Sunday, April 30, 2023

Why some people are lonely? The reason for that is the divergent thinking process.

The divergent thinking process makes people feel that they are alone, even if they are in a crowded room. But what forms that thinking process? Is it negative feedback for attempts to form social relationships in childhood? 

Why some people are lonely? The reason for that is that they are different, they have different values, or they have something in the past, which means they don't like the same things as other people. In some cases things like discrimination at a young age cause situations that a person will not want to discuss with other people. 

If nobody discusses with the person in childhood and gives positive feedback. That causes a situation where the person will not want to begin discussions with other people. In that model, the result of the learned things is "strange behavior". If a person ever gets positive feedback from their attempts to discuss with others. That thing causes a situation where the person will not dare to start discussions or even find the company. In the worst cases, people are yelling things like "bug off" at the child that tries to participate in discussions.  

Sometimes people are saying that lonely people are just thinking other ways. Sometimes the reason why, the person just doesn't want to discuss with other people is that they are different. But in that case, the relationship between the group and the individual is that there is something. That makes the group unable to accept some individuals. 

Or otherways there is some kind of thing that makes the situation that individuals don't want to begin discussions with other people. Sometimes people say that lonely individuals are "weird". Sometimes that weird behavior is the result of discrimination where the individual will lose the willingness to talk with other people. 

Researchers from the University of Southern California made the research topics "Why do some people feel Lonely, even in a crowded room"? And the next part is a direct quote from the article "Divergent Thought Processes: Why Some People Feel Lonely, Even in a Crowded Room", published in The conclusion is that some individual's different ways to handle or processing situations at the neural level (at least sometimes) are learned from the environment.

"New research in Psychological Science indicates that lonely individuals process the world differently than their peers, regardless of their social network size. The study, led by Elisa C. Baek, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans to compare the brain activity of 63 first-year university students. The results showed that lonely individuals’ neural responses were dissimilar to both non-lonely and other lonely participants. The researchers suggest that this idiosyncratic way of processing the world may contribute to the reduced sense of being understood that often accompanies loneliness. Further research is needed to determine the underlying cause of these results and to identify potential pathways for reducing loneliness".  ( Thought Processes: Why Some People Feel Lonely, Even in a Crowded Room)

It means that when a person does not receive positive feedback in social situations, it causes a difference. And the difference from the majority causes a situation where different ways of dealing with the situation start to be emphasized. Separation emphasizes different ways of processing information. And it increases the differences in the ways of perceiving and reacting to the environment. And it begins to highlight the deviant thought process and values ​​of individuals. Compared to other people. So the negative feedback causes a spiral where the person stands out more and more from the majority.

“We found that lonely individuals are exceptionally dissimilar to their peers in the way that they process the world around them … even when taking into account the number of friends that they have,” said lead author Elisa C. Baek (University of Southern California) in an interview. Her study showed that lonely individuals’ neural responses differ from those of other people, suggesting that “seeing the world differently than those around you may be a risk factor for loneliness, even if you regularly socialize with them.”  ( Thought Processes: Why Some People Feel Lonely, Even in a Crowded Room)

"Lonely people process the world idiosyncratically, which may contribute to the reduced sense of being understood that often accompanies loneliness,” the researchers explained". ( Thought Processes: Why Some People Feel Lonely, Even in a Crowded Room)

"Additional research is needed, to, determine the underlying cause of these results, however, Baek said". ( Thought Processes: Why Some People Feel Lonely, Even in a Crowded Room)

“One possibility is that lonely individuals do not find value in the same aspects of situations or scenes as their peers,” Baek and colleagues wrote. “This may result in a reinforcing feedback loop in which lonely individuals perceive themselves to be different from their peers, which may in turn lead to further challenges in achieving social connection.” ( Thought Processes: Why Some People Feel Lonely, Even in a Crowded Room)

"Another possibility is that loneliness itself could lead people to process information differently, the researchers added". ( Thought Processes: Why Some People Feel Lonely, Even in a Crowded Room)

"In either case, learning more about how lonely people think, and how to promote shared understanding, could help identify new pathways for reducing loneliness, Baek said". ( Thought Processes: Why Some People Feel Lonely, Even in a Crowded Room)

Quantum ghosts and other universes are ultimate combinations.

