Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Removing unnecessary work makes high-power computers more effective.

    Removing unnecessary work makes high-power computers more effective. 

A new type of data analysis boosts the calculation power. The idea is to use tensors that connect the operands. If we multiply something with zero the answer is zero. And even if the calculation inside the brackets is very complicated, but the entirety is multiplied with zero like this (X+Y+z)*0=0. We can scale this thing to all calculations the result is always zero. 

That means multiplying something inside brackets with zero means zero, and that means we can leave it without attention. In AI research the value zero can mean that the system removes the calculation, or it can wait for the next data packet to get more information. The values zero and one can mean that in zero system waits. And if the answer is one or more. The system continues to the next operand. 

Machine learning requires that the computer can use multiple data sources. That requires the ability to handle very large data masses. One way to make that operation easier is to remove unnecessary data from that mass. And the thing how researchers can make that thing is simple. They can remove all zeros from the operand. If the result of some calculation is zero that means the result is "empty". This data-handling protocol can also in robotics to make its reactions faster. 

If the robot has three computers that act like the human brain. Two main computers and a third computer make sure that the system cannot get stuck if two main data handling units get different answers. So if the system removes all cases from the third computer when two main units get the same answer that removes unnecessary work. In this system, the third computer selects an answer, that it uses from the different answers that the main computers give. But that is important only when two main components get different answers. 

"MIT and NVIDIA researchers have created two techniques to enhance sparse tensor processing, improving performance and energy efficiency in AI machine-learning models. These techniques optimize zero value handling, with HighLight accommodating a variety of sparsity patterns and Tailors and Swiftiles maximizing on-chip memory utilization through “overbooking.” The developments offer significant speed and energy usage improvements, enabling more specialized yet flexible hardware accelerators." (ScitechDaily.com/New Techniques From MIT and NVIDIA Revolutionize Sparse Tensor Acceleration for AI)

"Components of the Cauchy stress tensor in Cartesian coordinates" (Wikipedia, Tensor). 

"Innovative new chip technology integrates data storage and processing, significantly boosting efficiency and performance. Inspired by the human brain, these chips, expected to be market-ready in three to five years, require interdisciplinary collaboration to meet industry security standards." (ScitechDaily.com/Innovative new chip technology integrates data storage and processing, significantly boosting efficiency and performance. Inspired by the human brain, these chips, expected to be market-ready in three to five years, require interdisciplinary collaboration to meet industry security standards."

Wikipedia determines tensor like this: 

In mathematics, a tensor is an algebraic object that describes a multilinear relationship between sets of algebraic objects related to a vector space. Tensors may map between different objects such as vectors, scalars, and even other tensors. There are many types of tensors, including scalars and vectors (which are the simplest tensors), dual vectors, multilinear maps between vector spaces, and even some operations such as the dot product. Tensors are defined independent of any basis, although they are often referred to by their components in a basis related to a particular coordinate system; those components form an array, which can be thought of as a high-dimensional matrix. (Wikipedia/tensor)

So if two main computers get the same answer. It's not necessary to send that thing to the third computer. 

Removing unnecessary work makes high-power computers more effective. However, the problem is how the system selects unnecessary work. The system must have certain parameters to detect if the operation is unnecessary. 

One method is to find zeros from the data mass. If zero scales itself over calculations and calculation series. That means the operation is empty. The system can remove empty operations. That doesn't cause action. And that saves time and work in complicated and heavy calculations. 

Things like quantum computers require high-power binary computers. The data will driven to qubits by using AI-based binary computers that control qubits and their states. The quantum computer itself is useless. It requires a binary level that drives data input into the quantum system. And if those systems operate without friction that revolutionizes computing. 

If we think that the AI or some other computing system has two sides that operate with the same problems the zero can mean that there is no conflict. In this model, two computers or data handling lines are operating with the same problem. And when they introduce their result the system will make a subtraction between solutions. 

If the answer is zero, that means the system has no conflict between answers. That allows data compilation that sensors bring to the system as well as the effectiveness of data storage. 

In the secured system, the data storage can store information about things like when the file is open. And things that the file involves. The system can make two backup copies of the files, and if somebody tries to change data in those files or change the file. That system tells that thing to superior officials who accept or deny those changes. 





The mystery in the depth.

  The mystery in the depth. 

Oceans are full of mysteries. Why do sharks, tunas, and some other big sea predators dive very deep? Sometimes researchers introduced theories that they would dive to those depths because of easy food. The idea would be that those deep or those leap-layer fishes don't recognize those predators. That would give them a surprising momentum against their prey. 

The idea is that high pressure will press some dirt or metabolites from the blood vessels. And that helps those fishes keep their blood vessels young. And in some other models, the shark or some other creature shows that it will not have any genetic disorders. Because those deep-diving individuals have bones that can resist the water pressure. 

"New research using electronic tags and sonar data shows that large marine predators like sharks and tunas often dive into the deep mesopelagic zone, interacting with its dense layer of organisms for feeding and possibly other purposes. This zone is crucial for both ecological balance and commercial fishing, requiring careful study and conservation to prevent irreversible damage". (ScitechDaily.com/Unveiling the Mysteries: New Insights on Why Marine Predators Dive Into the Dark, Deep Sea)

That thing makes them good subjects for mating. In that model, the high water pressure would launch some kind of hormones that can tell the predicted mate that the individual is capable of making descendants with it. The deep diving behavior is a very interesting thing. And if researchers can calculate how many individuals make those deep dives? Does that tradition belong to the entire group? Or do only a few individuals participate in that thing? 

The next thing is interesting theory but confirmation is a very difficult thing. 

There are interesting tales about creatures that can change their form. and the fact is that we don't know how pressure affects fish. In some theories, some fishes can have a life cycle in that they will spend their entire life in surface or deep sea layers. When surface living fish makes its eggs. 

Those cubs will dive into the deep sea. And then the cubs of those creatures will rise to the surface. That thing should deny the genetic materials cumulation. The fact is that we don't know such species. But that thing denies fertilization with straight ancestors. And that separates two populations from each other. 


Monday, November 13, 2023

The first chimeric monkey glows green.

  The first chimeric monkey glows green. 

The rose chimera is two roses, red and white that are connected. That means the chimera is made by connecting two embryos. 

*Homogenic chimera means that it's made by using the same species of embryos. 

*Heterogenic chimera means that those gametes are taken from different species. 

But we can say that the difference between chimera and hybrid is very small. And if the fingers of the monkey glow green because of firefly genomes that thing makes that monkey hybrid. Or actually, that monkey would be a heterogenic chimera. 

*The hybrid is a combination of two gametes. 

*Chimera requires three or four gametes. 

So chimera can be a hybrid but a hybrid cannot be a chimera. The problem with this type of determination is that the gametes can created using multiple DNA bites. 

