Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The tools are determining the abilities of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is working as the key element in the new type of so-called intelligent technology. When we are creating artificial intelligence, we are forgetting what we have in our hands. Sometimes the artificial intelligence has been criticized. That the development of those solutions like learning controlling systems is controlled from the basement, not from the top. 

When a large group of individuals with individual ideas is taking part in the development process, that thing gives very much material and potential to the process. The thing is that artificial intelligence is one of the most influential systems in the world, and the thing that limits the abilities of artificial intelligence is the tools, that the system uses. Without a physical body, artificial intelligence cannot be dangerous. 

In modern ideology, artificial intelligence can be the matrix. The matrix is the thing that controls the machines as an entirety. When the robots are connected with artificial intelligence, they are delivering the data, what kind of tools they have. And that are the working areas of those systems. And then the artificial intelligence is giving works to those robots. 

The thing that makes this thing is artificial intelligence. Is that the system can search automatically the things that the robot can do. When the robot tells the controlling AI that it's the "unit XY678" the AI is looking from the database, what the "Unit XY678" can do.  If the artificial intelligence is not finding the answer from its databases. It can start to search that answer from the larger area. 

The limit for that area is the access to the systems. And finally, if the creator of the system allows it. The AI takes contact with the producer and asks what type of jobs the robot has been made for, but if the producer is not answering or it's not existed anymore the system can have one chance. It can send the query to other artificial intelligence do they have similar robots, and where that robot is successful. But there is the possibility that the protocol prohibits to tell the use of that certain robot. 

And for final hope, The AI is using the surveillance cameras for searching where the "Unit XY678" or similar robots are in use.  And then the artificial intelligence can search the jobs of that robot. In the first step it can use the image recognition tool for searching similar robots, and then observe the robot and search what kind of tools it uses. 

The thing is that artificial intelligence access to the systems limits its way to find out things. The thing that makes this process difficult is that the operations that the AI makes must be stored in the program code. Those program codes are stored every possibility, what the programmers have brought their mind. But the computer must find actions or instructions to those operations in the program code. The problem is that large-scale operations require complicated code. 

There is the possibility that the small error is slipping in the millions of code lines.  If they are not included in the code, the system must ask for help or it can tell that error for the system supervisors. Then they tell the need for changing the code to the human operators, who are making the changes to the body of the code.


Monday, August 16, 2021

Kafka and data handling processes. (Grey persons in grey offices)

The offices are always grey. Everybody who is working there is grey, and their mission is to control the data. 

When we are staring at the film "Kafkaesque" above this text, we might realize that data handling is similar to bureaucracy. God is the thing that controls the data process and creates the protocol for handling data. For the system, the superuser who has the right for exterminating the system is the god. If we are thinking of the computer as the Kafkas's bureau. 

We are facing the problem of row-type computing. If the event handler is the man who is walking in the rows the event handler must always deliver its data. Without depending does the data contain enough information or not. When the event handler is taken the data, there is no way to stop the operation until the process ends. 

Order is the key element in computing. If there is chaos in the system, there is no way to make anything. The answer to the chaos problem is simple. Somewhere in the system sits the master controller. The superuser is using the "master's voice". And voices that "everybody halt" and orders the data handlers to read their data at the same time. Or the order can be given in the form, that the data handlers are reading the things that the data handling form requires. 

That means everybody should check do they have all the necessary papers with them. And if every single paper contains a serial number helps it to give new papers if some of those files are missing. And if somebody delivers the data from that bureau, the controller knows what paper is delivered to the street. And because all data handlers are handling the individual data type that helps to track the person who delivered unauthorized data. 

If the system uses two lines there is easy to see the differences in data. In the two-line data handling process every data handler has a pair. And if data that those handlers are carrying contains differences there is an error. The two-line data handling works that when the router brings data in the system, it also doubles the data. 

That makes it possible to see if there are some errors by benefiting from the differences in the data structures. In that system, everything is doubled including the rowing rooms. In that room, the data is delivered to the desk, and then the superuser compiles the papers or data tables and finds out are they identical. If they are identical there are no errors in the data lines. The data is traveling in rows and each paper is combined in the same entirety, which is like film. 

