We know that time travels in one direction. That direction is forward from the point where time began. We know that time began with the event called The Big Bang. The universe's expansion causes the quantum fields to turn weaker, and the pressure against material decreases. We can compare quantum fields with water or gas and say that the quantum fields are like pressure.
This is the thing that makes energy move in the universe. We can use the universe's energy level to determine time. The Big Bang released all known energy and material to the spacetime. We don't know when dark energy and material are released. But when the energy in the universe ends. That means time ends. The universe's expansion means that pressure or energy level in the universe decreases.
That means the distance between particles increases, and that causes situations in interactions between particles to become weaker. The universe is like a balloon in a vacuum. The pressure in that balloon decreases. In a universe, that means the material turns into wave movement faster and that thing causes interaction where the weight of particles turns lighter. When the space expands energy level and gravitational interaction decrease.
The information is like smoke that comes out from a chimney. Entropy is like the wind that destroys the smoke's formation. The smoke seems to vanish, But its particles exist.
Time ends when the universe reaches the same energy level as its environment. In that case, there is no material left. And only wave movement remains.
When the universe was born. All wave movement traveled radially out from that point. Extremely high energy levels and one-directional wave movement caused that there was no space for entropy. The universe's expansion causes the material and energy to turn "thinner". That thing denies the possibility that the information can reflect back from the future.
The thing that denies that information can keep its form is entropy. In the laws of thermodynamics, the entropy grows in the system. In the first moments in the universe, there was no space. And everything was in order. But when the energy level decreases when the universe grows, there forms space between superstrings that traveled away from the point of the Big Bang.
That caused the situation that the superstrings started to curve which can form the impacts between those superstrings. This formed the Schwinger effect that turned some superstrings into ball-shaped structures called particles.
Energy always travels from the higher- energy level to the lower energy level. That means if time is energy, it travels out from the Big Bang. We can introduce time as the river that travels to the level where it melts together with wave movement that is outside the material and energy bubble that we call the universe.
Maybe somewhere is forming a second-time arrow that travels back in time. The requirement is that there is a very high energy point in our spacetime. That point can create a reflection that sends information back to the past. In black holes, gravity affects that escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. That can turn the time arrow black to the past.
Can we restore information that comes from the black hole? That depends on one thing. The black hole is an extremely thick structure. In a black hole spacetime. And energy is together, or at least they are close to each other. If the entropy is very low in the black hole. The outcoming energy and the black hole's structure mean that there is very limited space. The high energy level can send information back in time.
The problem is that the information must keep its energy level high enough when it travels through entropy. We can describe information as smoke, and entropy is like wind.
When smoke travels out from the chimney, that entropy causes disturbance that destroys the smoke formation. That turbulence is the thing that causes situations where smoke or information can seem to disappear.
The smoke particles exist after the smoke is gone out of sight. Information is an entirety. And, of course, it is possible. That we can find the information particles.
Then, we must connect those particles into one entirety that forms the information that we want to restore. In that process, we must find lots of particles and separate them from the other particles that are members of other entireties. So we must keep information in its form if we want to send it back in time.