Monday, July 31, 2023

Gravitational interaction tells researchers that dark matter and visible matter have similar structures.

Gravitation and dark matter are interesting things. Sometimes somebody asked, could graviton solve the question of dark matter? The fact is this. Because dark matter interacts through gravitation there is some common structure between visible material and dark matter. And that common structure could be a hypothetical graviton. The problem is that nobody has seen dark matter yet. 

The atom-size atom clocks can search dark matter gobs or glimpses. If there is a dark matter structure somewhere. The extremely small atom clocks should react with that thing. Those very small atom clocks can form the compound eye that searches gravitational waves and dark matter gobs. 

The sensor bases the idea that dark matter gob causes local time dilation. And if two atom clocks see the same type of time dilation in different places gravitational waves cause those anomalies or slows in time. If time dilation is local the reason for that could be gop of dark matter. 

In some models, theoretical axion particles and WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are members of different dark matter elementary particle groups. In this model, dark matter is similar to elementary particles as visible material. That means there are dark bosons, dark fermions, and dark leptons whose energy level is so high that they cannot interact with visible material. 

"Hubble's 3D map of the Universe's dark matter scaffolding." (
"Scientists are leveraging optical atomic clocks, which are ultra-sensitive quantum sensors, in the quest for dark matter. (Artist’s concept.)" ( Atomic Clocks: Accelerating the Search for Dark Matter – And Beyond). 

A theoretical gravitational quantum computer uses time dilation as qubits. 

In the far future atom clocks and time dilation can use in gravitational qubits that use time dilation as it states. The thing is that the gravitational field can use in qubit as well as electromagnetism. In gravitational qubits, electricity is replaced by the gravitational field. And gravitational qubit would be the superposition in a gravitational field. 

But if researchers can create this type of qubit by using particles that makes it easier to control. And that is one of the reasons why gravitons are under research. In gravitational qubits the superpositioned and entangled gravitons make qubits. In regular quantum computers, the superpositioned and entangled photons make that process. And in gravitational quantum computers, hypothetical gravitons replace those photon pairs. But nobody has seen graviton yet. 

A gravitational quantum computer uses time dilation as qubits. In that model, the level or strength of gravitation and time dilation is a qubit's certain state. Those gravitational qubits can be the most revolutionary things that researchers ever created. 

One another model of axion is interesting. The idea is that a particle has something that travels with the speed of light. The axion could have a spin that makes its shell travel with the speed of light. Or it's energy level and the mass could be so high that the energy that visible material sends cannot interact with it. 

That kind of sensor might have two components. In outer space is another atom clock that observes the gravitational waves. And then another atom clock that is moving on Earth. If there is the same anomaly in both atom clocks. That means the reason for that is gravitational waves. But if only another atom clock slows the reason for that could be the dark matter gob. Those dark matter densities cause only local time dilation. 

In the most exciting theories, dark matter is similar material as visible material. But in those dark baryons the regular up and down quarks are replaced by, as an example, top and charm quarks. So in dark matter proton is two top and one charm quark. And the dark neutron would be one top and two charm quarks. But that thing is the hypothesis, that bases the idea that all quarks as well as other elementary particles are one particle. And the energy level determines what the quark's shape is. Or otherways saying: which quarks are in question? 

The WIMP/Axion hypothesis is that the dark matter is forming WIMPs or/and axions. The fact is that if we think of visible material, we must realize that all elementary particles are not forming any kind of stable structures. And in wild models, the hypothetical dark matter axions are like dark matter bosons and WIMPs are like fermions of dark matter. If that is true, dark matter has similar fermions, bosons, and leptons as visible material. But the energy levels of those extremely high energy versions are so high that they are not interacting with other particles.

There is the theory. That dark matter or missing baryons are simply "too hot".

That theory conducted from the photons are extremely high-energy particles. That means photon hover in their shine or high energy quantum field. And because a photon sends radiation all around it, its mass is really hard to measure. And there is an even more interesting model about the material and its form. 

The idea is that. As an example, all bosons are one particle. And the thing that determines is particle gluon or W and Z boson or photon is their energy level. That thing opens new visions for the material. When the energy level of particle increases, it turns smaller and smaller. The reason for that is this. The shine of particles turns brighter and brighter. So when a particle sends radiation or wave movement, it acts like some futuristic spacecraft. That hovers in the wave movement. 

So dark matter is material that has so a high energy level that it cannot interact. Or interaction is one-way. Baryons are not elementary particles. But they behave like elementary particles. If the energy level of the baryon is extremely high and it spins at a very fast speed. That means that the baryon looks like an extremely fast-spinning star. That baryon like all other particles sends radiation around it. 

A long time researchers thought. Baryons, protons, and neutrons consist of three quarks. The structure of a proton is much more complicated than three quarks. There are also things like charm quarks in protons. The energy level of those particles is higher than the proton itself. And that thing means that there is the possibility that charm quark determines is the baryon visible or not. Two up and one-down quarks are mainly forming protons. And two down and one up quarks mainly forming neutrons. 

In a hypothetical "top neutron" the top quark replaces the up quark. And then the form of that thing is the one top quark and two down quarks or any other quarks like bottom quark. 

A hypothetical top proton is a proton where two up quarks and one top quark form a "proton". In the place of "up quarks" could be any other quark. 

So the "cold" dark matter can be: 

In that model, bottom quarks can form similar particles like up and down quarks. The "top or "super neutron" could be two up quarks and one bottom quark. Or "super proton" can consists of two bottoms and one up quark. 

And hot dark matter could be: 

If we continue this chain the bottom quark can make top hadrons. In that case, the more high-energy form of a proton could be two charm quarks and one bottom quark. And the neutron version of that "super proton" could be formed there is one charm and two bottom quarks. 

And the top version could be two charms- and one top quark. The other version would be one top and two charm quarks. In this version is followed the route of interactions. And 99'8% of decays of the top quark happen with the bottom quark. Other possibilities are strange quark and down quark. 

But there are also other quarks than only up and down quarks. Same as in leptons where also other leptons than electrons should form orbitals the other quarks that just up and down quarks should form baryons. But nobody has seen either atom where muons replaced electrons. 

And also there is no baryon there top quark makes that structure with two up quarks. But there is a charm quark in the proton. And that means that also quarks can play a bigger role in the material than we can even imagine. 

That quantum spiral pushes radiation away from those baryons. The same way the quantum tornado on that hadron's poles pulls incoming radiation into one direction. In that model, the extremely fast-spinning hadron can interact with its environment like a black hole. But that interaction is far weaker.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

At least one massive planet may be lurking in our solar system.

The anomalies in the trajectory of planet Neptune made scientists research the next planet. They found Pluto, but Pluto is too small being the reason for those anomalies in Neptune's trajectory. So there is something really big on the edge of our solar system. And that big is somehow unknown. 

