Some philosophers say that the computer, or at least, the server computer is like Scrödinger's cat. That system seems to be closed because their screen is off. But behind the shell of that system, it handles information. So the type of information makes the cat or computer alive or dead. We can think that the cat is an information or information carrier.
Dead information means information that we cannot use or reach. So that is a synonym for useless information. And information that is alive means that we have access to that data, and we can use the information that we can get. If we don't know that the information carrier carries important information, that means it's dead.
When we see a cat. We think that is just a cat. And because nothing is interesting, that cat is dead. But if that cat has a USB stick on the collar. That makes the cat interesting, and it turns the cat alive.
Sometimes Schrödinger's cat is modeled as the cat that is in the box. The immune system of the cat is terminated.
And that cat cannot come out. We know the cat is in the box, but we cannot touch it. But there is another way to model Schrodinger's cat. Schrödinger's cat is the object or particle that is in limbo, or the object is between two states.
In the quantum world and philosophy term "dead" means that substance carries nothing that interests us. Sometimes, that also means we don't know the existence of a substance. "Substances are particulars (objects), that are ontologically independent: they can exist all by themselves". (Wikipedia/Substance Theory).
"Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source connected to a Geiger counter are placed in a sealed box. As illustrated, the objects are in a state of superposition: the cat is both alive and dead". (Wikipedia/Schrödinger's cat)
In some other version of this philosophical thinking experiment the cat carries the USB stick with very important information. The person who delivers the cat to that experiment likes that cat and tells that the creator of the test will get access to that information which might be the access to profit about that test only if the cat is alive when its owner gets it back.
The owner of that cat sets the password to those files where is the bank accessed. And the creator of that test must return the cat. In those thinking experiments, the key element is that writer must follow the line, which might be very far from real life.
The cat carries the USB stick and it's in the narcosis. Of course, that super cat gets nutrients, and to get access to that information the controller must introduce the living cat. The idea is that the cat carries information that has meaning when the controller requires that information.
That person returns the cat's immune system with magic therapy and then gets the password from the cat's owner. The idea is that the cat returns to living when it is needed. So the cat might seem dead, but when information that it carries is needed. It returns to life.
Researchers at ETH Zurich made a Scrödinger cat experiment where superconducting oscillate circuits connected with an oscillating crystal. That thing created a symmetrical oscillation on both sides of the system. The famous thinking experiment where the cat, at the same time, dead and alive, is the key element in quantum computing.
We can think that qubit that carries information is a living cat. And the qubit that doesn't carry information is dead. Or otherways saying, information that means something to the users of the machines or missions is "living information". And the meaningless information is dead. And the cat is the information carrier.
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