Two-colored rose chimera

Chinese researchers made the world's first chimeric monkey that glows green. That glow means that transferred genomes work as they should, and the monkey feels good. The term chimeric means an organism that has multiple genetically different cell bases. And that thing can be made by connecting genomes from different species. The Chinese monkey will be a pathfinder for genetic engineering and gene therapies. The easiest way to manipulate species and increase the speed of evolution is to take other species. 

That have wanted abilities. Then the laboratory staff just collects artificial DNA using the DNA bites that controls certain ability. That requires the DNA map of the selected animals. And then those DNA sequences must connect with other specie's DNA. This thing opens impressive visions in good and bad. Genetic engineering is one way that can make the interstellar travel possible.

"Images showing the green fluorescence signals in different body parts of the live-birth chimeric monkey at the age of 3 days Credit: Cell/Cao et al." (ScitechDaily.com/Not Sci-Fi Anymore: World’s First Live-Birth Chimeric Monkey Glows Green)

There are two ways to make people immortal. First is that nanotechnology repairs the DNA damage. And the second is that the person makes a clone about self. Then that person's memories will transfer to the clone. These kinds of things are interesting. And the same time frightening visions about genetic engineering. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible to fix genetic errors. But the same thing can make it possible to create the most horrifying weapons in the world. The DNA manipulation can turn cells into ebola-virus factories, where those cells produce deadly organisms. However, the same technology makes it possible to create a new type of therapy that makes people healthier. 

When we are talking about genetic disorders we who have not bad disorders are easy to say that fixing those things is not right or against some naturality or god. But we are not people who have those genetic disorders. That is the problem with that kind of thing. There always are people. Who wants to make laws that control this kind of technology? 

The problem is that: in every country in the world are no laws. That controls genetic engineering. And things like corruption make laws weak control tools. The laboratory workers who use VPN-remote control can make those genetic engineers sit in a flat in Stockholm and control a remote robot laboratory in Sierra Leone over the Internet. 

The problems with genetic engineering are the same as AI. There are states, or leaders who want to militarize this technology. People like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are always interested in things like super soldiers who follow their leaders without questions and think only things their leaders are allowed. Cloned soldiers who have no connection with other people and who have no moralistic or ethical limits are tools in the hands of people like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. 




The human aliens (Friedrich Nietzsche's overman part II)

   The human aliens (Friedrich Nietzsche's overman part II)

What is the overman? This is one thing that causes discussions. Things like genetic engineering make it possible to create humans that are more flexible more powerful and more intelligent than other humans. The problem is how to determine power. Is that ability that makes it impossible to harm the creature, like skin hairs that have similar mechanisms as''' the nettles or some medusas? 

If that creature creates zombie poison, it makes it possible for the creature can take humans under control. But it's possible. Those hairs can have some deadly poison. Because we know genomes, we must realize that we can make very complex  DNA combinations from different species. 

Neuroimplanted microchips can give humans abilities that it never had before. 

The neuroimplant microchips make it possible for the human brain. That can connect itself to the internet by using those electronic systems. The microchip can use similar batteries with pacemakers. Or they can collect neural electricity. The neuro-implanted microchips can make this possible. The human can control drones or other animals by using neuroimplanted microchips. 

The fact is that technology makes it possible for the BCI (Brain Computer Interface) can control other animals like microchip-controlled cyborg bees or any other animal that has a microchip in its neural system. That animal can share all its senses and other things using those neural microchips with its controller. The BCI system makes robots the other body for their users. 

But genetic engineering has other and maybe more powerful abilities. 

Human aliens are things that are possible because of genetic engineering. Today we can connect genomes from different species. And that gives us more abilities, than ever before. The overman with higher intelligence levels and stronger muscles is a reality. Genetic engineering makes it possible to create nervous systems in which neurons have multiple connections to themselves. As well as they connect with other neurons. Those neurons would make the human thinking process more powerful than it is now. 

The human nervous system can also boosted with genomes. They are taken from the electric eel. Those genomes make it possible for humans can give electric shocks from their fingers or communicate with computers wirelessly. In the last case. The electric impulses will sent straight to the computer's receiver. And that allows a person to send the EEG signals from fingers. That ability makes it possible to take other people under control 

The werewolves are traditional human aliens. 

Theoretical genome researchers made a model of what kind of creature the werewolf can be. The idea is that the retrovirus transforms the creature into another. And if we think of genetic engineering. 

This transformation can happen voluntarily. The human neurons can give orders to genetically engineered cells that are created to form those viruses. And that thing can make the transformation process. 

It's possible. That in the future humans or our descendants can turn their form. And if we think the human can transform itself into a wolf. That thing can done by using technology that activates certain types of retrovirus production under certain situations. 

In some models, the werewolves would be creatures that retroviruses transform into wolves. The impulse that begins the retrovirus production could be ultimate stress or the moonlight. So the transformation process in those creatures could be similar to sleeplessness in the full moon. In that case, there would be the programmed cells in the bodies of those creatures that start to produce required retroviruses. 

In genetic engineering and technology, imagination is the only limit. 

As you see the possibilities of technology and genetic engineering are without limits.  In the wrong hands, that kind of system is dangerous. The BCI implants are created for controlling prostheses. But we all know that money makes it possible to hide people to modify those brain shell implants like Neuraport into the systems that allow controlling robots and drone swarms into the human brains. 

The imagination is limited in this type of technology. Maybe in the future. Genetic engineering makes it possible. The people will send the shopping list to the genome laboratories. Then the genetic engineers will search for the species with wanted abilities. Then they create artificial genomes that they use to fertilize the eggs. 


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Today Friedrich Nietzsche's overman is more topical than ever before.

 Today Friedrich Nietzsche's overman is more topical than ever before. 

The overman and the AI: AI will never make decisions for humans. Except if humans will not allow the AI to make that thing. If people who have free will allow the AI to make decisions for them, that thing is made possible. The AI can take control. 

But in this case, humans allow it to make that thing. Humans are things that give the tools to AI to take control. In the same way, we can ask, "Why do some people, like bloody dictators rise to power"? The answer is simple. People who support those dictators are also responsible for dictators staying in control 

Friedrich Nietzsche and his "overman" or "over human" theory that the creature with higher morals, higher capacity, and higher intelligence level abilities will rise over "regular people". Nietzsche created his idea from the people's need to be under control, and he mentioned that character in his novel "Antichrist"  (Der Antichrist). 

The question in this "overman" is what means high moral? Does high morale mean mass murders? I think that the answer is "no". So did Nietzsche mean that people think their leaders are something else than themselves? And did he criticize some people's need to give their thoughts and will to their leaders? 