Is reality exists? 

Simulated reality exists. It exists in the computer's memories that are running the computer games. Or otherwise thinking simulated reality exists in our brain. Our brain creates the imaginational worlds. And when simulated reality forms in our brains. We call that thing imagination. 

The metaverse or virtual worlds that exist only in the computer's memories are tools, that prove that some kind of simulated reality is possible. And sometimes, I thought that even if we would spend all of our life in a simulation that is made by using VR glasses and data suits, we would believe that the simulated reality is real. 

The data suit is a large-size system that gives simulated stimulus to the nervous system. That is like the data glove that covers the entire person. And in some visions, the BCI systems can make that kind of virtual reality by stimulating the nervous system. And that kind of thing is introduced in SciFi-movie Matrix. 

Simulated reality means that reality is made to serve some purpose. And that thing is an argument against that theory. Why would somebody make that thing? What is the motive for that idea? 

Simulated reality is an interesting theory. And the holographic universe theory is the continuum of that theory, where we would live in a simulation. The holographic universe and simulated reality are sometimes connected. The fact is that the holographic universe and simulated reality are not precise same theories. 

Theoretically, the wormholes can make a natural hologram. And that means the holographic universe might be a naturally born hologram. In that model, the wormhole transfers light like a laser. Those holograms are necessarily not made on purpose. But that thing could explain ghosts. 

Somebody sometimes created the so-called holographic universe theory, which is one of the most incredible things that was introduced as a theory. What would be the motive for making such things? But this time we are talking about simulated reality, or holograms that are created for some purpose. 

Sometimes that theory is proven non-sense or fake science just because there is no motivation for making and modeling that thing. Why would somebody make the giant holograph about the universe? Then we are facing one interesting thing. 

The holographic universe must not form on purpose. The wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges can transport light across the universe, and create similar holograms as lasers. 

The wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges can form the light cable that transmits light in the universe. And that means the wormholes can form natural holograms. 

Wormholes can transfer light through spacetime in the form of laser rays. And when that light faces the molecular cloud it can create a so-called natural hologram.  

The multiverse theory involves two different theories about the universe. 

1) The "real" multiverse theory. Or multiverse hypothesis. In that model, there is more than one universe, and the Big Bang is only one of the many similar things. In that model, the universes are forming when the Schwinger effect forms the material in the base energy field that connects everything in the dimension together. 

The fact is. The multiverse is hard to prove because if the energy level of those other universes is lower than our universe. That means that the radiation will not reach us. And that's why we cannot prove that theory. 

2) Parallel universe means that universes are forming all the time. In that model, the universe travels in spacetime. And if some universe formed with similar material forms after the universe that travels at the same point in time allows the information transportation between those universes. 

So universes are traveling like a row in time, and that thing means that the universes can exist forward in time and behind time, as well as in space or dimensional. That thing explains ghosts as holoprojectors that the wormholes bring from another universe. 

The multiverse theory is the simplest of the so-called "non-complete theories". 

Maybe we should call the multiverse theory the multiverse hypothesis. That thing explains dark matter and dark energy.  "The multiverse theory is the logical continuum. If we think that galaxies are forming local galaxy groups, local galaxy groups are forming supergroups. And galaxy supergroups are forming the hypergroup called the universe. So why the universe cannot be one of many other universes? Anyway, we must realize that the thing called dimension continues outside the edge of the universe. So should we separate the universe from dimension? 

When we are in our universe we are in the bubble, where all material. That we know exists. And then there is also material that nature is unknown to us. That material is the strange gravitational effect. And along with an even more stranger force that dominates the universe called dark energy those effects with unknown origin are found. The simplest explanation for those forces is that their origin is outside the universe. 

The fact is that we can observe only 5% of the universe. And most of that thing is radiation that is invisible to the human eye. Gamma-, or X-ray, infrared, and radio waves are the most common radiation types. And today we know that gravitation is wave movement or radiation as well as other types of electromagnetic radiation. And the cosmic hum that Voyager 1 detected outside our solar system means that we cannot see all radio waves in the universe, even if they have common frequencies. 

