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Why aliens haven't destroyed us?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

All of us think that scientists are some way different than other people, and here I will write about aliens. When we are thinking about great scientists, we must notice, that Dr. Gauss, who lived in 19th. century spent 15 minutes every day in his career by searching and calculating prime numbers. And I would spend 15 minutes every day, to think, about aliens and are they existed? I will always select the hypothesis that aliens exist because that allows me to make longer texts.

Of course, I can write here always that aliens are fake, but then I can choose another point of view. Why aliens seems to be invisible, and when I look at that question, I can handle it in the point of view of the modern anthropology and ethnology. And here the point of view is, how the responsible scientists act when they are facing the primitive people. Are they going to play god to those people? Or are they going to observe those people by staying unseen?

And try to collect every information, what they can get, and as an example find out the method, how those people are caring their sick people because that information might give us the knowledge about the vegetables, what might contain chemicals, what would revolutionize medical industry. Many medicines are complicated molecules, what are difficult to produce chemical factories. But vegetables can be used to produce those chemical combinations, and if they can grow in greenhouses, the medical factories could get the necessary chemicals from those vegetables.  And only one cell of those organisms is enough for making the cloned population of those vegetables.

There was a question in some discussion forum, that why aliens haven't been destroyed us?  In this text, what is coming straight from my mind, might be found some very simple answers for that question. One of those very interesting answers would be, that the hypothetical humanoids would simply afraid some other humanoids. Maybe they are also covering their existence for some other civilizations and might be the reason for saving planet Earth.

Another way to think about this kind of question, if you want to make longer texts, is that here on our home planet is nothing, what humanoids or aliens want. Or what they would not get from asteroids or Kuiper belt. And that means that those aliens would just want to avoid unnecessary violence, and they might also want to work like ethnologists work on Earth. They might want that we are acting normal way, and learn to invent the necessary technology by ourselves.

That means that those hypothetical humanoids would want to support our advantage to independence by avoiding give us technology, what would connect us to them. Maybe they just don't want to play god to us, and this is the thing, what we must remember in every investigation of ethnology. If we are realizing our responsibility, when we are facing the primitive tribes, we are not allowed to give them firearms or some equipment, what makes those persons addicted of us.


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