Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Can humans be their ancestors themselves?




Can humans be their ancestors themselves?

The remaining of the genetic legacy is the main topic in some thrillers, and the thing is that the firms like Cryonics institute are offering services, that persons can store their bodies in liquid nitrogen. Some of them are waiting for waking up when the technology is advanced so much, that their illnesses can cure.

But things like genomes can also store in cryogenic conditions. The genomes can store in the form of cells, and the things like embryos can store in liquid nitrogen for a very long time. And that thing causes a question, can a human be themselves their ancestors?


The answer is simple: there are two main ways which makes that thing possible even if there are no time machines:

1) The person would wake up from the cryogenic ice after a couple of generations and then marries their descendant.

1B) The person can be stored in the form of an embryo, and then this embryo would transfer to the womb. And after that, this person meets the descendant of the person who would give their gamete. In this case, is the same are those embryos cloned or not.

2)The person would store their gametes in cryogenics, and their descendants would use those cells after a couple of generations.


Can humans be their ancestors themselves? That is one of the questions, where is easy to answer. The fact is that the person just must store their gametes in a stable environment and then give orders that the gametes should use after let's say about five or six generations. And the user must be a descendant of the person, who stored those gemmates. In this case, the person would use a quite simple method. They just get the child and put the gametes in the freezer like liquid nitrogen. And then they must just make the testament, what orders that the descendants would use this legacy after a couple of generations.

But how those people could make sure that gametes are suitable for the mission? The answer is simple: by using modern genetic technology is easy to make sure that the gender of the people can order. So in this hypothetical testament can order that after a certain number of generations the genus must make two children, the boy, and the girl. This thing makes sure that the genders are always suitable for the mission. The child can create in the laboratory by using artificial fertilization, and the fetus can transfer to the womb quite easily.


The spin and the extraposition



A single point in space can spin continuously without becoming tangled. Notice that after a 360-degree rotation, the spiral flips between clockwise and counterclockwise orientations. It returns to its original configuration after spinning a full 720 degrees. (Wikipedia, spin) (Image I)

The spin and the extraposition

The particles like electrons are like the ball of yarn. They are forming from energy. The energy is putting the superstrings in the form that looks like a ball of yarn. One day the energy that forms those particles ends. And the superstrings are turning back to the wave movement.

And the thing that causes the loss of energy, or vaporizing those fermions is called spin. The spin is the thing, what we are calling the rotation of the electrons and other fermions. The spin is no actually the rotation. It's the back and worth rotation of the electrons. The movement is back and worth it because there are many axels on fermions. And that means the spin cannot cross the axel. Or sharper saying it can rotate 360 degrees, but after this rotation, the particle turns back to its beginning position. So the fermion doesn't rotate freely.

That means the string or "quantum lightning" will deny the rotation movement, and then the fermion would turn back to the direction where it comes. This thing means that when fermion is turning back after it bounces from the axel is the reason, why fermion would lose its energy. Whenever fermion is spinning it loses its mass because spinning requires energy.

And when the energy has ended the existence of fermion as the particle ended. The energy that formed that fermion exists because of the laws of thermodynamics says energy itself cannot vanish. It just can change its form. The energy turns to wave movement, which can be the movement of superstrings. So the wave movement would turn straight if the density of the energy turns very low. But the energy still exists. The loss of energy means that the fermion cannot be in that form forever.

So what if we can make the opposite version of the spin? The mirror effect would make it possible to turn the movement of superstrings into the material. The idea is that when the wave movement ends the superstring would move as the straight form. And in the straight form of the superstring can return to fermion,

What if we can put the fermion spinning by using the real rotation movement? There has introduced the idea that the fermion could fill back with energy simply by using electron rays or lightning. That thing should make the material younger. But the fact is that nobody has proven the success of that thing.

