Friday, December 11, 2020

The world has made of fire, air, land, and water.


The world has made of fire, air, land, and water.

The material and energy are things, that are the same. We know that we can change material to energy or wave movement but we don't know how to make an opposite reaction. We cannot change energy or wave movement back to material or rather saying particle form. If we are zooming material like water and use high enough accuracy, we can see molecules, that are looking like teddy-bears. Those molecules are forming of atoms, which are mainly the electron cores, which are "empty". The thing, what might look like solid entirety is forming of electrons, what is orbiting the nucleus of the atom. And each electron is like a small ball.

In everyday life, we are turning material to energy in powerplants and other kinds of places, but the fact is that we cannot move energy back to the kinetic material, and in this case, we must ask, is electron kinetic material? If we are thinking that an electron is a nice little ball, what is orbiting the group of bigger balls, what is forming of the smaller balls called quarks, we can think that every kind of material is kinetic. So if we are getting enough accurate sensors, we are facing that in every case there is sooner or later the kinetic particle.

If we are thinking about electricity as the flow of electrons we can think that the small balls are moving between atoms, and then the electricity is somehow a kinetic thing. Or it forms the flow of kinetic particles. But we just cannot notice the kinetic form of material or energy because each particle in that thing is a small kinetic ball. And that thing makes the electric flow look like a group of balls, which pour into the tube. The form of material is one of the most interesting things in the world.

Aristotle thought that the material has four states: land (dry and cold), water (wet and cold), air (wet and warm), fire (dry and hot). Classic Chinese elements are Fire (south, red, triangle, summer), metal (west, white, circle, autumn), wood (east, green/blue, pillar, springtime), water (north, waving, winter), land (center, yellow, square, change of seasons). We might think that those classic elements are the forms or states of the material. If we are thinking of the modern five states of matter, solid, gas, liquid, ionic, and Bose-Einstein condensate there are the same number of states of matter as the classic Chinese state of the material.

Those classic elements or states of material are replaced with other terms. And if we are thinking that material has three original states: solid, liquid, gas, and two new forms plasmatic (ion) and the last and the most fascinating is the Bose-Einstein condensate. The ionization means that the atoms are lost one or more electrons. Or they can get one or more electrons to the electron core. But that thing is the topic for some other writing.

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