In some visions, the DNA pair or the protein pair can used to create the photons or acoustic bubbles between them. Then quantum computer can use those bubbles to make the quantum entanglement. That means the DNA or protein can be used as tools for acoustic qubit systems. But when we see that single cells can learn things we are facing an interesting thing. If that learning process is based on pressure that kind of acoustic system can be used to program cells. In some visions, the acoustic systems can control cells. Things like slime mold are things that show that the brains and neurons are not required in the learning process. And now researchers found that even individual cells learn things. That allows for improved medical research. The system can teach cells to find and terminate non-wanted cells. That allows creating. The control systems for nanorobots. The ability to learn. Makes it possible to create cells that operate as miniature robots. Those systems can ...
The research and advances in artificial intelligence are causing the need to re-estimate what things like consciousness means? When we are creating new and powerful AI. We are creating something that has not existed before. And quantum technology has increased the power of AI. So that means we might face surprising situations when we are driving AI algorithms by using quantum computers that are a minimum of 1000 times faster and more powerful than traditional binary computers.