If the data travel in a row, where are many curves the other data handlers can check is the data that the data handler carries right and does it have the right form. But that requests that every data handler has the same data, and in that case, the system can check the traveling data. The check can be made that every single data handler is yelling at the same time. What kind of data should be in their papers. 

Or the persons can send the number of the papers that are delivered back to begin. And that thing is called checksum. The checksum tells is there some papers dropped to the floor. And if every paper is numbered the people can know immediately what paper is missing. So if something is missing the data handler can ask for the missing paper from the colleague who stands at the door. And that means that there is no need for remaking the entire paper stack. Only the missing papers are needed to make. 

If all data handlers are talking at different times, the result is chaos, where nobody can check the data. The man who is keeping himself hunger is the data handler, which is not used. The useless data is removed and the mark of that data turns weaker and weaker all the time when data stands useless. The data security might seem very well done if there are many doors between observer and data. But if the doors are not locked they are useless. 

We can think that the data that is traveling in the system is like black and white bugs. The system is like the giant labyrinth that must know which way it should route those data bites. At every corner in that labyrinth is the router. Or the person who knows where to guide each bite of data. When data is traveling in a mixed form that thing seems like a mess or chaos. But when the routers are sorting that thing turns data into an understandable form. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

The killer-fly and brain-machine interface.

The hybridization of the microchips and neurons is quite difficult. But the answer for the nutrient problem can be solved by using a bug, what is controlling microchip by using a brain-computer interface. The BMI (Brain Machine Interface) is similar to the BCI. But in that case, the neural tissue connected to the computers operates the interface that allows controlling the physical robot. 

The BMI (Brain-Machine Interface) can turn the bugs into controllers of the bigger robots. The term BMI means a robot can control by the EEG of the living organism. The system delivers the data through the microprocessor and the EEG signals are decoded to signals that control the computer. 

After that, the system gives feedback to the brains of the controller. The system works that the outside operator is delivering a control signal for the brains of the microchip implanted bug.

The system requires the chamber where the bug is, and then the system interacts with it by using the BMI. The data is changed between the bug and its controller and the system that this bug is operating. Sometimes is asked why the bugs that are implanted with microchips cannot control the bigger robots. The BCI/BMI systems can connect the things like dragonflies or dive-bomber killer flies to the drone or even full-scale combat aircraft.  

If the bug is hunting its prey by spitting the poison, that thing can activate things like cannon or other weapons. The thing is that the information that the bug gets must be connected with the hunting behavior. So if the aircraft will put to attack the ground and aerial targets there must be two bugs that are one hunting the flying prey. 

And another hunting for sitting prey. That thing means that the operator who decides to attack against the air targets must select the bug, which attacks against flying prey. And the attack against the ground targets requires selecting the BMI of the bug, which hunts sitting prey from flying. This kind of cyborg system can control miniature multi-purpose drones. 




The new small-size super-and hypersonic cruise missiles can attack against both airborne and ground-based targets. 

The Spice bomb system (above) uses similar technology with other small size ammunition. So the small-size super and hypersonic missiles are using similar artificial intelligence-based homing systems. And the bodies and engines of those systems are different. 

The cruise system can patrol independently. And it can return to base if the weapon is not needed. But if there is a suitable threat that system can turn to hypersonic flight and try to impact to target. The Spice is the bomb system, but the HCS (Hypersonic Cruise System) can be otherwise similar. But the speed of the projectile is higher. 

The hypersonic missiles and small size hypersonic cruise missiles can attack against both airborne and ground targets. The miniature stealth missile can cruise at high altitudes by using regular miniature jet engines. But during an attack, they might turn to use scramjets. 

When the suitable target is visible, those kamikaze drones will start to dive against those targets from upwards. The new age cruise missiles can destroy the target by using kinetic energy, which means they can impact it and there can be things like microwave transmitters at the nose of that system. 

What is the motive for making hybrid species?

The DNA-based hybridization and cyborgs.

When we are thinking about possibilities to hybridize species we must ask, what is the motive for that thing? Why do some people want to make new species by connecting the DNA of the species? What would be the motive of that kind of process? 

In some stories, some mythic creatures are the result of genetic experiments. The legend tells that the vampires are the creatures that are made by hybridization of the human and bats. But why somebody will want to make that hybrid? The answer is that the tissues of bats are the most effectively renewing tissues in the world. And that ability could be useful also in the human world. But this is not the writing of the vampires. 

