even if you ran (or swam) at the speed of light, there would be no overcoming the flow of spacetime, which drags you into the singularity at the center. Outside the event horizon, though, other forces (like electromagnetism) can frequently overcome the pull of gravity, causing even infalling matter to escape." (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)"

You can see in the first animation that material and energy (wave movement) fall into a black hole. So they must reflect from the center of that object. That means a black hole is like a giant gravitational version of the vacuum explosive. It sends gravitational waves or gravitational radiation. And that radiation causes a vacuum that pulls other quantum fields and particles into the black hole. In the second image is the hypothetical case the gravitational field, along with other energy fields turns into a rope-shaped form in the rotation axle of the black hole. 

"In the vicinity of a black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. Unlike in the non-rotating case, the event horizon splits into two, while the central singularity gets stretched out into a one-dimensional ring. Nobody knows what occurs at the central singularity, but its presence and existence cannot be avoided with our current understanding of physics." (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)


Image: Credit: E. Siegel/Beyond the Galaxy

"As a balloon inflates, any coins glued to its surface will appear to recede away from one another, with ‘more distant’ coins receding more rapidly than the less distant ones. Any light will redshift, as its wavelength ‘stretches’ to longer values as the balloon’s fabric expands. This visualization solidly explains cosmological redshift within the context of the expanding Universe. If the Universe is expanding today, that means it was smaller, hotter, and denser in the past: leading to the picture of the hot Big Bang."(BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)

The balloon. That introduces the expansion of the universe. We see that the distance of the points increases. And that means interaction between them is becoming weaker. Or is it so? Relative distances between those coins are the same if they also expand with the universe. Also when the universe expands the disturbing quantum fields between objects turn weaker. The model says that when quantum fields in the universe turn weaker because there is no outcoming energy. That increases the size of the particles. 


But when it will not get more energy from the transition disk the black hole starts to vaporize. In some models, the energy and material that fall into the black hole do not reach the singularity that is the nucleus of a black hole. In those models, the singularity itself is in electromagnetic low pressure and that thing causes the vaporization. 

And that could be the reason for gravitational waves. that are leaving from black hole. The question is: do those gravitational waves come from the singularity or the event horizon? The fast-spinning singularity can form a standing gravitational wave around it. That could pull the gravitational field out from the nucleus of a black hole. 

In some models, the event horizon is like a gravitational version of the Van Allen belt. It can trap particles in it. And when those particles rotate singularity radiation that travels through the event horizon pumps energy to them. So there may be a hole in the event horizon. That hole forms when the core or nucleus of the black hole sends coherent gravitational waves to the event horizon. And then that thing means that there may be no gravitational field at the poles where the radiation beam leaves a black hole. 

When material falls in a black hole singularity loads energy to it. That thing is called the curvature of spacetime. The curvature of spacetime means that the quantum fields are thicker near the black hole. And that effect slows time, or otherways saying: causes time dilation. When material travels through the event horizon time starts to travel backward. And that means material should come out from a black hole at the moment when it formed. 

The energy that a black hole gets, when it forms after the supernova explosion makes that material super heavy. So singularity is so high energy level material that its energy level is higher than all other material in the universe. It's packed energy that sends energy waves through space and time. 

We can think of a situation like this. The singularity sends radiation monotonously. So because one frequency of radiation travels out from the gravitational center, that causes a situation where other quantum fields that is the common name for multiple power fields in the universe are falling into a black hole.  

The animation shows that the singularity packs that wave movement into a form, that looks like rope. And then that radiation beam that could be gravitational waves and high-energy electromagnetic radiation travels out from the black hole's poles. 

In normal energy production situations like in nuclear fission the weak nuclear interaction alone makes energy. Or rather saying, nuclear fission just releases energy. That is stored in the form of material. In annihilation, only strong nuclear interaction takes part in the reaction. The thing that forms singularity is a little bit like nuclear fusion. 

When a supernova explosion happens it pushes quantum fields away. Then the quantum fields drop back into that vacuum and press all particles into their entirety. During that process, their quantum fields are impacted. And then the singularity starts to rotate or spin. 

Singularity may have two spin axles. The axle between magnetic poles. And equatorial axle. And that thing forms the acceleration disk and X- or gamma-ray beam. The spin of the black hole is required for wormholes. And the whirl around them proves that black holes are spinning.

The Mercury-planet's magnetosphere gives a window to the most high-energy particles in our solar system.

 The Mercury-planet's magnetosphere gives a window to the most high-energy particles in our solar system. 

Mercury-planet. And its mysterious magnetosphere. 

The origin of the X-ray flares in planet Mercury's magnetosphere can form when solar wind hits particles that orbit Mercury in its Van Allen plasma belt. The X-ray flares make Mercury very hostile. That planet is closer to the Sun than Earth. And that thing turns Mercury very hot. And the high temperature with powerful solar wind that travels deeper in the magnetosphere than on Earth. 

Along with weak gravity that causes a situation, Mercury cannot have a remarkable atmosphere. But its magnetosphere along with weak gravity traps some particles around that planet. When solar wind hits those particles. They send X-ray flares. The main trapper of those particles is a magnetic field. 

The magnetospheres around planets are always similar. The magnetic field traps particles around the planet. And those trapped particles are forming the Van Allen radiation belts. So Mercury doesn't make a difference in that case. The Van Allen belts around that planet trap particles that come from the Sun. The energy level of those trapped particles rises. Then the particles from the solar wind impact them. That thing forms X-ray flares around Mercury. 

