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The engineered memories are a multipurpose tool.

Have you seen the movie "Total Recall"? That movie involves a scene where the main character makes a virtual trip to Mars. Virtual memories make it possible to create things and experiments that we never imagined. Virtual reality is a tool that we can use for education. Virtual reality allows us to go to the second reality or alternative reality. We can make a sandbox into a solarium and use the IR and UV light to make synthetic sunlight.  

Then we can put the virtual reality glasses on and look at the film of a sunny beach at some place like Hawaii. The AI can create characters that are connected with the AI chatbots. And those characters can discuss with us. That kind of virtual reality-based second life or alternative reality can allow us to create things like virtual trips to the sunny south. That thing allows us to see what kind of place that travel destination is. 

In real life, researchers think of the possibility of engineering memories. This thing can make it possible to create a treatment for brain damage. This type of research can be a new tool for many other things. All our experiences are based on memories. In the same way, everything that we learn and can do depends on memories. This is why this type of research interests many authorities, from civil to military. 

Engineered memories can help Alzheimer's patients. But there are many other things there that are useful. And one of them is educational. 

The ability to engineer memories is a tool for ultimate learning. That allows people to pass things like university studies in a very short time. This kind of ability is one of the things that people who live in isolated places might need. They need skills to fix their house and give emergency aid to injured people. And engineered memories can help them to make things that they need. There is always a doctor on board in expeditions but what if the doctor is injured? 

That thing requires a system that can teach things to people very fast. Otherwise. Those people might use the remote-AI-controlled robots. That makes those missions. That can require fast satellite communication. The helmet-based system where the action camera sends data to AI can make it possible to turn the AI assistant to the next level. The AI can tell the user what equipment that person must use, and it can tell what those things look like. But that doesn't replace the experience. 

But that is only one thing that this kind of tool that engineers memories can do. The ability to create synthetic memories is a tool, that can have many purposes. The ability to train military personnel in a very short time, and give them the target data straight into their brains is the thing, that makes this system interesting. 

Another thing is the ability to engineer memories makes it possible to brainwash people. This ability might interest people who are working with very high-risk law enforcement deep covert operations where the risk that the operator changes sides is high. And traitors can cause very big danger.


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