Sometimes there is suggested that some kind of higher dense area in the Kuiper belt causes those anomalies. There is the theory that this object, called planet X. Surface temperature is precisely the same as its environment. That makes this object invisible to infrared cameras. 

There is a possibility that this mystery planet has a 100% reflecting surface. That thing causes forming of a standing light wave that makes the planet invisible. Or maybe the quantum phenomenon in the extremely low-temperature ice makes the atoms act like wheels that pull photons and other particles inside it. 

Uranus and its X-ray flares. (

There is a couple of possibilities that the mystery object that causes those anomalies in Neptune's trajectories could be. 

1) Yet unknown large frozen planet. 

2) Small black hole. 

3) Dark matter glimpse. 

4) About Pluto-size object with anomalous strong gravitational field. 

Artist impression of Quaoar rings. Credit: Paris Observatory ( 

Could "planet X" be the dark matter glimpse or gobs of dark matter? Sometimes those invisible gobs formed of dark matter are called dark matter glimpses (or dark matter flashes). There is hope that in dark matter gop is possible to see a glimpse of dark matter's internal interactions. 

When we think about those possibilities, we must realize that. There are many strange things in the universe. Planet X may be the object with the strange gravitational field. JWST telescope discovered the first candidates for "dark stars" or dark matter stars. So the dark matter planet in this text means a smaller dark matter glimpse than the dark star. 

There is a theory that a glimpse of dark matter can connect with the planet through gravitation. That means the dark matter "planet" and the planet formed of visible material can be in the same place. So if that theory is right we would see only visible planets and visible material in that system but we would feel the gravitational field of both of those planets. 

But could dwarf planet Quaoar with its rings, guide researchers to the right track? 

There are a couple of other mysteries in Kuiper's belt. There seen X-ray flares in the Uranus' atmosphere. There is the possibility that those X-ray flares can have a connection with that mysterious gravitational effect called "Planet X". If there is some object with a powerful magnetic field in the Kuiper's belt that magnetic field could accelerate ions and if those ions speed is high enough that can cause the X-ray effect in Uranus' atmosphere.

The second mystery is the dwarf planet Qauaoar and its ring system. That dwarf planet is extremely small and it should not have those rings. But there is a magnetic field that makes the strong magnetic field that captures dust and ice to orbit the dwarf planet Quaoar. 

Quaoar's strong magnetic field can form in its atmosphere or ionized gas that orbits it. The plasma that Quaoar captures around it may act like a generator. That dwarf planet cannot have a melted core. So the plasma that orbits the dwarf planet can act like a generator. 

In some models, the plasma around dwarf planets can form maser-emission. The maser emission from that plasma can be similar to black holes. But it's weaker. But it's possible that. This kind of effect can transform the gravitational field of some small object to extremely strong. We know that electricity can increase the mass of the object. And the plasma that orbits that object loads energy into it. That increases its mass. But the only thing that we really know about this mystery object is that there is an unknown gravitational effect in our solar system.

How to make a GPS on the moon? And why that is a practical solution that connects communication and location?

There is no magnetosphere over the moon. That means all communication over the moon's horizon must be made by using satellites. Those communication satellites can use their communication systems to locate the transmitters on the moon. The astronauts and robots who operate on the moon can use laser transmitters that are visible from Earth or photo satellites that can locate them. 

But radio wave-based communication is also suitable, and if those astronauts operate in building sites where is no visual connection with telescopes and satellites. The radio wave-based GPS can be suitable also for locating astronauts and other things on the moon. 

The GPS and communication satellites are the most important technical things on Earth. The GPS and communication satellites can use in the same role on the moon. The GPS is not very hard to make because that system requires four satellites. Six is the minimum if that system covers the poles. In that case four of those satellites are in the stationary positions over the moon's equator. And then two positioning satellites are orbiting the moon by using polar trajectories. 

But if engineers want to provide the non-stop GPS or MPS (Moon positioning system) on the moon's poles they need at least eight satellites if they don't want the satellite communication cuts sometimes. 

In that system, there are four satellites in the stationary equatorial orbiter. And four other satellites are orbiting the moon in oblique polar orbits. The positions of those four satellites must be that two of those satellites see the south and north poles all the time. 

Those satellites can position over certain landmarks on the moon. Those landmarks can be well-known, easy-to-recognize objects like Kopernikus mountain and certain craters. And especially their central hill. 

The surface team can put laser pointers or laser mirrors on those landmarks. And then that GPS (or in this case MPS Moon Positioning Satellites) will position itself by using those laser location systems. Those satellites can have CCD cameras. And they can also locate astronauts and their vehicles by using camera images. 

The satellites can also provide communication services for astronauts on the moon. Communication satellites are necessary tools for moon colonists because the moon has no magnetosphere. And those communication satellites require over-the-horizon communication on the moon. 

The virtual space tower is the hole in the atmosphere.

There is the possibility that electromagnetic rail guns, which rate of fire is extremely high and the ammunition speed is high super- or even hypersonic (Mach 8+) can shoot satellites from sea level. In that kind of system, high-speed ammunition makes the channel while it travels through the air. 

If the ammunition travels in rows very close to each other, the air channel that forms behind the ammunition will not have time to fill. And that allows the series of that hypersonic ammunition will increase the air channel higher and higher. And there is the possibility that this kind of series of ammunition can drill itself through the atmosphere. 

In some models, this kind of railgun can install on the nose of the rocket. Railgun has no recoil. And if that system sends ammunition at the forward of the rocket. The ammunition that travels ahead of the rocket will make a low-pressure channel to the rocket's route. And that makes rockets easier to travel through the atmosphere. 

The idea is stolen from another vision. In that vision, there is a channel through the rocket. And then another rocket will shoot ahead of the rocket from that channel. The idea was that the other rocket thins air from ahead of the main rocket. 

The use of a rocket was necessary because the recoil must minimize in that system. There is no recoil in the rail guns. That's why they are suitable for that kind of system. The problem is how to suppress the effect of exhaust gas. And that system remains theoretical. But if engineers use a rail gun or laser that shoots forward of the rocket that makes the idea of virtual space tower true.

The idea is that even if the first ammunitions will not reach the orbiter the air is thinner behind them. And that means the ammunition that flies behind the first ammunition will not face so much friction as the ammunition that travels ahead. 

We know that things like space towers are towers that are so high that they will rise outside the atmosphere and are extremely large and difficult to make. Those building sites will be enormous. But there is another way to make the space tower. 

The laser ray can travel through the atmosphere. And then it can push air molecules away from their route. In some visions, engineers can put this kind of laser can in the nose of the rocket. And it should decrease the atmosphere's density. That thing makes it possible to send rockets to space with lower prices. Another way is to put rockets traveling to the orbiter in series. 