But there are also hybrids of living creatures and robots. The cyborgs are the real thing. The bugs can control by using microchips, and the ant that takes the microchip in its jaws will microchip send the electromagnetic stimulation to the ant's nervous system. The nanotechnical microchips can also station on the antenna of the bug. And that system can use to order the bug to destroy its eggs. 

The cyborg mycoplasma and use the parasitoid wasps to put the microchips in the right position. 

In some ideas, mycoplasma, which is the cytoplasm filled with millions of nucleus would hybridize with microprocessors. That kind of system can involve a large number of microprocessors, and that thing will give it quite an independent data handling ability. That kind of cyborg mycoplasma can slip into the computer center. And position itself on the microcircuits. The microchips can transmit every operation that happens in that microchip to its supervisors. 

But how to put those microchips in the right places on the bug? There is the possibility that things like parasitoid wasps ovipositor are used in that mission. The microchip will place in the ovipositor. And the parasitoid wasp puts it to the ants head. And then the control signal can give to that system by using the quadcopter. 

What would you do with ants that can act like robots?

There is one thing that people do not normally mention when they are talking about things like cyborg ants. There is the possibility to connect a large number of cyborg ants to acting as one entirety.  That thing can do by using the network of interacting microchips. 

Those microchips are acting like the network of regular robots. But the problem is that there are neurons connected with that microchip. In theory, if the system has 200 billion microchips and 200 billion ants that system can turn so intelligent as humans. 

And what would you do with an ant that is so intelligent as humans? The ant can carry the microchip in the computer center and position it next to the computer's central processor. The microchips can form the chain to outside. And the system can deliver all data that goes through the microprocessor to the outside of the data center. 

The hybridization of microchips and vegetables is not a very well-known thing. We know that the vegetables are interacting with each other by using the pheromones. Those pheromones are also interacting with animals, and even they are not meant for that. Every pheromone affects our brains through nervous stress and stimulation. But what if somebody wants to make hybrid vegetables that are creating pheromones, what is causing fear? 

That kind of thing might be useful in the hands of the military and law enforcement. So the system can involve small capsules that are storing viruses which purpose is to transfer the wanted ability to the vegetables at the right moment. Then the launching system will send the signal and break those capsules in the vegetables and those viruses will transfer the wanted ability to the genomes of the vegetables. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Quantum generators and programmable satellites can be the future of the technology of tomorrow.

The image I: Source Pinterest

And finally, where can use quantum generators?

As I wrote, the quantum generators can use to deliver electricity to the nanotechnical microchips. Those microchips can work as extremely small-size multi-purpose systems like nanorobots that are the most powerful tool in modern technology. Nanorobots can change the genomes from individual cells. They can destroy single non-wanted cells. Those systems require nano-size microchips for controlling their operations. 

They can be used to control cyborg bugs. But the same system can also be acting as the eavesdropping and optical surveillance system. Those nanotechnical systems can make the revolution in the many systems like intelligence and medical systems like a surgeon and the cyborg bacteria can remove toxic chemicals from the human body. 

The cyborg bug that is used to smell the explosives or drugs can leave that kind of reconnaissance system to the place where the illegal things are, and then the quantum system can record discussions and take images by using nanotechnical CCD cameras. When the system is done its mission. The operator can open the lure in that tiny microchip, and another cyborg bug can download the data from that system. And it can send to quadcopter what is delivering it to the satellite. 

Image II: Ariane 5 Lifting-off

The programmable commercial satellite is on the orbiter.

The new and programmable satellites are the interesting things. The ability to reprogram those satellites is making them multipurpose tools in many missions. The limit of the system is the sensors of the satellite. And the ability to program those satellites is making it possible that the same satellites can use for communication and electronic intelligence missions. If the same satellite has a camera, it can be used also as a weather satellite. The thing is that electronic intelligence satellites are modified communication satellites. And some of them can send the wake-up signals to sleeping eavesdropping systems or control the drones that are operating the hostile areas. 