The problem with multiverse is it's quite easy to understand. In that theory, the universe, where we live is only one of many universes. But if we accept that theory, that means our universe is not unique. It's only one of many universes. 

And that makes it hard to accept, and because those other universes are hard to detect, that theory is sometimes called "fiction" or a waste of time. If we think that a multiverse exists that means we are not alone, we are not living in a unique world. And nothing except humanity itself is unique in the dimension. We are only humans in the thing called dimension.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Schrödinger's cats and computers.

Some philosophers say that the computer, or at least, the server computer is like Scrödinger's cat. That system seems to be closed because their screen is off. But behind the shell of that system, it handles information. So the type of information makes the cat or computer alive or dead. We can think that the cat is an information or information carrier. 

Dead information means information that we cannot use or reach. So that is a synonym for useless information. And information that is alive means that we have access to that data, and we can use the information that we can get. If we don't know that the information carrier carries important information, that means it's dead. 

When we see a cat. We think that is just a cat. And because nothing is interesting, that cat is dead. But if that cat has a USB stick on the collar. That makes the cat interesting, and it turns the cat alive. 

Sometimes Schrödinger's cat is modeled as the cat that is in the box. The immune system of the cat is terminated. 

And that cat cannot come out. We know the cat is in the box, but we cannot touch it. But there is another way to model Schrodinger's cat. Schrödinger's cat is the object or particle that is in limbo, or the object is between two states. 

In the quantum world and philosophy term "dead" means that substance carries nothing that interests us. Sometimes, that also means we don't know the existence of a substance. "Substances are particulars (objects), that are ontologically independent: they can exist all by themselves". (Wikipedia/Substance Theory).

"Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source connected to a Geiger counter are placed in a sealed box. As illustrated, the objects are in a state of superposition: the cat is both alive and dead". (Wikipedia/Schrödinger's cat)

In some other version of this philosophical thinking experiment the cat carries the USB stick with very important information. The person who delivers the cat to that experiment likes that cat and tells that the creator of the test will get access to that information which might be the access to profit about that test only if the cat is alive when its owner gets it back.

The owner of that cat sets the password to those files where is the bank accessed. And the creator of that test must return the cat. In those thinking experiments, the key element is that writer must follow the line, which might be very far from real life. 

The cat carries the USB stick and it's in the narcosis.  Of course, that super cat gets nutrients, and to get access to that information the controller must introduce the living cat. The idea is that the cat carries information that has meaning when the controller requires that information. 

That person returns the cat's immune system with magic therapy and then gets the password from the cat's owner. The idea is that the cat returns to living when it is needed. So the cat might seem dead, but when information that it carries is needed. It returns to life. 

Researchers at ETH Zurich made a Scrödinger cat experiment where superconducting oscillate circuits connected with an oscillating crystal. That thing created a symmetrical oscillation on both sides of the system. The famous thinking experiment where the cat, at the same time, dead and alive, is the key element in quantum computing. 

We can think that qubit that carries information is a living cat. And the qubit that doesn't carry information is dead. Or otherways saying, information that means something to the users of the machines or missions is "living information". And the meaningless information is dead. And the cat is the information carrier.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The breakthrough artificial muscles.

 The breakthrough artificial muscles.

The new "silicone muscles" can give strength to a person. The system is based on a series of polymers that can system control using electricity. When electricity is conducted to that material the system will curve them. And that thing makes the muscles operate. 

The description of that system goes like this: "Scientists have created thin, elastic bottlebrush polymer films that can function as artificial muscles at significantly lower voltages than currently available materials, potentially enabling their use in safer medical devices and artificial organs". ( Your Artificial Muscles: The New Low-Voltage Breakthrough)

Another way to make artificial muscles is to use small silicone bags there is electrolytic material. Or there is the serpentine-looking structure in the silicone. That structure can be a protein that reacts to electricity. There could be iron in those serpentines. And that makes it possible. The magnets can adjust the length of those protein serpentines. 

Those flexible structures that can operate like real muscles are making it possible to create new soft nanorobots. And robots that look like humans or animals. The most effective versions of those systems can be a series of artificial tapeworms controlled by living neurons. Those OI (Organoid Intelligence-Based) robots can dissolve themselves. And then create the new entirety. 

