Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The misuse of the AI is one of the biggest threats.

"Leading AI scientists have issued a call for urgent action from global leaders, criticizing the lack of progress since the last AI Safety Summit. They propose stringent policies to govern AI development and prevent its misuse, emphasizing the potential for AI to exceed human capabilities and pose severe risks. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Leading AI Scientists Warn of Unleashing Risks Beyond Human Control)

When we think about small, limited AIs that can used for commercial use, we sometimes forget, that those limited AIs can act as modules in large-scale AI. That means. Hostile actors can even steal things like Chat GPT and the Copilot AIs by making large groups of limited AIs. In those cases, the hostile actors interconnect those limited AIs under one entirety. 

AI is a tool that can generate many good things. But the same tool can create many bad things. AI-based image recognition is one of the tools. That can track terrorists. The same tool can also used to track protesters in non-democratic countries. The AI can also used to create computer viruses and surveillance tools. 

Those tools are good or bad, depending on how people use them. The user of the AI determines if is it good or bad. AI is an excellent tool for material research. Those materials are the tools that can used to create new stealth fighters and other kinds of things. And you can think what those things are in the wrong hands. 

The AI that controls cyber attacks is a tool that is quite hard for defenders. The AI can control computer groups. The AI  can change the attacking computer. That changes the attacking IP address all the time. That makes it difficult for defenders to block attacks denying the query. That comes from a certain IP. 

The attackers can use AI-controlled virtual actors to cheat people. The dead bots can also used to imitate people. Those things are the ultimate tools for phishing campaigns. 

The AI can make many things into the reality. And the AI-based systems can hack human brains. Things like Neuralink implants are made for good. They are meant to help people who have no hope. 

Those neuro-implants can someday control the exoskeletons or wearable robots that can carry paralyzed patients. The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a tool that can control computers using EEG waves. Those systems can offer new ways to interact with robots. But if some hackers can break the BCI system, that can cause a terrible situation. 

But in the wrong hands that technology is devastating. The neuro-implanted microchips can control the entire person or some animals. So in the wrong hands, those things can open frightening scenarios in our minds. The AI can decode EEG. And that gives a chance to see what people think. This is one of the biggest data security problems with the BCI systems. 


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Metamaterials and AI-driven processes have no limits in material research.

"ChemCrow revolutionizes chemical research by integrating advanced AI with specialized tools, enabling efficient synthesis planning and execution. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, ChemCrow: The Next Frontier in AI-Driven Chemical Synthesis)

New metamaterials can make reflection-free surfaces. And they can also make new nanorobots possible. The waving materials can deny the soundwave. Maybe electromagnetic reflection from the surface. The waving movement makes it possible to create surfaces that pull all pressure or soundwaves into them. 

The waving metamaterial can also make new ultra-accurate loudspeakers possible. The new molecular machines require some systems, that make them move in the right direction. The new metamaterials can also oscillate and create nanobubbles in the right locations. That can close blood vessels and destroy tumor cells. 

Those waving structures can also used in swimming nanomachines that move like snakes or eels. That material can also make a stretch or wave on the miniature robot's shell. And that stretch can push water back moving the miniature robot forward. 

New optical metamaterials can control light with a very high accuracy. In some models, the optical metamaterial has two 2D atom layers. Then the structure drives photons and electromagnetic radiation between those layers. There could be a structure that puts electromagnetic radiation jump between those layers. 

"Artist impression of the bosonic Kitaev chain: multiple mechanical string resonators are linked to form a chain using light. Mechanical vibrations (sound waves) are transported and amplified along the chain. Credit: Ella Maru Studio" (ScitechDaily, Unprecedented Sound Waves – New Metamaterial Redefines Wave Amplification)

Then electromagnetic radiation delivers its energy slower than normally in that material. Quantum metamaterials can be tools, that make surfaces invisible to the radar and even the human eye. The metamaterial can conduct light into one point, which means it doesn't send reflection in all directions. If the system can control the direction of the reflection, it can make an object invisible to people who are not standing on the side where the reflecting photons travel. 

Optical anisotropy enhanced by Ti a–b plane displacements. Credit: Advanced Materials (2024). DOI: 10.1002/adma.202311559 (Phys.org, Materials scientists reveal pathway for designing optical materials with specialized properties)

The new metamaterial bases the little or controlled disorder in the system. If the particles in metamaterials move all the time. The idea is that. The light could push particles. And moving atoms pull photon's energy in them. The material could transform electromagnetic energy into kinetic energy. In that thing can form controlled "dust" that denies the reflection. The dust or active particles can be between 2D atomic structures. And that could make the layer invisible. 