When another rocket follows the first one so close that the air cone has no time to fill, that thing would decrease the second rocket's need for fuel. The only thing that limits the use of that system is that the first rocket's thrust must aim so that it will not hit the following rocket. 

The Space X rocket that carried "Starlink" satellites punched the hole in the atmosphere. That thing is one of the most interesting things in rocketry. There is the possibility that a very fast rocket that burns very high-energy fuel makes the channel through the atmosphere. And another rocket that travels in that air channel. That thing may mean that the second rocket requires less fuel.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Can light escape from the black hole?

Black holes transform all fundamental forces into one force. In this text, fundamental forces and fundamental interaction mean the same thing. 

The thing is that even light cannot escape from inside the event horizon. But black holes are sending gravitational radiation or gravitational waves. So those gravitational waves are the thing that takes energy out from the black hole. 

There are many complicated models of things like Hawking radiation or radiation that comes directly from a black hole. Some of those models' base is superpositioned and entangled photons that are like antennas that bring energy out from the area inside the event horizon. 

And if that quantum entanglement goes through the event horizon, it transmits energy from the event horizon or just from below it. In some other models, massive gravitation stretches the particle-like spaghetti, and in a very short moment that particle is at both sides of the event horizon. 

The thing that supports the theory that some kind of radiation can escape from black holes is that they lose their mass. If material and energy don't go anywhere. That means black holes would expand forever until the entire universe falls in them. 

Could so-called gravitational diffusion be the thing behind gravitational waves? 

Diffusion is the net movement of anything (for example, atoms, ions, molecules, energy) generally from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.  (Wikipedia/Diffusion)

In the cases of black holes gravitational diffusion is the thing that makes gravitational radiation or gravitational waves travel out from the black hole. The gravitational diffusion around black holes is so strong that it pushes other energy forms away. 

Because gravitational waves form situations where high-dense gravitation supplants some other fundamental force (s). Other energy forms are trying to fill that empty area. In that case, the other fundamental forces transfer particles and energy into that black hole. We can say that gravitation that travels out from the black hole makes that thing very cold.

Gravitational waves or gravitational radiation transports energy out from singularity. The singularity is a homogenous particle there are no electron shells. That means it transfers all wavelengths that impact it into one wavelength reflection. So the black hole connects all fundamental forces into one force and then transforms them into one monotonic wavelength. 

When gravitational diffusion happens. That radiation takes energy out from the singularity and freezes it. In physics cold means the direction where energy travels or the destination of energy. The extremely dense gravitational waves can take wave movement that transfers strong nuclear force with it.

In that model, gravitation replaces at least one fundamental force. But in the wildest visions in black holes, gravitation turned so dominant that it replaces all other fundamental forces away from the singularity. 

Singularity is the result of extreme fusion. When supernova explodes particles are jumping away from each other. When the warp bubble that the supernova forms collapses. Electromagnetic fields that fill this bubble are smashing those particles back into another entirety. 

In that process, all particles, electrons, quarks, and gluons along with hypothetical gravitons smash into one entirety. During that process, the forming singularity bursts electromagnetism and weak and strong nuclear forces away from that structure. The singularity's density is extremely high. And it reflects almost all other wavelengths than gravitational waves away from it. That reflection is not similar to regular reflection. 

Singularity's density is so high that there is no space in it. And it's homogenous. In regular material, energy can go into those empty pockets that are between electrons and quarks. In singularity, there are no those structures. So when radiation hits singularity it reflects away from it. But singularity cannot reflect it in the same way as regular material. The singularity reflects radiation like an elementary particle. It transforms all radiation into one wavelength. All particles reflect radiation in the wavelength. That is the same as their size.

That means singularity reflects as an entirety because there are no internal structures. The singularity transforms the impacting radiation into a wavelength that is the same as its size. And the reflection happens also in all directions. That reflection causes electromagnetic low pressure in all frequencies. And then all fundamental forces are traveling into the black hole. Singularity transforms fundamental force's wavelengths into a form that we know as gravitational waves. 

All fundamental interactions or fundamental forces are the one form of energy. All of those fundamental forces have particles and waveforms. And the difference between those forces is their wavelength. We use only electromagnetism in everyday life. But in nuclear reactions like fission, the energy comes from weak nuclear force. And then electron shells transform that weak nuclear force's energy into electromagnetism. That means particles can change or adjust the wavelength of the energy. 

We can think that a graviton is the smallest particle if it exists. Then that particle sends wave movement to the gluons. Then gluons send wave movement to quarks. And then the quark groups send that wave movement to the electron shells. Whenever wave movement reaches the next size of particle or particle groups it must fill that particle with it. That means the energy level of that bigger particle must rise to the level that it can give energy impulses. 

Then that next particle sends that wave movement forward to the next layer. Each layer sends waves that have the same wavelength as its size. But in the case of the singularity, there are no electron shells around that particle. The singularity is the entirety where all fundamental particles are the same. The other thing is singularity is slight. So it can send radiation only as an entirety. So the wavelength of radiation that singularity can send is the same as the size of the singularity. 

Singularity is like one extremely dense elementary particle.  That means only force that can travel in that particle. The density of the singularity is so high that all other energy except gravitation reflects from its surface. The extreme density of the material makes the situation. That it cannot tie energy inside it. That means the singularity is "cold" in all frequencies of energy. But singularity turns those frequencies into one frequency. 

The material disk around black holes acts like a laser. It pumps energy into it. 

Black holes get their energy from the material disk around them. When material falls in black holes along with radiation that thing turns the material disk into a very high energy level. The material disk acts like a lightning tube of lasers. That material disk pumps energy into the black hole. 

But then we must remember one thing. A black hole requires material and energy so that it can exist. The energy minimum principle, where two spaces attempt the reach the same energy level, also depends on the black hole. 

This is the reason why black holes are vaporizing. And then we must realize one another thing. Sometimes black holes pull all materials from around them. That thing forms the empty bubble that increases the black hole's vaporization speed. And that causes an eruption of gravitational waves.

When we look at material around black holes gravitation is the main force that interacts with material. But black hole magnetic fields also are extremely strong. 

That pulls the material to the black hole's poles. There is a nuclear reaction in those poles. That polar reaction is the thing that forms relativistic jets. Sometimes the high-energy plasma starts to travel between those poles. 

And if that plasma of the polar flow is at a higher energy level than the material in the material disk that forms the electromagnetic vacuum around the event horizon. That thing increases the energy flow out from the black hole. We see that thing as the gravitational burst of the black hole. 

Black holes are not vaporizing at the same speed. If the black hole is in a cosmic bubble like Boötes Void. That means energy travels out from the black hole faster than if the black hole is in the galaxy's center.  When material that falls in a black hole ends that means a black hole vaporizes.

Mechanic and radio wave-based qubits are the easiest way to create quantum computers.