The electronic intelligence and data relay satellites can also use to download data from the sensors. Those sensors can be oceanographic buoys or research or intelligence drones. That is investigating the jungles or what are collecting data from the hostile areas. The satellites can drop quadcopters to every area of the world. Those quadcopters can calculate the animals in natural parks.  Or they can search for things that are happening in the military bases. When the battery of the system is over, the drone can destroy itself. And there is no trace about that system's visit. 



Image II()Pinterest

So how the quantum generator works?

Image I

The idea of the quantum generator is the same as regular generators. But the size of those systems is smaller. Unlike solar panels which are delivering electrons when they are stress with radiation. The quantum generator is transferring the radiation or wave movement to the movement of the quantum system. 

If we are looking at the 2D quantum crystals above this text. The system can use the electron or ion that is anchored in the quantum spring. And when the atom above the spring will move up and down the movement will load energy to the ion or electron that is hovering in the quantum spring. This kind of system can deliver electricity to the small nano-size microchips, which can use to control the bionic devices. 

The triboelectric nanogenerators are harvesting energy from the ocean waves is the tale about the new type of systems, what can be used to get energy from the ocean waves. The story of that system is in, and the link to that article is below the text. The thing is that similar way all kinds of wave movement can benefit energy production. 

The system would be acting like the carpet where the small nano- or quantum-size generators are making electricity. When the carpet is moving the small ramrods are moving the small dynamos. And that system can transfer the wave movement to the electricity at least if the system hovers on the liquid. 


Image I()

Image II

Cyborg bugs are multipurpose tools.

The quantum generators can deliver energy to the nano-scale microchips that are used to control the cyborg bugs like flies. The microchip control bugs can sniff explosives. But the same systems can be used to smell animals and humans. Blood-drinking insects like TseTse fly can be used to locate people from the forests. 

The triboelectric system can equip with nano-scale pistons that are rotating the nano-scale dynamos. That kind of power source can transform mechanical oscillation like sound waves into energy. And that thing can use in bionic robots like cyborg flies. Those microchips can be implanted over the brains of the flies. 

And then that microchip can stimulate the nervous system of those flies. If this kind of BCI (Brain-Computer Interface)system can decode the visual perception of the flies to the computer, that thing can make the revolution in robotics. The small microchip can deliver its data to the sensors installed in the quadcopters. The quadcopters are following those cyborg flies and their mission is to transmit and receive the control data to the bug. Those things can be the next-generation systems in the use of military and civil operators. 


Image II()

What if we can create energy from X-rays or dark matter?

Image I: "A flexible semiconductive metal-organic framework was incorporated into a prototype wearable X-ray detector for radiation monitoring and imaging. Credit: Adapted from Nano Letters 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c02336: (

The X-rays or dark matter and dark energy can use as the power source in interstellar spacecraft. But the wearable X-ray "solar panel" can also give power supply for the robots which are operating in the nuclear waste storages. In those places, the radiation would be so high. That the robots can get the energy straight from that radiation. And also that kind of system can give the power supply for the regular electric network. 

Dark matter and dark energy might have a similar background. The dark energy could be the wave movement which origin is in the dark matter. So in this text, the "dark energy" or "dark matter" solar panel means the system that benefits dark energy or dark matter from making electricity to the electric systems. So the quantum crystal-based dark matter sensor could be the pathfinder for creating electricity from dark matter or dark energy interaction. 

The idea of that system is simple. The quantum system turns the interaction into the movement of the quantum generators. So the quantum crystals below can act as the model for the quantum generator system, which turns the movements of atoms into energy. 

Image II: "Illustration of NIST's quantum crystal. Credit: Burrows/JILA" (

It's not the same as what kind of sensors the researchers are creating. The sensor is the system that transforms the interaction to electric signals in the case of electric sensors. And the experimental sensors might be a path to the serial production of those systems. But when we are trying to think big, the sensors like new 2D quantum crystals can be pathfinders to benefit the dark energy. In this quantum structure, the dark matter is interacting with the atoms that are on that layer. 

And there is the possibility that this kind of structure can create electricity for the superconducting microcircuits and electric circuits. That is deliver energy to the probes that are operating at the Kuiper belt and beyond that area. The problem with nuclear power is that the operational time for that system is about five years. And the journey to the Kuiper belt takes about that time. The nuclear reactor is disturbing the sensors of the telescopes that those probes might use. 

