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There are two ways to learn things.

There are two ways to learn things.

If your enemy gives you a piece of advice, ask why that person gives you that advice? If your enemy is giving you the "friend's advice" thing is that person your friend? What makes things different now? 

Why that person is now willing to share those nice and beautiful pieces of advice with you? So if your enemy gives advice would you rather make the opposite way what your enemy advises? 

And if you want to learn things you can do that thing without orders from the boss. You don't always need to wait for orders to get some books from the library. Or search for information from the net. The boss is representative of the employer. That means the benefit of the boss is to keep salaries so low as possible. 

In this hypothetical case, the descendant of the boss is waiting for permission to get to some courses. Where you are attended would you think that you are the chosen one? And what if you are quarrel with your boss, and your life in the office seems to turn difficult? So the thing is that you need to decide to start to learn new skills and probably get a new education. There are two ways to make that thing. Wait that your boss is permitting that education. Or start to learn things yourself. 

1) Controlled way to learn things

In the hierarchic system, the order for learning things is coming from the upper level. This model is the so-called "traditional way to learn and study things". The persons would wait that their authority is giving them orders to start studies, and they are making things only when the authority gives the rule for that thing. 

In that case. The authority of the system gives the order to start to collect data for some purpose. And then the henchmen are starting to follow that order. In this model, the process is controlled by superiorities. 

And controllers are always known what the henchmen are doing. The process is used in traditional school classes. Where the teacher is sharing data and gives orders for the students or pupils who are following orders.  

2) Non-controlled way to learn things

This thing is known as "spontaneous learning". In this process, the parts of the organization are searching the data without orders. Then they are working and process the data without control. That thing is sometimes called "self-learning" or "self-studying". 

This is the thing that is making surprises in the organization because the people might have many skills, that they don't even realize. The self-controlled studies make the work of the controllers of the system lighter. The only thing that the controller must do is to keep exams. And confirm the skills that person has got. 


So when we are making conclusions about those two ways to learn things, what would you think? In the case of artificial intelligence, the second way to learn things might make those systems unpredictable. But in this case, I am not just writing about machine learning. 

Also, people are learning things. When we are thinking about the most innovative man in the world Elon Musk, we might ask what if that man used the first method for learning things? What if that person would wait for orders that somebody will permit to start to develop rockets? Would we have that innovation? 

Or what would Elon Musk be if he would follow the traditional way to learn things? Maybe he would be some engineer working in some factory and check the machine parts for some car engines? Who knows the reality? Maybe he would be the president of General Motors. 

Attitude is everything in the learning process. If your worst enemy is advising you to make something, what would you do? Would you follow that instruction? 

Or would you think that the opposite way to make things is better for you? When your enemy is giving the "friend's advice" we should ask "why that person gives those pieces of advice"? That person has ever been my friend, so why I must follow those orders?

The key element in every learning process is attitude. If the person has an attitude that learning is stupid. And that person doesn't need any new skills that kind of attitudes are making everything difficult. Education is also the learning process. But if we think that we don't have a chance to get a job or the job or workplace feels bad we must realize that we need to renew ourselves. The bad experiences are educating and they are giving power. 

If we decide something when we are 15, that won't mean that this kind of thing is final. Our life conditions might change and that means that we must renew our skills. And if we decide to make a change in our life, that means we must map the skills that we must have to reach the goal. If we need language skills, we can take those courses in the worker's academy. Or we can borrow some books that are written by using a foreign language, and then we can try to translate those books by using dictionary books. That kind of thing can focus on the grammar of the language. 


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