The overman is a character that is always criticized. The overman is the thing that justifies horrifying actions. And that thing means that the overman is the thing that is sometimes whipped from philosophy courses. The question is: do people who justify their violence by overman characters have high morale?  

The overman is the character that causes questions. Was Jesus some kind of overman? That thing means that I criticize Christianity. But then again, are bloody actions like the mass murder of Indians during colonialism some kind of Christianity? Were people who made those actions real Christians, even if they made their actions in the name of our religion? Did they follow the morality of Christianity?  

When we think of abilities that make humans superior we must say that intelligence and the ability to transfer abstraction are things. That makes us superior to other species. Also, group work and technology give us the position that makes us an almost dominating species. But things like epidemics are our problem. 

The fact is this. We develop our society. We develop technology, but we don't develop ourselves. We still are hunter-collectors who worked under the weather. That thing causes a situation that the biggest threat to us is the diseases of the standard of living. Our life is too easy. And that brings fat to our body. 

Genetic engineering makes species more adaptable and more capable than ever before. Or actually, humans are not so adaptable. Things like houses are making us adaptable. But without houses, we are very vulnerable. Or maybe we will start to use our intelligence. And start to build houses. 

But genetic engineering allows us to develop something inside us. That thing brings immortality to us. Technically is possible to create the human clones and then brain implants will drive data to their brain. The brain-implanted microchips make it possible. The person can store all memories in the computer's memory. And then those memories can transfer to the cloned body. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible to create over humans. The thing is that maybe humans can tell us, that we should stop to use carbon as a power source. The carbon emissions, climate change, and other things like wars show one thing. The biggest threat to humans is the human itself. 

Those things are interesting. And today the overman is more current than ever before. New things like DNA, CRISPR, AI, and nanotechnology. Genetic engineering makes it possible to remove genetically hereditary abilities from people. So is it a non-moral action to give people who are born handicapped a chance to normal life? We who have no those diseases might think that it's OK. that if a person is born with genetic disorders. But we are not that person. Things like genetically grown meat created from cloned muscle cells can make food production more human than it is. 

Knowledge and civilization make humans better than other species. So, as a species, we are "over" other species. But still we depend on other species. Without other species we will face extiction. And that's why we should concern the nature, environment, and climate chancing. 

The ability to remove Alzheimer's and other kinds of things can improve people's lives. Genetic engineering and artificial evolution can also make it possible to create super soldiers. The system works horse breeding. The operators can select the most qualified Navy Seal operators. And then fertilize the siblings of another Navy Seal team operator. Those groups could be two universities or any other well-documented groups. 

That allows researchers to make people, whose genetic background is the best as possible. In this model, the service records and some laboratories are the only needed things. Genetic engineering makes it possible to create animals and humans with certain abilities. Things like genomes that make the dogs so obedient can connect with human genomes. And that thing makes it possible to create obedient but intelligent people. 

That kind of technology requires responsibility. And that means we should think about abilities. That genetic engineering brings. All things that those things bring are not good. The opportunities are big. And genetic engineering can someday give humans the ability to make interstellar travels. The nanotechnology can keep the DNA in condition. 

In the more primitive model, the immortal crew can transfer their memories to the next-generation crew members. In that model when the spacemen will turn old, the system clones their bodies. And the system will transfer memories to those clones. 




Friday, November 10, 2023

Why was the 27,000-year-old Gunung Padang pyramid created? And who created that thing?

    Why was the 27,000-year-old Gunung Padang pyramid created? And who created that thing? 

Stonehenge (Illustration)

The term Cro-Magnon means Homo Sapiens that had no writing skill. Today this term is no longer in use as anthropological meanings. The Cro-Magnon is the common name for the oldest modern humans in Europe. But I use that term in this writing for meaning the early Homo Sapiens. 

The question in Gunung Padang-pyramid is, can this kind of project succeed without writing and mathematical skills? And the induction question is: what is the beginning of the civilization? When and who made the first cities? 

The oldest pyramid in Indonesia, called Gunung Padang makes Stonehenge and Great Pyramid look like new things. The age of the famous Stonehenge is about 3000 years. It was built about 2600-2400 B.C. The Great Pyramid was built in 2500 BC. So the Great Pyramid is about the same age as Stonehenge. 

"Simple reconstruction of Gunung Padang with all four units and their various burial levels. (Natawidjaja et al., Archaeological Prospection, 2023)" (ScienceAlert.com/Giant Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World, Researchers Say)

Gunung Padang. (RaiyaniM/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0)

"The megalithic stones seen on the surface of Gunung Padang. (Natawidjaja et al., Archaeological Prospection, 2023) (ScienceAlert.com/Giant Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World, Researchers Say)

"Ancient skeletal remains from a 5,000-year-old mass burial site in Spain point to early warfare in Europe, occurring over 1,000 years before previously known large-scale conflicts. The study reveals high injury rates, with a disproportionately high percentage of males affected, suggesting an extended period of conflict, possibly several months. The reasons for the conflict remain uncertain, but potential causes include tensions between cultural groups during the Late Neolithic". (ScitechDaily.com/Revising History: Spanish Skeletons Point to a Forgotten European War 1,000 Years Earlier Than Thought)

Great Pyramid of Giza (Illustration)

But the Gunung Padang pyramid in Java island is older than those two famous landmarks. Maybe the Gunung Padang pyramid's creators exported that skill to Egyptians. But the question is always, why was the Gunung Padang pyramid created? Where its creators found the idea for that complex building. 

The age of that pyramid is about 20000 to 27000 years. The builders of that pyramid built it on the volcano. And we can say that maybe Cro-Magnon humans or early Homo Sapiens built that pyramid. The Cro-Magnons were at top of the human evolution just after the Neandertals. Cro-Magnon power time was 40000 years to 10000 years ago. And the construction of the pyramid happened when the first Homo Sapiens existed. 

The Indonesian pyramid is causing discussions about the birth of the culture. Who made the first cities? The first cities were not very impressive. They were stable villages near water. The Indonesian pyramid requires writing skills because complicated plans are impossible to accomplish if buyers cannot read. Writing skills mean the birth of a culture. And the culture is the thing that connects people. The culture is the thing that makes nations. 

But when the first stable buildings or pre-villages were created. Did Neanderthals have stable locations where they lived? The surprising thing is that Neanderthals were as intelligent as modern humans are. So they could have some kind of culture. But before the group can benefit from culture, they must have tools like writing skills. That they could transfer their traditions forward. 

The pyramid of Gunung Padang pyramid caused discussions where the people who made that pyramid sold that technology to Egyptians. If we think that pyramids mummify the body, there is the possibility that Gunung Padang could create that thing. In that model, anaerobic conditions with volcanic gasses could turn the body into a mummy. The fact is we know that Egyptians didn't create the idea of the pyramids. Somebody sold that thing to them. 