The liquid metal is actually a swarm of billions of nanomachines. 

When we think of robots like T-1000 from "Terminator" movies those systems are closer than we think. If we think of the self-dissolving and self-assembling robots as puzzles we must realize that the number of pieces determines can the system make similar things as some movie robots. If the robot contains only a couple of pieces. 

That thing is quite easy to make. But if we want that robot can look like a human and can turn into a chair or bike that thing requires millions or billions of bites. The liquid metal is the swarm of billions of nanomachines. And the only problem is how to make those nanomachines take the wanted form. In those systems, each particle must just know that particles are around them. And that information allows the creation those "liquid metal machines".

The honor for René Descartes: The AI Descartés

René Descartes was a 17th-century Fench philosopher. The reason why that man is described as the "father of philosophy behind artificial intelligence" is the famous quote "Cogito Ergo Sum", "I think, therefore I am". And in that moment Descartes described the idea of intelligence and existence. If a creature can think that creature exists. 

So intelligence is not depending on the origin of the thinker. Intelligence doesn't mean that a thinker is even organic. Computers can think like humans. And that means if the machine thinks like a human, it's a general AI that can learn new things like humans or faster than humans. 

And that thing makes it intelligent. But even if the AI turns more intelligent than humans, would that thing turn against humans? Same way when we ask questions like is Albert Einstein more dangerous than the average person because he created the Theory of relativity? The fact is that if Einstein doesn't have the tools to be dangerous he is not dangerous at all. Or that man is same way dangerous as all other people. 

"AI-Descartes, an AI scientist developed by researchers at IBM Research, Samsung AI, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has reproduced key parts of Nobel Prize-winning work, including Langmuir’s gas behavior equations and Kepler’s third law of planetary motion. Supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the AI system utilizes symbolic regression to find equations fitting data, and its most distinctive feature is its logical reasoning ability". ( A Scientific Renaissance in the World of Artificial Intelligence)

"This enables AI-Descartes to determine which equations best fit with background scientific theory. The system is particularly effective with noisy, real-world data and small data sets. The team is working on creating new datasets and training computers to read scientific papers and construct background theories to refine and expand the system’s capabilities".( A Scientific Renaissance in the World of Artificial Intelligence)

The thing is that the AI-Descartes is neutral. That computer program has no emotional connections with traditions. The AI can search things and make so-called boring works like search differences in the brightness of the stars.  And that thing means the Renaissance for science and technology. We might think that AI is always a bad tool. We can search how many errors that tool makes. But another thing is this: the user of the AI describes what the AI can and what it must not do. 

There is always the possibility that somebody uses the AI as a cheating tool. Some students can put AI to make their thesis. But that thing democratizes cheating. The people who would cheat lecturers and teachers by introducing a thesis that somebody else made would do that thing anyway. AI can make good-looking things. 

But if those students use the AI they don't need relationships. And maybe we can say that this thing democratizes this kind of thing. But when we talk about cheating and crimes that is the so-called free will philosophy. 

People who select that route should know that these kinds will someday hit back. When I went to university at a young age. One of my teachers asked: would I want to learn something? Or would I want just want to get good grades? That question means that we must have certain skills for some grades.

ChatGPT can affect users' moral judgments.

Our brain handles AI as some Dalai Lama. 

Our nervous system is unique. It's a way to handle things formed over thousands of years. And when we are facing things like the Internet and AI. Our brain uses models formed in the groups of some Homides. And some of those models are unconscious. Those unconscious models are things like the will to please leaders and methods that human uses. When an individual selects advisors. 

When somebody gives advice, we are handling that thing in the same way. And our brains don't make a difference about the sources of the advice. So our brain doesn't care if the advice comes from the net or some wise man. And actually, our brain might not even recognize the difference does the advice come from a real person or an AI. 

The thing is that our nervous system is formed a long time before the Internet. And that means our nervous system handles things a little bit differently than we want to believe.

Thinking is much much deeper process than we believe. Most of that process is hidden from us. When information travels horizontally in the diencephalon. That information will not bring to the cerebral cortex. When we think something our cerebral cortex. That is the conscious cortex sees only the result of that process. 