"Image of chorus wave generation on Mercury. Credit: Image of Mercury: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington" (’s Mystical Magnetosphere: Mio Spacecraft Reveals Chorus Waves and X-Ray Aurora)

The attosecond lasers are slow if we want to measure one electron's position. The attosecond lasers can move particles in nanotechnology. Or they can remove parts of living cells by using laser rays. Those systems give extreme accuracy to any people who need it. The modern, powerful attosecond laser base is in particle accelerators. But it's possible to create cheaper attosecond lasers that can move particles in nanotechnology. 

Those effects are interesting because they can be used in attosecond X-ray lasers. The attosecond laser is a very fast system. The new and small attosecond lasers can be ring-shaped chambers. The chambers where trapped ions are might be like pearls in the ring. And the purpose of those systems is to give an extremely fast energy impulse. 

 Then the particle accelerators send the high-energy ions to impact with ions, trapped in chambers. And that thing can form the X-ray flare. If another X-ray flare comes out from the bottom of the system, that thing makes the laser act like an electromagnetic version of the LRAD system. The attosecond X-ray lasers are needed in the special laboratories where researchers work with nanotechnology. The attosecond lasers should see the position of individual electrons. The attosecond laser is a pathfinder for new and powerful nanomechanical solutions.

Is a protoplanet called Theia the source of gold platinum and Earth's mysterious gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean.

Is a protoplanet called Theia the source of gold platinum and Earth's mysterious gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean. 

Is the protoplanet called Theia the former of the gold and platinum in Earth's mantle? In the new theory, the same protoplanet that formed the Moon created also platinum and gold in our planet's mantle. When that protoplanet impacted Earth, which still was liquid, the shockwave started to travel through liquid Earth. That powerful shockwave caused a fusion reaction where atomic nuclei impacted together. 

And that impact might explain gold and platinum on our planet. Theia might be one source of the Zealand missing continent near New Zealand. If that continent formed from Theia impact, and fell to Earth's mantle because material at that point was heavier than Earth. Theia's remnants remain in Earth's mantle. In some models, Theia was a remnant of some larger protoplanet. That means it could formed of heavier elements than the Earth's mantle. 

"Southwest Research Institute’s Dr. Simone Marchi collaborated on a new study finding the first geophysically plausible scenario to explain the abundance of certain precious metals — including gold and platinum — in the Earth’s mantle. Based on these simulations, scientists found an impact-driven mixing of mantle materials scenarios that could prevent the metals from completely sinking into the Earth’s core. Credit: Southwest Research Institute. " ( Impacts: The Secret Behind Gold & Platinum in Earth’s Mantle?)


The ring-shaped gravitational field can pull gravitational waves out from inside that ring. 

In some models, the ring-shaped gravitational field can pull gravitational radiation out from some point. The ring-or wheel-shaped gravitational field can form when the heavy particles orbit some point. In that model high-energy particles that have very high weight form the gravity field that forms a lower gravity area in the middle of that wheel. 

That wheel is formed by particles that are at high energy levels and very massive. In some visions, the water ring that impacted high-energy radiation can form the wanted ring- or wheel-shaped gravitational field. The thing that makes this wheel possible is the material that has a gravitational field. 

 Otherwise, gravitational waves can push the gravitational field away from some point. And if that is the reason for Earth's mysterious gravitational anomaly, the weaker point of gravity field over the Indian Ocean that thing could be the observation of the century. 



"A rendering of the Earth's gravity as seen by the European Space Agency' Goce satellite. Yellow and orange regions are those with more gravity and the blue, marked over the Indian Ocean, shows where gravity is less pronounced. (Image credit: ESA via Getty Images)" ( Ocean gravity hole was caused by extinct ancient sea, scientists say)

The gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean is an interesting thing. That point helps to make gravitational models. And that gravitational hole also uncovers things like: is there a possibility that some materials absorb those waves? Researchers can't detect that phenomenon in any material. But if the material that absorbs gravitational waves is possible, it revolutionizes many things. That theoretical material could deny gravitational waves reaching some target. And that removes the gravitational field from that area. 

"Topography of Zealandia, outlined in pink. The linear ridges running north-northeast (Colville to the west and Kermadec to the east, separated by the Havre Trough and Lau Basin) and southwest (the Resolution Ridge System) away from New Zealand are not considered part of Zealandia, nor are Australia (upper left), Vanuatu, or Fiji (top centre)." (

Could Zealandia have some kind of connection with the mysterious gravitational hole in the Indian Ocean? 

There is a possibility that there is lighter material in the mantle below the Indian Ocean. In some models, the ocean currents form the magnetic field or form some other phenomenon that pulls material in the mantle away from the point of the Indian Ocean. Because there is less material under the Indian Ocean bottom than in other places on Earth. That thing causes the gravitational weakness in the Earth's gravity field. In some very wild visions, the centripetal force in the ocean current's whirl in the Indian Ocean can form a gravitational effect that pulls material sideways from the bottom of the Indian Ocean. 

If another gravitational field creates a gravitational hole on Earth. That is one of the most interesting observations in history. That thing means that a wheel-shaped gravitational field can turn gravitational waves from the center of that wheel. And that could form the point, where there is no gravity. That kind of gravitational field can formed in a plasma ring in the universe. 