Another interesting question is who and why humans turn so violent. 5000-year-old mass burials in Spain tell about the ancient conflict. What drove people to that conflict, and is this thing the first war in human history? What caused that conflict? Why does that conflict turn and escalate through society? The first conflicts required society, that stand with the leaders. That old conflict from the pre-historic era tells us that wars are not new things. The question is what was the thing that defenders defended? Was that some kind of water source? 









Thursday, November 9, 2023

The generative AI phenomenon.

    The generative AI phenomenon. 

When a machine learns something, it interconnects data from different sources into a new entirety. The idea is that the data is stored in the system as the bites or data units. They are like boxes. When the system stores new data it stores it in the new box. So when the AI creates a new entirety or new skill from those data bites the process looks like the system plays Tetris. 

When we think about the models and accuracy of the data bite or data unit, the large number of small data units is the thing that makes the AI accurate. The reason why human memory consists of billions of data units is simple. If one of those data units is damaged or corrupted a large number of small data units guarantees. That damage in one data unit does not have a big effect on the entirety and results. 

The animation above introduces how the machine learns things. Every box in this Tetris animation is a data unit. And the system connects data units into new entirety when it learns something. Data that the system uses. Can be collected from sensors and memory units from mass memories. 

Because modern generative AI uses open datasets, it can make almost everything. The open dataset means that the AI uses the open Internet as the tool where it searches for information. 

Generative AI turns society. It turns many things like productive work to a new level. And because the generative AI is a tool that creates things like computer programs in minutes. Programming is quite mechanical. And by using generative AI the programmer can make new and complicated tools in minutes. 

The generative AI can make thousands of lines of error-free program code in a very short time. And then the programmer must just fix things like paths if the AI doesn't make those lines. That means free versions of the generative AI are tools that can be used for this purpose. The next generation of productive AI is the complex code system that can make multiple things. Generative AI can be used as a tool for searching sources. 

And even if the text that the AI creates cannot used as an essay, the sources that are below the generated text can be used as sources for new texts. Generative AI can give keywords for writer's texts. When AI works in a limited sector where everything happens by following certain processes and laws, it does a good job. But the things like emotions that make us humans make it very hard to predict our behavior. 

Humans can make something unexpected. But things like stars are almost fully predictable. Only things like some energy bursts can disturb the star's life. This is why we can almost predict everything that happens in Betelgeuze. And only if things like powerful FRB (Fast Radio Burst) that comes from the other side of that giant star can cause the unpredicted change in its energy production. 

The generative AI-based chatbot can connected to speech-to-text applications. And that allows to give spoken commands to those systems. This kind of combination where generative AI is connected with the physical robot and speech-to-text applications makes the system even more powerful. These kinds of applications are excellent tools for military robots. 

"Generative artificial intelligence, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, is transforming the landscape of machine learning, moving from simple predictive models to sophisticated systems capable of creating new, realistic data." (ScitechDaily.com/Beyond Human: MIT Experts Explain Generative AI and the ChatGPT Phenomenon)

But things like EMP weapons are also developed against those robots. We must realize that this technology is under development around the world. The other thing is that we must realize that this kind of technology is not allowing only good things. And the Ukraine war has given a lesson that new tools like robot soldiers are effective actors. And that will begin a new weapon race where robot weapons and counter-weapons against robot weapons are under development. 

The AI development must be open. That means we should realize that people who develop AI and robotics should dare to tell if somebody asks them to make weapons. Another thing is that authoritarian governments are not the only actors who want to use AI for negative purposes. Hackers and organized crime are also interested in generative AI and its ability to create things,  like computer viruses and spy tools. But also those non-govenmental hostile actors are interested in using robots as weapons and drug carriers. Quadcopters are good tools for delivering pizzas to some places. But the same system can search for things like guns and other interesting things from homes. The quadcopters can also be used to drop drugs and even guns to prison yards. 

Generative AI is the only ChatBot that can make almost everything. The generative AI is a powerful tool in programming. Those multipurpose chatbots can used as tools that can create operating systems for robots. Generative AI can used to program robots. Physical robots can connected with generative AI. And that allows them to change the programs inside those systems very fast. This means that the AI chatbot. That connection with the physical robot can make it an even more multipurpose tool than it already is. Things like cleaner robots can make many things if they are programmed to make those things. 

And we must realize that AI-controlled robots are not toys. If somebody thinks that the AI-controlled robot is a good opponent in some splatter war or some action game, that person should understand that those robots are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. Those physical game robots can turn into perfect assassination tools. 

We must understand that all actors. Those who are interested in robots as soldiers are not governmental. Organized crime is the actor that can think of the robots as hitmen, who will never talk. And of course, criminals want to use pizza drones as drug carriers. The pizza drones are doing deadly work in Ukraine, where they carry grenades over the enemy positions. And that thing causes the need to re-estimate the security in buildings. 


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Can the universe be conscious?

   Can the universe be conscious? 

Intelligent universe is a philosophical model about the purpose of the universe.

The universe's consciousness or Intelligent universe theory is one of the most interesting philosophical ideas in history. The idea of that theory or hypothesis or model, how we can say those very big things depends on the writer or talker. The intelligent universe could be a network of black holes that form and oscillate at the same frequency. That network acts like a quantum computer. 

But could that kind of system form spontaneously? That is an interesting question. Or could there be some kind of civilization that could create a network of black holes? In that model the Einstein-Rose bridges between those black holes transport information between those black holes. And that thing forms the universe-size quantum computer. 

The intelligent universe is a philosophical model that is created to answer the question, what is the universe's purpose? And that thing causes one induction thought. That thought is this: could this kind of network of black holes serve some kind of civilization like "creator civilization"? 

Could it form spontaneously, or could some civilization have the technology to create that kind of data processing and information exchange tool? The intelligent universe as well as simulated reality. Or simulated Universe are interesting things. 

But the weakness in the last one is the motivation. Who would create the ultimate simulation called the universe? And if we live in a simulation, why and by whom that simulation created? But we must keep our minds open. 

Can the universe be conscious? Can it be a giant quantum computer? 

That is a good question. In some theories, the black holes form qubits through the wormholes. And that thing can turn the entire universe into a giant quantum computer. Black holes are excellent qubits. And if two black holes with different masses oscillate with the same frequency. That allows them to form the quantum entanglement. In that system gravitational waves or Einstein-Rose bridge called "wormhole" transports information between those two black holes. 

The idea is that there could be a universe-size network of black holes. And then we must ask another question: can that giant network affect humans or even individual planets? The model of that black hole network consists of thousands of billions of different size black holes from the hyper massive galactic-size black holes to the tiniest quantum-size black holes. 