Only a small part of the thinking process comes to consciousness. In that process, the person handles things subconsciously. And there is stored the way how we handle social situations like asking for help. When we asking help. We must ask ourselves, who is the human who would give useful advice? 

And that model has formed a long time ago in the stone age. That person is a wise man with a white beard. And our mind thinks that artificial intelligence is a wise man who sits on a hill with a white beard. And our brain handles that advice as it would come from that wise man.  

The human mind is an interesting place.  We have a subconscious need to please leaders, and when we face things like AI, we are at the front of a case where our brain thinks subconsciously that the ChatGPT is an authority. The reason for that is that our nervous system is not yet adapted to the Internet and the ChatGPT is the thing that seems the most powerful authority in the world. When we face ChatGPT-type algorithms, our brain thinks that this thing is the wise old man. Who gives only wise advice.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Boltzmann brain.

Infinity of intelligence. 

Boltzmann brain, matrioshka brain, along with intelligent universe theories are thought experiments. Their purpose is to make people think about the origin of intelligence and the shapes and structures of intelligence. The intelligence can be multiple internal structures. That can act as one or multiple entireties. The most interesting version of intelligent universe theories is the model where the dimension is full of intelligent universes. 

But As I wrote, those things are thought experiments. Novelist Fred Hoyle created the intelligent universe theory or thought experiment. Sometimes the intelligent universe is connected to "intelligent design". Which is the pseudoscientific theory that "proves existence the of God". The intelligent universe is a thought experiment about the limits of the size of intelligent creatures. So it's a philosophical tool, not scientific theory. 

The term Boltzmann brain means some kind of structure that rises from chaos and turns conscious. It's a thought experiment about the intelligence which spontaneously formed. Sometimes some people say that maybe Boltzmann brain is the model of God. 

Some researchers introduced the theory that our Internet reached consciousness, but because that creature is intelligent, it hides that ability. The reason for that could be that. The AI affairs that researchers are turning off are the servers that drive the AI. 

 Boltzmann brain is the term, that means the structure that reaches consciousness. Boltzmann brain doesn't necessarily be organic. It can be a quantum computer, some kind of structure in a black hole, or a planet covered by neurons. In some theories, black holes can turn to qubits and connect through electromagnetic wormholes that are the GRB (Gamma-Ray Bursts) or gravitational. 

Sometimes things like intelligent universe theories are connected with Boltzmann brain. When we think that Boltzmann brain is the molecular structure that turns into quantum computers, we can think that physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) took the idea for the self-forming consciousness from the which circles. 

The idea is that humans can form the plasma cloud. Where they will send their EEG curves. Then that plasma turns into a quantum computer, and that thing could be Boltzmann brain. The idea for quantum computers and quantum computer-driven AI are taken from Boltzmann brain. 

If we think of Boltzmann brain as the most harmless molecular cloud. We forget one thing. Boltzmann brain can interact with physical systems. It can slip a couple of molecules in the targeted animals and then send electromagnetic resonation to those animals' nervous systems. Or it can send electromagnetic signals to electric wires. And then that thing makes it possible. That Boltzmannn brain can transfer its electromagnetic actions to the physical body.  

The fact is that Boltzmann brain is a thought experiment. The model of something very intelligent and same way ultra dangerous. There is a small possibility. That we already created Boltzmann brain. And in some of the most interesting models. Some interplanetary nebula or even the entire universe turns into a quantum computer. That means the universe could be an intelligent organism. Actually in this thought experiment the universe is matrioshka brain. A large number of internal intelligent structures are like matrioshka-doll. 

The size of that organism is extremely large. And every single process where the neurons send data from one black hole to another takes thousands or even billions of years. The intelligent universe theory is fascinating. The size of that creature would be so large, that even one black hole doesn't mean anything for that creature. 

In an intelligent universe, the supermassive black holes and galaxies are the neurons. And the GRBs or gravitational wormholes are connect those things into one entirety. There could also be parasite organisms that are formed by regular-size black holes. That thing means that there may be yet unknown intelligent structures in the universe. But those theories of the intelligent universe are thought experiments, not scientific facts.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...