Electron: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron

Electron neutrino: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_neutrino

Fermion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermion

Spin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics)

Image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics)


The fountain is like quantum stealth. The idea is to put the fermions (or some other particles) rotate around its axel, and that thing sends the quantum jet above the layer. (Image II)

The fully rotating fermions would give the material an ability that atoms of the entirety can go through the other atoms. The spin that truly rotates the fermion would be the key element in tomorrow's quantum stealth technology. In that technology, the object can surround by using quantum showers, which makes it invisible. The quantum jet would be formed by rotating the particles, and those quantum jets would deny that even photons cannot jump away from the core.

There is one of the very interesting visions of this phenomenon. What if we would put an electron or other fermion truly rotating around one of its axels. The rotating electron would turn the form of the material into another. The rotation of the electrons can turn the material more flexible.

So the subatomic particles would start to hang in the form on the longer "strings" than they usually are. That thing would decrease the "space of that material. And that thing can make the atoms of the structure able to go through other atoms.

This means the subatomic particle could separate from its form, and then that thing would return to the original form. The reason for that is that the particles are connecting the forms that look like a string. If the magnetic field of the particles is strong enough they can return to the same form from a longer distance. So what if that thing happens to a human being? There is a wild vision that the person who would face that thing could walk through the walls because the material would be more flexible.

Image II: https://finnisharchitecture.fi/tapiola-central-tower/


Sunday, December 13, 2020

The energy fragments can create material.




The energy fragments can create material.

The physicist suggests that the material is forming from energy fragments. So the material is like a solid version of energy. And the thing that makes scientists think that is the material can transform into energy and that thing happens all the time in places like fireplaces.

When the wood is burning parts of that thing changes to gasses like carbon monoxide. And if we would weigh the material that is taking apart in this reaction we should get the same weight that is the weight of the gas and solid material that are participating in the fire reaction.

So in this example, we are thinking about the possibility that all material can meter. The mirror reaction of this thing would be the cold fire. There is a hypothetical possibility that the atoms would put back to the form of wood, and this counter-reaction where atoms and molecules are reforming after the fire, what has broken them. Theoretically, nothing denies that counter-reaction, but the truth is that nobody has even claim to put the atoms and molecules back to form after the fire.

The reason why fire or heat breaks those molecules is that the oscillation of those molecules is turning so strong, that it breaks the molecular and atomic connections. But if we are trying to put those atoms back in form we would notice one thing.

A small part of the material is missing, and that material is turned into electromagnetic radiation. So the mirror reaction where energy changes to the material should be possible. But the question is what denies the energy turn to the material?

The answer could be the wave movement, and if we are thinking that the wave movement denies the superstring turn to the ball of string. So what we should make if we want to make the material straight from energy? The answer is simple we must just put the superstring in the form, where it is stable.

In that case, the thing that is needed is that the wave movement of the energy ends. And then the superstring starts to turn to the ball because the subatomic electromagnetic forces would start to turn the superstring to the ball. So in theory, if we can make the straight superstrings, we could make the quantum printer, which turns energy into material.




Image: https://scitechdaily.com/fragments-of-energy-not-waves-or-particles-may-be-the-fundamental-building-blocks-of-the-universe/


Friday, December 11, 2020

The world has made of fire, air, land, and water.


The world has made of fire, air, land, and water.

The material and energy are things, that are the same. We know that we can change material to energy or wave movement but we don't know how to make an opposite reaction. We cannot change energy or wave movement back to material or rather saying particle form. If we are zooming material like water and use high enough accuracy, we can see molecules, that are looking like teddy-bears. Those molecules are forming of atoms, which are mainly the electron cores, which are "empty". The thing, what might look like solid entirety is forming of electrons, what is orbiting the nucleus of the atom. And each electron is like a small ball.

In everyday life, we are turning material to energy in powerplants and other kinds of places, but the fact is that we cannot move energy back to the kinetic material, and in this case, we must ask, is electron kinetic material? If we are thinking that an electron is a nice little ball, what is orbiting the group of bigger balls, what is forming of the smaller balls called quarks, we can think that every kind of material is kinetic. So if we are getting enough accurate sensors, we are facing that in every case there is sooner or later the kinetic particle.