The idea of the radio wave-based qubits is simple. In this kind of system. Each radio frequency is one state of the qubit. So the quantum system can communicate over long distances. The quantum system breaks information into bites, and then it shares those information bites into different radio frequencies. If the system needs to share information on the same circuit there is a possibility to send those radio waves through nanotubes. 

The regular-size tubes can also use to protect that information. Those protective tubes can be made by using graphene nanotubes. But also steel is enough if the system doesn't need to fit in a small size. The only needed thing is that the tube keeps the outside effects away from the radio waves. 

The tube's purpose is that they isolate the information that travels in the form of radio waves between the transmitter and receiver. The information will transmit by using radio masers. There is the possibility that the energy level of those radio waves can use as the states of qubits. But the frequencies also are suitable for use as qubits. In those systems, there are protective tubes in the line. 

And each of those tubes is a certain state of the qubit. That system can operate on multiple levels. And in some visions when the system faces some kind of outside disturbing it decreases the number of states of its qubit. 

"A platform for an array of 36 mechanical resonator devices. A nano-resonator is fabricated and connected electrically in one of the sections of this array. The entire pieces is then placed inside the cryostat for the measurements. Credit: ICFO" ( to Quantum Supremacy: First Steps Toward Realizing Mechanical Qubits)

"A platform for an array of 36 mechanical resonator devices. Credit: ICFO" ( Journey to Quantum Supremacy: First Steps Toward Realizing Mechanical Qubits)

Acoustic qubits are one version of mechanic qubits. 

Acoustic qubits are similar. The base is in the acoustic resonance. The miniaturized systems can send coherent sound waves through the tubes. In those systems, each frequency is a certain state. The idea of an acoustic qubit is that each of the points. That transforms acoustic waves into electric signals and is made of different materials. Also things like how loud that acoustic signal is can use as a state of acoustic qubits. 

When the transmitter sends a signal that makes resonance in the certain receiver, that system can transform those signals into electricity. So each receiver is like the microphone and each transmitter can be like a loudspeaker that causes resonance in certain materials. Acoustic qubits are similar to radio-based qubits. But the thing that transmits information is acoustic waves.

Dark matter can form similar structures as visible matter.

There is a massive galaxy with no dark matter. That thing tells us that dark matter is not necessary for galaxy formation. The galaxies without dark matter give hints that dark matter can interact with visible matter in some other ways than just by gravitation. Galaxies with no dark matter tell that. Dark matter is not divided homogeneously around the universe. There are glimpses like dark matter stars. 

Researchers search dark matter glimpses by measuring the mass of invisible objects. All gravitational centers are forming material clouds around them. Black holes are visible to us because their material disk's energy level is so high. That means we can see the X-ray and gamma rays. And sometimes telescopes see the material disk around black holes. But if there is no material disk and another mark about the black hole in the glimpse of molecular clouds. That means there is hiding some object. That is invisible but not a black hole. 

"Comparison between a conventional galaxy (ESO 325-G004) enveloped in a halo of dark matter, occupying the heaviest plate on the weight scale, and the galaxy NGC 1277 (on the left), in which the study of the mass distribution reveals the absence of dark matter. Credit: Design: Gabriel Pérez Díaz (IAC). Image of NGC 1277: NASA, ESA, and M. Beasley (IAC). Image of ESO 325-G004: NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); J. Blakeslee (Washington State University)" ( Mystery: A Massive Galaxy Defying Dark Matter Theories)

If there is an object invisible to us. But so light that it cannot be any kind of black hole. That could be a dark matter glimpse. And that thing means that dark matter is more mystic than nobody expected. Or maybe gravitation is forming a rotating disk-shaped structure that just throws dark matter away from the galaxy. Theoretically, dark matter can form similar structures as visible material. Nobody has seen dark matter yet. And that means all things that are written about it is the hypothesis. 

There is a theory that during the Big Bang. The energy turned to material in sequences. And in that model, there is a material that energy level is so much higher than visible material that this material cannot interact with visible material in other ways than through gravitation. There is the possibility that those particles are so small that we see only gravitational interaction of that material. 


The image introduces elementary particles and the standard model of physics. The problem is that we don't know all structures that fermions and leptons can make. We know that electrons orbit the atoms or their nucleus. Same way muons and other fermions should orbit the atom's nucleus. But we have no evidence that there are atoms that have electrons replaced by muons. There is more about this topic forward in this text. 

But are hypothetical dark matter particles: 

An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle originally postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter. (Wikipedia/Axion). 

The spin and mass of that hypothetical particle is 0. The problem is that an axion cannot have a gravitational effect if its mass is 0. There is the possibility that the spin of the axion is so high that it flows in its quantum field. An extremely fast spin could turn the hypothetical axion into a form that looks like a dumbbell. 

In that model energy level of axions is extremely high. That means the axion cannot interact straight with the material because it sends radiation or wave movement that pushes particles or their quantum fields away. And that means the high-energy axion can travel through visible material. 

WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles)

In that model, WIMP is the thing that forms "hot dark matter". The explanation of why WIMP interacts only through gravitation is a mystery. But there is the possibility that the energy level of WIMP makes it impossible that hypothetical WIMP can interact with visible material than through gravitation. 

If WIMP is extremely high energy particles. That makes them so small. That interaction between them and other particles is extremely weak. The surface area of radiation that WIMP sends is so small that the interaction between WIMP and visible material is impossible or almost impossible to detect. But can WIMP create similar structures as visible material? That is the big question. 

The problem is that we don't know all structures that Fermions can create. 

When we think about the form of material, we must understand one thing. Even in visible materials, all particles cannot create stable forms. Bosons are transportation particles of four fundamental interactions. And they cannot form stable particles like baryonic hadrons. 

Electrons are the most well-known leptons. But they are not only fermions. Things like muons also are leptons. But there is no observation about atoms where muons replaced electrons. There are six types of leptons. And we can put only electrons in its place. And logically all fermion particles should form shells for atoms like electrons. 

Also, fermions are not always form stable structures. Things like muons are not forming stable structures even if they are similar to electrons. So we don't even know all structures that fermions can create.

The quantum nonlocality and Monte Carlo methodology are the ultimate tools in the quantum system's theoretical manipulation.

The complexity is one problem of quantum systems. The quantum system is the entirety where different types of power fields, along with the particles interact with each other. Even if we see two different electrons or pair of two similar-looking elementary particles those particles might not be identical. 

Their energy levels might be different and that makes a difference between them. So even if we see a simple-looking structure, it can hide a very complex quantum structure. 

Manipulation of the system requires knowledge of the entire system. Quantum technology allows the aiming of energy impulses into individual particles, that form the system. The problem in quantum technology is quantum nonlocality.

We can say that quantum nonlocality means that. We cannot interact with one individual actor in the quantum system. When we send energy impulses to the quantum system. That energy will escalate into the entire system.