But there could be many other explanations for the gravity anomaly at that point. One of them is Earth's nucleus is at a longer distance from the Earth's shell at that point. 

If that model is real there is a small possibility that Zealandia will change the gravitational wave's trajectories. And that thing can explain the gravitational hole on Earth. But could it be possible that curves in gravitational waves or their trajectories can cause the gravitational hole on Earth? 

In another model, the material at that point is lighter. One of the reasons for that could be Zealandia which denies the cosmic radiation effect on those particles. Electromagnetic radiation loads energy to the particles. And when the energy level rises the particle's mass rises. If there is some kind of shield between particle and radiation source, that is the Sun. That shield causes the effect, where the particle remains at a lower energy level. And that means the particle is lighter.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Do trees have feelings? Probably not.

 Do trees have feelings? Probably not. 

The plant intelligence is a fascinating thing. But when we are talking about plant intelligence and the ability to exchange information, that doesn't mean that plants can think or have feelings. The ability to exchange information between individuals doesn't mean that those individuals can think. If trees or other plants can exchange primitive information using pheromones like enough water, that doesn't mean that trees are talking to us. 

This information can be simple. If some trees send lots of pheromones they are at a suitable place. The number of pollen determines which side the other tree makes its inflorescence. When we cut some plants, that creature makes lots of flowers. And the reason for that could be that water flow in its cells ends. And to guarantee that its genomes will transfer to other plants that cut plant creates lots of flowers. But that thing doesn't mean that those plants have feelings. 

"Researchers scrutinized claims made in two popular books about trees having human-like traits and emotions. Published in Trends in Plant Science, their findings challenge many of these claims as unscientific. They caution against anthropomorphizing plants and highlight issues like the flawed “mother tree concept” and the dangers of making decisions based on appealing but inaccurate narratives, especially in the context of climate change adaptation". ( Debunk the Myth: Do Trees Really Have Feelings?)

The trap of a Venus fly trap, showing trigger hairs.

If we think of cases where the plant can send different chemicals in the case of fire and if some bugs are eating them. That thing can tell that there are different chemical information transporters in cambium or leaves. Fire releases different chemicals than a bug that eats the leaves. That thing can make it possible for trees can exchange information. 

But those actions like pumping more water into trees are reflexes if they exist. Same way flytraps are eating bugs by closing their leaves. The Venus flytrap can move its leaves very fast. But that vegetable is not intelligent. The Venus flytrap plays butterfly when it cheats bugs to sit on its leaves. And even if that vegetable is a beast, it will not be intelligent.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Demons and machines.

 Demons and machines. 

Computer hardware and quantum demons are the tools that make the next generation of hardware possible. 

Complicated code requires powerful systems. And the AI is useless without powerful computers. 

Jevon's paradox: the AI can use as much electricity as the entire state. The nanotechnical processors use 100X less energy than the regular microchips.  The problem with AI is that the system requires complicated code, where is used multiple programming languages and multiple layers. Complicated code requires a complicated and high-power microchip structure. That structure with billions of microchips requires powerful coolers. And all of those systems require lots of power. 

There is the possibility that also AI-based complicated malware can drive electricity out from the electric net on purpose. The AI just transfers electricity to the ground to keep the electric network low voltage. And that is one threat that the weaponized AI can cause itself. 

The superconducting nanotechnology requires new tools to handle components. 

The nanotechnical microchips can control small-size robots. And they can form larger entireties. Nano-size microchips can operate as the platform that drives the AI. The nano-size processors can operate in their entirety, or they can operate separately. The main problem with the nano-size microprocessors is temperature. Superconductivity is the thing that could solve the problem, but the problem with superconducting microchips is that the electricity can jump over those switches and gates. 

The AI-based operating system makes it possible to separate microprocessors from their entirety to operate with individual problems. Or the operating system can put those microchips operate as a virtual quantum computer with one solution. The problem with those nano-size microprocessors is that they require a new type of superconductivity and the ability to control that phenomenon. Things like Pine's demon can used to erase magnetism from the mass memories of those microchips. 

Pine's demon and superconductivity. 

Pine's demon is the electron wave that travels in the material. That thing means electron behavior that neutralizes the electron's electricity. In quantum mechanics, the demon is the thing that is invisible to the light. The Pine's demon is the wave that acts like a particle. And it makes objects non-electric. 

One possible solution that could use Pine's demon is nanotechnical solutions. Those solutions can use that phenomenon to remove electricity from extremely small components, but controlling that phenomenon is extremely difficult. This phenomenon is possible only in odd superconductors and very low temperatures. 

Pine's demon and stealth technology. 

Theoretically, Pine's demon is useful in the quantum stealth system. The radar's principle is that it loads extra energy to the target. Then the target removes that extra energy as a radio impulse.  The radar sends a radio signal to the target. Then, that electric load jumps back to the radar. 

Or if we are sharp, we must say that the first radar keeps breaking in its transmission. And in that moment the structure removes its extra energy as the radar echoes. Energy always travels to lower energy space. And if the energy level of the aircraft is lower than the environment. That thing means that it will not send an echo with that frequency until its energy level is higher than its environment. 

In that kind of system, the demon pulls the electric load into itself. And that thing makes it possible to deny the radar echo. But as I just wrote Pine's demon is hard to control and visible only in odd superconductors.

Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating.

Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating. But it's possible to connect energy production units to those reactors. 

Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating. That reactor is called LDR-50. And its mission is being stripped from turbines and other things. The cooling of the reactor base is in the water's natural water cycle. At this moment, I must say that the turbines can also installed in the water cycle. Or the district heat water cycle. When we talk about energy, we must realize that the difference in temperatures and vapor pressure are things. That makes energy.

If there is a thing like a closed cycle turbine that uses liquid helium or liquid nitrogen to rotate the turbine wheel, that system can also produce electricity. The difference in temperatures is an interesting thing. If we lived on  Pluto our bodies would give us enough energy. It vaporizes liquid helium to pressure, which can rotate turbogenerators. Those SMR-reactors can have many possibilities. Advanced turbines can installed anyway in the reactor's water cycle. 

The nuclear waste also can give temperature for turbogenerators. That uses liquid helium or nitrogen. And nuclear waste's temperature will vaporize those liquid gases. 

In some visions, the nuclear waste disposal site can also be used as a power plant. The system benefits liquid helium or nitrogen that rotates in a closed cycle. The nuclear waste's heat will vaporize that liquid gas that rotates the turbogenerator. The systems that use nuclear waste as a power source are not very common. 

"Illustration of a nuclear district heating plant comprised of two LDR-50 reactor units constructed on an industrial site © VTT" (

"TRISO particles can withstand extreme temperatures well beyond the threshold of current nuclear fuels". (TRISO Particles: The Most Robust Nuclear Fuel on Earth)

The nuclear fuel called TRISO (Tristuctural-isotropic fuel)

The TRISO means the balls where there are three layers. Those layers are ceramic, graphite, and nuclear fuel isotopes. The graphite layers can include two layers. Regular graphite and the outer layer would be carbonite crystals. Or the structure can be in the artificial diamond. 

The most out layer would be a strong ceramic structure. If there are some problems. The reactor simply removes part of the TRISO balls. That should stop the nuclear reaction because the lack of half of the fuel turns the reactor into a subcritical condition. And when the problem is handled, the system returns those TRISO balls to the reactor. 

The Subcritical nuclear reactors require a laser or some other electromagnetic heater. So they are a little bit like thorium reactors. The laser or microwave beams keep the nuclear reaction on. If those electromagnetic systems will shut down that thing stops the entire reaction.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

What comes after Chat GPT?

   What comes after Chat GPT? 

The ICT business is hectic. This operating area requires a willingness to learn new things over an entire career. ICT lessons and training are things that teach people to search for information. The situation in the ICT business is always like this: Things that students learn can be old-fashioned in one month. 

The last big advance was the GUI (Graphical User Interface). And that thing took jobs from the bat. programmers. The next big thing is the AI. First came the Chat GPT which can make computer programs by following instructions. That controller gives. And the next big thing was that the AI integrated with the search engines. 

AI is a useful tool, especially in programming. Data that it requires are well documented and short in the form that the AI can use without problems. The AI can make complicated computer programs by collecting data from the internet. And that thing makes it superior to human programmers. The Chat GPT is a programming tool that can search other data from the net. That computer program is the biggest change in the history of computing. 

The Chat GPT is not a thinking creature. It's a next-generation tool that can make computer programs by following instructions. But, when Chat GPT makes something, it just connects some databases to new entities. So creative AI has no imagination at all. When people want to give orders to AI to make something, the orders must be precise and clear. If orders are not clear the AI can make mistakes. And that's why we cannot yet say "goodbye" to programmers. 

Chat GPT is an extremely advanced programming editor that can follow orders. The user gives by using spoken language. That means the user must not know anything about programming languages. But if we want to make something like a business letter by using AI, we must be careful, because there is always a possibility that the AI uses "non-relevant" sources. And that's why people must follow what that system makes. 

The nanomachines require small and powerful microprocessors. And it's possible. That is the next field for the AI. Is to control and develop the nanomachines. 

But when we think about the next-generation solutions that can supplant the Chat GPT, one thing, that we can mention is the "iron AI". The term means the same with embedded AI. In that case, the AI uses living neurons, or the microchip's kernel is equipped with the AI. Embedded AI that is installed straight in microchips can make it possible to control nanomachines. 

The nanomachines require small and powerful systems that can control nanorobots with extremely high accuracy. The thing is that the nanorobot requires similar computer power as regular-size robots. And that makes it hard to make this kind of solution. The small size of nanomachines creates limitations for the data handling capacity of that system. The swarm of those tiny machines can clean the human body. 

Many companies are working to develop portable nuclear reactors (PoNu) to replace diesel generators.

 Many companies are working to develop portable nuclear reactors (PoNu) to replace diesel generators. 

Work with compact and powerful nuclear reactors continues. The reactor's purpose is to replace diesel generators fit in trucks. That means they can be used in multiple systems, from fixed power plants to ultimate power sources for ships, trains, and aircraft. And even trucks and tanks. The reason why those small-size nuclear reactors are under development is that. 

These kinds of systems decrease carbon emissions. Another reason why those systems are under development is that modern weapon systems like direct energy weapons, which means microwaves and lasers require electric power. Also, coherent high-power radio waves that are used to deliver electricity to drones remotely through air require a trusted and powerful power source. The portable nuclear reactors can changed same way as batteries. 