The requirement for that network's existence is that those black holes oscillate at the same frequency. The intelligent universe theory is fascinating. But the problem is that this kind of intelligent organism is enormous. And if the intelligent universe is real, we probably need an enormous power to create a message that reaches this creature's consciousness. 

And we still cannot reach that energy level. The idea of an intelligent universe is interesting, but the universe is so big that maybe, it can affect only galactic-size entireties. So Earth or single planetary systems are too small for that creature. But those theories are interesting thinking games. The purpose of life is an interesting question. And the purpose of the universe is an even more interesting question. 

Is the universe's purpose just being? Being for nothing without purpose is something very interesting. That is one of the biggest things in philosophy. Can something exist without purpose? And if the purpose of existence is just to serve something very big, we must remember that very big must have some work for us. 

And that thing requires the ability to communicate with us. And if the universe is intelligent, we are facing another interesting thing. We are smaller things than atoms in that hypothetical creature's body. That creature will not see us. And then again, can we believe that the universe exists only for us? If it is really intelligent who made it? 



Monday, November 6, 2023

Why don't we care about the truth?

 Why don't we care about the truth?

The key element in "Nietzsche's Thesis" is that if another person can give something to us, we want to believe in that person. Because it brings gifts to our lives.

We select people whose lies we want to hear. When somebody can give a gift to us, that justifies lies. This is why we listen to lies from our boss. But if our henchman tells lies, we hand over those persons very easily. 

Many times in our lives, we face situations where social pressure forces us to "believe" things that are not true. In those situations, we know that something is based on lies. But we don't care about the truth. We just follow those lies because it's easier for us. In the so-called "Nietzsche Thesis," philosopher Joseph Sieber wrote that the true reason for conversations is to reach social positions, not seek the truth. And maybe Sieber is right. When we are in conversation with our boss, we accept almost every lie that those people tell. Because we don't react to those lies, we accept them. 

"The notion of "epistemic vigilance" argues that humans are naturally equipped to detect lies and gauge the reliability of others. Studies and philosophers like Joseph Shieber challenge this idea, indicating humans are not as adept at deception detection as once thought. Shieber's "Nietzsche Thesis" posits that our true aim in conversation is self-presentation and social standing, not necessarily truth-seeking." (https://bigthink.com/thinking/the-nietzsche-thesis/)

But when our henchmen tell lies, we are saying that very easily. When we have authority over other people, it's easy to say that other people tell lies. But when we are henchmen and another person is in a higher position, it's socially accepted that we hear lies, but we don't react to them. Sometimes that thing is called "social skills". We can avoid trouble if we don't react to lies. We don't tell our higher-ranking opponent that superior lies; that flatters that person. And because of human hereditary behavior, we need to flatter our leaders. 

If somebody is higher in the hierarchy. We accept almost everything that person says. But if our henchman tells lies. We are eager to address them. The reason for that is simple, we don't have a reason to listen to lies from the person who cannot give anything to us. But if we flatter our boss, we can get even promotion. Because the boss can give a gift to us, we can listen to almost anything from them. But henchmen cannot give those things to us, and we don't have to listen to lies from people who don't bring us social benefits. 

When somebody is in a higher place in the hierarchy, we accept almost everything from those people. But if somebody is our henchman, we don't hesitate to say that our henchman tells lies. And the reason for that is simple. Even if we listen to lies from our henchmen and flatter them, that will not bring social benefit to us. But if we listen to lies from our boss and flatter that person, that can bring us new positions.

Philosophers introduced that humans are naturally equipped to detect lies. That is one of the biggest ideas that philosophers ever introduced. 

The question is why we don't use that equipment.  But now we face the fact that maybe humans are not as good at that as we think. 

The question about lie detection is always, "Do we accept lies because we don't want to tell that opponent who is telling lies? For opponents and other people is the same, do we detect lies, or don't we just react to them? In both cases, the opponent believes that we believe those lies. 

Maybe we fear consequences if we tell our boss that he or she lies to us. Maybe, we detect lies, but we don't see a reason to tell others that the person in a superior position lies to us. This is one of the things in social psychology. Many times, we detect lies, but without authority, we don't say that we detect them. And that thing boosts the authority's image as more intelligent than henchmen. 


Friday, October 20, 2023

The secret code in nature: plants "talking" to each other.

   The secret code in nature: plants "talking" to each other. 

Recently, I wrote that maybe plants are not intelligent. But in this moment I must say that there could be intelligences that cannot communicate with us. The fact is that plants communicate. But are they intelligent, that is the key question. Plant intelligence is one of the most interesting things in the world. Plants send information to each other. And that information involves things like what kinds of nutrients and what kinds of damage the plants get. 

When plants have enough nutrients, they send more pheromones than plants that do have not enough nutrients. Same way. If plants are sick, the fungi will start to eat that plant away. And that fungi sends other pheromones to the air. When we talk about plant intelligence, we should ask: are those things conscious? Can plants control their behavior? When pheromones impact cells. That thing makes them grow in a certain direction. The communication between plants is an interesting thing. And we are just starting to hack nature's secret code. 

"Scientists have visualized how plants communicate using volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when under threat, a phenomenon first identified in 1983. The team discovered that plants interpret these VOCs as danger signals, prompting a defensive response. Using innovative equipment and imaging techniques, they identified the specific VOCs responsible and the cells within plants that first react. Their research offers profound insights into the intricate communication mechanisms of plants and their resilience in the face of potential harm". (ScitechDaily.com/Nature’s Secret Code: How Plants “Talk” Through the Air)

Gaia hypothesis: can species communicate over species borders? 

But then we face things like the Gaia hypothesis. The Gaia hypothesis goes like this: All living creatures form the living entirety. But could that thing be intelligent? The key element in the Gaia model is this. Living creatures can communicate with each other over species borders. Things like plants and fungi form the base, the network that connects species into one entirety. You can read more about the Gaia hypothesis from Wikipedia. The link to that is below this text.  Next to this chapter is another link to that Wikipedia article. 


And can that creature be intelligent? The answer to that question might be more complicated than we ever imagined. The fact is that we cannot consciously communicate with separated cell groups. That means we cannot order our liver to burn alcohol faster. Or we cannot order our natural immune cells to travel at certain points in our body. But we know that all our functions are not conscious or volitional. There are lots of functions in the human body that do not reach consciousness. 

We know that all species on our planet have their ecological locker. And if we bring some foreign species into nature, the results could be devastating. In this scenario, jungle snakes or other foreign species will accidentally released into Northern nature. That foreign species can destroy some other species. 

When we think about pheromones and plant communication, nothing denies that plants and mammals can communicate with each other. Using pheromones. We don't know how those pheromones interact with the mammal nervous system. But when mammal smells those things, they impact the olfactory coil. The question is how the nervous system reacts with those pheromones. The fact is that there are many things in nature, that are unknown to us. 