In some visions, these kinds of "solar panels" that use dark matter or dark energy are giving electricity to the new space exploration systems. And maybe in the future, those systems are also giving energy to the new interstellar spacecraft. If the system can create energy from dark matter or dark energy that system can use to give electric supply for the Buzzard's ramjets. 

The interstellar rockets, that are using fusion engines. The craft is pulling the gas ions from the space by using powerful magnetic fields, and then that gas is conducted to the engine where the lasers and microwaves are igniting the fusion reaction. If the system can get an external power supply. That thing makes it easier to make those systems. Because in that case, the fusion must not be self-sustain. 



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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Two small and scary stories about abductions and zombies

Two small and scary stories about abductions and zombies

The theory of the abductions

There is a strange theory of abductions. That theory could explain why the UFO is not seen anywhere or why nobody has seen the abduction. The scary thing is that there is the possibility that some kind of BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) causes the effect called "abduction". If that system is targeting the electric impulses to the pineal gland or some other brain area. That thing causes the thing that is one of the scariest things in the world. 

There is the possibility that the microchip that is causing the "abduction" can be launched by using the remote control. Or the system has the time launch. The fact is that if there is some kind of "UFO transmitter" in the nose of the person, that system can send the electromagnetic impulses to the olfactory bulbs of the cerebellum. That means that the thing what those people are saying would be recorded to that microchip.

If that kind of system is made. That thing can explain why the abductions are feeling like dreams. But where or by whom those systems would stick in the nose of the person. 

The thing that somebody might not want to tell about zombies

There is another theory of zombies. And the theory bases the idea of the modified suicide capsules. When some nazi-leaders noticed that the war ends. And their horrible war crimes will uncover those people who were in the leading position in nazi Germany decided to put the cyanide capsules in the hollow tooth implants. 

Then after the capturing, they pulled the tooth away, and then the cyanide killed them in seconds. The most well-known persons who had capsules in their teeth were SS-leader Himmler and Hermann Goering who committed suicide before execution.  

In some ideas, suicide capsules will replace. If the used capsule is filled with the zombie poison tetrodotoxin. Targeted people can turn to the zombie the person who has no own will. The system can use the miniature loudspeaker that is at the root of the implant. 

When that tetrodotoxin is released into the blood that thing can activate the loudspeaker. Tetrodotoxin is mentioned as the "zombie poison". But there is the possibility that the name of the poison is changed. And this poison means something else than the poison of the Fugu or Blowfish. 

That loudspeaker is giving orders by resonating the skull. The system can use remote control, and if the system uses miniature microchips and mass memories it can deliver commands for the targeted person. This kind of system can be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. 

Could the same reason what makes people think and make musical predictions cause that music is helping in concentration?

Could the same reason what makes people think and make musical predictions cause that music is helping in concentration?

Could the same reason what makes people think and make musical predictions cause that music is helping in concentration? Maybe that thing feels somehow imaginational. But there was the story in that brains are synthesizing the musical experience even we are not listening to music. 

Music is relaxing it helps to focus on things and concentrate. So there must be something really big in the music. We know that there are lots of resources in the human brain and neural system, that are hiding from the brain itself. 


Could it be possible that the music, what is the continuing sound is causing the effect, that the neural connections in the brains are getting stronger? Or does that effect cause that there are more neurotransmitters in the brains what makes the neural processes turn to butterflies or "Lorentz's strange attractor"? In that case, thoughts are starting to travel through the Pineal gland again and again. And that turns the electric vortex called thoughts stronger. And details of those vortexes are also turning stronger. 

So there is the possibility that the brain areas that are creating the synthetic (or imaginational) musical experiences can release neurons for the creative process when the person listens to real music. The question is that if brains are making synthetic musical experiences because those imaginational images cause pleasure. They or their brains are acting like persons who are telling lies. 

When a person imagines something brains and brain areas that are controlling pleasure and imagination need more blood and nutrient than in the case where the person is telling about real memories. The same effect will happen when the person gets a similar signal in real life. The real musical effect releases the resources that are needed for the imagination to real work. 

This is the reason why music helps in concentration. So the thing is that the same neurons that are used for creating the synthetic musical experiences are activated by real music. In this case, resources that are reserved for making imaginational experiences are getting real experiences. And the extra resources that are needed for imagination or creating synthetic experiences are released for productive work. 