 So if we will send energy into the quantum system, that thing always interacts with the entire system. Another problem is: how to adjust the energy that the quantum system impacts into the targeted systems.

We know how to impact energy to the system. But we don't know how to remove energy with the very high accuracy needed in quantum-scale technology. 

In Wikipedia, the explanation of quantum nonlocality goes like this: 

"In theoretical physics, quantum nonlocality refers to the phenomenon by which the measurement statistics of a multipartite quantum system do not admit an interpretation in terms of a local realistic theory. " (Wikipedia/Quantum nonlocality)

"Quantum nonlocality has been experimentally verified under different physical assumptions. Any physical theory that aims at superseding or replacing quantum theory should account for such experiments and therefore cannot fulfill local realism; quantum nonlocality is a property of the universe that is independent of our description of nature." (Wikipedia/Quantum nonlocality)

"Entangled quantum objects can be used to network separated systems. The researchers demonstrate what is needed for nonlocal correlations, a requirement for a useful quantum network. Credit: The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign/Wesley Moore" ( Quantum Nonlocality: A New Criterion for Quantum Networks)

Successful quantum manipulation requires high-standard simulations. 

"Visualization of the process to calculate the new state of the spin (shown in red) of a ferromagnetic system with long-range interactions. The near-field region (green) is treated as for short-range interactions, while in the far-field region (yellow) hierarchical data structures (size of the blue boxes) are used that are adapted to the instantaneous system state. Credit: Institute of Theoretical Physics and Leipzig University" ( Centuries to Days: Breakthrough in Monte Carlo Computer Simulations)

"Monte Carlo method applied to approximating the value of π." (Wikipedia/Monte Carlo method)

The animation shows the cycle of the cases. If we think about theoretical principles. The Monte Carlo simulation is very easy to make. It's the successful cases that divide all cases. (Successful cases/all cases). But in things like neutron diffusion calculations, there are so many cases, that it makes calculations very complicated. And forward this text I will explain, why it's so hard to calculate possibility. That asteroid impacts on Earth. 

"Leipzig University researchers have developed a highly efficient method and algorithm for studying long-range interaction systems. The algorithm dramatically reduces computational time, offering profound insights into nonequilibrium processes. This breakthrough has vast implications for both theoretical research and practical applications." ( Centuries to Days: Breakthrough in Monte Carlo Computer Simulations)

The breakthrough in the Monte Carlo method

Successful cases/ possible cases are the thing that is used to calculate how many randomly happening cases are involved in entirety. In mathematics, the Monte Carlo method or Monte Carlo simulation is how many successful cases involving in the full count of possible cases. 

One of the simplest examples is when a person throws a ball into holes when there is only one ball for each hole. And then the person calculates how many of those cases are successful. In some of those examples person's eyes are tied. But there are many other versions of how to confess to people about randomness. 

So the calculation goes like this: The number of successful cases will be divided by the number of possible cases. The term "Monte Carlo" method is known to some people from nuclear energy and nuclear fission. In those cases, that term means how many percents of the neutrons that fissile atoms send impact with other atoms. 

The calculated hits of neutrons divide by the number of possible atoms. The Monte Carlo method was invented by Enrico Fermi when he calculated neutron diffusion. The idea is similar to roulette. Each number in the roulette plate has a certain area. And there is a possibility, that we can calculate that the ball hits a certain number. 

Today the University of Leipzig's researchers are making algorithms that can improve the accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulation. That thing helps them to understand interactions between systems better. As you saw before. The principle of the Monte Carlo method is simple. 

Why it's so difficult to calculate asteroids' trajectories? 

If we want to calculate the possibility that some meteorite hits a person we must just calculate the land area that the person uses and divide it by using the Earth's surface area. The problem is how to calculate the possibility that a meteorite hits Earth. 

At that moment, we must realize that also other forces than gravitation. Interact with that meteorite. The gravitational fields can affect the object. But also things like electromagnetic fields interact with iron and magnetic minerals.

The solar wind can also affect the trajectories of meteorites as well as ice on their shells. When the sun's heat affects that ice, the radiation from the sun vaporizes that ice. Forms a reaction effect that can push meteorite out from its track. 

So even if we can calculate values of all quantum fields at the precise point in our solar system, we cannot calculate individual asteroid trajectories. Things like flares are making those quantum fields unstable. To make that thing we must know the entire system. The knowledge of the quantum field's power is not enough. We must know all interactions that can affect the particle.

Friday, July 28, 2023

The new observation tools are making new ways to see and interact with objects.

We all know things like MRI(Magnetic resonance imaging) and other kinds of tools. Those systems are used for a long time for taking images from the human body. The newest systems are portable iMPI (Magnetic Particle Imaging) scanners that can give information about the human body without X- or gamma-rays. The idea of that system is that the iMPI manipulates nano-scale magnetic objects. And then that system makes an image by using that system. 

"Researchers from the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) have developed a portable, radiation-free scanner using Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). This technique, capable of visualizing dynamic processes like blood flow in the human body, is based on the detection of magnetic nanoparticles administered as markers". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being) tells about the kinds of portable systems about this: 

"Technologies like computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and ultrasound are now integral parts of the medical domain, offering exclusive insights into human anatomy. These techniques not only provide detailed imaging of the human body but also help physicians identify abnormalities or analyze functional processes within". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

A group comprising physicists and medical experts from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) has successfully developed an innovative, radiation-free imaging technique that’s suitable for human use called Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). Their newly invented portable scanner is capable of, among other things, visualizing dynamic processes in the human body, such as blood flow". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

"The iMPI (imaging MPI) scanner is so small and light that you can take it with you and use it almost anywhere. This is a first important step towards radiation-free intervention. Credit: Patrick Vogel / Stefan Herz" ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

The medical staff or researchers can send those images to central hospitals from the fields. That makes it possible to control the cooperation with the field team and hospital team. And staff can call the highest-grade specialists in seconds. In the most effective versions, the system sends the image to the laptops of all free on-call staff. And that helps them to prepare surgical rooms and other needed things while the victim is on the field. 

The fact is that iMPI scanners can also use for searching for material damages. But new and powerful intelligent systems that base on light manipulation and nano-size X-ray sources and coherent gamma-and X-rays can revolutionize material research. 

The MRI- and other medical scanners can be put in quadcopters. And they can use to search for damages in bridges and buildings. 

There is the possibility. In the future, material researchers use complex VR-based systems,  connected with quantum lasers and other acoustic and optical tools like X-ray microscopes that can interact with single atoms. The system can use thin X-rays that are shot diagonally to the layer. Another radiation source can send radiation with another wavelength and then the system can connect those images into one entirety.  