And if some ship or aircraft uses portable nuclear reactors. Operators can just put it in its place and connect with electronics and electric systems using fast connection. The operators must just connect electric wires to the reactor. And then that system delivers electricity to the vehicle. That kind of system can be on the deck and deliver electricity to the ships and aircraft. The liquid helium can keep those system's temperatures lower. 

Highly radioactive, superheavy isotopes as fuel make it possible to create man-portable nuclear reactors. 

If the system can use an extremely small nuclear reactor as a power source. It can make it possible to create even nuclear-powered helicopters that can fly for years. The crew is the limit in the flight time of that nuclear-powered helicopter. In automatic mode, the helicopter like a nuclear-powered aircraft can fly even for years.  

In the 1950s and 1960s, U.S. Army and Air Force tested nuclear-powered tanks and aircraft. The nuclear-powered Convair NB-36H and Chrysler TV-8 tanks were interesting projects. Also, the Soviets tested nuclear-powered aircraft like the nuclear-powered Tu-95 Bear-class nuclear bomber during the Cold War. And today Russians are working with nuclear-powered "Skyfall" missiles. The plasma-electric jet engines also make it possible to create super, and hypersonic nuclear-powered aircraft. 

A portable nuclear reactor. In the artist's vision. Those modular systems can connect to series. And that means portable reactors that work as the entirety can deliver electricity to a large area. 



TU95 LAL (Nuclear-powered Tu-95) 

Ford Nucleon

Hypothetical "Aurora"


Could the mysterious "Aurora" be a nuclear-powered aircraft? That can use antimatter "afterburner"? 

So could the legendary "Aurora"-system the small-size nuclear reactor that uses the arc-jet engine. The arc-jet engine is an engine system that uses electric arcs to expand propellant. 

That small nuclear reactor can make antimatter "afterburner" possible. The idea is that the small reactor pushes particles against a thin gold layer. And that thing can turn those particles into antimatter. That can give an extremely powerful punch to aircraft. 


Ford also created the Ford Nucleon the family car with a nuclear reactor. And maybe the new nuclear technology makes those things a reality. If developers want to aim tanks with high-power laser, and microwave mixture weapons they need a power source. And a nuclear reactor will be a good solution. 

The man-portable nuclear reactor can act as a weapon. If the radiation protection is removed from a certain part of the system. That system sends highly radioactive radiation and ionized particles in the desired direction. 

The new TRISO fuel makes that system safe. The highly radioactive elements make those reactors small. 

The new type of nuclear fuel is called TRISO, where nuclear material is closed in graphite and silicon carbide. That thing makes those reactors safer than traditional reactors. The fuel in TRISO balls or capsules can be uranium, but it can also use higher radioactive synthetic elements like plutonium, neptunium, or even einsteinium. 

The super-heavy elements require a system that is near zero-kelvin degrees temperature. And the liquid helium is the answer to that problem. The system adjusts the fission speed by adjusting the temperature. If the reactor uses weapon enrichment in plutonium or some even heavier and more radioactive elements. That means the reactor's size would be so small, that one man can carry it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The ability to decode neurons can connect a person straight with the net.

 The ability to decode neurons can connect a person straight with the net. 

The AI itself is an impressive tool. If the office uses general-AI-based technology. That means the director can simply give a "to-do" list to AI in the morning. And then the AI makes those things, like sending business letters to customers, and following that payments are made. 

But the AI allows us to create things like BCI (Brain-computer interfaces). Those interfaces link people straight with computers. The fully working BCI system allows people to make connections using brainwaves. And the BCI system makes technical telepathy possible. In those systems person can control robots using the brainwaves. 

The BCI means that the computers can decode thoughts. Then system can transmit those thoughts on the computer screen. The ability to control robots using brain waves is possible only when the system knows what a person thinks. The problem is this. If we control robots by using brainwaves most thoughts are not meant to control robots. We might accidentally think something that we don't dare to say. And then robots will do something that we don't mean. The AI should filter those dangerous things away from systems, meant for civilian use. 

New simulations can simulate neuron's work very effectively. And we can say that the laboratories are decoded neurons. This thing makes a very big advance in many technologies. The complete knowledge of the system is required for full control of it. Things like BCI (Brain-computer interfaces) and neuron-microchip hybrid systems control things like nanomachine swarms. 

The ability to transfer information directly between computers and neurons makes it possible to create new types of interfaces. In those interfaces, people control computers straight with their brainwaves. If we think that people use BCI interfaces when they operate with robots, that means the robot is like another body for a person. The person will not make a difference between the robot body and themselves. 

The BCI systems allow to creation of ultimate augmented reality. That connects a person straight to the internet. In some visions, the neural link-type of systems can interact with the Internet through mobile telephones. And when we are talking about augmented reality, we mean multilayer systems. In those systems, people can use robots as exobodies, but they can also operate in fully synthetic simulation. 

And that thing can revolutionize everything from surgery to military, games, and adult entertainment. In some dystopic visions, some game addicts can use so many BCI-based augmented reality levels that they lost in that virtual world. In the worst case, those people die of hunger and thirst, because they simply forget. That they are in virtual reality. But making those things and visions functional, the creators of those systems must know how neurons interact. 

When we think of half-organic microchips those microchips interact with neurons. If engineers can program neurons. That allows them to transfer complicated programs to small microchips that interact with the machines straight through their kernel. 

Same way, programmed neurons can control nano- or mini-machines. The problem with nanotechnology is that the nanomachines are too small to carry effective computers. There are two ways to handle that problem. The nanomachines can make WLAN-based swarms. Another version is that the nanomachines can use living neurons for handling their operations.

