Friday, August 6, 2021

Quantum generators and programmable satellites can be the future of the technology of tomorrow.

The image I: Source Pinterest

And finally, where can use quantum generators?

As I wrote, the quantum generators can use to deliver electricity to the nanotechnical microchips. Those microchips can work as extremely small-size multi-purpose systems like nanorobots that are the most powerful tool in modern technology. Nanorobots can change the genomes from individual cells. They can destroy single non-wanted cells. Those systems require nano-size microchips for controlling their operations. 

They can be used to control cyborg bugs. But the same system can also be acting as the eavesdropping and optical surveillance system. Those nanotechnical systems can make the revolution in the many systems like intelligence and medical systems like a surgeon and the cyborg bacteria can remove toxic chemicals from the human body. 

The cyborg bug that is used to smell the explosives or drugs can leave that kind of reconnaissance system to the place where the illegal things are, and then the quantum system can record discussions and take images by using nanotechnical CCD cameras. When the system is done its mission. The operator can open the lure in that tiny microchip, and another cyborg bug can download the data from that system. And it can send to quadcopter what is delivering it to the satellite. 

Image II: Ariane 5 Lifting-off

The programmable commercial satellite is on the orbiter.

The new and programmable satellites are the interesting things. The ability to reprogram those satellites is making them multipurpose tools in many missions. The limit of the system is the sensors of the satellite. And the ability to program those satellites is making it possible that the same satellites can use for communication and electronic intelligence missions. If the same satellite has a camera, it can be used also as a weather satellite. The thing is that electronic intelligence satellites are modified communication satellites. And some of them can send the wake-up signals to sleeping eavesdropping systems or control the drones that are operating the hostile areas. 

The electronic intelligence and data relay satellites can also use to download data from the sensors. Those sensors can be oceanographic buoys or research or intelligence drones. That is investigating the jungles or what are collecting data from the hostile areas. The satellites can drop quadcopters to every area of the world. Those quadcopters can calculate the animals in natural parks.  Or they can search for things that are happening in the military bases. When the battery of the system is over, the drone can destroy itself. And there is no trace about that system's visit. 



Image II()Pinterest

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