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Showing posts from June, 2024

The second arrow of time.

We know that time travels in one direction. That direction is forward from the point where time began. We know that time began with the event called The Big Bang. The universe's expansion causes the quantum fields to turn weaker, and the pressure against material decreases. We can compare quantum fields with water or gas and say that the quantum fields are like pressure.  This is the thing that makes energy move in the universe. We can use the universe's energy level to determine time. The Big Bang released all known energy and material to the spacetime. We don't know when dark energy and material are released. But when the energy in the universe ends. That means time ends. The universe's expansion means that pressure or energy level in the universe decreases.  That means the distance between particles increases, and that causes situations in interactions between particles to become weaker. The universe is like a balloon in a vacuum. The pressure in that balloon decreas

The new and effective AI uses virtual neurons to improve its power.

"A new model developed by Flatiron Institute researchers proposes that biological neurons have more control over their surroundings than previously thought, something that could be replicated in the artificial neural networks used in machine learning." (ScitechDaily, Supercharging AI With New Computational Model of Real Neurons) The virtual neuron is a group of databases that are linked together. The databases are connected like neurons in human brains. And the routers between those databases make them interact together like neurons. Those routers and wires that play axons can be real or virtual systems.  The physical system means that databases are in different hard disks, and the routers connect them to the entirety. Virtual routers are computer programs that drive information between databases.  If the system can morph the routes, that the information uses, that denies the computer stuck. In those intelligent systems, the routers, processors, and gates communicate with eac

The string theory offers a new way to calculate Pi.

"Scientists discovered a new series for pi through string theory research, echoing a 15th-century formula by Madhava. By combining Euler-Beta Functions and Feynman Diagrams, they modeled particle interactions efficiently. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, String Theory Unravels New Pi Formula: A Quantum Leap in Mathematics) People normally think that. The pi is the ratio of the circumference circle's circumference to the circle's diameter. The Pi is a mathematical constant 3.14159..., the endless decimal number. The Pi is interesting because developers can use that decimal number to make the encryption algorithms stronger.  The idea is that the encryptions program hides the message's original ASCII numbers by multiplicating those numbers with some decimal number. Or the system can add some numbers to those ASCII numbers.  "Aninda Sinha (left) and Arnab Saha (right). Credit: Manu Y" (ScitechDaily, String Theory Unravels New Pi Formula: A Quantum Le