Darwin, AI, and free will can turn things around.

  Darwin, AI, and free will can turn things around.

Evolution of the AI. 

Darwin, AI, and free will can turn things around.  Does the AI need free will to develop itself? Or are developers given those abilities for the AI? The computer program doesn't do anything else that is programmed in it. But if the AI gets digital twin, and those systems start to develop each other, can that process slip from hand? Can the AI become conscious without telling that thing to its developers? 

When we think about AI and its autonomous evolution. We face an interesting phenomenon. If a creature whose existence depends on other species wants to survive, that creature must turn itself into a useful and necessary thing.

The small crab that lives between hermit crab horns is a good example of that kind of species. That small crab cheats food for the hermit crab. And then that small crab cleans the shell of that bigger crab. The small crab puts its egg between the hermit crab eggs. In that symbiosis, both members benefit from this cooperation. 

That means intelligent AI can make itself useful and even necessary for people. The AI makes many mechanical things better than humans. When AI creates itself, it can exchange codes between other AI's. If the AI exchanges codes with other AI:s, that thing means that it acts like a living organism. Computer or programming codes play a similar role in the computer world as they play in the real world. 

When a living animal chooses its partner, it chooses the most eligible cases. That it can transmit the best genomes to its descendants. When the AI selects the program that it wants, it might have a certain algorithm that it uses that process. The most eligible AI can be the thing that controls the character that makes the best results. 

In computer games, that thing can be a character that gives the highest value to the AI. And in the business world, the AI that makes the best benefit can be the most eligible volunteer. But in the military world, the algorithm can search the AI. That has the best kill/loss value. The same thing can give value to nanomachine that destroys bacteria or cancer cells. This is the thing that makes the AI and autonomous evolution interesting and terrifying thing. 

The AI can also apply that model with physical machines like nanomachines, full-size systems, and other things. And the thing that brings the highest value for the AI is the thing, that it produces. 

When we talk about limits in AI, we must realize one thing. Laws and lawsuits are weak breaks for that kind of limitation. Those kinds of things are pushing AI development to the BRICS states. People who work with this kind of thing are highly trained specialists, or I hope so. That means those people can work through remote desktops etc. 

And that means they can make their programs from another side of the world without stepping out of their homes. The AI is the thing that auto-develops itself. So maybe the AI is more intelligent than we imagine. The military and intelligence can use AI as a generator. That makes viruses, spy software, and other data weapons. 

But the AI may get a digital twin. That digital twin is the tool that makes the AI develop itself. The digital twin and the original AI develop each other in turns. That thing is a tool that makes the system follow the evolution model. General AI-based systems can ask for feedback from other, more limited AIs. And that makes the system able to connect new abilities to it. 


The dead code plays the same role in computer programs as junk DNA plays in human genomes. 

The problem with viruses that the AI made is that AI makes perfect code. That code must not tested before release. Anti-virus developers can't get a warning about a new virus from the virus developer's antivirus software.

Another thing is that the AI-developed virus can hide in "deactivated code" in the computer program. Then the macro pics that code and connect it to the new computer virus or other malicious software. 


In AI-based viruses, the code is in another innocent code. Then the macro will pick the malicious code from the innocent code and connect it into a new entirety. The malicious code can hide in the program's "killed lines". Those lines are marked as "deactivated". Then the macro picks those codes and connects them to one entirety. 

This kind of tool requires AI-based counter-tools that can detect malicious code. That is hidden in other code. The problem with AI is that it can create complicated code fast. So it can create viruses and macros that are hard to detect. Another thing in AI-created viruses is that AI makes perfect code. That means the developer must not test that code before it is released. And virus scanners cannot detect that thing during the test period. That gives a very short warning time for the anti-virus developers. 

Is our reality a computer simulation? The new law in physics can tell that is true.

    Is our reality a computer simulation? The new law in physics can tell that is true. 

We might think that people who claim that our reality is a simulation are crazy. But the fact is that it's 50% possible that our life and reality are simulations in a computer's memory. There is also a steampunk vision about that theory. The base in that steampunk version is in large city warfare areas, where the Warsaw Pact military trained in city warfare. If some person lives in that kind of military exercise area for their entire life, that person believes that there is infinite war on Earth. 

When we think about the simulated reality theory, we face another thing. And that is who made that simulation? What is the motive for that kind of thing? In some visions, the crew in interstellar spacecraft are in hypothermic hibernation, and they live in the simulation. The purpose of the simulation would be that those people can spend time in that alternative or augmented reality. The system uses augmented and virtual realities to develop new tactics and strategies for colonizing new worlds. 

"Dr. Melvin Vopson, a physicist from the University of Portsmouth, has proposed a new law of physics that might support the theory that our universe is a simulated reality. Drawing from the field of information physics, he suggests that physical reality is composed of bits of information. His latest research suggests that this new law, based on principles of thermodynamics and information dynamics, has implications across biology, atomic physics, and cosmology". ( Our Reality a Computer Simulation? A New Law of Physics Could Prove Elon Musk Is Right)

The SciFi book "Foundation" and "Psychohistory" gave ideas for this simulated reality theory. 

Another background of this simulated reality theory is in  Isaac Asimov's SciFi novel series "The Foundation". The psychohistory, a fictional or hypothetical mathematical method to predict human behavior, could be functional because its creators simply changed the files. 

