Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The political campaign is the different way to say "propaganda"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The strange relationship between propaganda and politics is the thing, what has recently become to the public knowledge. The thing is sensitive because nobody wants to deal with propagandists, but the western way to make propaganda is more effective than the way, what it is done in somewhere east. The main difference between the historical and modern propagandists is that the modern version actually confess that thing.

Western propagandists always claim that they confess to making propaganda. Or delivering information, what might not be true, and the modern propagandist doesn’t actually claim to make propaganda. This person makes commercials what are the accepted version of propaganda. And this makes me make one question. What was the role of German propagandists after the Second World war? The idea to hide those men, from the Joseph Goebbels ministry of propaganda was not good, because those persons seem "clean" from the outsider.

They were not in any war photo standing at the front of the skulls or bodies of murdered prisoners. But in this case, the more interesting was the thing, what people couldn't see. Many of those persons were in the key role when the opinion at Germany transferred to support national socialists and persecution of political enemies and ethnic minorities like Jews. But the propaganda was the reason, why those persons were hired by CIA for making propaganda to the Warsaw pact and especially to East Germany, and those German men had no language problems with that thing.

The German version of propaganda has shown its effect and influence because it raised Nazis to the power. And that is the reason, why those persons might be very wanted for making the campaigns for the politicians. And there is one thing, what people normally don't mention. Those persons who made propaganda were not on the place, where Holocaust happened, and this makes difficult to testify against them. They were made the things, what allowed Germans persecute Jews. And that made them responsible for murders. But those men were ever seen in the death camps, and they used the material, what other persons produced. This meant, that there was no evidence against them.

When we are looking at the political campaigns, we can say that the name "campaign" is in political field the synonym for the word "propaganda". And in fact, political salesmen are always users of propaganda.  But the word propaganda has been replaced by saying "political campaign", what is the very good word. But the purpose of political campaigns always gives the candidate influence for the great audience. The great audience is the thing, what brings votes. And the votes are the most important thing when somebody wants to get to the place, where the rulers of the nation sit, and in those cases, the candidate would not always be informed about the methodology, what the campaign machine would use.

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