Thursday, May 11, 2023

So is aether exist?

Speed is relative. 

When we think of the universe as a quantum system. We must remember that there must be something. That separates the system from its entirety. So the idea is that the universe is an area in a higher energy level than its environment. There is a possibility. That there is some kind of energy field outside the universe, but it's hard to detect. The reason for that is that the energy level of that energy field can be lower than the universe. 

The skeptics say that there should be a standing wave outside the universe and that a standing wave should reflect energy into the universe. That means it can be seen from the Earth. But that reflection could explain dark energy. The idea is that the dark energy travels back and forth through the universe between its center and that hypothetical standing wave. 

There is a theory that there is a so-called base energy level. In the universe. And in the 19th. century people like Michelson believed that there is some kind of aether in the energy field that explained things like wave movement. The idea was the "aether" is the energy field that connects all particles in one entirety, called the universe. 

Things like 3 Kelvin radiation in cosmic radiation background along with the theorem about the Higgs field bring that hypothetical energy back to public knowledge. Things like the warp bubble could explain that the warp bubble is the energy impulse that pulls the "aether" away.  Things like wormholes would be channels through that energy field. And the curvature of spacetime means that something pulls the energy field through a particle. And in this text, the black holes are extreme particles. 

So is there some other thing that can make a similar effect as the hypothetical "aether"? The problem is that there could be a network of radiation and quantum fields in the universe. In that model, those quantum fields are not forming an entirety. They are a network that is making the universe what it is. The thing is that we could call 3 Kelvin radiation an "aether". 

Whether through a medium, like mechanical waves, or in a vacuum, like electromagnetic and gravitational waves, every ripple that propagates has a propagation speed. In no case is the propagation speed infinite, and in theory, the speed at which gravitational ripples propagate should be the same as the maximum speed in the Universe: the speed of light.
Whether through a medium, like mechanical waves, or in a vacuum, like electromagnetic and gravitational waves, every ripple that propagates has a propagation speed. In no case is the propagation speed infinite, and in theory, the speed at which gravitational ripples propagate should be the same as the maximum speed in the Universe: the speed of light.
Whether through a medium, like mechanical waves, or in a vacuum, like electromagnetic and gravitational waves, every ripple that propagates has a propagation speed. In no case is the propagation speed infinite, and in theory, the speed at which gravitational ripples propagate should be the same as the maximum speed in the Universe: the speed of light. (( there any evidence that the “aether” exists?)

The idea is that gravitation will just blow the base energy field away. Or it turns the speed and movement of that thing in one direction. When we think that the base energy field acts like water and the gravitational center pull that thing in it, that thing causes a situation where the virtual speed of an object is lower than it is. If that base-energy field travels in the gravitational center with the speed of light, the virtual speed of the object that travels in that quantum field is zero. 

Speed is relative to its environment. And that means if there is some energy field that travels in one direction with the speed of light the object that travels in that energy field with the speed of light has the virtual speed of zero. So if the rocket travels with the speed of light in a quantum field that falls in a black hole and ignites it's a rocket. That thing causes the effect that the speed of that rocket increases the speed of light if the observer stands outside the gravitational pothole. If the observer is in the middle of the system the speed that the observer sees is zero. The idea is similar to the boat that travels in the river at a speed of 50 km/h. If the observer sits in that boat, the boat's speed in comparison with the speed of the river's flow is zero. But the observer who stands on the river bank sees the that boat travels at 50 km/h. 

Whether through a medium, like mechanical waves, or in a vacuum, like electromagnetic and gravitational waves, every ripple that propagates has a propagation speed. In no case is the propagation speed infinite, and in theory, the speed at which gravitational ripples propagate should be the same as the maximum speed in the Universe: the speed of light.

"Visualization of a quantum field theory calculation showing virtual particles in the quantum vacuum. (Specifically, for the strong interactions.) Even in empty space, this vacuum energy is non-zero, and what appears to be the ‘ground state’ in one region of curved space will look different from the perspective of an observer where the spatial curvature differs. As long as quantum fields are present, this vacuum energy (or a cosmological constant) must be present, too". ( there any evidence that the “aether” exists?)

The upper image shows the quantum field theory. The bubbles are oscillating fields and they would create the base energy field. The question is: is that field particle-centric? Or is it homogenous? The particle central model means that the field looks like networks of waves. In that model, the virtual particles are like extremely small warp bubbles. And they would act like vacuum bombs. When those virtual particles would collapse outcoming energy field reflects from the middle of those virtual particles. 

"A series of particles moving along circular paths can appear to create a macroscopic illusion of waves. Similarly, individual water molecules that move in a particular pattern can produce macroscopic water waves, individual photons make the phenomenon we perceive as light waves, and the gravitational waves we see are likely made out of individual quantum particles that compose them: gravitons".( there any evidence that the “aether” exists?)

The lower image shows: how particles are moving in waves that their radiation sends. The thing is that the quantum field of another particle can increase or decrease the energy level of the particle that is on its side. And that means wave movement can also form a network. The idea is that the particles are yarn balls in the base energy field. And particle is forming around a small quantum tornado. 

"If you allow light to come from outside your environment to inside, you can gain information about the relative velocities and accelerations of the two reference frames. The fact that the laws of physics, the speed of light, and every other observable is independent of your reference frame is strong evidence against the need for an aether".( there any evidence that the “aether” exists?) The idea is that "aether" will act like gas or wind and turn the light down. 

If the universe would be empty. That thing means that materials like neutrinos would turn to wave movement immediately. The cosmic electromagnetic vacuum could destroy material-shape energy. In that model, the material is only the yarn-ball-looking frozen wave movement. Or otherways saying, the material is one energy form. And wave movement can turn to material and otherways material can turn to wave movement. 

But if that base energy field exists the problem is that we should find the frequency or the form of that wave field. That hypothetical wave field could be X- gamma or gravitational waves that travel across the universe. I have written sometimes that maybe gravitation affects the environment of the particle. That means the environment is the thing that acts like water that pulls material into the gravitational center. 

In models, the Higgs field is the thing that gives mass to particles. The problem is could the Higgs field be a universal thing that connects the universe into one entirety? Or is that mythic field local thing that surrounds the material like quarks? In that model, the protons and neutrons are the quark groups. That the united Higgs field surrounds. And that means protons and neutrons are only virtually ball-shaped.

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