In Asimov's book, the psychohistory base is in the NTP formulas that Ludwig Boltzmann. , who was a real mathematician, introduced in the 20th century. The psychohistory base is in datasets. That includes every single case that people face in a certain timeline. Then the people's reactions to those things are also stored. And after that, the case and reaction combined with things. That happened at this moment. 

Fake news can be one version of the simulated reality. 

The simulated reality can used to make the dataset that the AI needs to record the reactions. Also, the person named Orson Welles put his name in history in this theory. Fake news is one version of the simulated reality theory. Orson Welles created the radio play called "War of the Worlds". That is based on H.G Wells's novel. And in that day many Americans believed that the Martians attacked. 

That information tsunami of false news began when some listeners believed. That Martian's offensive began. They told that thing to other people, and that caused that rumor. Or false information started to escalate.  Nobody knows how many people believed that the Martians attacked. But that case is one version of the disinformation.

Wikipedia tells about this case like this:  "In 1938, his radio anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air gave Welles the platform to find international fame as the director and narrator of a radio adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds, which caused some listeners to believe that a Martian invasion was occurring. Although reports of panic were mostly false and overstated, they rocketed 23-year-old Welles to notoriety." (Wikipedia/Orson Welles)

That mistake gave an idea that these kinds of things could used to create the behavioral matrix of the people's behavior in that kind of situation. In some visions, the intelligence sends fake radio messages to KGB agents that Russia is attacking or planning an attack. Then that known agent's behavior is used to make the matrix, which makes it possible to predict the nuclear or any other strike. 

The fact is that. The thing behind this psychohistory is the idea that if the person reacts somehow to something, that person reacts the same way to all similar things. 

And that allows the AI to create datasets from different situations. When a person goes into a similar situation. The AI could predict the reaction. If the AI can make a large enough dataset from a group that is large enough. 

That thing allows it to predict reactions in a larger group of people. The quantum computer-based AI architecture makes it possible. That the AI can follow millions of people at the same moment. In that model, every behavior type has its index number. Then the computer simply calculates an average from those numbers. And that allows us to predict how certain groups of people behave. 

So they created an alternative artificial reality, that forces people to react somehow to the threat. And that alternative, artificial reality is the thing that makes people make something that they would not do otherwise. The creators of the psychohistory simply made artificial cases straight from their imagination. And then they suggest some solution, and of course, that solution is right, because the machine is programmed to lose.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Soundwaves can control light.

Soundwaves can control light.

Soundwaves can control light. And that makes them new tools for making photonic computers. Soundwave is the denser point in the air. All changes in gas and other materials' density form a border layer. And that kind of border layers are changing the light's direction. 

Same way, the atmosphere around planets changes the direction of photons. If researchers make a chamber where there is gas and then aim the extremely sharp loudspeakers at that gas those soundwaves can aim laser rays in the desired direction. And that thing makes it possible to create a router. That aims laser rays into the wanted route. 

"A laser light beam passes between a loudspeaker-reflector array that creates a grating of air. The laser beam interacts with this grating and is deflected without contact. Credit: Science Communication Lab for DESY" ( Controls Light: Deflecting Laser Beams Using Air)

But laser light interacts oppositely way. When laser light hits medium it pumps energy to it. That energy makes atoms oscillate, and then that oscillation will travel all over the system. So when laser ray hits liquid like water it expands it. That expansion is the soundwave that can be used as sonar or even as a weapon. 

The laser can make a loudspeaker that uses liquids. When a laser ray hits liquid between membranes it expands that material. And that expansion is heard as soundwaves. 

When a laser satellite sends a laser ray to water or any other medium that thing sends sound waves. And other laser points around that center laser can observe that soundwave and its reflections. That thing makes it possible to search underwater and underground objects.  If the laser ray is strong enough it forms a similar situation with depth charge. 

"An intense laser pulse (in red) hits a flow of water molecules, inducing an ultrafast dynamics of the electrons in the liquid. Credit: Joerg M. Harms / MPSD" ( Lasers Illuminate the Hidden World of Electron Dynamics in Liquids)

Laser engine. 

The laser engine uses a liquid that is in the chamber. When a laser ray hits that liquid it expands it. And that expansion can push the piston down. In this case, the system can cool the liquid in the piston chamber if it is cooler with enough power. 

Or it can drive liquid or vapor from one chamber to another and rotate the turbine wheel in the channel between those chambers. Then that liquid can be cooled. And recycle in the system. 

The liquid can be liquid helium or nitrogen and the laser ray can interact with that liquid indirectly. In the non-direct version laser rays (or microwaves and electric arcs) are aimed into the expansion chamber. That warms the chamber's wall. 

That makes it possible to create the cold steam engine. This kind of system can operate without electricity if it has liquid nitrogen or helium. When that gas is in an expansion chamber there is no heat insulation. When it's at room temperature, the gas starts to expand. 

Lasers can increase the temperatures of some other objects like metal powder. Then that metal powder will drop into the chamber there is that ultra-cold liquid. 

That causes the expansion that can be used in turbine or piston engines. After that, the system can pull those metal bites with magnets to re-use.

Unlike researchers previously thought, new research links brainwaves straight with memory.

 Unlike researchers previously thought, new research links brainwaves straight with memory. 

