Monday, May 29, 2023

The unstable X-ray bursts in the black hole's jets shake the foundations of particle acceleration theory.

Unstable X-ray emissions can uncover the point where black hole jets are forming. The jets are forming around the rotation axle of a black hole. But the problem is that nobody knows the depth where those jets are forming. Distance to the event horizon is a thing that is a mystery. The black hole's magnetic field transports particles to the poles, and there. 

Those particles impact other particles. At that point, the energy level rises to an extremely high level. But there are also X-ray emissions in the jets themselves. That thing tells that there is some kind of friction in that structure that the electromagnetic tornado surrounds. 

Those jets of black holes also can uncover Hawking radiation. If we think that all radiation around a black hole follows the same formula, we can make a model where Hawking radiation forms the radiation pike at the same point with the jets of the black hole. So could Hawking radiation be one of the reasons for the unstable X-ray emissions from the black hole's jets? 

In models, the hypothetical Hawking radiation is the high energy radiation that is even higher energy levels than gamma rays. The extremely high-energy photons of those radiations could simply push particles away. In some other models Hawking radiation is the "sub photon". So if we think like that the photon in extremely high energy level starts to act like all other particles. And send radiation or wave movement. 

"In a groundbreaking study published in Nature Astronomy, a team of researchers led by Eileen Meyer at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has challenged the prevailing theories about x-ray emissions from black hole jets. Artist’s concept illustration of a supermassive black hole emitting an x-ray jet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" ( Hole Paradox: Unstable X-ray Emissions Shake Foundations of Particle Acceleration Theory)

So could the hypothetical Hawking radiation be the strong version of dark energy? 

In this model, photons can send some kind of wave movement at least to the photon that is at the lower energy level. Maybe those extremely small energy channels can explain the mystic dark energy. Or at least part of it. The fact is that nobody has seen that dark wave movement. And in some models, dark energy is so weak radiation that we cannot detect it. The thing that makes dark energy dominant is that there are lots of particles that send it. 

So could dark energy be the radiation or wave movement that is left by photons? Photons are particles like all other particles. So they should behave like all other particles. When a photon's energy level is higher than its environment it should release wave movement as well as all other particles are sending. In the regular universe. That wave movement is very hard to detect. But in extremely high energy areas the photons could send wave movement that can be detected. 

The most common particle in the universe is a photon. And even if those particles are sending weak radiation or wave movement there is lots of surface that sends this radiation. So in that case. The effect of weak wave movement turns very strong. The reason for that is there are lots of particles. That sends the wave movement. And maybe sometime in the future, we can get an answer.

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