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The honor for René Descartes: The AI Descartés

René Descartes was a 17th-century Fench philosopher. The reason why that man is described as the "father of philosophy behind artificial intelligence" is the famous quote "Cogito Ergo Sum", "I think, therefore I am". And in that moment Descartes described the idea of intelligence and existence. If a creature can think that creature exists. 

So intelligence is not depending on the origin of the thinker. Intelligence doesn't mean that a thinker is even organic. Computers can think like humans. And that means if the machine thinks like a human, it's a general AI that can learn new things like humans or faster than humans. 

And that thing makes it intelligent. But even if the AI turns more intelligent than humans, would that thing turn against humans? Same way when we ask questions like is Albert Einstein more dangerous than the average person because he created the Theory of relativity? The fact is that if Einstein doesn't have the tools to be dangerous he is not dangerous at all. Or that man is same way dangerous as all other people. 

"AI-Descartes, an AI scientist developed by researchers at IBM Research, Samsung AI, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has reproduced key parts of Nobel Prize-winning work, including Langmuir’s gas behavior equations and Kepler’s third law of planetary motion. Supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the AI system utilizes symbolic regression to find equations fitting data, and its most distinctive feature is its logical reasoning ability". ( A Scientific Renaissance in the World of Artificial Intelligence)

"This enables AI-Descartes to determine which equations best fit with background scientific theory. The system is particularly effective with noisy, real-world data and small data sets. The team is working on creating new datasets and training computers to read scientific papers and construct background theories to refine and expand the system’s capabilities".( A Scientific Renaissance in the World of Artificial Intelligence)

The thing is that the AI-Descartes is neutral. That computer program has no emotional connections with traditions. The AI can search things and make so-called boring works like search differences in the brightness of the stars.  And that thing means the Renaissance for science and technology. We might think that AI is always a bad tool. We can search how many errors that tool makes. But another thing is this: the user of the AI describes what the AI can and what it must not do. 

There is always the possibility that somebody uses the AI as a cheating tool. Some students can put AI to make their thesis. But that thing democratizes cheating. The people who would cheat lecturers and teachers by introducing a thesis that somebody else made would do that thing anyway. AI can make good-looking things. 

But if those students use the AI they don't need relationships. And maybe we can say that this thing democratizes this kind of thing. But when we talk about cheating and crimes that is the so-called free will philosophy. 

People who select that route should know that these kinds will someday hit back. When I went to university at a young age. One of my teachers asked: would I want to learn something? Or would I want just want to get good grades? That question means that we must have certain skills for some grades.


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