Sunday, March 9, 2025

The last question: computing and quantum chromodynamics.

The last question is the SciFi novel by Isaac Asimov. The final question in that thing is this: "Can the workings of the second law of thermodynamics (used in the story as the increase of the entropy of the universe) be reversed?" Multivac's only response after much "thinking" is "INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER.".  (Wikipedia, The last question) 

The Multivac is a computer, in that novel. The question is about the entropy that grows all the time and destroys the system. The Multivac cannot make the real answer, because it must know the entire system for making a real and proven answer. Some people say that quantum chromodynamics can give the answer. But then we can think that The Last question is the story about information as a puzzle. The puzzle is ready when the last piece is in its place. And the vital information can be in the last puzzle. 

"In the last scene, the god-like descendant of humanity, the unified mental process of over a trillion, trillion, trillion humans who have spread throughout the universe, watches the stars flicker out, one by one, as matter and energy end, and with them, space and time. Humanity asks AC ("Analog Computer"), Multivac's ultimate descendant that exists in hyperspace beyond the bounds of gravity or time, the entropy question one last time, before the last of humanity merges with AC and disappears."(Wikipedia, The last question) 

"AC is still unable to answer but continues to ponder the question even after space and time cease to exist. AC ultimately realizes that it has not yet combined all of its available data in every possible combination and so begins the arduous process of rearranging and combining every last bit of information that it has gained throughout the eons and through its fusion with humanity. Eventually, AC discovers the answer—that the reversal of entropy is, in fact, possible—but has nobody to report it to, since the universe is already dead. It therefore decides to answer by demonstration. The story ends with AC's pronouncement:"(Wikipedia, The last question) 

"And AC said: "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" And there was light—"(Wikipedia, The last question) 

We can think of this novel as an example. Where the last person or last part of the system can have the answer. Or, we can think that the fictional Multivac can transmit its information into the past to another Multivac. 

"In theoretical physics, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the study of the strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons. Quarks are fundamental particles that make up composite hadrons such as the proton, neutron, and pion. QCD is a type of quantum field theory called a non-abelian gauge theory, with a symmetry group. "(Wikipedia, Quantum Chromodynamics). 

The QCD analog of electric charge is a property called color. Gluons are the force carriers of the theory, just as photons are for the electromagnetic force in quantum electrodynamics. The theory is an important part of the Standard Model of particle physics. A large body of experimental evidence for QCD has been gathered over the years. " (Wikipedia, Quantum Chromodynamics). 

But the fact is that. These internal and external forces affect the system. That can seem very complicated. But time also interacts with the system. The system requires all information to make a trusted answer for that thing. If we want to get information about this question, we must go back in time. We can make a model where Multivac always transfers itself back in time when the universe faces its ultimate end. That helps Multivac to increase or grow its dataset. That means the Multivac exists in cycles and always when the universe ends its existence that system gets more data to its dataset. 

The problem is this. Every time. When the Multivac completes its cycle. And returns to the Big Bang event. The last part of the Universe's existence will be left out of the Multivac's sensors. Another way to get information from the future is to make a black hole that transmits information from the future to the past. That means the Multivac could be the tandem computer. Those computers travel as a row through time. The creators make two Multivacs at different points in time. And then the first Multivac will transmit information back in time. 

The causal loop looks like the pint. There is a channel between the points in time. That means the Multivac can get the entire information of the system only when the causal loop to the past starts at the ultimate ending point. The retrocausality is like the echo from the future. In ultimate high-energy objects time travels slower than normally. So those objects travel in the future. And if the system can make the energy level that is lower than the energy minimum in the universe it faces opposite time dilation. And that means it travels back in time. Sometimes causal loop is misunderstood the same as a fictional time loop. 

"The time loop or temporal loop is a plot device in fiction whereby characters re-experience a span of time which is repeated, sometimes more than once, with some hope of breaking out of the cycle of repetition. Time loops are constantly resetting; when a certain condition is met, such as a death of a character or a certain point in time, the loop starts again, possibly with one or more characters retaining the memories from the previous loop" (Wikipedia, Time Loop)

That thing is complicated. The data that travels against time will be encrypted by the entropy. The only way is to make the small qubits that can be black holes. And then drive them through the main black hole to the past. The thermal end of the universe makes that thing a little bit unsure. In the case of Big Silence, the energy level turns so low that the Multivac cannot turn its temperature below the energy minimum. 

The Multivac could be like the molecule. The black hole that is in the antenna transmits information into the higher dimensions. 

If the end of the universe is the big crunch the Multivac can make that thing. In that case, the massive energy load can push information backward in time. Quantum chromodynamics allows the information to travel back in time. The problem is that the information exists from the point that we see it. So we cannot notice if the information that we see comes from the future. And that makes proving the retrocausality almost impossible. Retrocausality means that thing that happens in the future can also interact with things that happen in the past. 

But in big silence where the universe continues its expansion forever makes that thing very difficult. The thing is that the Multivac can store enormous numbers of information. And in the case of the Big Silence. The Multivac can release all information stored in it. If the Multivac has the physical form of the cube there is another side of the superposition that transmits data from the 3D universe into the 4th or 5th dimensions that thing can detonate when the universe turns into a cold and zero energy place. 

When the outside energy pressure ends that cube or ball detonates immediately. Or the black hole inside it vaporizes. The structure around the black hole will not get energy and that causes a situation that the material vaporizes immediately. The black hole pulls everything in it. And then it starts to vaporize. That forms the new Universe. But that means if there is another person who asks the same question that is purely coincidence. 

If the Multivac could transport information between two systems. The answer that it creates using information from the first system is not 100% sure. Two systems can look identical but they are still different systems. The Multivac should bring information from the future to the same system. And that means information is out of the system for a while. That means the Multivac can make the system different.

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The last question: computing and quantum chromodynamics.

The last question is the SciFi novel by Isaac Asimov. The final question in that thing is this: "Can the workings of the second law of ...