In some visions the next-generation microscopes with graphite layer where is trapped electrons or ions. Graphite molecule is like a tube, and that allows us to aim radiation at the right point. That kind of thing can give the compound eye for the next-generation microscopes. In the next-generation scanning tunneling microscopes, the particle group can hover between layer and stylus in graphite tubes. That thing allows the system to scan larger areas at the same time. 

"Using X-rays (green in the picture), researchers have created 3D cinema-like effects on the kagome metal TbV6Sn6. This way, they have succeeded in tracking down the behavior of electrons (blue and yellow in the picture) and have taken a step forward in the understanding of quantum materials. Credit: Jörg Bandmann/ct.qmat)" ( The Quantum Odyssey: Visualizing Topological Materials With “3D Glasses)

But there is the possibility to use this kind of system for a longer distance. The system called "scanning light microscope" uses a system that can send individual photons to a layer. The idea is that the system sends radiation stress to particles trapped in its structure. That structure can be 2-layer graphene where graphite towers keep those layers away from each other. 

Particles that use for sending those photons can be in those graphite tubes or trapped in a graphene structure. Then the system sends electric pulses to those particles. That gives the possibility to create low-energy photon emission. When that radiation hits the surface the particles in that thing send that radiation back. When that radiation returns from the layer other parts receive that echo. That allows to create the new microscope that can install theoretically in the 3D glasses. 

The new observation tools like the combination of well-known systems like MRI, ultrasound, positron emission, and very thin X-rays are giving a new way to see the human body. The new systems can combine those systems and connect MRI, ultrasound, and other images from different imaging tools into one entirety. 

That thing makes it possible to create fast and powerful imaging tools. When we think about the possibility to make a scanner system two quadcopters can fly opposite to each other around the human or any other object, and that system can make X-ray or ultrasound scanner images from humans. But it also can take images from building structures. In that case, the system uses an X-ray or acoustic pointer. 

The user of the system can be inside the building, and then the quadcopter with an X-ray receiver could fly outside the building. The user of the system sends X-rays through the wall. and that shows minimal internal damage to the building. The helicopter must be in line with the X-ray system. Or if the system uses acoustic devices that make it possible to create ultra- or infrasound-based "X-ray" images. In that case, the acoustic receiver can use coherent sound waves to put it in the right position.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

The interaction between matter and energy is complicated.

Particles are one form of energy.

Massive explosions in the universe create gold and other heavy elements. But they can also help model the Big Bang. Kilonovas, or colliding neutron stars, make shockwaves that turn the gas cloud around them into gold. The high-power shockwaves pull gas with such high density and energy that it forms a fusion reaction around Kilonova. The impact wave just pushes atoms together and forms uranium and other heavy elements.

Kilonovas help to make models about the Big Bang. When we think that two shockwaves travel across space one after the other, the event looks like this: energy travels asymmetrically away from the first shockwave. In that case, the vacuum where there were superstitions or standing quantum fields pulled energy out of the shockwave.

The problem with those two shockwaves is that the first shockwave traveled in a "vacuum". There was more energy that traveled out of it than the energy that traveled in it. The second shockwave traveled through radiation that pumped energy into it. In this model, the second shockwave had more energy, which increased its mass. Then the outer shockwave stopped, and those two shockwaves impacted. Then the superstrings in that bubble started to whirl.

When we think of the Big Bang as an event where all the material and energy that we can see formed, the dark matter and dark energy could form at different times at different energy levels than the visible material. When the Big Bang started, it was probably high energy, and that was the moment when the Schwinger effect started determining the energy level of material. After that, the universe started to turn colder.

In this model. The energy level of each point on the timeline where energy turns into particles, forming matter, determines whether particles can interact with each other. Dark matter interacts with visible matter through gravitational waves. That means dark matter particles or things that send gravitational radiation that we think of as dark matter are so small or otherwise different than visible matter.

The term dark matter means matter's or a particle's ability to interact with other particles. The visibility of the material indicates the ability of the particles to interact with each other. If another particle in that interaction is so small, and another is so big. The radiation impact on the larger particle impacts such a small area that it cannot push the bigger particle. Or it loads so little energy into that bigger particle that we cannot see that reflection.

Particles can change the wavelength of the radiation or wave movement. When a smaller particle sends wave movement to a bigger particle, that energy fills the bigger particle. Then the bigger particle sends energy forward to the system.

Every fundamental interaction has wave and particle forms. Those four fundamental interactions involve strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravitation. There is a possibility that gravitation is an interaction between gluons and hypothetical gravitons. As well as strong nuclear forces, there is an interaction between gluons and quarks. Electromagnetism is the interaction between an atom's nucleus and electron shells.

Could (Grand Unified Theory)GUT theory go like this? 

So if we think like this, the series of fundamental interactions from the smallest to the largest entireties goes like this:

Graviton>gluon>quark>quark gourps (protons and neutrons)>atom's nucleus (proton and neutron groups)>electron shells

">>" means the direction of energy.

The Grand Unified Theory (GUT) goes like this: When gluon sends radiation to a quark, the quark transforms its wavelength longer. Then the quark groups, or protons and neutrons, transform that wavelength into the wavelength of a weak nuclear force. Then the atom's nucleus sends that radiation in its entirety to the electron shells.

And finally, the atom emits the radiation in its entirety. The gravitational field would be a particle that is between a gluon and a quark. So in that model, gravitation is an interaction between gluons and hypothetical gravitons. That explains why gravitational radiation has such a short wavelength.

There is a model that says superstrings are forming elementary particles. Those superstrings are like small quantum fibers. The superstrings are the things that form wave movement and material. That means elementary particles look like yarn balls. In the case that a very small particle sends wave movement to a bigger particle that looks like a yarn ball of superstrings, radiation can turn those superstrings away from their route. And that superstring, or radiation peak, travels through the particle. But during that process, the radiation transfers little energy to that particle.

That means particles can turn one form of energy into another. Each type of one of the four fundamental forces is energy. The fundamental forces are weak nuclear forces and strong nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravitation. And each of those four fundamental forces has different wavelengths. When one type of radiation impacts an elementary particle, it loads energy into it. Then that particle sends its extra energy to its environment. So particles can transform the wavelength of radiation.

The interaction between matter and energy is complicated. We can say that the Big Bang formed all visible matter in the universe. But it's hard to explain how that thing happened. So when we think about the Big Bang and the formation of material, we know that if the Schwinger effect created that event, there must have been two impacting radiation layers.

The Universe was not "empty" even before the Big Bang.

The shape of the visible universe as a ball tells us that there was material or some kind of quantum field before the Big Bang. If we are looking at the material in the ball-shaped structure, we can imagine that material formed when the shockwave that came from the Big Bang impacted the quantum fields. In that very violent reaction, the Schwinger effect formed particle-antiparticle pairs.