If we are thinking about electricity as the flow of electrons we can think that the small balls are moving between atoms, and then the electricity is somehow a kinetic thing. Or it forms the flow of kinetic particles. But we just cannot notice the kinetic form of material or energy because each particle in that thing is a small kinetic ball. And that thing makes the electric flow look like a group of balls, which pour into the tube. The form of material is one of the most interesting things in the world.

Aristotle thought that the material has four states: land (dry and cold), water (wet and cold), air (wet and warm), fire (dry and hot). Classic Chinese elements are Fire (south, red, triangle, summer), metal (west, white, circle, autumn), wood (east, green/blue, pillar, springtime), water (north, waving, winter), land (center, yellow, square, change of seasons). We might think that those classic elements are the forms or states of the material. If we are thinking of the modern five states of matter, solid, gas, liquid, ionic, and Bose-Einstein condensate there are the same number of states of matter as the classic Chinese state of the material.

Those classic elements or states of material are replaced with other terms. And if we are thinking that material has three original states: solid, liquid, gas, and two new forms plasmatic (ion) and the last and the most fascinating is the Bose-Einstein condensate. The ionization means that the atoms are lost one or more electrons. Or they can get one or more electrons to the electron core. But that thing is the topic for some other writing.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Cognito Ergo Sum II



Image I

Cognito Ergo Sum II

Cognito Ergo Sum "I think I am," said René Descartes, and the question is does the thinking mean that person or creature exists. So when we are thinking that only aware creatures can think we must realize that there is a question what makes this Descartes quote one of the most interesting topics in history. That question is that would the creature need the ability to think that it exists?

If we are thinking about things like stones they exist. We can test that thing by kicking the stone without a shoe, and that thing proves that thing exists. So does the ability to react to some kind of things like yelling by saying, "are you all right" mean that the creature understands the meaning of the words? The artificially intelligent robot can emulate feelings by looking at certain marks from the face of a human.

When the volume of the speech rises very high that robot can say "please low down your noise". Or if a person seems to be red or breathing badly that robot can go and offer help and use things like Heimlich Maneuver, but the thing is that certain parameters activate the action what the robot makes. Those actions are stored in the database, certain modules that include certain actions. But that doesn't mean that the robot understands what it does.

The fact is that if we are thinking of things like bugs, we must ask are those things real or are they alive. The answer is biologically bugs are alive creatures because they can make descendants and they can defend themselves. If some wasp would sting you, that thing means that the wasp exists, and that experience would be painful. But then we might think robot what would make copies of itself, and defend its operation area. The robot that makes copies of itself could call the "Von Neumann machines".

The fact is that if some car factory, what can make sub-robots that can find the raw materials independently and make copies of itself would also defend its area what makes it less living than some bug? The Von Neumann-machine can make powerful things like copies of itself, but it might not realize what it does. So does wasp understand what it does, when it puts its sting in the human skin? That thing is interesting. The very complicated Von Neumann-machines would be the things, what would revolutionize many things.

Quantum computers are causing the revolution in artificial intelligence. Quantum computers can run more complicated algorithms than we ever imagine. So even the computing capacity would put limits to the operations of artificial intelligence, we must realize that the quantum computers would make things, what computers ever make.

Image I: https://artanddesigninspiration.com/think-outside-the-box/


Image II

Can we turn our brains into the quantum computer?

Can we turn our brains into the quantum computer? Here I mean that could we put a person in a controlled dream, where the neural network of brains is operating as a quantum computer.

And that thing causes the discussions, what are the limits of artificial intelligence? Can we someday turn our brains into the quantum computer? In that case, the person would put in the condition, where the consciousness is connected off. Then the person would turn to the quantum computer, what operates by following the electric impulses, what are giving the impulses through the neural tracks.

In that case, the person would put in the "controlled dream", and then the brain would acting like the quantum computer. In some of the wildest ideas or jokes, the abductions are things, that are made, when the humanoids need more calculation capacity in their crafts. The fact is that the neural tracks neural systems that are connected to a computer can act as the quantum computer.

Image II: https://www.artstudio.org/surrealists-melded-reality-with-dreams-ito-create-imaginative-juxtapositions-of-imagery/


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