This thing can make the learning process easier. And the music is relaxing. We know that music affects the brain because music is activating neural tracks. And that helps the brains focus the tracks where is traveling real signals from sensors. That helps to separate real experience from the imagination. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

There are two ways to learn things.

There are two ways to learn things.

If your enemy gives you a piece of advice, ask why that person gives you that advice? If your enemy is giving you the "friend's advice" thing is that person your friend? What makes things different now? 

Why that person is now willing to share those nice and beautiful pieces of advice with you? So if your enemy gives advice would you rather make the opposite way what your enemy advises? 

And if you want to learn things you can do that thing without orders from the boss. You don't always need to wait for orders to get some books from the library. Or search for information from the net. The boss is representative of the employer. That means the benefit of the boss is to keep salaries so low as possible. 

In this hypothetical case, the descendant of the boss is waiting for permission to get to some courses. Where you are attended would you think that you are the chosen one? And what if you are quarrel with your boss, and your life in the office seems to turn difficult? So the thing is that you need to decide to start to learn new skills and probably get a new education. There are two ways to make that thing. Wait that your boss is permitting that education. Or start to learn things yourself. 

1) Controlled way to learn things

In the hierarchic system, the order for learning things is coming from the upper level. This model is the so-called "traditional way to learn and study things". The persons would wait that their authority is giving them orders to start studies, and they are making things only when the authority gives the rule for that thing. 

In that case. The authority of the system gives the order to start to collect data for some purpose. And then the henchmen are starting to follow that order. In this model, the process is controlled by superiorities. 

And controllers are always known what the henchmen are doing. The process is used in traditional school classes. Where the teacher is sharing data and gives orders for the students or pupils who are following orders.  

2) Non-controlled way to learn things

This thing is known as "spontaneous learning". In this process, the parts of the organization are searching the data without orders. Then they are working and process the data without control. That thing is sometimes called "self-learning" or "self-studying". 

This is the thing that is making surprises in the organization because the people might have many skills, that they don't even realize. The self-controlled studies make the work of the controllers of the system lighter. The only thing that the controller must do is to keep exams. And confirm the skills that person has got. 


So when we are making conclusions about those two ways to learn things, what would you think? In the case of artificial intelligence, the second way to learn things might make those systems unpredictable. But in this case, I am not just writing about machine learning. 

Also, people are learning things. When we are thinking about the most innovative man in the world Elon Musk, we might ask what if that man used the first method for learning things? What if that person would wait for orders that somebody will permit to start to develop rockets? Would we have that innovation? 

Or what would Elon Musk be if he would follow the traditional way to learn things? Maybe he would be some engineer working in some factory and check the machine parts for some car engines? Who knows the reality? Maybe he would be the president of General Motors. 

Attitude is everything in the learning process. If your worst enemy is advising you to make something, what would you do? Would you follow that instruction? 

Or would you think that the opposite way to make things is better for you? When your enemy is giving the "friend's advice" we should ask "why that person gives those pieces of advice"? That person has ever been my friend, so why I must follow those orders?

The key element in every learning process is attitude. If the person has an attitude that learning is stupid. And that person doesn't need any new skills that kind of attitudes are making everything difficult. Education is also the learning process. But if we think that we don't have a chance to get a job or the job or workplace feels bad we must realize that we need to renew ourselves. The bad experiences are educating and they are giving power. 

If we decide something when we are 15, that won't mean that this kind of thing is final. Our life conditions might change and that means that we must renew our skills. And if we decide to make a change in our life, that means we must map the skills that we must have to reach the goal. If we need language skills, we can take those courses in the worker's academy. Or we can borrow some books that are written by using a foreign language, and then we can try to translate those books by using dictionary books. That kind of thing can focus on the grammar of the language. 

The invention might look meanless, but what would you do with this thing called intelligent toothbrush?

Have you ever thing about electric toothbrushes. That thing is the motorized version of the system. Which is used thousands of years for making our smile shine. But the fact is that nobody has ever thought to use the miniaturized technology in the brush itself. 