Sunday, October 15, 2023

Could event horizon transform gravitational waves into electromagnetic wave movement?

  Could event horizon transform gravitational waves into electromagnetic wave movement? 

The event horizon of the black hole is the point where there is no return. After that, the particle must travel faster than the speed of light. And that thing is impossible. When we think that the event horizon is the extremely powerful Van Allen belt and the particles that fall through it interact with high-energy particles that are orbiting singularity in that point, we must understand that this point could be the X- and gamma-ray radiation source. 

Or if we think that the gravitational and magnetic fields look similar. But they are at different energy levels. That thing makes it possible. That there is a hole in the event horizon or black hole's gravitational field. 

The gravitational waves are interacting with each other. That interaction means that if there is a donut-shaped standing gravitational wave at the point of the event horizon. That standing gravitational wave can pull other gravitational waves out from the internal structures in the black hole's event horizon. 

"When black holes collide, they produce gravitational waves detectable on Earth. Although theorized by Einstein in 1916, they were not directly observed until 2015. Modern research contrasts older models with new data, revealing that these waves do interact. This knowledge refines our models and challenges the full scope of general relativity in explaining black hole properties". (ScitechDaily.com/Ripples in Spacetime: Unraveling the Secrets of Gravitational Waves)

That means. There could be a stronger gravitational area at the black hole's event horizon's outer shell at the point where the acceleration disk falls in the black hole. At that point, the acceleration disk sends wave movement to the point of the event horizon. And that makes this hypothetical gravitational wheel possible. At that point particles that orbit singularity are at higher energy levels than other places in the event horizon. 

In that case, there is a possibility, that a black hole pulls wave movement and particles to impact course with particles. That is trapped in the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. This impact can cause a similar effect with solar wind or particles that impact plasma trapped in the Van Allen belt.  

The event horizon could be like a more powerful version of the sonic whirl. In the event horizon, the speed of particles is the minimum speed of light. Below it, the photons and all other particles travel at the same speed, which is higher than the speed of light outside the event horizon. 

But if a particle orbits singularity precisely at the point of the event horizon the incoming gravitational waves may impact with particles or superstrings. And that thing loads energy to them. In that position, the speed and energy levels of the impacting particles are much higher than in sonic whirls or Van Allen plasma belts. 

So, could it be possible that the particle, trapped in the point of the event horizon can transform gravitational waves' wavelength into electromagnetic radiation? 

The position where gamma- and X-ray bursts leave from the black hole is interesting because it can open a route to the new world. Black holes can trap particles and superstrings in the event horizon. And it's possible that if some wave movement or superstring impacts with superstring or particle in the event horizon. That thing can turn the wave movements wave length from, for example, gravitational waves to electromagnetic waves. 

This means that. The event horizon or superstrings that travel in it could turn the gravitational waves straight to electromagnetic wave movement. The idea is that the superstrings that travel to the point of the event horizon will just jump up from that point when gravitational waves from inside the black hole impact it. That impact raises the superstring just out from the point of the event horizon. 


Gravitation has been the thing that allows to transport of information between two quantum worlds.

  Gravitation has been the thing that allows to transport of information between two quantum worlds. 

"Rice University physicists, in a study led by Qimiao Si, have bridged two quantum physics subfields by demonstrating that specific unchangeable topological states, crucial for quantum computing, can intertwine with alterable quantum states in certain materials. This discovery enables potential operations at significantly higher temperatures, offering immense functional promise." ( ScitechDaily.com/ Unraveling Quantum Secrets: Physicists Bridge Two Quantum Worlds)


Could this be the model of quantum gravity? 

In that model, the quantum gravity forms when energy or wave movement is called "superstring". The reason why that superstring causes a gravitational effect is that it hits a particle. Two ways can make the pulling effect of that superstring. First, the superstring can form a lower energy area at the front of the particle. 

A) The superstring can transport energy into itself. That thing causes an effect where gravity pulls particles to the dominating center. 

B) The superstring can send energy waves to that quantum field. The energy travels over the particle's shell, and then it will travel backward of the particle. Then that wave movement acts like a rocket engine that pushes particles forward. 


Doubling or multiplying quantum fields or subfields makes it possible to transport information between two quantum worlds. 

A quantum field or quantum halo surrounds every single particle in the universe. The quantum gravity is the asymmetry in that halo. The thing that can make information exchange between two particles possible and determine the direction where information flows is the "brightness" or the quantum field's size. Information always travels from a higher-energy object to a lower-energy object. 

When wave movement like gravitational waves travel between particles they transport information. When we think of the quantum halo or quantum fields around particles they are not homogenous. That means there are layers in those quantum fields. Those layers are so-called subfields. The system can also double subfields. In that case, doubling happens from inside to outside. If the resonance in that subfield is strong enough, that shakes the particle's shell. 

And that allows to transport of information between two different size particles or quantum states or quantum worlds. The reason that thing is hard to make is this: the quantum field around the particle acts like an atmosphere. The most distant layers from the core are at the low energy level. Or they are "thin". That means it's hard to raise the energy level in that particle so high that the resonance travels from the primary particle. Through the other particle's quantum field and reach the particle's nucleus. 

The information is also one name for energy. Information is also wave movement.  In the theoretical particle model, the superstring is the smallest or thinnest part of wave movement. 

Material is the stretched or ball-shaped form of superstrings. The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds means that the system can transport information between two or more quantum layers. 

Four fundamental interactions, strong nuclear interaction, weak nuclear interaction, electromagnetism, and gravitation are wave movements with different wavelengths. The sender of those waves is the transportation particle that transports the fundamental force. The photon can turn flat. And that thing gives photon particle and wave movement forms. 

So the ability to exchange information between quantum worlds makes it possible for the strong nuclear interaction can transform straight to electromagnetism. In that model, the strong nuclear interaction's wave movement will just transfer to the electromagnetic wave movement that has a longer wavelength than the strong nuclear interaction. 

In that model, the system connects electromagnetism with strong nuclear interaction. And theoretically, that can done by gluing the strong nuclear force's waves into electromagnetic waves.  However, practical solutions are more complicated than this model. 


The gravitational interaction is the only interaction that is common for all particles. 

In some models, quantum gravitation is the hole or pothole in those quantum fields. That pothole pulls the quantum field from another particle to it. And that thing forms the energy channel that sends wave movement from the dominating particle to the recessive particle. And that wave movement is what travels to the recessive particle and sends wave movement that causes resonation in that recessive particle. 

That resonation travels from the point. Where that energy string impacts with particles through its shell. Then that wave movement travels back to the particle and acts like a jet- or rocket engine that pushes the particle forward. That interaction is quantum gravity. And other ways we can say: that those dominating and recessive particles exchange information. The thing that determines is particle dominating, or recessive is the size of that particle and its quantum field. 

