Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The spin and the extraposition



A single point in space can spin continuously without becoming tangled. Notice that after a 360-degree rotation, the spiral flips between clockwise and counterclockwise orientations. It returns to its original configuration after spinning a full 720 degrees. (Wikipedia, spin) (Image I)

The spin and the extraposition

The particles like electrons are like the ball of yarn. They are forming from energy. The energy is putting the superstrings in the form that looks like a ball of yarn. One day the energy that forms those particles ends. And the superstrings are turning back to the wave movement.

And the thing that causes the loss of energy, or vaporizing those fermions is called spin. The spin is the thing, what we are calling the rotation of the electrons and other fermions. The spin is no actually the rotation. It's the back and worth rotation of the electrons. The movement is back and worth it because there are many axels on fermions. And that means the spin cannot cross the axel. Or sharper saying it can rotate 360 degrees, but after this rotation, the particle turns back to its beginning position. So the fermion doesn't rotate freely.

That means the string or "quantum lightning" will deny the rotation movement, and then the fermion would turn back to the direction where it comes. This thing means that when fermion is turning back after it bounces from the axel is the reason, why fermion would lose its energy. Whenever fermion is spinning it loses its mass because spinning requires energy.

And when the energy has ended the existence of fermion as the particle ended. The energy that formed that fermion exists because of the laws of thermodynamics says energy itself cannot vanish. It just can change its form. The energy turns to wave movement, which can be the movement of superstrings. So the wave movement would turn straight if the density of the energy turns very low. But the energy still exists. The loss of energy means that the fermion cannot be in that form forever.

So what if we can make the opposite version of the spin? The mirror effect would make it possible to turn the movement of superstrings into the material. The idea is that when the wave movement ends the superstring would move as the straight form. And in the straight form of the superstring can return to fermion,

What if we can put the fermion spinning by using the real rotation movement? There has introduced the idea that the fermion could fill back with energy simply by using electron rays or lightning. That thing should make the material younger. But the fact is that nobody has proven the success of that thing.

Electron: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron

Electron neutrino: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_neutrino

Fermion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermion

Spin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics)

Image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics)


The fountain is like quantum stealth. The idea is to put the fermions (or some other particles) rotate around its axel, and that thing sends the quantum jet above the layer. (Image II)

The fully rotating fermions would give the material an ability that atoms of the entirety can go through the other atoms. The spin that truly rotates the fermion would be the key element in tomorrow's quantum stealth technology. In that technology, the object can surround by using quantum showers, which makes it invisible. The quantum jet would be formed by rotating the particles, and those quantum jets would deny that even photons cannot jump away from the core.

There is one of the very interesting visions of this phenomenon. What if we would put an electron or other fermion truly rotating around one of its axels. The rotating electron would turn the form of the material into another. The rotation of the electrons can turn the material more flexible.

So the subatomic particles would start to hang in the form on the longer "strings" than they usually are. That thing would decrease the "space of that material. And that thing can make the atoms of the structure able to go through other atoms.

This means the subatomic particle could separate from its form, and then that thing would return to the original form. The reason for that is that the particles are connecting the forms that look like a string. If the magnetic field of the particles is strong enough they can return to the same form from a longer distance. So what if that thing happens to a human being? There is a wild vision that the person who would face that thing could walk through the walls because the material would be more flexible.

Image II: https://finnisharchitecture.fi/tapiola-central-tower/


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