In this new model, the bristles are replaced by using the thin tubes where the water and the toothpaste can deliver to the surface of the tooth and that thing can make the revolution in mouth hygiene. There is also the possibility to equip the toothbrush by using UV light. This kind of system can kill bacteria with very big power. 

And this kind of thing is showing that also the well-known things can advance. The thing is that many people have problems with mouth hygiene. So why there is no advantage in that kind of regular system, what people are using every day. The toothbrush has one thing that has advanced, and that is the position of the bristles but there are no fundamental advantages in a long time. 

The researchers created a method to magnetize objects without the outcoming magnetic field.

 The researchers created a method to magnetize objects without the outcoming magnetic field. 

When we are making ultra-small things, something that we haven't even realize might have meaning. The ability to magnetize objects without outside magnetic field help to protect the data structure in the nanotechnical microchips. 

The thing is that magnetizing material without a magnetic field is one of the most fundamental things in history. In that process, the researchers used an adiabatic process. And if that process can control enough accuracy, this thing can be the next-generation way to create the extremely small-size hard disks for the nanomachines.



Where can we do the ability to magnetize objects without applying an outcoming magnetic field?

This thing is making it possible to create miniature hard disks and electronic components. The nanotechnical electronic systems and especially the nanotechnical computer parts have one problem. They need extremely sharp accuracy in programming. But the outside electric field can destroy the data structure that is stored in the extremely small-size mass memory. 

The ability to magnetize parts without a magnetic field is an interesting tool. It can use for programming the new type of systems for making the programs for ROM (Read Only Memories). But maybe that thing can use with the RAM (Read Access Memory). In the ROM circuits, the magnetized layer can turn to a magnetic QR-code by using the laser. The laser system can remove the magnetic layer from the wanted areas. The RAM circuit allows making those systems reprogrammable. And that increases their operative sector. 

That kind of microchips can use to control the new type of cyborg- nanomachines. In those systems, the plasmid-DNA of the bacteria is controlling the regular actions of the bacteria. And the microchip can control the more complicated actions of that hybrid machine. In this model, The bacteria is used as the transporter, which takes the microchip-controlled system to the right place. 

In some visions, the interstellar spacecraft uses the hypothermic bacteria for waking up the craft. When the spacecraft is near the targeted solar system, the computer starts warming the craft. Then the bacteria are activating, and they will push the small buttons by using their vibrating hairs for moving the switches, which are activating the nanotechnical computers. 

Then those nano-systems will open the main computers, which are starting the more complicated control processes. In some simpler versions, the system uses bioluminescence of the bacteria for activating the computers. When the system sees the target solar system bright enough, it sends the nutrient to those bacteria. And then that shine will activate the photovoltaic cells and the electricity will conduct to the computers. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Offensive security and AI are powerful tools.

The purpose of AI in network security is to support the people and uncover if somebody is telling wrong information. The mission of those things is to see if something works the wrong way. 

The most important thing in data security is to know what kind of attacker might attempt to steal data. In all companies are things that somebody wants. And one of the things is money. The "bad guys" might just want to get the money from the bank account. But in some firms, some secrets are touching the security of the state. 

But all development and research are interest in industrial spies. Those people want to use other people's work without paying licenses and other payments. They want to steal the work of other people and make money with that. 

So knowing the data that is wanted to secure makes sure that the data security team can predict what kind of attackers they are facing. If the attacker is governmental like some intelligence agency, making crime reports does not affect. Things like mobile solutions are interesting the governmental operators. So the company must not necessarily develop missile systems or stealth aircraft for facing the attack, that comes from somewhere far away from the east. 

The reason why things like data security are automatized is that it should eliminate the humanitarian effect. But the fact is that these kinds of systems are always hybrid tools. Artificial intelligence is working as an assistant for people. Who is responsible for the security of the systems. Artificial intelligence can collect data about things, is somebody making something wrong. 

If some people are making the inspection tour around the house. That system sees are they visit in all places that are marked in the list. If those people are not following orders, they are at risk for security. The offensive security means that the workspaces are searched for eavesdropping. 

AI-based network security is the new and powerful tool for securing data. The AI can see things what the normal security manager doesn't see or even realize. There are many layers that AI can manage very effectively, and it can make the profile of all workers by collecting data about things, what people are doing. And if the data, that the user search is changed that thing might cause that something is wrong. 