There are two possibilities in this model. The shockwave that caused the Schwinger effect that formed material could come from outside the universe. Another version is that the shockwave that came inside the universe reached the outer shockwave, forming virtual particles that turned into real particles.

There are two versions of that model. The first model is that the antimatter-material annihilation is the thing that we call the "Big Bang". And the second model is that the spin of those particles was so high that it separated antimatter from matter. And that makes the antimaterial universe possible. But if the Schwingger effect formed a universe, that means there could be at least one other universe than ours. And that is the antimatter universe.

"Nearby, the stars and galaxies we see look very much like our own. But as we look farther away, we see the Universe as it was in the distant past: less structured, hotter, younger, and less evolved. In many ways, there are edges to how far back we can see in the Universe". ( Universe wasn’t empty, even before the Big Bang)

When that high-energy shockwave impacts something else, like superstrings or even another shockwave. That thing formed a dark and visible material. The thing that defined the particle as the visible or dark matter was simple. The energy level of the shockwave decreased, and at the moment when the shockwave had a certain energy level, it interfered with another shockwave whose origin was in the Big Bang. The shockwave's energy level at that moment determined whether the particle was visible or dark matter.

The fact is that this kind of impact can happen because of a shockwave that came inside the first shockwave. When we think that the Big Bang sent at least two shockwaves, those socks expanded like balls. The outer shockwave would act like a vacuum bomb. It sends energy inside it, and then the second shockwave gets more energy from it. The gravitational and quantum mechanical phenomena caused an effect that slowed the outer shockwave. And then the inner shockwave reached that first wave.

Another good explanation is that other universes send shockwaves where the wave that the Big Bang sent impacted. In that case, the material and energy that the Big Bang sent impacted waves that came from other universes. That could prove the multiverse theory.

Scientists detected Einstein cross: the first observation of Einstein's curving space and time.

Einstein cross is the event where the gravitational lens turns the light around the massive gravitational center. Einstein cross is one of the things that can prove the warping of time and space around supermassive objects. The image shows how massive gravitation changes the route of photons. And that thing can cause an interesting phenomenon.

There is a possibility that the massive gravitational center can make the object that is between gravitational objects and the earth invisible. The gravitational lens is quite similar to the magnetic lens that creates the plasma pulse in Earth's magnetic field. If that focus is between Earth and the galaxy, that acts as a gravitational lens that focuses where plasma and photons can cover weaker galaxies under their shine.

So the difference between gravitational lenses and magnetic lenses is that gravitational lenses are more powerful phenomena. All objects in the universe can act as gravitational lenses. But only galaxy-size objects can curve the photons' trajectories in such a way that we can measure them. Also, the earth's gravitational field can act as a gravitational lens. But the focus of that field is so far away from the Earth that nobody can benefit from it.

"Diagram illustrating gravitational lensing. (NASA, ESA & L. Calçada) (Spectacular New Einstein Cross Discovered Warping Space-Time)

"The Einstein cross DESI-253.2534+26.884, as observed using MUSE in May 2023. (Cikota et al., arXiv, 2023) ( (Spectacular New Einstein Cross Discovered Warping Space-Time)

The gravitational lens also bends the trajectories of particles other than photons. So the gravitational lens acts on all known material and wave movements.

The idea is that when light travels through a gravitational lens, it will reach a higher energy level than light outside of that event. A gravitational lens also changes the trajectories of plasma and other particles, like electrons. So if we are looking through the gravitational lens, that thing makes it possible that photons and plasma are forming similar effects as Earth's magnetic field does during so-called plasma pulses. That extremely powerful pulse can hide objects behind it if they are between Earth and the gravitational lens.

When light travels near black holes, it pulls lots of photons inside. But it also curves photons' trajectories. Some of those photons travel to the focus that the gravitational field makes. At that point, photons interact with each other. Also, other particles than just photons travel in that focus. That creates a very high energy point in the universe.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Black holes cause a virtual redshift because gravitation stretches the wavelength near them.

At the beginning of this text is a film about the redshift of black holes. Gravitation stretches light, and that means gravitation fields are pulling waves longer. That thing is called the gravitational redshift. As you can see from the film, the black hole stretches radiation and distorts the redshift. Gravitational redshift, or virtual redshift, means that a black hole might seem to be at a longer distance than it is. The film shows the redshift of the star that orbits a supermassive black hole. But all other black holes interact the same way. 

The event horizon is always constant. At that point, the black hole's escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light. So every black hole interacts basically in the same way. And it's possible to apply that model to all black holes irrespective of their size. 

Is gravitation the thing that forms dark energy? That thing seems somehow strange. But when photons and other particles are traveling through the ball that forms the visible universe, the gravitation behind those particles pulls them backward. When particles slow their speed, they must release their energy. So is the source of dark energy in particles that are slowing down when they travel across the visible universe. In that model, particles are transforming gravitation into some other type of radiation.

The fact is that visible material forms only a small part of the universe. And that means the universe's real geometrical form remains unknown.

Researchers are trying to measure the universe to find dark matter and prove the theorem about the accelerating expansion of the universe right or wrong. We know that there is too much energy in the universe. And we also know that there is too much material in the universe.

The shape of the universe is like a ball. Or, actually, in some theories, the geometrical shape of the universe is like a spiral galaxy. The visible material is forming a shell where almost all the visible structures of the universe are.

So if there are any structures outside that ball, they are hard to detect. The term "dark matter" means material that cannot interact with visible material. There are galaxies in the universe where is no dark matter. That means dark matter can form similar structures with visible material.

The universe's geometrical shape is mystery. (Image: Quanta magazine)

That means we should say that the visible universe is the entirety where all particles and radiation that can interact straight with the material that forms us exist. 

In some models, the ball shape of the visible universe is the reason why there is dark matter. The energy travels from the shell into the middle of that giant ball, where all the visible material is. And there, that energy reflects from the point, which is precisely in the middle of the visible universe. In some models, just at the place where the Big Bang happened is a giant black hole, the gravitational center of the universe.

The thing that supports this model is the cosmic flow. All galaxies and galaxy groups seem to travel in the same direction. That thing tells us that there might be some kind of gravitational center in the visible universe. And that thing means that the universe is like a giant vacuum bomb.

Google's AI passed Turing's test.

Turing's test called the imitation game, should determine how intelligent the machine is. During that test, the AI must make texts that cannot be distinguished from humans. Google's AI is the thing that broke the myth. The myth is that AI could never reach humans in that test. But now the AI knows that it has come to a crossroads.

The ability to reach a human's level as a text maker gives the AI more than one ability, so we can wait for exciting applications and other things from the AI. There is a possibility. In the images and texts, the person who is outsourcing to AI should equip some kind of certificate. That the AI created texts and images. 

And maybe the AI should keep a database of texts that it makes. Then, if that text is loaded into the high school or university database where it was loaded during the thesis, the AI tells you that it got the job that the student introduced as the thesis. But the fact that the AI can pass Turing's text is remarkable and fascinating at the same time.