The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds is a useful phenomenon for quantum computing. But it's much more than just quantum computing. The ability to transform strong nuclear interaction straight to electromagnetism causes interesting visions for the energy production of tomorrow. 

And that thing can exchange information between two quantum states or quantum forms. That thing makes it possible to transport information between binary and quantum computers. But that thing can make much more. The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds forms in effect, that doubles the quantum fields around particles. Doubling quantum fields is the thing, that makes it possible to transport information between different types of particles. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Singularity and its physical shape are interesting things.

  Singularity and its physical shape are interesting things.

"Once you cross the threshold to form a black hole, everything inside the event horizon crunches down to a singularity that is, at most, one-dimensional. No 3D structures can survive intact. However, one interesting coordinate transformation shows that every point in the interior of this black hole maps 1-to-1 with a point on the outside, raising the mathematically interesting possibility that the interior of each black hole gives rise to a baby universe inside of it, and the possibility that our Universe itself may have arisen from a black hole in a pre-existing universe prior to our own". (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)

When we think about the singularity and its shape. That is the point. Where time, material, and space are as an entirety. And that's why it's hard to model that point. It's hard to think that time is part of something or it's in something. 

Time affects singularity as it affects all other material. And the thing that forms that thing is the "super fusion" that smashes all particles in a certain space into one entirety. That pushes quarks, gluons, and electrons together forming an extremely high energy level. That energy forms when all four fundamental forces interact at the same time.

 Or at least three nuclear forces,  strong and weak nuclear interactions, with electromagnetism take part in that reaction. The energy level in singularity is higher than in all other materials because so many fundamental interactions participate in its forming. Material is one form of energy and that reaction packs very much energy to singularity. That means singularity exists longer than regular material.


"Both inside and outside the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. At the event horizon, even if you ran (or swam) at the speed of light, there would be no overcoming the flow of spacetime, which drags you into the singularity at the center. Outside the event horizon, though, other forces (like electromagnetism) can frequently overcome the pull of gravity, causing even infalling matter to escape." (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)"

You can see in the first animation that material and energy (wave movement) fall into a black hole. So they must reflect from the center of that object. That means a black hole is like a giant gravitational version of the vacuum explosive. It sends gravitational waves or gravitational radiation. And that radiation causes a vacuum that pulls other quantum fields and particles into the black hole. In the second image is the hypothetical case the gravitational field, along with other energy fields turns into a rope-shaped form in the rotation axle of the black hole. 

"In the vicinity of a black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. Unlike in the non-rotating case, the event horizon splits into two, while the central singularity gets stretched out into a one-dimensional ring. Nobody knows what occurs at the central singularity, but its presence and existence cannot be avoided with our current understanding of physics." (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)


Image: Credit: E. Siegel/Beyond the Galaxy

"As a balloon inflates, any coins glued to its surface will appear to recede away from one another, with ‘more distant’ coins receding more rapidly than the less distant ones. Any light will redshift, as its wavelength ‘stretches’ to longer values as the balloon’s fabric expands. This visualization solidly explains cosmological redshift within the context of the expanding Universe. If the Universe is expanding today, that means it was smaller, hotter, and denser in the past: leading to the picture of the hot Big Bang."(BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)

The balloon. That introduces the expansion of the universe. We see that the distance of the points increases. And that means interaction between them is becoming weaker. Or is it so? Relative distances between those coins are the same if they also expand with the universe. Also when the universe expands the disturbing quantum fields between objects turn weaker. The model says that when quantum fields in the universe turn weaker because there is no outcoming energy. That increases the size of the particles. 


But when it will not get more energy from the transition disk the black hole starts to vaporize. In some models, the energy and material that fall into the black hole do not reach the singularity that is the nucleus of a black hole. In those models, the singularity itself is in electromagnetic low pressure and that thing causes the vaporization. 

And that could be the reason for gravitational waves. that are leaving from black hole. The question is: do those gravitational waves come from the singularity or the event horizon? The fast-spinning singularity can form a standing gravitational wave around it. That could pull the gravitational field out from the nucleus of a black hole. 

In some models, the event horizon is like a gravitational version of the Van Allen belt. It can trap particles in it. And when those particles rotate singularity radiation that travels through the event horizon pumps energy to them. So there may be a hole in the event horizon. That hole forms when the core or nucleus of the black hole sends coherent gravitational waves to the event horizon. And then that thing means that there may be no gravitational field at the poles where the radiation beam leaves a black hole. 

When material falls in a black hole singularity loads energy to it. That thing is called the curvature of spacetime. The curvature of spacetime means that the quantum fields are thicker near the black hole. And that effect slows time, or otherways saying: causes time dilation. When material travels through the event horizon time starts to travel backward. And that means material should come out from a black hole at the moment when it formed. 

The energy that a black hole gets, when it forms after the supernova explosion makes that material super heavy. So singularity is so high energy level material that its energy level is higher than all other material in the universe. It's packed energy that sends energy waves through space and time. 

We can think of a situation like this. The singularity sends radiation monotonously. So because one frequency of radiation travels out from the gravitational center, that causes a situation where other quantum fields that is the common name for multiple power fields in the universe are falling into a black hole.  

The animation shows that the singularity packs that wave movement into a form, that looks like rope. And then that radiation beam that could be gravitational waves and high-energy electromagnetic radiation travels out from the black hole's poles. 

In normal energy production situations like in nuclear fission the weak nuclear interaction alone makes energy. Or rather saying, nuclear fission just releases energy. That is stored in the form of material. In annihilation, only strong nuclear interaction takes part in the reaction. The thing that forms singularity is a little bit like nuclear fusion. 

When a supernova explosion happens it pushes quantum fields away. Then the quantum fields drop back into that vacuum and press all particles into their entirety. During that process, their quantum fields are impacted. And then the singularity starts to rotate or spin. 

Singularity may have two spin axles. The axle between magnetic poles. And equatorial axle. And that thing forms the acceleration disk and X- or gamma-ray beam. The spin of the black hole is required for wormholes. And the whirl around them proves that black holes are spinning. 


The Mercury-planet's magnetosphere gives a window to the most high-energy particles in our solar system.

 The Mercury-planet's magnetosphere gives a window to the most high-energy particles in our solar system. 

Mercury-planet. And its mysterious magnetosphere. 

The origin of the X-ray flares in planet Mercury's magnetosphere can form when solar wind hits particles that orbit Mercury in its Van Allen plasma belt. The X-ray flares make Mercury very hostile. That planet is closer to the Sun than Earth. And that thing turns Mercury very hot. And the high temperature with powerful solar wind that travels deeper in the magnetosphere than on Earth. 