The weakest point in all data security is humans. Even the most secured systems are vulnerable if the humans who use them are somehow leaking the passwords. In the most traditional model, the "bad guys" are just hitting the person, and force their victim to tell the password and username. That's why face-to-face meetings are also important in working life. And of course, security personnel might follow the workers to home and observe their meetings if there is something wrong. 

During those meetings, the person can tell that if there is something wrong and tell about the strange people who may hang around some workers. Also, there is good to see what kind of questions people are asking. Is some person suddenly start to show interest in the hobbies of the family members of the key persons of the company? Or is some person's behavior changed somehow?

During the network meetings, the AI can see is there a possibility that some people who are involving the meetings are virtual. If the voice of the participant seems somehow synthetic, the system can send the warning to system supervisors. Even the most intelligent systems are requiring people, who are keeping it clean from bugs. The modern eavesdrop systems are not listening only to people. They are also listening to the internet. There is the possibility to put the small WLAN support station to the network connection cable. And route all data through that station. 

When we are thinking about the changing of hacking. Data that is collected from the network must continue all the time. The network security people must always see, what are the settings of the routers. Is some router programmed to double data, and of course the connections must be check because there is the possibility that somebody has installed the "bandit station" to network. 

But new technology brings new threats. The quadcopters can fly to the next roof, and they can equip with cameras, which can see screens that are seen from the window. They can also use laser microphones for uncovering secrets. Laser microphones are seeing the oscillation of the windows and that oscillation transmits speech to the surveillance operators. 

Modern eavesdropping systems cannot detect so easily as traditional systems. They can record data in passive mode, and only when they get radio commands, those systems are releasing the data. So that means they are hard to detect by using traditional methods. 

The Schrödinger's cat and the question of the existence

Sometimes people are thinking, what kind of thing could be the real world Schrödinger's cat? The cat is closed in a box, where it cannot straight interact with us, but we can see the cat. If we try to get the cat out it will exterminate, and that cat has caused a question about existence. Is the thing that cannot interact with us some mean to us? Does the thing that doesn't interact with its environment exist? 

When we are thinking about abstraction the things like thinking is existence we might ask are our thoughts exists or not? Thoughts and the ability to create synthetic models, the abstraction in the brains are making us humans. The ability to make models are making humans the most dominating species in the world. Are thoughts exists or not? Even if we are not telling those things to somebody else, those thoughts affect us. 

Why we don't have full control of our thoughts? Why we are thinking so uncomfortable things? The fact is that this thing is made for protecting individuals. The reason why we remember bad things better than good things is easy to explain. Those things are made for protecting people against dangerous situations. If somebody yells at us we remember that thing, because that person can be dangerous later. So that thing we are remembering nasty customers better than nice customers. 

We know that other people are not seeing the existence of our thoughts but for us they are real. The thought is things, what is forming from our experiences, history, and other things, what we might want to feel and see. Many people have great ideas, and some of them are the most intelligent people in the world. But the problem is how to confirm that those ideas and thoughts are those people's own? The fact is that if some people are only thinking. 

But they are not telling their ideas to others, how other people can see, how intelligent those quiet geniuses are? How to confess to other people that the thoughts that people have are good or bad? Or they are good for bad? Making the thought to real innovation is something, that we are always afraid of and hope for. We all want to be great inventors, but we always want to stay in grey mass. And at the first, we must realize that there are no meanless innovations and inventions. 

The helmets that are washing teeth of the people might seem funny, but what the astronaut who is working in the spacesuit would do with the system, what washes teeth? Or what the astronaut would do with a small robot hand inside the helmet what puts the drinking tube to the mouth if that thing slips out the mouth? And what the same person would do with a small hover what is sucking things like vomit out from the helmet? 

Or what the military men would do with springs.  That is connected with bulletproof west for making the impact softer? Those things are extreme places, but there are always things that are turning useless useful. Who would think someday that things like gravitational waves have something to do with everyday life? 

Things like quantum computers, where superpositioned and entangled photons are transmitting data are causing scenarios, that the gravitational waves can destroy the entire system. So is it possible that someday in the future there are warnings about the gravitational waves? Gravitational waves might seem meanless but are causing a threat to quantum computers by pushing the positioned photons. 

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