Is reality exists?
Simulated reality exists. It exists in the computer's memories that are running the computer games. Or otherwise thinking simulated reality exists in our brain. Our brain creates the imaginational worlds. And when simulated reality forms in our brains. We call that thing imagination.
The metaverse or virtual worlds that exist only in the computer's memories are tools, that prove that some kind of simulated reality is possible. And sometimes, I thought that even if we would spend all of our life in a simulation that is made by using VR glasses and data suits, we would believe that the simulated reality is real.
The data suit is a large-size system that gives simulated stimulus to the nervous system. That is like the data glove that covers the entire person. And in some visions, the BCI systems can make that kind of virtual reality by stimulating the nervous system. And that kind of thing is introduced in SciFi-movie Matrix.
Simulated reality means that reality is made to serve some purpose. And that thing is an argument against that theory. Why would somebody make that thing? What is the motive for that idea?
Simulated reality is an interesting theory. And the holographic universe theory is the continuum of that theory, where we would live in a simulation. The holographic universe and simulated reality are sometimes connected. The fact is that the holographic universe and simulated reality are not precise same theories.
Theoretically, the wormholes can make a natural hologram. And that means the holographic universe might be a naturally born hologram. In that model, the wormhole transfers light like a laser. Those holograms are necessarily not made on purpose. But that thing could explain ghosts.
Somebody sometimes created the so-called holographic universe theory, which is one of the most incredible things that was introduced as a theory. What would be the motive for making such things? But this time we are talking about simulated reality, or holograms that are created for some purpose.
Sometimes that theory is proven non-sense or fake science just because there is no motivation for making and modeling that thing. Why would somebody make the giant holograph about the universe? Then we are facing one interesting thing.
The holographic universe must not form on purpose. The wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges can transport light across the universe, and create similar holograms as lasers.
The wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges can form the light cable that transmits light in the universe. And that means the wormholes can form natural holograms.
Wormholes can transfer light through spacetime in the form of laser rays. And when that light faces the molecular cloud it can create a so-called natural hologram.
The multiverse theory involves two different theories about the universe.
1) The "real" multiverse theory. Or multiverse hypothesis. In that model, there is more than one universe, and the Big Bang is only one of the many similar things. In that model, the universes are forming when the Schwinger effect forms the material in the base energy field that connects everything in the dimension together.
The fact is. The multiverse is hard to prove because if the energy level of those other universes is lower than our universe. That means that the radiation will not reach us. And that's why we cannot prove that theory.
2) Parallel universe means that universes are forming all the time. In that model, the universe travels in spacetime. And if some universe formed with similar material forms after the universe that travels at the same point in time allows the information transportation between those universes.
So universes are traveling like a row in time, and that thing means that the universes can exist forward in time and behind time, as well as in space or dimensional. That thing explains ghosts as holoprojectors that the wormholes bring from another universe.
The multiverse theory is the simplest of the so-called "non-complete theories".
Maybe we should call the multiverse theory the multiverse hypothesis. That thing explains dark matter and dark energy. "The multiverse theory is the logical continuum. If we think that galaxies are forming local galaxy groups, local galaxy groups are forming supergroups. And galaxy supergroups are forming the hypergroup called the universe. So why the universe cannot be one of many other universes? Anyway, we must realize that the thing called dimension continues outside the edge of the universe. So should we separate the universe from dimension?
When we are in our universe we are in the bubble, where all material. That we know exists. And then there is also material that nature is unknown to us. That material is the strange gravitational effect. And along with an even more stranger force that dominates the universe called dark energy those effects with unknown origin are found. The simplest explanation for those forces is that their origin is outside the universe.
The fact is that we can observe only 5% of the universe. And most of that thing is radiation that is invisible to the human eye. Gamma-, or X-ray, infrared, and radio waves are the most common radiation types. And today we know that gravitation is wave movement or radiation as well as other types of electromagnetic radiation. And the cosmic hum that Voyager 1 detected outside our solar system means that we cannot see all radio waves in the universe, even if they have common frequencies.
The problem with multiverse is it's quite easy to understand. In that theory, the universe, where we live is only one of many universes. But if we accept that theory, that means our universe is not unique. It's only one of many universes.
And that makes it hard to accept, and because those other universes are hard to detect, that theory is sometimes called "fiction" or a waste of time. If we think that a multiverse exists that means we are not alone, we are not living in a unique world. And nothing except humanity itself is unique in the dimension. We are only humans in the thing called dimension.
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