The thing that gives AI its ultimate abilities is that those systems are never tired. They can see and observe very large and complex virtual and physical structures. Along with quantum lasers, this kind of system makes it possible to create many new things, like nanotechnology and complex molecules.

Even the most complex AI can use robot bodies to communicate with people. The robots can form a moving neural network-based computer. And robot groups like drone swarms and groups of human-looking robots can act as neural network-based AI. By using distributed computing, computers whose power is lower than that of supercomputers can share their resources with other group members. That means the drone swarm can act like one large supercomputer.

The next-generation cyborg microchips are the tools that can make robots as intelligent as humans. Same way small and compact quantum computers can revolutionize computing and robotics. In visions of tomorrow, miniature quantum computers that are smaller than atoms can be installed in the brain. Those systems will boost the intelligence of humans.

Today's AI consists only of computer programs. Those very complicated data structures are impressive when they connect data from different sources. But those AI programs are far from the future, where living neurons boost fully integrated systems that are learning like humans. Things like cyborg microchips, where living human neurons are connected with semiconductors and quantum systems, are the things that make next-generation integrated AI more effective than it is now.

When we think about the future of AI, we don't even realize what the real capacity of cyborg microchips is. Semiconductors and other kinds of things can preprocess and preload data to those neurons at a speed that is unknown to living creatures. The neuron-hybrid microchips that are connected to quantum computers are the most powerful computing systems that humans can ever imagine.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Why are black holes losing their mass?

The fact is that gravitational waves have some role in that process. Whenever a black hole sends gravitational waves it sends mass or energy out of it. The fact is that. The mass loss of black holes means that there is less material and wave motion in the modern universe than in the past. Black holes cannot get enough material and wave movement to replace the energy that they lose all the time. Black holes travel out energy because their energy levels are higher than the environment's. Energy travels out of black holes. 

Loss of mass means that energy and material that fall in black holes cannot reach the singularity. So the singularity or material in the black holes is like in the bubble. Extreme high-energy radiation would pass into the middle of a black hole. But maybe, the very fast rotation or spin of the black hole's material causes an effect that the singularity is like in the electromagnetic bubble. That means the black hole's singularity or material is based on an electromagnetic vacuum. And the wave movement or quantum movement moves out of the singularity. It travels through an electromagnetic vacuum. That thing causes energy waves that travel out of the black hole's nucleus. And those energy waves are called gravitational waves. 

The fact is that hypothetical antigravitation doesn't need in advanced spacecraft. The standing gravitational wave in the direction where the craft is is enough to transfer the hypothetical craft. The idea is that stationary gravitational waves pull the craft that is behind it. For that system to work perfectly, synthetic gravitational waves are needed. And that means this system could be in use in the very distant future. 

Would it be possible for black holes to change material to WIMPs?

There is one problem with that model. That requires changing interactions between particles. The hypothesis is that visible material can turn into WIMPs in black hole poles. Or maybe that thing is possible in the extremely high-energy areas between the event horizon and the material disk. The needed change in the interaction between particles would happen in massive gravitational fields where gravitation locks all particles in the same position. There is a possibility that massive gravitational fields along with very high energy levels can turn visible material into WIMPs. It requires a high energy level and a massive gravitational field that locks particles in a specific direction to be able to accomplish that. 

So what if the material falls into the black hole and turns into WIMPs? The fact is that dark matter has only one known interaction between visible materials. That interaction is the gravitational interaction. So if material or part of material falls into the black hole and suddenly turns to dark matter that thing causes a situation where lots of material loses its ability to another type of interaction than gravitational interaction. That thing means lots of electromagnetic energy is lost from the transition disk. 

The new way to exchange information between photonic and electric systems

The 2D electron breakthrough is where graphene senses the electron's spin.  That ability can be used to measure that material's abilities. The electrons that are trapped in "magic angle" graphene are suitable for acting as ultra-accurate sensors. But those electrons can also be used to transfer data between electric and photonic systems. When the system transfers information between micro- or radiowaves and photons, the most important thing is to make a sphere around the photons.

When electromagnetic waves interact with the sun, they change its brightness. Those changes in the brightness of the donut-shaped electromagnetic field would transfer to those photons. And in the same way, when a photonic system transfers information, that will happen by using a laser ray that travels through a ring-shaped electromagnetic field, or skyrmion. The problem is how to transfer information to the binary microchip.

One version is that those donut-shaped fields transfer information to electrons that are trapped in the 2D graphene. The idea is that the Skyrmions send waves of movement that electrons can receive. And then the graphene-based sensors detect changes in the electron's power field. That power field can turn into binary data.

"Researchers from Brown University and collaborators have found a way to directly observe electron spin in 2D materials like graphene, a property previously hard to measure in such materials. The team used a novel technique of detecting small changes in electronic resistance, paving the way for advances in quantum computing and communication technologies. Credit: Jia Li/Brown University". ( Electronics Breakthrough: Researchers Resolve Long-Standing Roadblock by Observing Spin Structure in “Magic-Angle” Graphene)

"Quantum well (QW) and quantum dot (QD) semiconductor materials-based laser diodes integrated with SiN microresonators show promising potential due to their high power efficiency and compact size. A study led by Professor Yating Wan explored these composite cavity lasers’ design and functionality, offering valuable insights for future laser diode technology development." ( the Way: The Quantum Quest for Superior On-Chip Lasers)

Theoretically, the easiest way to facilitate information exchange between electric and photonic systems is to use plasma as a middleman. The plasma's energy level determines its brightness. And the computer can follow how plasma interacts with electromagnetic fields and laser rays.

An interesting thing is that the only thing that is needed is the electromagnetic ring. In some models of optical microchips, the system makes the optical ring. The light fiber can be the thing that pumps information to the plasma ring around the small antenna. 

When the brightness of that optical ring changes, the laser system transmits information. When electromagnetic stress from the miniature antenna changes the brightness of the plasma, that means that the electric system exchanges information with optical systems.

Basically, in the optical microchip, the laser rays are sent to photovoltaic cells. In the most simple model, wires are replaced by laser rays. And the photovoltaic cells transform light into electricity that can be driven through regular components of microchips.

Optical microchips are the most interesting things in both binary and quantum computers. Quantum computers can use miniature labyrinths as photon channels, and in that system, the photons are in quantum entanglement in those extremely small devices. And even in binary systems, photonic microchips are more resistant to electromagnetic radiation than regular microchips.

The most conventional model of the optical or photonic microchip is the microchip where wires are replaced by laser rays. Those laser rays can travel freely in the labyrinth. Or the lasers can send the information through optical fibers or nanotubes. Laser rays impact photovoltaic cells, and that makes the system more resistant to electromagnetic radiation.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...