The researchers created a method to magnetize objects without the outcoming magnetic field.
When we are making ultra-small things, something that we haven't even realize might have meaning. The ability to magnetize objects without outside magnetic field help to protect the data structure in the nanotechnical microchips.
The thing is that magnetizing material without a magnetic field is one of the most fundamental things in history. In that process, the researchers used an adiabatic process. And if that process can control enough accuracy, this thing can be the next-generation way to create the extremely small-size hard disks for the nanomachines.
Where can we do the ability to magnetize objects without applying an outcoming magnetic field?
This thing is making it possible to create miniature hard disks and electronic components. The nanotechnical electronic systems and especially the nanotechnical computer parts have one problem. They need extremely sharp accuracy in programming. But the outside electric field can destroy the data structure that is stored in the extremely small-size mass memory.
The ability to magnetize parts without a magnetic field is an interesting tool. It can use for programming the new type of systems for making the programs for ROM (Read Only Memories). But maybe that thing can use with the RAM (Read Access Memory). In the ROM circuits, the magnetized layer can turn to a magnetic QR-code by using the laser. The laser system can remove the magnetic layer from the wanted areas. The RAM circuit allows making those systems reprogrammable. And that increases their operative sector.
That kind of microchips can use to control the new type of cyborg- nanomachines. In those systems, the plasmid-DNA of the bacteria is controlling the regular actions of the bacteria. And the microchip can control the more complicated actions of that hybrid machine. In this model, The bacteria is used as the transporter, which takes the microchip-controlled system to the right place.
In some visions, the interstellar spacecraft uses the hypothermic bacteria for waking up the craft. When the spacecraft is near the targeted solar system, the computer starts warming the craft. Then the bacteria are activating, and they will push the small buttons by using their vibrating hairs for moving the switches, which are activating the nanotechnical computers.
Then those nano-systems will open the main computers, which are starting the more complicated control processes. In some simpler versions, the system uses bioluminescence of the bacteria for activating the computers. When the system sees the target solar system bright enough, it sends the nutrient to those bacteria. And then that shine will activate the photovoltaic cells and the electricity will conduct to the computers.
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