Friday, October 5, 2018

Terminus the end of the line

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is the photo of the street, and here it would symbolize, that blogs are like streets, they would end some day. Walking on the streets is sometimes tough, but the prize would be big. And sometimes writing is like walking tough and hard like life itself. Writing is the nice hobby, and it would advantage the skills of languages and another kind of abilities, but writing many texts is quite hard.  This is the reason, why I finish to write in here, but continue in the other place.

Blogs are like streets, they would end some day. Writing is the nice hobby, and it would advantage the skills of languages and another kind of abilities, but writing many texts is quite hard.
I Will concentrate on writing one blog and finish to write in here. This is the thing, what I have considered because I have written in so many places, that there would be difficult to update those writings. But I will continue my career as the blogger, and don't worry there would be more texts, but in the different places. There have been many things that have been happened, and I think that I have to renew myself.

Autumn is the most incredible season in the year, and I like it very much. I have made many things in my life and got many troubles. In this time I must say, that there is quite much work with many blogs, and that's the reason, why I must eliminate some of those blogs, so I will continue to write in the different blog and the link to those writings, is below this text. The list is not stable, and I would sometimes update other blogs, but there would be one link, what can be the route to the blogs, what would be updated. So follow the text and click the link, when you want to see, if the blog is updated. And I will mention,  what I will update most commonly.

People have the right to tell their opinions, and that's why I must say that the most important thing in the man's life is freedom. "He fought for all free men" goes the words, what is told about the John Paul Jones, the father of the U.S Navy. And the freedom is the thing, what we should stand for. The constitutional rights give us the freedom to write and publish texts if they don't hurt somebody.

I have heard that somebody claims that I'm just a poor country boy writer and lonesome cowboy, who live in the land, where people speak the strange language. But there is one thing, what I have to say now. There are people, who have been visited in hundreds of countries, and they have ever been free. Do you know what I just wrote? Those persons are in the position, that somebody else makes decisions for them, and if that person wants those trips would end. Being under control of somebody makes the person a prisoner. Many times there have been told about sensitive dictatorship, but that has always turned to tyrannic despotism. In the cases, that somebody is marketing those opportunities for you, I would recommend that person to please the master all the time. Or have you ever thought what happens, if that person would not please the master all the time? That would cause the punishment, what is always painful.

Many of my blogs have been written in one blog, and then transferred to other blogs by using copy paste. The texts that are in those blogs are made by me, and that's why I dare to write. When we are talking about sources, you might know, that I like especially the medieval art. That means that the makers of those paintings are not even known in public. But as you know my hobby is not plagiarism, what is the crime, you see.

There are many things, what has been happened during the period when I started to make writings, and now it's time to change the route. Of course, I will continue about writings in the blogs, what is found after the text. And at this time I must say, that writing is the very nice hobby. When somebody claims that this hobby would take the privacy of the people, I must say, that this kind of thinking is something very interesting.

If you write the job applications, there would be found millions of people, who read or see those texts, and say that people, who have written those letters are stupid. In my case, some people have said that I'm stupid, but when somebody claims things like that, there could be something, what makes them so intelligent. It's easy to justify other people if that person has ever written anything.

In this case, I would try to ask: how I know, how intelligent is some person, if that man or woman have not ever written anything, or say anything, what I can hear or read, and then diagnose that person thinking intelligently. Those claiming must be proved, if the person would claim other people stupid. Of course, I don't know who plays Ice Hockey in this period, but I'm sorry. I don't own the NHL annual book, where I can check who was the playing center in each team in 1983, but I have something else things in my life than ice-hockey. But here are the link to that, what I will continue to update.

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