Artificial intelligence is working as the key element in the new type of so-called intelligent technology. When we are creating artificial intelligence, we are forgetting what we have in our hands. Sometimes the artificial intelligence has been criticized. That the development of those solutions like learning controlling systems is controlled from the basement, not from the top. When a large group of individuals with individual ideas is taking part in the development process, that thing gives very much material and potential to the process. The thing is that artificial intelligence is one of the most influential systems in the world, and the thing that limits the abilities of artificial intelligence is the tools, that the system uses. Without a physical body, artificial intelligence cannot be dangerous. In modern ideology, artificial intelligence can be the matrix. The matrix is the thing that controls the machines as an entirety. When the robots are connected with artificia...
The research and advances in artificial intelligence are causing the need to re-estimate what things like consciousness means? When we are creating new and powerful AI. We are creating something that has not existed before. And quantum technology has increased the power of AI. So that means we might face surprising situations when we are driving AI algorithms by using quantum computers that are a minimum of 1000 times faster and more powerful than traditional binary computers.