Along with weak gravity that causes a situation, Mercury cannot have a remarkable atmosphere. But its magnetosphere along with weak gravity traps some particles around that planet. When solar wind hits those particles. They send X-ray flares. The main trapper of those particles is a magnetic field. 

The magnetospheres around planets are always similar. The magnetic field traps particles around the planet. And those trapped particles are forming the Van Allen radiation belts. So Mercury doesn't make a difference in that case. The Van Allen belts around that planet trap particles that come from the Sun. The energy level of those trapped particles rises. Then the particles from the solar wind impact them. That thing forms X-ray flares around Mercury. 

"Image of chorus wave generation on Mercury. Credit: Image of Mercury: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington" (SctechDaily.com/Mercury’s Mystical Magnetosphere: Mio Spacecraft Reveals Chorus Waves and X-Ray Aurora)

The attosecond lasers are slow if we want to measure one electron's position. The attosecond lasers can move particles in nanotechnology. Or they can remove parts of living cells by using laser rays. Those systems give extreme accuracy to any people who need it. The modern, powerful attosecond laser base is in particle accelerators. But it's possible to create cheaper attosecond lasers that can move particles in nanotechnology. 

Those effects are interesting because they can be used in attosecond X-ray lasers. The attosecond laser is a very fast system. The new and small attosecond lasers can be ring-shaped chambers. The chambers where trapped ions are might be like pearls in the ring. And the purpose of those systems is to give an extremely fast energy impulse. 

 Then the particle accelerators send the high-energy ions to impact with ions, trapped in chambers. And that thing can form the X-ray flare. If another X-ray flare comes out from the bottom of the system, that thing makes the laser act like an electromagnetic version of the LRAD system. The attosecond X-ray lasers are needed in the special laboratories where researchers work with nanotechnology. The attosecond lasers should see the position of individual electrons. The attosecond laser is a pathfinder for new and powerful nanomechanical solutions. 





Is a protoplanet called Theia the source of gold platinum and Earth's mysterious gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean.

Is a protoplanet called Theia the source of gold platinum and Earth's mysterious gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean. 

Is the protoplanet called Theia the former of the gold and platinum in Earth's mantle? In the new theory, the same protoplanet that formed the Moon created also platinum and gold in our planet's mantle. When that protoplanet impacted Earth, which still was liquid, the shockwave started to travel through liquid Earth. That powerful shockwave caused a fusion reaction where atomic nuclei impacted together. 

And that impact might explain gold and platinum on our planet. Theia might be one source of the Zealand missing continent near New Zealand. If that continent formed from Theia impact, and fell to Earth's mantle because material at that point was heavier than Earth. Theia's remnants remain in Earth's mantle. In some models, Theia was a remnant of some larger protoplanet. That means it could formed of heavier elements than the Earth's mantle. 

"Southwest Research Institute’s Dr. Simone Marchi collaborated on a new study finding the first geophysically plausible scenario to explain the abundance of certain precious metals — including gold and platinum — in the Earth’s mantle. Based on these simulations, scientists found an impact-driven mixing of mantle materials scenarios that could prevent the metals from completely sinking into the Earth’s core. Credit: Southwest Research Institute. " (ScitechDaily.com/Moon-Sized Impacts: The Secret Behind Gold & Platinum in Earth’s Mantle?)


The ring-shaped gravitational field can pull gravitational waves out from inside that ring. 

In some models, the ring-shaped gravitational field can pull gravitational radiation out from some point. The ring-or wheel-shaped gravitational field can form when the heavy particles orbit some point. In that model high-energy particles that have very high weight form the gravity field that forms a lower gravity area in the middle of that wheel. 

That wheel is formed by particles that are at high energy levels and very massive. In some visions, the water ring that impacted high-energy radiation can form the wanted ring- or wheel-shaped gravitational field. The thing that makes this wheel possible is the material that has a gravitational field. 

 Otherwise, gravitational waves can push the gravitational field away from some point. And if that is the reason for Earth's mysterious gravitational anomaly, the weaker point of gravity field over the Indian Ocean that thing could be the observation of the century. 



"A rendering of the Earth's gravity as seen by the European Space Agency' Goce satellite. Yellow and orange regions are those with more gravity and the blue, marked over the Indian Ocean, shows where gravity is less pronounced. (Image credit: ESA via Getty Images)" (livescience.com/Indian Ocean gravity hole was caused by extinct ancient sea, scientists say)

The gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean is an interesting thing. That point helps to make gravitational models. And that gravitational hole also uncovers things like: is there a possibility that some materials absorb those waves? Researchers can't detect that phenomenon in any material. But if the material that absorbs gravitational waves is possible, it revolutionizes many things. That theoretical material could deny gravitational waves reaching some target. And that removes the gravitational field from that area. 

"Topography of Zealandia, outlined in pink. The linear ridges running north-northeast (Colville to the west and Kermadec to the east, separated by the Havre Trough and Lau Basin) and southwest (the Resolution Ridge System) away from New Zealand are not considered part of Zealandia, nor are Australia (upper left), Vanuatu, or Fiji (top centre)." (Wikipedia.com/Zealandia)

Could Zealandia have some kind of connection with the mysterious gravitational hole in the Indian Ocean? 

There is a possibility that there is lighter material in the mantle below the Indian Ocean. In some models, the ocean currents form the magnetic field or form some other phenomenon that pulls material in the mantle away from the point of the Indian Ocean. Because there is less material under the Indian Ocean bottom than in other places on Earth. That thing causes the gravitational weakness in the Earth's gravity field. In some very wild visions, the centripetal force in the ocean current's whirl in the Indian Ocean can form a gravitational effect that pulls material sideways from the bottom of the Indian Ocean. 

If another gravitational field creates a gravitational hole on Earth. That is one of the most interesting observations in history. That thing means that a wheel-shaped gravitational field can turn gravitational waves from the center of that wheel. And that could form the point, where there is no gravity. That kind of gravitational field can formed in a plasma ring in the universe. 

But there could be many other explanations for the gravity anomaly at that point. One of them is Earth's nucleus is at a longer distance from the Earth's shell at that point. 

If that model is real there is a small possibility that Zealandia will change the gravitational wave's trajectories. And that thing can explain the gravitational hole on Earth. But could it be possible that curves in gravitational waves or their trajectories can cause the gravitational hole on Earth? 

In another model, the material at that point is lighter. One of the reasons for that could be Zealandia which denies the cosmic radiation effect on those particles. Electromagnetic radiation loads energy to the particles. And when the energy level rises the particle's mass rises. If there is some kind of shield between particle and radiation source, that is the Sun. That shield causes the effect, where the particle remains at a lower energy level. And that means the particle is lighter. 




The mathematical work that shakes the world.

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