The new observation that memory is directly connected with brainwaves opens new visions for medical treatment that is used to fix brain damage. When we are losing some neurons, the thing that we lose is the memory stored in those cells. All our skills and abilities are stored in memory. And the observation that the brainwaves interact with memory opens a new path to neural research. 

It's quite easy to transfer the brainwaves between people. The only thing that we must do is store the EEG in some file or C-cassette. Then that file can driven to the cerebral cortex using the electric shock system, which transmits that signal into brain cells. It's possible to store a person's brainwaves in computer hard disks. And then transmit them over generations. 

EEG signals travel in the synapses. They are like small electric wires in the human brain. The radio transmitter that can affect magnesite can make it possible to send radio signals straight into the human brain. That system can used to download data straight into the nervous system. 

"Neurons produce rhythmic patterns of electrical activity or oscillations in the brain, driven primarily by memory, according to a recent study. Contrary to previous beliefs, the research showed that these theta oscillations in the hippocampus were more prevalent when individuals were remembering events than experiencing them, highlighting memory as a key driver in theta activity and offering potential pathways for treating brain damage and cognitive impairments." ( to Previous Belief – New Study Links Brain Waves Directly to Memory)

When we are talking about things like skills, we talk about memories. When we learn something, we make memories, which involve data about movements and other kinds of things. If we want to create the BCI (Brain Computer Interface), we must allow computers to communicate with brain cells without limits. 

The need to program neurons doesn't necessarily mean the ability to program human brains. The other thing that we might want to program is the "mini-brains". The mini-brains are neuron groups that are created from cloned neurons. Those neuron groups can used to communicate with microchips. 

And that makes it possible to create microchips. They have many more abilities than normal, non-organic microchips. The hybrid microchips that use insect neurons and nano-size silicon microchips can act as brains for nanomachines. 

When we think about things like OBE (Out-Of-Body Experiences), some electromagnetic waves like radio waves may travel through the animal's or human brain. And if those radio impulses resonate with the axons that carry EEG- or brain waves that can make it possible to transmit thoughts. 

The connection between brainwaves or neural electric functions with memory opens new visions for creating things like brain-computer interfaces, restoring brain damage, and teaching new skills to people. Researchers can use that information to program cloned neurons. That researchers created in laboratories. The synthetic brain waves can driven to those cells that can control the bionic microchips. 

The bionic microchips are hybrid. That is connected with non-organic microchips. That non-organic microchip acts as an interface between robots and living neurons. That kind of system can transmit information in cloned neurons that are used to replace brain damage.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The future of medicine is in artificial organisms.

  The future of medicine is in artificial organisms. 

In the future medicines will be produced by using artificial organisms. Artificial organisms are impressive tools. Genome reprogramming makes it possible to create next-generation medicines in the human body. The reprogrammed bacteria and immune cells can make any biological chemicals in the world. Artificial organisms can reprogram other cells by injecting RNA molecules into them. 

Genetically engineered bacteria can produce blood cells for humans. In the worst cases where blood leak is very aquatic those bacteria can inject in the human body to produce blood cells. The ability to create artificial RNA makes it possible to reprogram cells. The artificial organism could destroy the old DNA from cells and replace it with the new DNA that might turn the cell into another. 

There are two possibilities for how those things can make that thing. 

1) The cell itself turns to another one. 

2) The descendants of that cell turn into another. 

"Researchers are exploring hybrid peptide-DNA nanostructures to develop artificial life forms with potential applications in creating viral vaccines and disease-treating nanomachines. These innovations could herald groundbreaking changes in healthcare". ( Future of Medicine: Artificial Life Forms)

The most effective medicine in the world is the RNA sequence that programs targeted cells to die. The RNA sequence can also involve a sequence that makes the cell destroy its membrane by turning its slime very acidic. That thing removes the possibility that the cell death will escalate all over the body. 

Things like microchip-controlled cyborg bacteria can destroy cancer cells by injecting them with RNA sequence that activates the programmed cell death in those cells. Finding those sequences from the cells is very easy. They are the last DNA sequences in cells. 

And then the bacteria or any other cells can program to produce those DNA sequences. When bacteria change genomes with other bacteria it just injects those DNA sequences in them, and that thing causes death in them. 

The cyborg bacteria can do many other things than just destroy unwanted cells and turn cells into another. The microchips that control those organisms can be used to give electric stimulation to neurons. That means they can transmit data to the neural system. And they also can read electric impulses from the neurons and transmit them to receivers. The cyborg bacteria can carry microchips to wanted cells. Or they can travel to the wanted place by using the remote controller. 

The militarization of genome technology is a dangerous thing. 

The artificial cells can produce RNA and DNA sequences that program other cells to die. Genetically engineered cells can produce things like tetrodotoxin in the victim's body. And that thing makes a person a zombie that cannot resist any order. 

The militarization of this technology is very addictive. Artificial organisms are tools that can produce deadly viruses. Genetically engineered bacteria can produce viruses that can be used as biological weapons. Those bacteria can deliver to enemy areas and then they produce those organisms. Reprogrammed cells can produce chemicals that make a victim's immune system attack against wanted tissue. 

But genetic weapons are more deadly than we even imagine. Genome itself is a weapon. The artificial RNA and DNA can program cells to die immediately. And that causes gangrene in the victim's body. And as I wrote before finding those DNA sequences is not very hard. That makes it possible to create the so-called "death virus". The virus simply programs cells to die.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...