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The RSA encryption algorithm has fallen.

Chinese researchers used quantum computers to break the RSA encryption. That thing means that the base algorithm has lost its trustworthiness. So to deny hackers' actions we should rethink our internet and its encryption quite soon, or we will be in trouble. 

Quantum computers and AI are tools that can break any code. That made using binary systems. When we think about principles. That the China has in the quantum race, we must ask how long they have cracked those protection algorithms. Quantum computers are tools that can bring the arms race into the new spheres. 

And that sphere is the cyber attack that can take down at least communication and positioning systems. The quantum computer can also hack things like GPS encryption. And that makes it possible to create effective spoofing attacks. Against global positioning systems. That kind of attack might have unexpected consequences. And it can cause danger to both, civil and military operations. 

That means we should protect data more effectively. 

The thing is that we should develop more effective encryption methods. One of them is that the transmitting system can use different physical routes for transmitting information. That system shares those data bites between two or more routes. That makes it hard to collect that data back to its entirety without encryption keys. 

And of course, those attackers must know physically, where the data cables that transport data are. The system can also use optical cables where the outside glass fibers transport only light that protects data from the outsider's eyes. In some other versions, the data travels in the hollow laser ray. 

That electromagnetic wormhole denies the outsider to see the information. In some other versions, the radio masers transport data through nanotubes that form a Faraday cage around that radio beam. That cage protects information that travels in those wires. 

In quantum network technology denies the attacker to see the information. The system involves a photonic system, that drives information storing it to photons. The photonic system can share data on different routes. And that makes it harder to steal information. 

Things like electromagnetic protections deny that the recon robots cannot send unauthorized signals from data centers. That thing also denies the mobile telephone messages. The protector can put data travel through the controlled relay stations. 

The new threat is the physical robots. 

Things like neural computers and other kinds of tools are things that can collect data from large areas. The new AI-based systems that can operate as physical and virtual modes are tools that leave everybody without protection. The small quadcopters and other robots like robot hovers can collect data from their environment. 

The robot hovers that computer viruses are infected and can pollute other systems. Those hovers can also send information about their entirety. Or they can transport the spy robot. 

The AI-controlled drone can connect itself to data cables. The system can have a toolbox that it can use to cut the data cable. And then it can connect those data cables to travel through itself. Then it can route all data through its modem, and attackers can get all data from that system into their hands. 

Those small systems can also observe screens and send data to other drones or receivers using radio masers or IR and UV lasers. And those physical systems require sharp and effective code.

Images created by Bing. 


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