Developers can also use two-layer metamaterials for next-generation ion technology.  The system can make new very highly accurate ion engines possible. The system can create two-layer structures, and ions travel between those structures. 

Researchers can use this ion-based technology to create a new type of very long molecule chains. The same system can act as a fundamental engine system for aircraft that don't have visible exhaust tubes. 

The metamaterials can also act as a tool that makes it possible to create new types of artificial molecular structures. The next-generation AI-driven chemical synthesis will revolutionize technology. There is no limit to the length of the peptide molecules. 

Developers can use these very long molecular chains to create a nano canvas, there as example, a submarine is covered using fibers or peptide molecules that cover the entire hull using molecules whose length is the same as a submarine. In that structure are no cuts. The entirety continues as one piece over the structure. 

When very long molecules slip into the cell, they can pull open. And that breaks the cell's shell. The other way is that the lasso-looking molecule starts to rotate or oscillate when the soundwave hits it. And that thing forms nanobubbles in the cell. The system must only drive those molecules into the right cells. 

The AI-controlled chemical synthesis can create a large number of complex molecules, that the AI can drive using acoustic or magnetic systems at the right point. The long molecules can act as universal medicines. 




Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The new way to detect dark matter

"Physicists at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are exploring a new method to detect dark matter using quantum devices, focusing on a lesser-known form called thermalized dark matter. Their approach involves utilizing quantum sensors, traditionally disrupted by unexplained energy intrusions, to potentially detect dark matter’s subtle energy impacts. This innovative research leverages the unique capabilities of quantum technology to potentially solve the long-standing mystery of dark matter detection. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Propose New Way To Search for Dark Matter)

Do dark matter particles impact material so often that sensors don't separate individual impacts? If the dark matter energy level is lower than the material. The impact is hard to detect. If the particle's energy form is different from what researchers think it's hard to detect. It's possible. That the particle travels slowly in space. 

But it spins very fast the particle can tunnel itself through material. If there is a radiation stylus at its poles or around its spin axle, that thing can make particles act like a drill that can push other particles away from its route without transmitting any energy in it. Dark matter may transport so small an energy impact into other particles that sensors cannot detect that interaction. 

The new idea to detect dark matter is based the AI and super cold aluminium. The idea is that the dark matter impacts with super cold aluminum, and the AI detects changes in that object's energy level. Dark matter interacts with gravity. 

So Earth should pack those, still theoretical, darl matter particles called weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) around it. The WIMP particles that orbit Earth should be less energetic than interstellar or intergalactic WIMPs. 

Does the WIMP interaction happen so often that the detector cannot separate the individual particles? In that case, very often impacting dark matter particles causes a model that the impacts are the base energy level of material because constantly impacting WIMPs send radiation so often, that the sensor sees them as a base energy field or level. 

But if the aluminum detector's temperature is as near zero kelvin as possible, those impacts should raise the aluminum's energy level. When the system's temperature is as near as absolute zero as possible, it is in a stable quantum state. The impacting WIMPs should disturb that state, but the problem is that the object cannot reach absolute zero in nature. The system requires massive coolers, and another problem is that the neutrinos and other known particles can cover WIMP interaction. 

The dark matter around Earth should be in the form called: thermalized dark matter. The speed of thermalized dark matter should be slower than galactic dark matter. Thermalized dark matter means dark matter that is trapped in and around Earth. 

"(Left) The new dark matter detection proposal looks for frequent interactions between nuclei in a detector and low-energy dark matter that may be present in and around Earth. (Right) A conventional direct detection experiment looks for occasional recoils from dark matter scattering. Credit: Anirban Das, Noah Kurinsky and Rebecca Leane" (Phys.org, Physicists propose new way to search for dark matter: Small-scale solution could be key to solving large-scale mystery)

One of the reasons why systems cannot detect dark matter is that there is a lot of dark matter in the universe. In that model, the WIMP interaction is weak, and it could happen too often that the particle detectors cannot separate those impacts. If the particle's temperature is almost absolute zero drum the aluminum too often that the sensor might not separate those impacts. Same way if the WIMP temperature is one or two kelvin and the sensor's temperature is higher it might not see WIMP. 

There is the possibility that the WIMP spins very fast. And the quantum field around that particle is very large. The WIMP can be flat because its spin is very fast. That structure can tunnel itself through the material. In that model, the visible material's energy level is higher than dark matter. 

If dark matter is a very low-energy particle that travels very slowly, dark matter impact may cause very weak interaction. If the spin of those WIMP particles is high enough, it could make it possible for WIMP. That it can tunnel itself through other particles or material. That means the WIMP can be some kind of quark. The fast spin can cause an effect That WIMP  transfers minimal energy to other particles. 




The mathematical work that shakes the world.

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